I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 355: The third rule: Speed ​​limit 80 [ask for monthly pass]

"Brother Feng, why do I feel like you're being perfunctory?" Yan Zhicheng looked at Mu Rufeng, who remained calm, and said with a curled lip.

"Wow, you're really awesome! Awesome to the point of exploding." Mu Rufeng said exaggeratedly.

". Forget it, forget it, Brother Feng, don't do this. My achievements are definitely not worth mentioning in your eyes."

"Besides, Brother Feng, you're not in line with your style of painting." Yan Zhicheng said.

"My style of painting? Haha." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

"Anyway, when I make money, I'll treat Brother Feng to a big meal. By the way, Brother Feng, you said you were going to research something last time. Have you figured it out?" Yan Zhicheng asked.

"I've figured it out." Mu Rufeng said.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, just a little gadget. By the way, are there more people criticizing you for the new chapters of your book recently?"

"Yes, Brother Feng, yes, I feel like I'm writing pretty normal, I don't know why I'm being criticized." Yan Zhicheng said immediately.

"I've been following your book. Of course, what you write is not normal. Tell me, why did you write such a disgusting female character?"

"Don't tell me that this female character is the heroine." There is no heroine in the outline that Mu Rufeng revised for Yan Zhicheng.

"This...isn't it that many readers have said recently that they want to see a heroine, and I think it's impossible to write about the city without a heroine, so I thought of a heroine myself."

"But I think the character of this heroine is very good. She has a rich family, is beautiful, has good talents, can help the protagonist, and is not a vase." Yan Zhicheng said.

"I took a look, and the next plot is that the cult is going to cause trouble. Listen to me, write this female character as a spy of the cult, and finally be killed by the protagonist himself." Mu Rufeng said.

"This...Okay, I listen to Brother Feng." Yan Zhicheng gritted his teeth and agreed. It was a pity that the heroine who had just appeared in a few chapters became a supporting role.

Just when the two were chatting, it was twelve o'clock noon.

"Dong, dong, dong~~!"

A familiar voice sounded, and then they heard the same voice in their ears.

[New rules this week: speed limit 80]

[Speed ​​limit 80]: All vehicles will be limited to 80. Once violated, a traffic accident will occur immediately. This rule will take effect in five minutes.

When this rule appeared, Mu Rufeng frowned, but Yan Zhicheng was shocked.

"Fuck, all vehicles are limited to 80? Then the high-speed rail will not be able to run, and the cars on the highway will not be able to drive fast."

"Fortunately, fortunately, it will take effect in five minutes, so that those cars and high-speed rails can stop." Yan Zhicheng said.

"You think too simply. This time, it seems that many people will die." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Dead people? Why?" Yan Zhicheng said with some doubts.

"Tell me, how many planes are flying in the sky now? Can these planes land within five minutes?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

Yan Zhicheng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Yes, how could those planes land within five minutes?

As long as the plane flying in the sky exceeds the speed of 80 miles per hour, once it violates the rules, a traffic accident will occur.

And what are the consequences of a traffic accident in the sky? The most likely is a crash.

Yan Zhicheng immediately took out his mobile phone and started to check, and then he was stunned.

He murmured: "I just checked, there are 11,000 planes flying in the sky every minute of every day in the world."

"11,000 planes, how many crew members are there, plus how many passengers will die."

For general passenger planes, the flight time is within 4 hours, there is only one crew: 1 captain, 1 co-pilot, 1 intelligence officer, 1 flight attendant, and 4-6 flight attendants (stewardess).

For flights within 4-8 hours, there will be two crews: 2 captains, 2 co-pilots, 2 intelligence officers, 2 flight attendants, and 8-12 flight attendants.

For flights within 8-12 hours, there will be three crews: 3 captains, 3 co-pilots, 3 intelligence officers, 3 flight attendants, and 12-18 flight attendants.

For flights over 12 hours, there will be at least three crews and 18-24 flight attendants (the number of flight attendants is arranged according to the size of the aircraft).

In this way, only the minimum calculation is used, the crew is 10 people, and the passengers are 20 people. In this way, more than 300,000 people will die in traffic accidents.

This is still the lowest level calculation. If it is true, this number is definitely more than that.

"Brother Feng, do you think there will be a certain rule in the future that will directly cause us to die on a large scale?" Yan Zhicheng looked at Mu Rufeng, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"It's hard to say." Mu Rufeng hoped that this would not happen.

However, he was powerless, and the probability of this rule appearing was very high.

If such a world that is highly overlapped with the modern world is really destroyed because of this, Mu Rufeng will feel very...

"We can only take it one step at a time, because we are powerless to change it." Mu Rufeng patted Yan Zhicheng on the shoulder and said.

If such a situation really occurs, Mu Rufeng can only do his best. Of course, the most important thing is to protect himself.

Because his relatives and friends are also in the real world, his world also needs him to guard.

"Brother Feng, I'm going back first." Yan Zhicheng didn't know why, and his interest was a little low.

"Well, don't think too much, live your life well." Mu Rufeng comforted.

Yan Zhicheng nodded and then left.

This time's rules actually have little impact on ordinary people.

The speed limit is 80, and it is almost difficult to drive above 80 mph in the city.

At the same time, the speed of 80 mph is also okay, and it may be slower if you cross the city.

For people with cars, the impact is greater, and it also has an impact on the country, especially in logistics.

But for ordinary people, there is really no impact.

The most likely thing is that the transportation is not very convenient because it cannot exceed 80 mph.

This world has been targeted, and Mu Rufeng is powerless, and can only try his best to do his job well.


In the meeting room of the Dragon Group.

When they heard the new round of rules, they were stunned.

"This rule seems to have a greater impact, but fortunately there is five minutes to stop some vehicles." One person said.

"Yes, but transportation will definitely be affected."

"Plane, plane in the sky!" Liu Keke suddenly shouted at this time.

"Yes, plane, plane in the sky can't land within five minutes." Liu Li also shouted.

"It seems that this time the rules will kill many people." Wang Luo's eyes moved slightly, but he was powerless.

If his power was not suppressed, with his power of the Supreme Immortal Emperor, he could land all the planes in the sky safely in minutes.

However, now he is just an ordinary person whose power is restricted again.

"Team Leader Wang, what should we do now?"

"Contact the Aviation Bureau immediately to determine how many planes are flying high in our country and their specific locations."

"Yes, team leader!"

After determining the number and location, we can immediately notify people in nearby cities to start rescue.

If it crashes in the wild, at most only the people on the plane will be in trouble, but if it has just taken off or has not yet left the city.

If it crashes in the city, it will be a tragic air crash.

"By the way, Liu Li, is there any news about the time traveler?" Wang Luo asked.

"Captain Wang, no, that person seems to have completely disappeared. I even suspect that there is no such person at all." Liu Li said.

"There must be one, but he is too well hidden. Search with all your strength. Check all suspicious points. Also, be prepared. A new time traveler will return soon." Wang Luo said.

"Yes, captain."

When the clock and the rules came, they knew that as long as it was the day when the rules came, a time traveler would definitely return.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

Suddenly, the lights in the entire base flickered and the alarm sounded.

"Yes, the instrument has fluctuated, and a time traveler has returned."

"Quick, lock the area immediately and send someone over."

"Catch him as soon as possible. Remember, wear the clothes of the mental hospital."

In just three minutes, several vehicles from the mental hospital drove out of the Dragon Group base.

Their Dragon Group base is on the ground, and the ground is a hospital built for cover, called: Changxiong Mental Hospital.

As for the event of the advent of rules, they are not actually in charge. Their main responsibility is to capture time travelers.

The state has re-established a department to study how to deal with the advent of rules.

However, in terms of authority, it is still a little lower than that of the Dragon Group. Of course, the staff are actually seconded from the Dragon Group.

Some people believe that it is a subordinate department.

There are even rumors that the two departments will merge.

Mu Rufeng, who was staying at home, also noticed it at the first time.

He immediately ran to the computer and checked the surveillance.

Sure enough, he saw Wang Luo who was giving instructions.

"There is a new time traveler. It seems that every time the rules come, there will be a time traveler returning."

"I don't know what world this time traveler is returning from." Mu Rufeng chuckled.

The time traveler who returned last week returned from a love story world. This time traveler is a super sea king.

The humanoid self-propelled artillery belongs to.

Finally, he encountered the Shura field, and was stabbed by the sick and perverted girls among these girls.

When the men of the Dragon Group heard this, they were extremely impressed, while when the women heard this, without exception, they all despised this man.

"Ha~~! I'm so sleepy." Mu Rufeng yawned, and he was ready to take a nap.

After operating the computer for a few times, Mu Rufeng returned to the bed, sat cross-legged, and began to practice.

Or rather, it was both practice and rest.


Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Mu Rufeng was still practicing.

The computer screen, which had been black, suddenly lit up, and then a low alarm sounded.

The mobile phone in Mu Rufeng's pocket also began to vibrate violently.

Mu Rufeng, who was still practicing, woke up instantly.

He got up and quickly came to the computer.

A large number of people appeared in the surveillance screen on the computer screen.

The detectives and members of the Dragon Group came together and almost blocked the surrounding area.

Mu Rufeng invaded the surveillance within a radius of one mile.

As long as there was something wrong, the alarm would be sounded immediately.

These people blocked the area nearby, and were noticed by Mu Rufeng at the first time.

"What's going on? Are they coming for me? Or are new travelers nearby?"

"No, no, looking at the surveillance footage, they have surrounded the area around this Internet cafe. They are definitely coming for me."

"How did it get exposed?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

Mu Rufeng carefully checked the surveillance and found that those people did not come towards him, but just surrounded him nearby.

He checked the surveillance in the Internet cafe again and found that there was no one in the Internet cafe.

"How did it get exposed?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

Now that he has been discovered, he naturally can't stay here anymore.

Of course, if Mu Rufeng wants to escape, it is also very easy. Unless these people use weapons of mass destruction, they can't stop Mu Rufeng at all.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng has a strong force and also has outstanding hacking skills and the ability to change his appearance and physique.

In this state, Mu Rufeng is impossible to be caught in a city.

Mu Rufeng packed up immediately, then took a notebook and a collector, and flipped down from the living room window, landing steadily on the ground.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to leave, he saw a person standing downstairs.

This person was none other than Wang Luo, the leader of the Dragon Group.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Wang Luo, the leader of the Dragon Group. I guess you should know me, right?"

Wang Luo looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect Wang Luo to appear here.

Moreover, the surveillance did not sound an alarm at all.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng was relieved. There was an Internet cafe downstairs, and many people came in and out every day.

Wang Luo was just one person, and even if he walked to the back alley, he could not cause an alarm.

This was also something that the monitoring program could not achieve. It was impossible for Mu Rufeng's monitoring program to sound an alarm for everyone who came.

If that were the case, Mu Rufeng would be annoyed to death.

Wang Luo saw that Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and continued: "Mr. Mu, you have been monitoring our Dragon Group for so long, you should know a lot of secrets, right?"

"Mr. Mu, I have no ill intentions, I wonder if I can ask you to go to the Dragon Group?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and said: "No ill intentions? Then why are there so many detectives and members of the Dragon Group around?"

"Mr. Mu, you have invaded the internal system of the Dragon Group and have administrator privileges in the system. I believe you should know how our Dragon Group acts."

"We have always maintained a friendly attitude towards time travelers. Even if they are a threat to society and the people, we will only guide them."

"Unless they are stubborn or have committed crimes, we will detain them or even destroy them humanely."

"I have no ill intentions, the Dragon Group has no ill intentions, and the government has absolutely no ill intentions." Wang Luo said.

"I'm very curious, how did you find out about me? And I'm very confident in my hacking skills, you can't possibly find out about me, right?"

"There's absolutely no problem with my identity, and I almost never leave the house, I can't figure out how I was exposed."

Mu Rufeng asked the doubts in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out how he was exposed.

"Mr. Mu, you really hid well, we didn't find out about your existence at all. If you want to know, you can go to the Dragon Group, and we will definitely answer your questions."

"And, I also know that you now have extraordinary power, powerful hacking skills, and the ability to change your appearance and physique."

"To be honest, we don't have any ability to capture you. If you want to escape, we can't stop you at all, even if you go to the Dragon Group, we can't stop you." Wang Luo said slowly.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng frowned even deeper.

Wang Luo actually knew all of Mu Rufeng's abilities, which was really incredible.

Unless, the Dragon Group has the ability to predict the future.

But it's impossible. You have to know that this is an ordinary world. Except for Mu Rufeng, there can be no extraordinary power.

Soon, Mu Rufeng thought of a key point.

"The time traveler who returned today?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wang Luo.

"Mr. Mu, you are really smart. You guessed it in a few words." Wang Luo praised.

For some reason, when Mu Rufeng faced Wang Luo directly, he always felt like he was facing the Buddhaless God.

Although Wang Luo's strength was not strong and he could kill him easily, the temperament and calm expression that the other party unconsciously exuded made people unconsciously feel inferior.

Even Mu Rufeng now is still the same.

In the end, Mu Rufeng attributed this feeling to Wang Luo's true identity.

From the information of the Dragon Group, it was learned that Wang Luo was an immortal emperor in the immortal world and returned as an immortal emperor.

It was also recorded in detail that Wang Luo had practiced in that immortal world for tens of thousands of years.

Later, when he was comprehending the Way of Heaven, he traveled back to the real world.

And he was still wearing it. In the end, he was suppressed by the main world and his strength dropped to the bottom. However, even so, because of his strong body, he directly stood at the top of the world.

At the same time, the fairy clothes he was wearing were also suppressed, but with the material there, even sniper rifle bullets could not penetrate his clothes.

Just like Mu Rufeng, the clothes he was wearing were originally ninth-level props, but now they have become ordinary clothes that cannot be broken by guns or anything like that.

Although he has been cultivating in the world of immortality for tens of thousands of years, the time he traveled in the main world is only a short ten years.

Those who travel through different worlds spend almost a long time in different worlds, and they are all different.

Of course, there are also one-to-one ones, but they are rare. Some people may even travel through time for a few days, but in fact, several years or even more have passed in another world.

"Okay, let's go then." Mu Rufeng nodded and agreed to go to the Dragon Group with them.

Now that all her secrets have been exposed, there is no point in hiding it anymore. It would be better to go to the dragon group.

The most important thing is that Wang Luo is right. Even in the dragon group, as long as Mu Rufeng wants to leave, no one can stop him.

Soon, Mu Rufeng followed Wang Luo in an ambulance to Chang Xiong Mental Hospital.

It's not too far from Changxiong Mental Hospital, just a ten-minute drive away.

This is a mental hospital that covers a large area and has a lot of patients. After all, it is also a real mental hospital to the outside world.

Wang Luo, Mu Rufeng and seven or eight other people took the elevator directly from a secret room to the underground.

"It's so big and spectacular. It's much more spectacular when you see it live than on the surveillance camera." Mu Rufeng praised.

It is extremely huge, with various facilities and equipment, and a large number of people inside. After all, this is the headquarters of the Dragon Group.

Almost half of all travelers across the country return in Changsha City.

The remaining five were scattered across the country.

It is precisely for this reason that Changsha serves as the headquarters of the Dragon Group.

Soon Mu Rufeng, led by Wang Luo, arrived at a reception room.

"Mr. Mu, sit down. If you have any questions, I will answer you." Wang Luo said while sitting on the sofa.

Naturally, Mu Rufeng was not too reserved and sat opposite him openly.

"I have read your information. Team Leader Wang returned from a world of immortal cultivation called Xuanlong Realm."

"I would like to ask, when you were in the world of immortality, what could you achieve with your cultivation and strength?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Huh?" Wang Luo was slightly startled when he heard this.

He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to ask this question, and thought he would ask why he knew Mu Rufeng's secret.

Wang Luo smiled and said: "Reaching for stars and moons, moving mountains and filling seas, you can destroy an area with one hand, and you can also shatter space with a single thought. The law obeys my orders, and the law follows my words. I am the king of all heavens and realms. ”

"Of course, now you have seen that I am just an ordinary person who can live, grow old, get sick and die."

Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard this. He didn't think Wang Luo was lying. This guy might really be that powerful.

"Team Leader Wang, you said that you are respected in all the heavens and worlds, do you mean that there are countless worlds outside the Black Dragon Realm?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, the Black Dragon Realm is the upper realm, which is the fairy world in the novel. There are countless planes under the fairy world. The place I traveled through was the Chimu Domain under the Black Dragon World."

"When I first realized the way of heaven, there was a feeling in the dark, a familiar breath calling me."

"I recognized it. It was my world, the main world where I was born and raised. The main world seemed to be in trouble, so it wanted to summon me to return."

"I also know that the power in my body will be weakened to the extreme after returning, but I still come back without hesitation. As expected, my world is really in trouble."

"I just didn't expect that it would be a disaster of this level. The rules are more mysterious and difficult to understand than the laws." Wang Luo said.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, respect instantly rose in her heart.

Starting from the lower realm, after thousands of years of cultivation, he finally stood at the top of the immortal world, respected by all the heavens and worlds.

But he left everything behind without hesitation and returned directly to his native world, thus becoming an ordinary person with only a little extraordinary power.

This kind of courage is really amazing.

Even Mu Rufeng, if he reaches that status, can he give up everything and come back?

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, and if there were still relatives and friends alive, he would definitely give up everything and return.

But it’s been ten thousand years, how long has it been in the main world? There is a high probability that all of your family and friends will be dead, and you will find yourself in an extremely strange world after returning, which will really make you despair.

As for Wang Luo, he must be gambling. Time has not passed too long. Obviously, Wang Luo won the gamble.

Here, Mu Rufeng could only look at Wang Luo with admiration.

"Team Leader Wang, I admire you." Mu Rufeng cupped his fists and saluted.

"Mr. Mu, looking at your salute, it seems that the different world you traveled through is also ancient? A fantasy world? A world of immortality?" Wang Luo asked curiously.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about this later. Now I want to know why Team Leader Wang knows about me. I'm confident that nothing has been exposed."

"Haha, Keke, bring someone here and let him speak in person. Let him speak more clearly." Wang Luo said to Liu Keke who was standing aside.

"Yes, team leader." Liu Keke went out immediately.

Just then, Liu Li came in with tea.

"Drink tea, this is specially for Da Hong Pao." Wang Luo said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, took the tea, took a sip, it was indeed very fragrant, and it was the best among ordinary tea tasting.

However, Mu Rufeng had also drunk a lot of spiritual tea. Compared with spiritual tea, Da Hong Pao was still not good enough.

"I really miss the Xuanlong Realm, the fairy tea there is really enjoyable." Wang Luo said with emotion after drinking a sip of tea.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly. The fairy tea that Wang Luo drank was probably more delicious than the spiritual tea he drank.

Soon, a Liu Keke came over with a man in his twenties.

When the man saw Mu Rufeng, he was extremely excited.

"Ah, you are Brother Feng, Brother Feng." The man was so excited that he was a little incoherent when he saw Mu Rufeng.

"Do you know me?" Mu Rufeng looked at the man in surprise.

"His name is Tang Xinhe, Tang Xinhe, tell me how you met Mu Rufeng, and from which world you returned, tell me everything." Wang Luo said.

"Brother Feng, I was reborn from a world three years later..." Then, Tang Xinhe began to tell everything one by one.

Tang Xinhe traveled through time for three years, but he was only missing for about seven days, that is, he disappeared after the second rule came.

It cannot be said to be a travel through time, but it is more clear to use the word rebirth.

Tang Xinhe is very different from other reborn travelers.

Because he is equivalent to traveling through a parallel world based on the advent of rules.

If it were just like this, there would be nothing, but Tang Xinhe knew all the rules that would come every week.

For example, the rule that came this time was the [Speed ​​Limit] rule, and Tang Xinhe said it very clearly.

You know, he was caught almost immediately after his return, and it was impossible for him to know this rule.

Three years, a full three years, a rule would come every week, the time was long or short, the longest was two months, the shortest was one week, and the rule would be offline.

Tang Xinhe, who was reborn, remembered all the rules in the past three years clearly.

This alone was enough to shock the whole world.

They even speculated that the reason why Tang Xinhe traveled through time at this point in time was probably because of the world's self-rescue?

They speculated that the rules that came down were not the same as the main world, but that there was a certain existence, force, or world that was eyeing their main world.

As the rules became more and more numerous and more and more demanding, a large number of humans in the world began to die because of the rules.

The world also began to become chaotic.

Fortunately, the Dragon Country itself was relatively peaceful, and coupled with the principle of not giving up the country, there was no great unrest in society.

In the end, the Dragon Group grew greatly, expanded the number and scope, and was specifically used to deal with the rules, and finally stabilized.

But it was different abroad, it was simply a group of demons dancing, let's not talk about this for now.

The reason why Tang Xinhe knew Mu Rufeng's secret was because Mu Rufeng stood up later and used his own strength to maintain social stability.

In the end, he also became the deputy leader of the Dragon Group, that is, the second in command, second only to the leader Wang Luo.

He is also the strongest person in the world and the only one with extraordinary power.

Tang Xinhe is a subordinate of Mu Rufeng and often acts with Mu Rufeng.

Later, he became Mu Rufeng's assistant for a period of time.

It was during this period of assistant time that Tang Xinhe learned some things about Mu Rufeng.

"So, you are my assistant, and then I became the deputy leader of the Dragon Group?" Mu Rufeng looked at Tang Xinhe in surprise.

"Yes, Brother Feng." Tang Xinhe nodded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, and looked at Wang Luo on the side: "Is what he said true?"

"It's true. We used a specially developed truth-asking agent, plus hypnosis, there will be no lies." Wang Luo said slowly.

"So, it was because of this kid that I was exposed. You know all my abilities, extraordinary power, top hacking technology, and the ability to change my face and physique?"

Mu Rufeng still felt like ten thousand grass mud horses galloping through his heart.

He thought of many ways to be exposed, but he never expected that a reborn person would expose him.

This world is really weird.

"Brother Feng, I didn't mean it. I can't resist the truth-asking agent developed by the Dragon Group." Tang Xinhe scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"Forget it, I don't blame you." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

At this time, Wang Luo said: "Mr. Mu, you have not only exposed these, you also have the world's top gambling skills, the world's top driving skills, and the world's top cooking skills."

"It can almost be said that in any field, you are the top existence, your learning ability is extremely strong, and no one can surpass you."

"I have to say that you are really an amazing existence. It is hard to imagine how powerful the world you traveled through is."

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