I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 357 The materialized rule clock [asking for monthly votes! ]

"I need to ask the people above for instructions." Li Yunfeng didn't dare to make the decision, so he could only contact the higher-ups.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, so he stood there waiting.

Ten minutes later, Li Yunfeng trotted over and explained the instructions from above to Mu Rufeng: Agree.

Just these two short words made Li Yunfeng have to guess Mu Rufeng's identity and background.

"Thank you for teaching me how to fly a helicopter. I'll treat you to dinner next time." Mu Rufeng greeted him, then started the helicopter directly and flew on the spot.

Ten minutes later.

The moment the helicopter's speed exceeded 80 yards, the propeller suddenly had a problem and lost its ability to rotate directly.

Traffic accident.

Then, Mu Rufeng kicked the door of the helicopter open with one foot, and then jumped down from a height of hundreds of meters.

When the parachute opened, Mu Rufeng's figure stabilized instantly, but the helicopter fell straight down, and finally crashed into a mountain forest, causing a violent explosion.

Well, as expected, this traffic accident was outrageous.


At nine o'clock in the morning, Wang Luo called.

After Mu Rufeng answered the call, Wang Luo said, "The helicopter you want has been bought, but you also know that the speed limit is 80 now, so it will definitely not be transported today."

The two sides are more than 2,000 kilometers apart. Even if three shifts are used and the transportation is carried out 24 hours a day, according to the maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

Twenty-four hours a day can only travel more than 1,900 kilometers.

Under normal circumstances, it may not be transported next week. After all, the road conditions are not what you say you can always maintain 80 kilometers.

"In this case, then next week is also fine, but it should be no problem to prepare a hot air balloon. I will try to use a hot air balloon." Mu Rufeng said.

Using a hot air balloon is also Mu Rufeng's alternative plan.

The main reason is that the hot air balloon cannot be fixed and suspended, and it will continue to rise, but in terms of speed, no matter what, it will not exceed 80 per hour.

But if there is a strong wind, it will be in trouble. Also, is the hot air balloon a means of transportation?

"Hot air balloon? That's fine. You can go directly to the Dragon Group base. When you arrive, the hot air balloon will probably arrive as well." Wang Luo said.

Mu Rufeng responded and left Muyun.

The helicopter is out of the question, so we can only use the hot air balloon.


Ten o'clock in the morning.

An open space in Changxiong Mental Hospital.

A huge hot air balloon slowly rises into the sky.

Many people are standing below, looking up at the person standing on the hot air balloon basket.

I have to say that hot air balloons are really good, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, anything is possible.

As long as there is enough fuel, and Mu Rufeng has prepared a lot of fuel.

As long as the flame keeps burning, there will be no problem in letting the hot air balloon rise to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

So, now we have to wait for the time to climb to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The reason why we go up now is naturally because we are afraid of not being able to catch up. It is definitely safer to think about going up in advance than to calculate the time to go up.

Mu Rufeng calculated that it would take more than an hour for the hot air balloon to reach an altitude of 10,000 meters.

As long as he reaches an altitude of 10,000 meters, he will be able to hit the rule clock.

Because no matter where he is, he can see the rule clock. No matter where he is in the sky, he does not need to worry about the collector not being able to hit the rule clock.

Not long after taking off, Mu Rufeng's phone rang.

Mu Rufeng picked it up and found that it was from Yan Zhicheng.

Yan Zhicheng's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Feng, why are you not at home? I knocked on the door for a long time."

"No, he went out."

Yan Zhicheng: "Brother Feng, when will you be back? New rules have been introduced today."

"Maybe in the afternoon."

Yan Zhicheng: "Ah? In the afternoon, where did you go, Brother Feng? Why did you come back in the afternoon?"

"I have something to do, I went to heaven. As for the new rule, I know it is [Good Sleep], and the sleep time must be between 8-10 hours a day."

"Once violated, the punishment is that you can only sleep four hours a day, no matter how sleepy you are, you can't fall asleep."

Yan Zhicheng: "Ah? Go to heaven? Brother Feng, don't lie to me, how can you fly? Besides, how can you know the rules in advance?"

"When have I ever lied to you? Let's talk later. If it's higher, there will be no signal." Mu Rufeng said, and hung up the phone directly.

Then Mu Rufeng sat on the ground, leaned on the railing, and read a novel with his mobile phone.

There is still more than an hour to fly up, how can I not read a novel to kill time.

11:58 noon.

Mu Rufeng put away his mobile phone and then slowly stood up.

At this moment, the hot air balloon has risen very high, it must have exceeded 10,000 meters.

It may have reached an altitude of 12,000 or 13,000 meters.

This altitude is also acceptable. After all, although the rule clock is above 10,000 meters, it is huge, and the highest point may be 20,000 meters.

Soon, two minutes passed, and the time came to 12 noon on July 21.

"Dong Dong Dong~~!"

The familiar bell sounded.

A huge clock slowly emerged in the void.

A vast breath spread out.

When on the ground, Mu Rufeng was also quite shocked when he looked up at the rule clock in the sky.

But now facing this rule clock directly, it still brought Mu Rufeng a greater shock.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the space-time breath collector from his pocket, and then threw it hard towards the rule clock in front of him without hesitation.

The terrifying force acted on the collector.

A rumbling sound was heard, which was the sound of the sound barrier.

However, at this moment, the collector suddenly changed direction and then flew into the sky.

Completely ignoring the laws of physics.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the collector was not controlled by the direction of the force he burst out, but flew directly into the sky.

[New rules this week: good sleep]

[Good sleep]: The daily sleep time is within 8-10 hours. If you violate the rules, you can only sleep for four hours a day. This rule will be offline in two months.

"It's really this rule. It seems that the rules that Tang Xinhe said are likely to be true." Mu Rufeng heard the prompt sound in his ear and murmured to himself.

When the new rules came, the rule time and space began to become illusory.

However, just when the rule clock was about to disappear, the collector clock thrown by Mu Rufeng accurately hit the core in the middle of the rule clock.

That is, the three pointers in the center of the rule clock dial, the origin device at the end of the fixed hour hand, minute hand, and second hand.

When it hit, the originally illusory rule clock suddenly became real.

"Click, click, click~~~!"

The sound of gears turning but being forcibly stuck sounded and spread throughout the world.

"What is this sound? Click, click, click, did you hear it?"

"Look, the rule clock in the sky didn't disappear."

"Fuck, what's going on? Is there a hot air balloon up there?"

"Your eyes are so powerful? Can you see this? I can't see anything clearly."

"I have a telescope, damn, there are people on that hot air balloon."

The changes in the rule clock made most people notice it and were extremely shocked.

They hadn't recovered from the rule yet, and they encountered the rule clock stuck and didn't disappear.

Some people with sharp eyes, or telescopes, even saw the hot air balloon.

On the other hand, Wang Luo's face, which was always calm, finally changed a little.

"Success, it actually succeeded." Wang Luo laughed.


[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the third stage task and obtaining 100% clearance completion]

[The fourth stage is open. Players are requested to go to the core of the rule clock within fifteen minutes to protect the collector from being destroyed by monsters and wait for the collector to complete the absorption of the breath of the space-time rule]

Soon, a fifteen-minute countdown appeared.

"Guard the core of the rule clock? Monster?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused by these prompts.

But soon, Mu Rufeng noticed something was wrong.

I saw that the numbers on the rule clock began to move, as if some monster was trying to break free from it.

At the same time, the dots between the numbers representing seconds also began to move.

Mu Rufeng could see that the heads of mechanical monsters were coming out of it.

Mu Rufeng understood that what he had to resist were these mechanical monsters, and the core, needless to say, was the point in the center of the clock that was hit by the collector.

There were two huge metal rings on both sides of the rule clock, which were originally constantly surrounding the clock. Because of the jam, the rings were also stationary.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng did not hesitate at all, and jumped directly, stepped on the edge of the basket, and then jumped hard.

The powerful force directly broke the basket, and Mu Rufeng flew forward.

Mu Rufeng was not stupid enough to use the parachute directly. If he used it now, he would not be able to get down after the fourth stage mission was completed.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng could only rely on the strength of his body to land on the clock.

Mu Rufeng had long aimed at the opportunity, and the place where he wanted to land was one of the two rings.

After flying a long distance, Mu Rufeng began to fall downwards.

He was getting closer and closer to the rule clock.

This rule clock is a bit strange. It seems to have only one side, but no matter which direction you look at it from, you can see the same side.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

Mu Rufeng hit the ring. Under the strong inertia, Mu Rufeng couldn't grab the ring at all, and could only slide down quickly.

But it was okay. There were many gaps on the rule clock. Although they were not big, Mu Rufeng kept grabbing and pinching with both hands, and finally stabilized his body at the bottom.

When looking at the rule clock from the ground, it seemed to be extremely smooth, and there were no gaps. But when Mu Rufeng jumped up, he found that there were really many gaps.

Some were big and some were small. The big ones were as big as a fist, and the small ones were just the gaps between fingers.

But because the material and color were the same, they could not be seen from the ground.

Mu Rufeng looked at the countdown. Three minutes had passed. Then, he had to climb to the center of the rule clock within twelve minutes.

Mu Rufeng looked at it. It was at least a thousand meters away.

However, this did not pose a problem for Mu Rufeng. He exerted force with both hands, and his body instantly flew into the air and flew upwards.

When the upward force was about to run out, Mu Rufeng grabbed the gap with both hands again, and then continued to exert force.

In this way, Mu Rufeng quickly went upward.

While rushing on the road, Mu Rufeng also saw that there were mechanical monsters among those small dots.

They were about the same size as humans, and their whole bodies were made of iron, with some gears and machinery exposed, full of heaviness.

Of course, there were not only this type of body, but also all kinds of strange and various forms.

They moved very quickly, all swarming towards the core.

However, no matter how fast they were, they were not as fast as Mu Rufeng. According to Mu Rufeng's calculations, the fastest batch would take about ten minutes to reach the core.

That was about fifteen minutes for the system to give him.

Mu Rufeng immediately increased his speed, and soon, Mu Rufeng came to a place level with the core.

However, Mu Rufeng did not stop and continued to go up.

There was no way, the middle part was too far away from the clock dial, and even with Mu Rufeng's current strength, it was difficult to jump over.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng needs to reach a certain height before jumping down, so that he can successfully jump up.

And Mu Rufeng's actions were seen by many people.

Although it was at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the appearance of the rule clock cleared all the clouds in the sky.

And now it is a technological society, whether it is a telescope or some equipment, Mu Rufeng's actions can be clearly observed.

Among them, of course, Wang Luo from the Dragon Group was included.

Wang Luo put down the special high-definition telescope and immediately issued an order: "Quick, mobilize all forces for me immediately, collect hot air balloons, ordinary ones are not allowed, the kind that can fly up to 10,000 meters."

"Yes, team leader!"

Wang Luo also clearly saw the emergence of those monsters, and he quickly thought of something, so he issued this order without hesitation.

"Immediately organize manpower, let the soldiers stand by, and be ready for battle." Wang Luo issued an order again.

"Yes, team leader!"

Because Wang Luo knew that Mu Rufeng was going to fight against the rule clock, he had transferred a group of fully armed soldiers from a certain J area early, just in case.

After giving the order, Wang Luo continued to observe the situation above through the telescope.

With five minutes left, Mu Rufeng had reached a good height, so he didn't hesitate much. He kicked his feet hard and his body instantly shot forward.

After flying hundreds of meters and descending a long distance, Mu Rufeng finally approached the clock.

Then, he hit the dial accurately and continued to fall downwards.

But Mu Rufeng would not let himself fall like this. He kept grabbing those gaps with his hands and feet.

After descending dozens of meters, Mu Rufeng finally grabbed a gap steadily and fixed his body on the dial.

At the same time, because there were many mechanical monsters around, they were smashed or fell by him.


The sound of gears turning was heard, and a mechanical monster on the side was also rubbed because of Mu Rufeng, and then fell from above.

But he also grabbed the gap and stabilized his body. Seeing Mu Rufeng's figure next to him, he immediately stretched out his claws and slapped Mu Rufeng directly.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng kicked him.

In an instant, the mechanical monster was kicked and exploded directly, and then fell downwards.

His kick was tens of tons of force, and this mechanical monster couldn't bear it.

There were actually many monsters around, but most of them ignored Mu Rufeng and went to the core part instead.

Only the mechanical monsters affected by Mu Rufeng would attack Mu Rufeng.


The huge metal ring of the rule clock suddenly turned forcibly.

As the metal ring turned, the space around it changed.

The space that was originally falling vertically actually slowly turned into a plane at this moment.

At this moment, the ring was fixed again, and the clicking sound disappeared. It was completely fixed and could not move.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng could stand on it steadily, and all the monsters could stand up instead of crawling towards the core.

The space became a plane, and Mu Rufeng showed a look of surprise on his face.

To be honest, the previous situation was actually quite unfavorable to him, but now this plane space allows Mu Rufeng to exert his strength as much as possible.

Mu Rufeng immediately kicked his feet hard, and his body instantly shot towards the core.

Those monsters also ran, very fast, estimated to reach a speed of 40 to 50 yards.

But they couldn't catch up with Mu Rufeng at all. Mu Rufeng went all out and reached a speed of 80 yards per hour.

However, Mu Rufeng was a little out of control for a while, running too fast and exceeding the speed limit.

Mu Rufeng didn't notice anything wrong. It was clearly 80 yards, but it didn't violate the rules.

He soon realized that the speed limit for vehicles was 80, and his running speed was not limited.

Satellites, space stations, etc., can reach speeds of more than 80 mph, but they are not vehicles, so they will not trigger the rules.

Mu Rufeng arrived at the core at the last minute.

The core was very large, hundreds of meters long. Mu Rufeng jumped up and came to the center of the core.

The collector he threw out was embedded here at the moment, emitting a red light, as if absorbing something.

At this moment, another countdown appeared, and this time the countdown was 24 hours.

"No way, let me stay here for a day and a night?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He looked up and saw the distance, and found that the first batch of monsters could be seen from all directions.

It would take at most one minute to reach the core.

Mu Rufeng looked around and took a deep breath: "Damn, I should have a weapon."

However, at this point, Mu Rufeng could only defend the ring. If there were weapons, they could only be removed from these mechanical monsters.

At this moment, this core of hundreds of meters was like a ring, and Mu Rufeng was the one defending the ring.

Mu Rufeng saw with his sharp eyes that countless monsters were bred from those small dots, which was simply endless.

The most important thing is that the monsters in the twelve numbers have also been bred.

They are huge, all over three meters. Starting from three, the larger the number, the taller the size.

The number twelve even bred a monster that reached twelve meters.

These digital monsters are more powerful, but the breeding speed is slower, about fifteen minutes to breed.

As for the small dots between the numbers, they are relatively weak and the breeding time is very fast, about fifteen seconds to breed one.

In other words, in one minute, there will be two hundred and forty mechanical monsters.

Twelve digital monsters are bred every fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes have just passed, and a total of 3612 monsters have been bred.

This is an extremely terrifying number. Mu Rufeng felt that he would be exhausted if he guarded here for a day.

Mu Rufeng saw that the monsters still had dozens of seconds to rush over, and he immediately took out a satellite phone and dialed Wang Luo's number.

"Captain Wang, let me make it short. Now the rule clock has materialized, and my props are destroying the core of the rule clock."

"The clock monster gave birth to monsters, 240 of which will appear every minute, and twelve more powerful digital monsters will appear every 15 minutes."

"Send someone up now, take a hot air balloon, and be fully equipped. By the way, it's best to find me a handy weapon, regardless of the type, it must be large and heavy, and it will take about 24 hours to hold on."

"That's it, the monster is coming, ah, I almost forgot, get me more meat, I need to replenish my physical strength." Mu Rufeng said, and hung up the phone directly.

Putting away the satellite phone, Mu Rufeng took a deep breath, his muscles tensed, and the blood and qi in his body slowly mobilized.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng kicked his feet hard, and his agile figure shot towards the dozens of monsters in front.

Without waiting for the monsters to get close, Mu Rufeng took the lead.

The terrifying power instantly smashed more than a dozen monsters into pieces.

Then Mu Rufeng turned around and punched out. This was the Heaven-Opening Divine Fist.

The terrifying Qi and blood power burst out, and the powerful force directly penetrated more than ten monsters in front.

Then Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and grabbed a metal spine about three meters long, which seemed to be pulled out of a mechanical tiger.

Mu Rufeng smashed the monster, but the metal spine was intact, which could be used as a weapon.

On the ground, Wang Luo slowly hung up the phone.

He could also see those monsters and knew the seriousness of the matter.

Then he began to issue orders immediately.

This time, orders were issued directly to all parts of the country, requisitioning hot air balloons that could fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then sending combat personnel up.

They also had to bring weapons, ammunition and food.

At this moment, the huge state machine began to operate.

However, even so, the fastest batch of combat personnel and food would not arrive until a few hours later.

After all, the weight of a hot air balloon is limited, and it can only carry about 16 people.

However, considering the weapons, ammunition and parachutes, it is safest to take ten people.

There are only a limited number of hot air balloons that can fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, but there will be a lot of them all over the country.

Conservatively speaking, there must be hundreds of them. If there are ten people in a hot air balloon, that means a thousand fully armed personnel.

There are enough people, and ammunition will be delivered later.

There will be absolutely no problem to hold on for a day.

The scene turned and came to the rule clock.

Mu Rufeng stood in front of the collector, waving the metal spine in his hand.

As long as those mechanical monsters were hit or even hit, they would burst directly and turn into a drop of parts.

However, those mechanical monsters had no reason or fear at all, and they came towards Mu Rufeng frantically.

However, Mu Rufeng's powerful force swung the metal spine, and those mechanical monsters could not get close at all.

Fortunately, these monsters did not have long-range attack methods, otherwise Mu Rufeng would have to passively take the beating.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, and the monsters still did not decrease, and they kept coming.

At the same time, the twelve digital monsters had already arrived in front of the core.

One of the tallest digital monsters jumped onto the core stage.

There was a 12 logo on his chest, but before he could stand firm, a metal head the size of a basin burst out with a terrifying sound barrier and whistled away.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The metal head hit 12's head accurately.

The terrifying force directly caused its head to explode, and then its huge body fell backwards due to the force of inertia.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

12's huge body fell to the ground, and even killed many mechanical monsters.

After killing so many mechanical monsters, Mu Rufeng knew that the core of these mechanical monsters was in the head. As long as the head was blown up, they would die.

If you only smashed the body, as long as the limbs were intact, it would be the same as nothing happened and would continue to attack.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng saw the monster with the number 1 opened its bloody mouth, and a terrifying flame spurted out from it.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng suddenly shouted and punched out.

The terrifying fist pressure burst out instantly, blowing the flame back.

Then Mu Rufeng hooked his foot, and a fist-sized metal part flew up, and Mu Rufeng kicked it with a whip kick.

The metal part burst into a huge roar again, and then accurately smashed the head of number 1.


At this time, a huge six-meter-tall metal gorilla jumped high, dozens of meters, and then crossed a distance of a hundred meters, and punched directly at Mu Rufeng.

He held the metal spine with both hands, took a step forward, and his body also jumped high, and then threw the metal spine in the air.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the metal spine collided with his fist.

The terrifying force directly caused the metal spine to explode, and the metal gorilla's arms also exploded.

When both of them landed, Mu Rufeng once again did a backflip and appeared above the metal gorilla.

Without waiting for its reaction, Mu Rufeng crushed its head with a Sky-Splitting Step, and then stepped steadily on the metal ground from top to bottom.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng noticed movement behind him, and lowered his head suddenly, and saw a sharp metal claw passing over his head.

It was the metal cheetah.

Mu Rufeng did not even look back, and directly hit the metal cheetah with a back elbow.

The monsters around, including the digital monsters, came closer again.

"It's really hard to stop, but this feeling is really great!"

Mu Rufeng laughed. He hadn't fought like this for a long time since he came back from Tiandao Continent.


More than two hours later.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we're almost there, everyone check the equipment, control the direction, and prepare to extinguish the flames and land at the destination."

Wang Luo spoke to the crowd through the intercom.

"Yes, team leader!"

The combat personnel responded quickly.

At this moment, there are thirteen hot air balloons that have taken off and landed, and their speeds are similar, but they are far away.

There are two hot air balloons near Wang Luo that can be contacted by walkie-talkie.

There are also ten combatants on one of the hot air balloons, but there are only two on the other hot air balloon, and the rest are all storing meat.

It is already half past two in the afternoon, and two and a half hours have passed since Mu Rufeng called.

In these two and a half hours, countless monsters swarmed in, but were resisted by Mu Rufeng.

"Listen to my orders and extinguish the fuel." Wang Luo gave the order.

The next moment, a combatant stepped forward to extinguish the flame.

Suddenly, the hot air balloon without heat stopped rising, but began to slowly descend towards the front.

"Wait until it descends to a certain height, and then fire freely."

"Yes, team leader!"

Everyone responded immediately.

They are the first group of people, and there are more behind them, and there are also combatants from all over the country who come up in hot air balloons, but the time is definitely not so fast.

Of course, they were the first to come up, and those behind them would definitely come up one after another.

After a few minutes, the hot air balloon seemed to have entered a flat space, and the regular clock in front of them suddenly became a flat surface.

That is, the clock is now below them.

This change surprised everyone.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides was only a few dozen meters.

"Free fire!"

After Wang Luo gave the order, he immediately shot at the monster below.

"Da Da Da~~!"

The rest of the combatants also quickly launched an attack.

The powerful firepower instantly shattered the bodies of those mechanical monsters.

However, as long as the head was not hit, the rest of the mechanical monsters had no damage at all, and even ignored them and continued to move towards the core.

The automatic rifles they brought were powerful, but they were not very beneficial to these mechanical monsters.

Because they were made of metal, they still had a certain resistance to hot weapons.

However, they were still beaten to pieces and even had their heads shattered due to the fierce firepower.

Soon, the hot air balloon landed on the clock, and the combatants instantly became extremely alert.

If these monsters swarmed in, they would not be able to resist.

They had come for this mission with the determination to die.

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