I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 354 Limit Breaker, Breaking the Upper Limit [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

Without exception, these all require money, lots and lots of money.

Mu Rufeng calculated it and found that it would cost about half a million yuan to buy with money.

There is also a final, very small part that cannot be bought with money and only exists in some special institutions.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng not only had to earn five hundred thousand quickly, but also had to go to certain places to steal materials later.

"Old Yan, I feel like it's not convenient for me to stay at your place all the time. Besides, your new book is in hot demand, so I have to write in a quiet room."

"I'll find a house nearby later," Mu Rufeng said.

"That's okay. My place is really too small and it's not convenient for two people to live there. Then I'll go look for it with you." Yan Zhicheng said.

This week, the two of them lived in this small single room, which was indeed quite inconvenient.

Yan Zhicheng himself was not used to living with two people. He just said that Mu Rufeng's filter was too strong, so he ignored this unaccustomed situation.

"That's not necessary. I'll just go and do it myself. I won't bother you with coding. Now is the time when you are bursting with inspiration. If you don't do coding at this time, what are you waiting for?"

"Remember to update it when it is released. I want to see it too." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, then Brother Feng, you can go by yourself. I'll have dinner with you tonight. I'm sure I'll have to break the news, hehe!" Yan Zhicheng said with a chuckle.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng stood up and left the rental house.

He's about to start moving, so he really needs a safe and uninhabited environment.

Soon Mu Rufeng left this old community.

This old community is mostly made up of prefabricated houses with suite partitions, and the sound insulation effect is very poor.

If you cough a little louder, you can hear it from the next door.

Therefore, it is impossible for Mu Rufeng to rent a house here.

Finally, Mu Rufeng searched around and found the second floor of the previous Internet cafe.

The second floor is not entered from the Internet cafe, but goes up from a staircase at the back.

This house is not big, about 80 square meters. It used to be a tattoo shop, but it closed down later and is still being rented out.

This is a back alley, there are very few people, no one will come here, it is very hidden.

The sound insulation effect is also good, and the back alley is not monitored.

After leaving the alley, there are many surveillance cameras near the Internet cafe. Mu Rufeng can invade and control these surveillance cameras at any time.

Moreover, as long as you climb over the high wall, you will find a bustling commercial street back alley.

After climbing over the wall and passing through the back alley, you will arrive at an extremely prosperous commercial street. There are many people there, and you can avoid detection and disappear among the crowd in a few clicks.

The rent is not cheap, costing 4,000 yuan a month.

In fact, the price is pretty good. It was more expensive before, but since the tattoo shop closed down, it has not been rented out for several months, so it has dropped now.

The rent is 4,000 yuan a month and requires a deposit of 1 and 3 yuan, totaling 16,000 yuan. Mu Ru only has 4,500 yuan, which is not enough.

However, the landlord is an aunt in her fifties.

Mu Rufeng said a few nice words, and the landlord aunt readily agreed that Mu Rufeng would start paying the rent month by month.

Mu Rufeng cleaned up the tattoo shop and threw out all the useless things.

Fortunately, one of the rooms seemed to be the bedroom of the previous tattoo shop owner.

Beds, wardrobes, tables, etc. are all fully equipped. There is also a refrigerator, air conditioner in the kitchen, and a washing machine and other electronic products in the toilet.

It took more than an hour for Mu Rufeng to clean up the place.

There are two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. One room is a bedroom, and the other can be used as Mu Rufeng's studio.

The living room is naturally a normal living room.

However, the most important thing for Mu Rufeng now is to earn 500,000 yuan to buy materials.

How to make money, and how to make money legally, Mu Rufeng had already thought about it.

Now is the moment when the Internet is developing rapidly.

And he happens to have top hacking skills. He can directly find a few large Internet companies and find a few loopholes for them, and the money can be received in minutes.

In the past seven days, Mu Rufeng had already applied for a bank card.

Of course, in order to prevent herself from being exposed, Mu Rufeng once again added a false identity to the household registration system, and it was also the identity of a foreigner.

The appearance and so on are naturally fake, but Mu Rufeng can transform her face by changing her facial muscles and bones.

This is also a little skill that Mu Rufeng has learned on her own. Of course, it's just a little painful.

Bank cards are also processed through this identity.

Then Mu Rufeng went downstairs and walked into the Internet cafe.

"Brother Feng, you're here. I haven't seen you for a week." The yellow-haired girl Liu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw that the person who came in was Mu Rufeng.

He ran out of the cashier in a hurry, then came to Mu Rufeng and reached out to hold his arm.

Mu Rufeng pulled out her arm, took two steps, came to the cashier, and said, "Open a card for me, five yuan."

Seeing this, Liu Nan was a little unhappy, but she didn't say anything. She immediately walked to the cashier and took Mu Rufeng's ID card and swiped it.

"Here, Brother Feng, let me ask you to go online." Liu Nan handed his ID card to Mu Rufeng.

"No, I'll do it myself. Also, I'll give this back to you. I'll buy you a drink for five yuan." Mu Rufeng said and put twenty yuan on the counter.

"Thank you, Brother Feng." When Mu Rufeng asked her to have a drink, she thanked her happily.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, handsome guys are still popular. I'm so happy to buy you a drink. I asked you to go out to eat Western food yesterday, but you didn't go and kept a straight face."

At this time, a man in a greasy suit came to the cashier, handed his ID card to Liu Nan and said angrily.

"You also know that handsome guys are popular. If you were so handsome, I could just go home with you." Liu Nan snorted coldly and said with a straight face.

"You can't be a handsome person. Have you seen my watch? It's 18,000. Look at the suit I'm wearing. It's 8,080. And the car I'm driving..."

Before the man in the greasy suit finished speaking, Liu Nan interrupted him: "It's great to be rich. I just like handsome people. What's wrong?"

"Little girl, you will understand later."

"Then wait until I've had enough fun. It won't be too late for me to find you then."

"." When the man in the greasy suit heard this, he was speechless for a moment.

Mu Rufeng came to a deserted corner, turned on the computer, logged in, and started tapping away.

The computer screen also instantly entered pure black mode, and lines of code kept flashing, making it completely unclear what it was doing.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, the time came to six o'clock in the evening.

"Done!" Mu Rufeng finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the text message on her phone indicating that the balance had reached seven digits.

In just a few hours, Mu Rufeng kept reporting bugs to major Internet companies, and finally got one million.

Five hundred thousand will be used to purchase materials, and the other five hundred thousand will be kept for oneself to spend slowly.

"Brother Feng, I'm off work. I'll treat you to western food tonight." At this time, Liu Nan came to Mu Rufeng and said.

"No, I have an appointment." Mu Rufeng refused.

Mu Rufeng got off the plane directly and left.

"Brother Feng, wait for me, who did you date? We can eat together." Liu Nan quickly chased Mu Rufeng out of the Internet cafe.

It's just that Liu Nan took a step forward and left the Internet cafe, and Mu Rufeng disappeared.

"Why are you running so fast? Really." Liu Nan stamped her feet on the spot, a little angry.

"Is my dress too avant-garde, so Brother Feng doesn't like it?" Liu Nan calmed down after getting angry, and then began to reflect on whether her image was unflattering.

"Yes, it's probably because I'm too avant-garde and I'm going to change my image tomorrow." Liu Nan murmured to himself.

In the rental room on the second floor of the Internet cafe.

Mu Rufeng answered Yan Zhicheng's call.

"Brother Feng, have you found your house? I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight."

"I found it. Forget about the big meal, just eat something casually." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Feng, do you live far away? Is it big or not? Why don't I pack some barbecue and go to your house?" Yan Zhicheng said.

"It's okay, it's not too far away. It's on the second floor of the Internet cafe where we surfed the Internet. We came in from the back alley." Mu Rufeng said.

"I know, I know, isn't that a tattoo shop? Why did you rent it?" Yan Zhicheng said doubtfully.

"Oh, that tattoo shop closed down. I thought it was suitable, so I rented it." Mu Rufeng responded.

"How much is the rent there?"

"You go pack the barbecue first, and I'll order some milk tea for takeout. We'll talk about it when you get here."


Mu Rufeng hung up the phone. Mu Rufeng first ordered four cups of milk tea, then sat on the sofa in the living room and started shopping online.

Some common materials can be purchased online, which is very convenient.

Of course, Mu Rufeng did not simply buy directly online, but used multiple fake accounts to purchase, and then the materials were distributed throughout the city.

Moreover, the place where orders are placed is still an unattended express locker.

After the things arrive, Mu Rufeng can pretend to be someone else and take them back, which is convenient, fast and hidden.

Mu Rufeng calculated that there are almost more than a hundred varieties of these materials.

Most of them are small parts, which are actually not expensive.

The most expensive ones are actually some precious metals, such as familiar precious metals such as gold, platinum and silver.

There were also some unfamiliar precious metals that Mu Rufeng couldn't even name.

In addition, we also need to purchase some processing equipment, which is not bad and accounts for about one-third of the amount.

More than forty minutes later, Yan Zhicheng came to the door with a packed barbecue.

There were two big bags, one on the left and one on the right. This was because he knew Mu Rufeng had a big appetite, so he bought so many of them.

"Brother Feng, your place is very big. It should be eighty or ninety square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. How much does it cost per month?"

Yan Zhicheng placed the barbecue on the table in front of the sofa, and then kept looking at the room.

"It's not bad, four thousand yuan a month." Mu Rufeng said.

"Fuck, four thousand yuan a month? Brother Feng, are you renting it directly? Do you live in such a big house by yourself? My single room only costs one thousand yuan." Yan Zhicheng said in shock.

"I want to study something, so this place is just right." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"There is milk tea in the refrigerator. Bring it over. I'm very hungry too." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Feng." Yan Zhicheng was still thinking about moving here, even though AA would have to pay two thousand yuan a month.

But his new book is now a hit, and it costs two thousand yuan, which is a lot of money.

Two people living in a single room is different from two people living in a house. Yan Zhicheng can accept it. The most important thing is that he can still hang out with Brother Feng.

He can feel that Brother Feng must be a character, otherwise how could he be so handsome, have such a good imagination even if he doesn't write novels, and have top-notch gaming skills.

Unfortunately, Brother Feng said he wanted to study something, so he would definitely not let him move in.

"Brother Feng, you study something? Are you doing scientific research?" Yan Zhicheng took the milk tea from the refrigerator and asked curiously.

"Not really, I just said I was bored and wanted to try it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Brother Feng is really a big shot. He wants to do scientific research because he is bored. Awesome!" Yan Zhicheng gave a thumbs up.

Soon the two of them started eating and drinking.


In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, in front of an unmanned express cabinet in a certain university.

A man about 1.7 meters tall and with an ordinary face took out two packages from a cabinet, then closed the cabinet and left.

The man did not leave the school, but entered a dormitory building, then walked to the third floor, and finally came to the end of the corridor.

At the end was a small balcony that was not sealed. Mu Rufeng looked at the corridor and saw that no one noticed it.

Then he looked down and saw that there was no one around, so Mu Rufeng immediately jumped down from the third floor.

Of course, Mu Rufeng did not jump directly, but grabbed the railing of the small balcony on the second floor, and finally jumped down, landing steadily on the grass.

Mu Rufeng looked at the two footprints and ignored them. He turned around and came to an uninhabited place, and then climbed over the high wall directly.

It can be seen that this seems to be a laboratory building.

This is a laboratory.

Mu Rufeng had already hacked into the monitoring and protection system. As long as he was not patrolled by the security guards, he would almost not be discovered.


An hour later, Mu Rufeng returned home.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was 1.6 meters tall and a little ugly, which was completely different from when he was in college before.

After returning home, Mu Rufeng's figure quickly grew taller, and then his face also changed, and finally returned to his original appearance.

Mu Rufeng rubbed his cheeks and stretched his muscles. It must be said that this bone shrinking skill was really too painful.

"Finally done, now all the materials are complete, the tools have been bought, and we can start making it." Mu Rufeng opened the package, looked at the materials inside and the materials stolen from the laboratory, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Five days, a full five days, Mu Rufeng almost ran around outside, just to get these materials together.

Then Mu Rufeng took everything into the room and prepared to start making it.

Because the machine would be a little noisy, Mu Rufeng specially bought sound insulation cotton online and wrapped the inside and outside of the room.

Even the windows, Mu Rufeng directly sealed them.

Mu Rufeng turned on the machine, and then began to build the so-called time and space breath collector according to the steps provided by the system.

The time came to eight o'clock the next morning.

Mu Rufeng held an apple-sized, oddly shaped machine in his hand.

There was also a button on the top. Press the switch to turn it on, and then you can absorb the breath of time and space. Press it again to turn it off.

After staying up all night, Mu Rufeng finally created the breath collector of time and space.

If all of Mu Rufeng's props were not unusable now, and the copy system could not respond, he should be able to see the properties of this instrument.

"Then, wait until night, and you can start the action." Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and clicked on a software.

On this software, you can view all the members of the Dragon Group's tasks, including their information, photos, and addresses.

This software is the internal APP of the Dragon Group. Mu Rufeng also downloaded one and used this APP as a ghost administrator.

He has the authority of an administrator, but because he is a ghost, there is no trace and cannot be detected by others.

After putting away the things, he put the phone back in his pocket and then zipped it up.

Yes, Mu Rufeng specially bought a pair of pants with a zipper to prevent the phone from being turned out when sleeping.

Because of this rule, similar pants or clothes are selling like crazy, and the price has been rising. The ones that originally cost tens of yuan are now sold for hundreds of yuan, and they are still in short supply.

After staying up all night, Mu Rufeng can still continue to stay up, but he still needs to sleep.

Sleeping can keep his mental consciousness and physical strength at their peak, so that he can move more vigorously at night.

However, Mu Rufeng can't really be considered sleeping.

He was seen sitting cross-legged on the bed, and then he started to practice the Kaitian Jue, and the blood and qi in his body started to circulate in a specific way.

It is also very good to replace sleep with cultivation.

Since Mu Rufeng chose the plug-in of extraordinary power, Mu Rufeng has also tried to practice exercises and martial arts in the past few days.

Not to mention, it can actually be practiced, and martial arts can make Mu Rufeng have more powerful attack power.

As for the exercises, although he has reached the upper limit.

But Mu Rufeng can feel that his blood and qi are slowly increasing.

Although it is only a little bit, it is definitely increasing.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it was caused by his plug-in.

His plug-in was successfully loaded, and his plug-in legacy or talent began to revive.

Because the first rule of this world [Ordinary World] has a too high upper limit, it is difficult to release all at once.

It can only be revived slowly, and the first to be revived must be the best talent or plug-in legacy for his current situation.

And his increased blood and qi power shows this point. The most likely thing to be revived should be the [Restriction Breaker].

[Restriction Breaker]: It can break any of its own restrictions, and after breaking it, it will break the existing restrictions.

Mu Rufeng broke his own cultivation upper limit, and in this world, because of the rules, it has already reached the upper limit.

So the most important thing is to break this limit.

When the [Restriction Breaker] is fully revived, it is the time when Mu Rufeng's strength breaks through the upper limit.

At that time, he will have more powerful power, and he can also make his subordinates' plug-in legacy and talents revive faster.


At nine o'clock in the evening, the alarm clock rang on time.

Mu Rufeng woke up immediately.

After a simple wash, he ordered a takeaway, then sat down at the computer desk and checked the surveillance.

Then he looked for some information on the bulletin board inside the Dragon Group.

After dinner, Mu Rufeng sat at home until 1 a.m., when he went out.

Of course, he didn't go out formally, but quietly, and he also changed his body shape.

Because Mu Rufeng was changing his own bones, he could only lose weight, not height.

At the same time, because of the change of bones and muscles, he couldn't freely change into anyone he had met.

His changed face should not be found in this world, and no matter how it changed, his eyes did not change at all.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng would wear a pair of beauty contact lenses and sunglasses.

Although it was a bit strange to wear sunglasses at night, it was the safest way.

As for the question of whether he could see clearly, ordinary people would definitely not be able to see clearly, but Mu Rufeng could see clearly.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng came to a shared electric donkey parking spot on the street.

Mu Rufeng didn't scan the code, but hacked into the system directly and unlocked a small electric donkey.

Then he rode the small electric donkey and headed somewhere.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng arrived at a resettlement housing community.

After parking the car at the parking spot, Mu Rufeng entered the resettlement housing community.

Although it was just a resettlement housing community, there were also many surveillance cameras, but Mu Rufeng did not hack into these surveillance cameras.

Because there was no need.

Soon, Mu Rufeng entered the second unit of Building 3.

Mu Rufeng didn't go up, but went around to the back, and finally changed into a dark nightgown and climbed up along the pipe.

After a while, Mu Rufeng climbed to the top floor of the sixth floor and entered the large terrace directly.

This large terrace belongs to this family. There are many flowers and even fruits planted in the terrace.

There is also a sun room on the side, which is a good place to live.

Mu Rufeng quietly approached the house, and the large glass door was not closed, but opened.

Obviously the owner didn't think anyone could climb from the first floor to the top floor.

The owner of this house is called Liu Li, a time traveler, a female knight who traveled back from the martial arts world three years ago.

She was originally a martial arts legend, but after returning, her strength was severely suppressed. She could only cut the river with a sword, but she became a master who could make ten swords in one second.

She also has internal strength, but that little internal strength is only enough for one move, and it is usually used as a bottom of the box.

Even so, dealing with a dozen strong men is like playing, and because of the light body method, her body movement is also extremely fast.

So, she also joined the Dragon Group.

Mu Rufeng's first target is her.

The main reason is that when the rules came last week, she happened to be sleeping at home because she had worked overtime all night.

And the mobile phone was placed on the bedside table to charge, and the distance was more than one meter.

Because she slept too deeply, she ignored the rules of the coming, which led to the violation of the rules. Now she can't use electronic products.

It is very interesting that those who violate the rules will see a black screen even if they are sitting in front of the TV, while other people can see the TV screen.

You can also use your mobile phone, but there is no way to operate it at all. Even if it is a physical button, there will be no response when you press it. It is very strange.

Liu Li traveled through time for almost five years. During these five years, his parents were exhausted from looking for him and finally fell ill.

When Liu Li returned, he was already exhausted in the hospital. When he saw Liu Li, he left with relief.

And the one who took care of her parents was Liu Li's sister.

So now this is where Liu Li and her sister live.

Well, it is worth mentioning that Liu Li's sister is Liu Nan, the yellow-haired girl that Mu Rufeng met in the Internet cafe.

Mu Rufeng was very surprised when he found this information at that time.

Liu Nan's grades were originally among the top in the class, but because she had to take care of her parents, her grades plummeted. In the end, she simply stopped studying and had to earn money to support her family.

At that time, I was selling Shamatte wigs, clothes, and small accessories, and guiding those Shamatte girls to buy them.

She set up a stall, worked part-time, washed dishes, and did almost everything that could make money.

After her sister came back, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but because she had no skills, she also hated her sister.

So she refused the job arranged by her sister and went to the Internet cafe to be a network administrator. She just ate, drank, and had fun all day, spending her sister's money.

Of course, in fact, this Internet cafe had been bought by her sister a long time ago, but Liu Nan herself didn't know it yet.

After Mu Rufeng found out the news, she could only say that this was a very strong girl, she was only 23 years old.

Mu Rufeng gently came to a bedroom, there was a breathing sound, Mu Rufeng listened carefully.

Then, Mu Rufeng came to another room, the door of this bedroom was open.

The person in this room had a very long breathing, which was completely different from ordinary people. It was obvious that he was a master.

Then, the result was self-evident. Liu Li slept in this room.

Mu Rufeng looked inside, and sure enough, the person lying on the bed was Liu Li.

Mu Rufeng took a step and appeared at the head of the bed silently. Then he tapped a certain acupuncture point on Liu Li's body, and Liu Li fainted instantly from her sleep.

Mu Rufeng had already figured out the acupuncture points of the human body. He knew where to tap and how much force to apply to make a person faint instantly, and he could accurately control the time of their awakening.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the space-time breath collector, placed it directly on Liu Li's head, and pressed the switch.

The next moment, a red light lit up on the space-time breath collector, and then a wisp of breath invisible to the naked eye was collected into the instrument.

Mu Rufeng waited quietly. After a minute, the red light gradually dimmed, and the collection was completed.

Mu Rufeng immediately took it over, and then took a look at the fingernail-sized screen, which already showed a number: 1

"It seems that one person is a unit of space-time breath, that is to say, the space-time breath of ninety-nine travelers needs to be collected." Mu Rufeng sighed.

One hundred people, one minute per person, it will take a hundred minutes.

Not to mention, those 100 time travelers won't stay there for you to absorb, you have to go to their homes one by one at night.

So, after Mu Rufeng put away the collector, he prepared to go to the next nearest time traveler's home.

Because the Dragon Group headquarters is nearby, most of the time travelers actually live nearby.

A dozen people should be no problem in one night.

Mu Rufeng immediately left the room, then quickly came to the terrace and climbed down.


No words all night.

Mu Rufeng returned home at five in the morning, carrying a motorcycle in his hand.

The speed of the shared electric donkey was still too slow, so Mu Rufeng "borrowed" one from somewhere.

He wanted to continue, but it was five o'clock and the sky was getting light, so it was a bit difficult to start.

In one night, Mu Rufeng collected eleven units.

In other words, it would take at most eight or nine days to collect 100 units and complete the second stage of the task.

Time soon came to eight in the morning.

Eight o'clock is the time for the staff of the Dragon Group to go to work.

Mu Rufeng was sitting in front of the computer, watching the surveillance carefully.

These surveillances were all footage from the Dragon Group base.

Mu Rufeng focused on monitoring those travelers who had absorbed the aura of time and space last night.

He wanted to see if they would have any abnormalities or changes after absorbing the aura of time and space.

Some people in their family also had surveillance, and Mu Rufeng had already checked the changes of these people after getting up, but they didn't seem to feel anything.

He watched the surveillance for another hour, until nine o'clock, when Mu Rufeng stopped watching.

There was indeed no change, and those travelers themselves did not feel it.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng could go to action every night with peace of mind.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to take a nap, but considering that it was the second week at twelve o'clock today, it was also the time for the third rule to come.

Mu Rufeng immediately ordered a takeaway and waited silently.

At eleven o'clock, Yan Zhicheng came.

After hearing Yan Zhicheng's footsteps, Mu Rufeng immediately picked up the motorcycle in the living room and put it in the research and production room, then locked the door.

"Old Yan, why are you here?"

"Brother Feng, have you forgotten? Today is the third rule."

"I know, what does it have to do with you coming here?"

"Brother Feng, if it is a very perverted rule, I can feel more at ease with you here, hehe." Yan Zhicheng laughed.

"By the way, how is the performance of the new book?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Yan Zhicheng published the book on July 2, and today is July 14, and the number of words is already 50,000.

"The performance is super good. I am now the first on the new book list. Hehe, 50,000 collections, my book is really popular."

"And, do you know, there is also a reward from the Silver Alliance, 10,000 yuan, a full 10,000 yuan." Yan Zhicheng said excitedly.

"Awesome, awesome." Mu Rufeng praised.

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