I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 356 The future message brought by the reborn [ask for monthly votes! ]

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "The world I traveled through is a fantasy world. Although it is also very powerful, it cannot be compared with your Xuanlong Realm."

"I traveled through a fantasy world called Tiandao Continent. The strongest person in it is the God. According to your description, the God can also pick stars and take the moon, but creating the world is a little worse."

"It should be several levels lower than your Supreme Immortal Emperor."

"Oh? Then your world is definitely an extremely powerful world. If you want to pick stars and take the moon, if you are in the lower realm, the earth immortals who have passed the tribulation and become immortals can do it."

"If it is in the Xuanlong Realm, it should be a celestial immortal." Wang Luo said.

"My world is quite strange. The ninth realm is the God Realm. If you want to continue to break through to the Emperor Realm, you need to control the rules."

"Above the Emperor is the God Realm. The God Realm must integrate the rules into his body and into his flesh. There are only two God Realms in the entire continent. One has been bound under the cold spring for tens of thousands of years."

"The other one has been killed, but he also has the power of the God Realm." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng originally wanted to try whether he could tell the relevant information about the Tiandao Continent here.

To Mu Rufeng's surprise, he could actually tell it. If he could tell it, Mu Rufeng did not hide it. It didn't matter anyway.

"Rules? That's a bit strange, completely different from the world of cultivation." Wang Luo was also quite interested in the Tiandao Continent that Mu Rufeng mentioned.

Laws and rules are somewhat similar, but completely different. Both have strange abilities.

If you really want to say which one is stronger, in Wang Luo's opinion, the rules are naturally better.

"Tang Xinhe, you said you remember every rule of the next three years, right?" Mu Rufeng looked at Tang Xinhe and asked.

"Yes, Brother Feng, the rules for next week are more serious." At this point, Tang Xinhe's face became a little serious.

Not only Tang Xinhe, but also Wang Luo and others beside him looked a little serious.

Obviously, they had already known the subsequent rules of the advent from Tang Xinhe.

"What is it? Tell me." Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's sleep."


"Yes, the rules stipulate that the daily sleep time cannot be less than eight hours, but not more than ten hours. Once violated, you can only sleep four hours a day and then wake up and can't continue to sleep."

"Although it seems nothing, but during the one month that this rule lasted, a large number of people violated the rules, resulting in them only being able to sleep four hours a day."

"Once people don't get enough sleep, it will cause many consequences. The most intuitive is that their mental state is not good, and their temper becomes hot and irritable."

"It's okay in our country, and it didn't cause too much unrest, but it's different abroad. Foreign countries have different degrees of chaos and many people have died."

"It also triggered a lot of things later, and under the rules that came later, a chain reaction occurred. Even our Dragon Country has dropped by 30% in three years, and the lowest in foreign countries has dropped by 50%. The highest was even directly destroyed because of the unrest." Tang Xinhe said.

"Tang Xinhe, tell me, in the past three years, only the rules have come, are there any monsters, zombies, and invasions from other worlds?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Brother Feng, in the past three years, there have been no monsters, zombies, or invasions from other worlds as you said." Tang Xinhe said.

"Hmm? Mr. Mu, why do you ask that?" Wang Luo asked.

"I think it's not just the rules that are coming. It's likely that the main world is being targeted by a certain existence or world."

"Tang Xinhe, why did you reborn? Did you die or something?" Mu Rufeng looked at Tang Xinhe and asked.

"I woke up when I was sleeping at night, and then I realized that I was reborn, and then I came to the Dragon Group." Tang Xinhe said.

Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Wang Luo on the side looked at Liu Keke and winked at him.

The latter immediately understood and took Tang Xinhe down.

Although they had repeatedly asked and confirmed that what Tang Xinhe said was true.

But considering the things that happened to those who were reborn before, they did not believe it completely, for fear that it was another parallel world with completely different experiences.

But they also confirmed that some information was true, that is, Mu Rufeng.

I learned about Mu Rufeng's existence and his abilities from Tang Xinhe.

Now, it depends on what the rules of the next advent are.

"Captain Wang, why did you invite me here?" Mu Rufeng looked up at Wang Luo and asked.

"Of course, I want to invite you to join the Dragon Group and contribute to the motherland." Wang Luo said with a smile.

"Actually, I don't want to join the Dragon Group. I just want to live my life quietly." Mu Rufeng thought about it and refused.

Wang Luo was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to refuse directly.

"I think you should know a series of problems caused by the advent of the rules now."

"The Dragon Group is now expanding, and the higher-ups also intend to let the Dragon Group increase its own rights. As the only extraordinary person in the world now, joining the Dragon Group will only benefit you and not harm you."

"The most important thing is that we will give you the position second only to my deputy team leader, and we will not restrict your activities. We will only let you come forward when there are things that we cannot handle."

"Furthermore, as the deputy leader, I will also inform you of all the new rules within three years." Wang Luo said.

"Let me think about it and I will give you an answer when the next rule comes." Mu Rufeng said.

He now has to wait for the next rule to come. He wants to know whether Tang Xinhe's words are true or false, and whether he will be reborn three years later and whether all the rules are true or false.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news. You should know my phone number, right? You can contact me then."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to leave, something suddenly occurred to him and he asked again: "Team Leader Wang, I would like to ask, have many people died since the speed limit of 80?"

Wang Luo nodded slightly when he heard this, and then said slowly: "This time, all airlines have closed all waterways, we have also closed all high-speed rails, and even the highways have been temporarily closed."

"Even so, when the five-minute protection period expired, a large number of traffic accidents occurred. According to our statistics, more than 200,000 people have been killed and even more injured since the rule came into force."

"The only thing that stands out is that traffic accidents can be big or small. In big accidents, you will basically die. In small accidents, it will also depend on the speed of rescue, the quality of the vehicle, and the safety awareness of the driver and passengers."

"We expected 400,000 people, but now there are only 200,000 people. I don't know whether this is comfort or irony."

After Wang Luo finished speaking, he shook his head slightly.

"There is nothing we can do. We can only try our best to do what we can." Mu Rufeng said.

Afterwards, Wang Luo sent Mu Rufeng away from the base, and also sent a vehicle to take Mu Rufeng directly back to his residence.

After Mu Rufeng returned home, she looked inside the house and saw no sign of anyone entering.

"Reborn, no one has invaded despite the three-year rule. Is it because the time is too short, or is it because the world Tang Xinhe travels through cannot predict my actions?"

Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought again.

Tang Xinhe told in detail what had happened in the past three years, but except for the rules for the next advent, he did not say anything else.

But this doesn't matter, as long as you verify whether the rules for the next week are true, you will know.

In the parallel world, Mu Rufeng's subsequent actions were quite in line with his own code of conduct.

However, one thing is very different, that is, it is absolutely impossible for Mu Rufeng to stay in this world for three years.

He still has tasks assigned by the system. As long as he completes the customs clearance tasks, he will return.

Mu Rufeng didn't feel that he had not completed the task within three years.

Then, a very simple and clear result came out. The development of the parallel world after Tang Xinhe crossed began to develop based on the existing rules of arrival and the existence of Mu Rufeng.

What Mu Rufeng thought was that Tang Xinhe's journey through the parallel world was actually the main world saving itself, and she specifically asked Tang Xinhe to memorize all the rules that had followed him in the past three years and then return.

After returning, Tang Xinhe will definitely tell Wang Luo what he knows, so that the whole world can better deal with the rules.

This also means that the current parallel world can directly detect all subsequent rules that will come, and even predict and detect Mu Rufeng's abilities and what he does.

However, it was impossible to predict the tasks that Mu Rufeng needed to complete and her return.

Maybe, the rules of the main world or the consciousness also know that Mu Rufeng is a visitor from another world, but somehow they can detect that Mu Rufeng is well-intentioned?

To be honest, Mu Rufeng is a little confused now.

To be honest, he is actually a world invader. He is a stowaway, not a native of this world.

And what invaded this world was most likely the strange world that sent him here.

Therefore, if the player system in the weird world later gives Mu Rufeng a task to destroy, invade, or open a world passage, etc.

So what should Mu Rufeng do?

The fact that the login bracelet would most likely fail made Mu Rufeng dare not give up on this mission.

"Damn guy, damn world." Mu Rufeng had a deeper understanding of her own weakness.

I still feel that my strength has reached a point where I can speak in a strange world, but in this world, I am just a helpless ordinary person.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that something was wrong, because if it was really an invasion from the weird world, then why was the rule of [Ordinary World] lowered?

You know, when Mu Rufeng first traveled through time, her own power was not suppressed in any way.

The power of the ninth-level god realm is absolutely invincible in this world. There is no problem in destroying a country or the entire world by one person.

However, after he entered this copy world, the rules of [Ordinary World] came and suppressed him to the level of the pinnacle of human beings.

so? It is not the strange world that sets the rules, but another existence.

Are they the rules of this copy world? Is it to limit Mu Rufeng's power so that local humans can kill Mu Rufeng and protect their own world?

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was a little confused. It seemed that he could only take one step at a time.

"However, I still need to figure out whether this world has been invaded and destroyed, or is it being invaded, and whether the invaded world is a strange world."

If it is a destroyed world, just like the Tiandao Continent, just like the copy of the hero and the devil, then Mu Rufeng can be cruel.

But if it is not, but a real world, then Mu Rufeng.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng thought of something, and an idea came to his mind.

"Fuck, wait, no way" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

He thought that if this world is real and has not been invaded, then the task is to open a passage to the strange world.

Then, Mu Rufeng couldn't make up his mind whether to complete the task, and the task might be without time limit.

So Mu Rufeng stayed in this world all the time, which is why Tang Xinhe was reborn three years ago, and Mu Rufeng never returned and stayed in this world?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

"It's too early to think about these things now. Let's complete the second stage of the task as soon as possible and see what the third stage of the task is."

Mu Rufeng decided on the next move and didn't hesitate too much. He looked at the time and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to sleep, so he ordered some takeout and waited quietly for the arrival of the early morning.

During this period, Mu Rufeng still monitored the situation in the surrounding area, and expanded the range of one mile to five miles.

It's just a monitoring program anyway.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng continued to use his mobile phone to enter the APP inside the Dragon Group.

He found that his authority had been restricted and he couldn't enter the APP.

It seems that after the Dragon Group knew everything about him, they still found his identity as a ghost administrator after testing.

Mu Rufeng could of course easily take it back, but there was no need, because he hadn't agreed to join the Dragon Group yet. If he did, it would be a provocation.

Once he agreed to join the Dragon Group, he would definitely have this authority again.

Time passed slowly.

At about one o'clock in the morning, Mu Rufeng got up from the sofa.

Although he could no longer log into the Dragon Group's internal APP, it didn't matter. Mu Rufeng had already transferred a copy of the information of those personnel.

Mu Rufeng looked at the information on his phone, then checked the people nearby and found that no one was monitoring him. Mu Rufeng immediately carried the motorcycle downstairs.

Then he climbed over the wall, quickly came to a place, and disappeared on the motorcycle.


July 21, six o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng quietly sneaked into the home of a time traveler in Zhucheng.

During this week, the time travelers in Changsha, except Wang Luo, and some guys who almost went to bed at three or five in the morning, had all been collected by him.

There were many time travelers in Changsha, but far less than a hundred. Not counting Wang Luo and others, Mu Rufeng only collected forty-seven units of time and space.

However, although there were not enough people in Changsha, there were also some in the surrounding cities, Zhucheng, and Tanzhou.

And now this time traveler is the hundredth person.

In order to complete the second stage as quickly as possible, Mu Rufeng almost worked hard at night, and even forced the traversers to sleep and absorb.

Under such circumstances, at five o'clock in the morning of the 21st, he finally came to the last traverser of the time and space aura.

As usual, Mu Rufeng pressed the acupoints of this person to make him fall asleep, then took out the collector and pressed the switch.

After a long time, the small screen on the collector changed from 99 to 100, and the 100th unit of time and space aura was collected.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the task completion sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully collecting 100 units of space-time aura, completing the second stage mission and obtaining 1,000% clearance completion]

[The third stage mission is open. Please throw the collector containing space-time aura to the rule clock at the moment the rule clock appears]

[Please note that if you fail, the aura will dissipate and you need to continue collecting aura. There are 13,521 traversers in the world and you only have 135 chances]

"135 chances. If I still fail, what's the point of my life?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

However, Mu Rufeng was still quite surprised by the third stage mission.

He thought that collecting space-time aura had some powerful uses, but who knew that it was thrown to the rule clock.

And the last time the rule clock appeared, the government sent people to let fighter jets hover nearby.

When the rule clock appeared, it was attacked directly with thermal weapons.

However, it had no effect at all. The rule space-time seemed to have no entity and did not exist in this space. All attacks penetrated it.

The most important thing is that no matter where you are on the earth, as long as you look up, you can see the regular clock.

According to the calculation and analysis of professionals, the regular clock is probably at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

With Mu Rufeng's strength, it is impossible to go to an altitude of 10,000 meters alone, and he can only use transportation.

"Can an armed helicopter fly 10,000 meters?" Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and searched. Most helicopters can only fly at an altitude of 6,000 meters.

However, there is an armed helicopter that can fly up to 12,000 meters.

The Mi-24 armed helicopter was manufactured by a certain Soviet Union in the last century.

During this period of 14 years, domestic armed helicopters seemed unable to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Fighter jets are definitely possible, but Mu Rufeng has never driven a fighter jet, not even an armed helicopter.

It is now past five o'clock, and there are less than seven hours until the rule clock falls at noon.

"There is plenty of time. It seems that I can only go to Wang Luo and ask him to help solve the problem of the helicopter." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

Now Mu Rufeng has confirmed that the rule time and space is not the rule of this world, nor the rule of the other half of the world.

It is definitely caused by the existence of a third party force.

He believed that the network would agree to let him borrow the helicopter. If not, then there was no other way. Mu Rufeng would have to go there in person to "borrow" it.

Mu Rufeng quickly rode his motorcycle back to Changsha at a very fast speed. He did not go back, but went directly to Wang Luo's home.

This was a villa area. Mu Rufeng was a stranger and could not enter.

This certainly could not stop Mu Rufeng. After parking the car, he came to a wall. Although the wall was very high and there was a wire mesh wrapped around it.

But for Mu Rufeng, he just jumped lightly and turned over directly.

Then he came directly to his door.

Considering Wang Luo's identity, Mu Rufeng rang the doorbell on the wall.

Soon, the lights in the house came on. It was not Wang Luo who opened the door, but the nanny at home.

"Hello, sir, who are you looking for?" The nanny opened the door and looked at Mu Rufeng standing outside the gate of the yard in the distance and asked.

"I am Mu Rufeng, looking for Team Leader Wang Luo." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mu Rufeng?" The security lady was about to say something when the lights upstairs suddenly came on and a man walked out of the balcony.

"Mr. Mu, are you here so late to talk to me?" Wang Luo, wearing black pajamas, looked down at Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, it's very important." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Auntie Wang, go open the door and let Mr. Mu in." Wang Luo said, and then turned back to the house, probably going downstairs.

Not long after, Auntie Wang opened the door and welcomed Mu Rufeng in.

Wang Luo had been waiting in the living room for a long time.

"Let's go to the study on the second floor to talk."

Soon, the two came to the study on the second floor.

Wang Luo said, "Tell me, what's the important thing that made you come to me so late."

"First of all, I agreed to join the Dragon Group. Secondly, I want you to help me get a Mi-24 armed helicopter before the rules come into effect today."

"If you can't get it, a fighter jet will do. At the same time, you can help me find a pilot and let him teach me how to fly." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wait, you want me to get a Mi-24 armed helicopter before noon today? Or a fighter jet? And you need a pilot to teach you how to fly?"

"Are you going to the sky?" Wang Luo didn't know why Mu Rufeng was like this, and was a little confused.

"Yes, to the sky." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Have you forgotten the speed limit of 80? Fighter jet, helicopter? Are you not afraid of death?" Wang Luo said.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, then there is no need for a fighter jet, get a Mi-24 armed helicopter." Mu Rufeng said.

Indeed, a fighter jet should also be considered a means of transportation, and the speed limit is 80, so it cannot be used.

And a helicopter can climb, and the climbing speed will definitely not exceed 80 yards.

"Why, give me a reason." Wang Luo said.

"I want to try to see if I can attack the rule clock." Mu Rufeng replied.

"It's useless. We have done experiments in this area a long time ago. The rule clock has no entity, it is illusory and cannot be touched at all." Wang Luo shook his head and said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and said, "When I traveled through time, I brought back a rule equipment from the fantasy world, which can attack illusory things."

"Maybe it can make the rule clock work, so I want to try it. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails, there will be no loss."

Wang Luo was a little surprised after hearing Mu Rufeng's words: "Are you sure that your weapon is useful? You know, even the fairy weapon I brought back has no power."

"Not sure, so I want to try it." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

Wang Luo immediately fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said, "I will help you with this matter. I will contact someone. If nothing goes wrong, you can go directly to a certain J area in Muyun, where there are pilots."

"But the Mi-24 armed helicopter you mentioned may be a little difficult."

"Try your best. If it doesn't work, it's okay to be late. I can wait until the rule comes next week." Mu Rufeng said.

He believes that there should be this type of helicopter in China, right?

If the armed helicopter did not arrive before noon, it would not be a big loss for Mu Rufeng.

After all, next week is also possible, and there will even be more time to learn flying skills.

As for the speed limit of 80, Mu Rufeng felt that he should be able to control it. If he can't control it and gets into a car accident, with Mu Rufeng's strength, there will still be no danger to his life.

Even if it is too high, Mu Rufeng will not have any problem, as long as he wears a parachute.

After getting the reply, Mu Rufeng did not stay here for too long. After leaving the villa area, he went directly to Muyun.

If he remembered correctly, there is indeed a J area in Muyun.

In the past, fighter planes could be seen taking off from there from time to time.


An hour later, in an empty airport.

Mu Rufeng and a tall man stood in front of a helicopter.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am the ace pilot Li Yunfeng. Next, I will teach you how to fly a helicopter."

Li Yunfeng looked at Mu Rufeng in front of him, and he was unwilling in his heart.

This is simply a joke.

A person who knows nothing, to teach him to fly a helicopter in just a few hours.

This is not a pilot simulation game, but a real helicopter.

In these few hours, I am afraid that I may not even recognize all the indicator lights on the dashboard.

He protested, but it was useless. The higher-ups issued an order. No matter whether the other party knows how to do it or not, they just have to teach him.

Soon, the two climbed into the cockpit, and Li Yunfeng said, "I will tell you the function of each button and indicator light first."

In just over ten minutes, Li Yunfeng explained everything inside.

"Now, how many do you remember?" Li Yunfeng asked.

Anyway, he didn't think Mu Rufeng would be able to learn to fly a helicopter, so he let Mu Rufeng recognize these instrument switch buttons and so on.

If he couldn't even recognize this, then Mu Rufeng would probably be embarrassed to continue learning.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng nodded and immediately said, "This is... that is..."

Mu Rufeng quickly explained all the switch buttons, almost word for word with what Li Yunfeng said.

"Did you remember them all? Or have you learned driving skills before?" Li Yunfeng looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

"No, it's just that I have a good memory and a strong learning ability." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Li Yunfeng immediately put away his contempt, and then pointed to a few switches or indicator lights to ask Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng still answered fluently, and Li Yunfeng began to really teach Mu Rufeng how to control and fly the helicopter.

An hour later.

The propeller of the helicopter began to rotate slowly, and then it took off directly.

Li Yunfeng below was shocked as he watched the helicopter take off steadily.

One hour, just one hour, this guy learned to fly a helicopter, he is simply not a human being.

The fastest way to get a helicopter license is to get a license in half a month. Compared with learning it in an hour, and being able to drive steadily, he is simply a genius.

It must be said that geniuses are admired everywhere.

When Li Yunfeng looked at the helicopter slowly taking off in the sky without any problems, he really knew that Mu Rufeng had mastered the helicopter driving skills.

Although he may not be very skilled yet, he just needs to fly more.

Mu Rufeng flew in the sky for more than half an hour before landing.

There was no other way. The speed limit was 80. If he exceeded this speed, a traffic accident would inevitably occur. Mu Rufeng cherished his life very much and even carried a parachute on his back for the test flight.

Fortunately, he had a strong control ability and always kept the speed at around 70.

Although the speed was indeed very slow, it was still very easy for Mu Rufeng to control this speed.

Li Yunfeng said the data of this helicopter, the maximum level flight speed was 324 kilometers per hour, and the maximum climb rate (sea level) was 4.2 meters per second.

And the speed of 80 kilometers per hour was about 22 meters per second, that is, if it was climbing, there was no need to worry about exceeding the speed limit.

This was also a point that Mu Rufeng was very satisfied with the helicopter.

So, now, it was just waiting for the arrival of the Mi-24 armed helicopter.

"Li Yunfeng, I'm going to test the flying speed. It may violate the rules. Remember to tell the superiors that this helicopter may be scrapped." Mu Rufeng came down and said to Li Yunfeng.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, are you going to die?" Li Yunfeng was shocked.

He knew that the rules were coming. When the [Speed ​​Limit 80] rule came out, almost all the planes stopped.

Even the helicopters were like this. Today, Wang Luo personally called their superiors and then agreed.

Now, it's going to violate the rules directly. If the helicopter has a traffic accident, it will really die.

"It's okay, I just want to try it and practice it, so that I can have some experience later." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

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