I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 358 The Collapse of the Rule Clock [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

To their surprise, these monsters completely ignored their existence, as if only the core would attract them.

For these people, they did not attack at all, just ignored them.

However, once they attacked, the attacked monsters would turn around and fight back against them.

"Don't do it yet, transport the supplies over and meet Mu Rufeng." Wang Luo quickly issued an order.

Then, a group of people immediately carried the cooked meat and ran towards the core.

Twenty-eight of them gathered together, each carrying twenty kilograms of meat.

No, it was twenty-five people, and the remaining three people carried a huge Fang Tian Hua Ji.

It was hard to imagine how heavy this weapon was when three people carried it.

If the weight on them was added, it would be even more terrifying.

However, these people were the elite among the elites, and this amount of weight was still no problem.

Soon, they came to a place not far from the core, but they couldn't get in.

Because there were too many monsters, they almost filled the bottom, and then kept jumping into the core area.

At the same time, there were also a lot of broken parts and roaring sounds.

At that time, Mu Rufeng was still attacking continuously.

"Mu Rufeng, we are here." Wang Luo shouted.

"I can't leave, you find a way to come." Mu Rufeng's voice also came at the right time.

"Grenade to open the way." Wang Luo heard the words and immediately gave the order.

The next moment, a series of explosions sounded.

"Boom boom boom ~ ~!"

The crowded mechanical monsters in front were instantly killed, and then a passage was blown out.

However, just when they wanted to go, they found that the mechanical monsters around them filled the gap again.

"Did you bring food?" Mu Rufeng's voice sounded again.

"I brought several hundred kilograms of cooked meat." Wang Luo replied.

"Okay, you watch the time."

"Ten thousand thunders--"

With Mu Rufeng's roar, a large amount of thunder flashed in the void, and then fell from the sky.

"Hua la la ~ ~!"

The surroundings were covered with thunder, and all the mechanical monsters fell apart instantly wherever the thunder passed.

In a moment, the core 100-meter position was completely cleared.

However, the place where Wang Luo and the others stood was intact, and Lei Ting did not attack them at all.

"Quick, go up immediately."

The crowd saw the opportunity quickly and quickly came to the bottom of the core ring.

The core ring was high, three meters high, but this did not bother them. One by one, they threw their meat up, and then one by one, they jumped up as a ladder.

But soon, they were in trouble because they had no way to deal with the huge weapon.

Because it was too heavy, they could not pull it up at all.

But at this moment, Mu Rufeng's figure came over.

After he jumped down, he took the Fang Tian Huaji in his hand with one hand, and then waved it.

"Yes, this is more than 100 kilograms, right? Where did you get it?" Mu Rufeng jumped up again and asked Wang Luo.

"This was made by a rich man in Changsha who asked the factory to use a special alloy. This guy is obsessed with Lu Bu and spent millions of dollars to make it for his collection."

"Just because you said you would send you a weapon, I borrowed it temporarily. Is it convenient?"

"Yes, let's go to the core first and move the meat over. I'm almost starving." Mu Rufeng said, grabbing a huge piece of cooked meat and chewing it directly.

After more than two hours of non-stop fighting, his strength has also been consumed a lot. He needs food to replenish, otherwise, he will be exhausted after holding on for about five hours at most.

Don't think that holding on for seven hours is amazing, that's because Mu Rufeng wants to save his energy, otherwise, he can't hold on for seven hours.

The most important thing is that the strength of these mechanical monsters is too different from his, and he consumes the most energy when killing those digital monsters.

If there were no digital monsters, Mu Rufeng would definitely be able to hold on for a day and a night.

But now with the support of these combatants and food, Mu Rufeng can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Mu Rufeng and his companions came to the collector.

There was still about a minute before the monsters came over.

Mu Rufeng was like crazy, eating the meat in big mouthfuls, and he didn't even chew it, just swallowed it directly.

His strong stomach acid can also digest it quickly.

"Is this the magic weapon you are talking about? Why do I feel like it was made in modern times?" Wang Luo looked at the collector and said.

"Well, it was made in modern times, but the core is my prop, and the others are just auxiliary." Mu Rufeng said.

"So that's it, will this cause the rule clock to collapse?" Wang Luo asked.

"It should be, the monsters are coming, you guard the one o'clock and two o'clock directions, the digital monsters over there are weaker, and the others, leave it to me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Wang Luo responded immediately.

When the mechanical monster jumped onto the ring, Mu Rufeng also slowly stood up from the ground.

He was now holding the Fang Tian Huaji in his right hand and a piece of meat in his left hand. Fighting did not delay eating meat.

"Da Da Da~~~~!"

A large number of bullets poured out, and the powerful firepower directly scattered the mechanical monsters all over the ground.

And Mu Rufeng, holding the end of the Fang Tian Hua Ji, fiercely swept towards the monsters attacking from the front.

Everything that was touched was turned into parts on the ground.

This weapon is much stronger than the metal spine. It is extremely hard and can display combat skills.

There is not a single intact mechanical monster within a radius of more than ten meters.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was an explosion from the back. Mu Rufeng looked and found that they used grenades again.

The lethality of grenades is not small, especially for these monsters gathered together.

At the same time, they are small and easy to carry. Each of them has a lot of grenades hanging around their waists and inner shirts, which are enough for a long time.

When the digital monster appeared, Mu Rufeng found that there was actually a combatant assembling a cannon barrel, which is commonly known as RPG.

Soon, the RPG was assembled.

Loaded with ammunition, a rocket was fired at a digital monster.

"Boom!" With a loud noise.

The digital monster was directly turned into parts on the ground.

Then, they began to load ammunition again, aiming at the second digital monster.

After a loud bang, the digital monster shattered again.

It must be said that the combatant's skills are still very good. He hits one by one and never makes mistakes.

At the same time, these digital monsters have no reason, will not dodge, and will only attack instinctively.

"Don't hit the digital monsters above six. Although the RPG is powerful enough, they will resist instinctively. Just hit the ones below six, and leave the ones above six to me."

Mu Rufeng saw that the combatant wanted to attack the tallest twelve, and Mu Rufeng immediately stopped him.

"Yes, deputy team leader." The man also responded immediately.

Then, Mu Rufeng entered the God of War mode again and killed these monsters.

It must be said that the arrival of Wang Luo and his group really relieved a lot of pressure.

Just at this time, a voice suddenly came from Wang Luo's intercom.

"Report to the team leader, the third and fourth teams have joined together and are now about 500 meters outside."

Wang Luo immediately stopped, reached out and grabbed the walkie-talkie, and opened the call:

"Okay, don't come over, just wait for the monsters that appear outside. Remember, those monsters will not attack you actively. They will attack you after you attack."

"All RPGs attack the digital monsters."

"Yes, team leader." The third and fourth teams turned around instantly and headed for the edge of the rule clock.

After a while, the other teams also slowly landed under the rule clock.

Except for the 28 of them, the rest of the teams were ordered by Wang Luo to go to the edge of the rule clock.

Attack those mechanical monsters before they are fully out.

In this way, their pressure can be greatly reduced.

However, when these combatants came to the edge and started to attack, they found that the monsters that had not been fully created could not be hit at all.

Even if the heads were exposed, the guns would be blocked by some force.

However, once they were fully manufactured, their guns became useful.

They carried a lot of ammunition, enough to last for a long time.

At the same time, each team brought RPGs, and as long as the digital monsters came out, they would give priority to using RPGs.

Of course, they also had to use them sparingly, so that they could throw grenades.

Sometimes they could also blow up the heads of digital monsters accurately.

Of course, their ammunition would always run out.

But it didn't matter, because the combat personnel behind them and the supplies and ammunition would continue to come up.

Anyway, as long as they didn't take the initiative to attack, the monsters wouldn't attack them.

This way, they had enough time to find the supplies transported up later to replenish their ammunition.

Half an hour later, the ammunition brought by Wang Luo and his men ran out.

Even if they used it sparingly, they hardly stopped, and they had enough to last so long.

"Mu Rufeng, we are out of ammunition, we need to replenish it, you stay for a while." Wang Luo shouted.

"Okay, remember to bring more ammunition and food this time." Mu Rufeng responded.

"That's natural. There will be a steady stream of combat personnel and supplies coming up later. I'll have them dispersed on the edge to attack those monsters."

"After a while, our pressure should be much less." Wang Luo said.

"That's fine. By then, I'll take a break. I'm so tired. I'll help you clear a passage first."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he shouted fiercely and mobilized the blood and qi in his body.

Sky-shattering strike--

The terrifying power burst out in an instant, and the Fang Tian Huaji turned into a stream of light and flew out. Wherever it passed, all the monsters exploded.

At the same time, it also killed the 12-digit monster coming from a distance.

At the same time, the terrifying shock wave also burst out, shaking the mechanical monsters around away.

A passage was cleared in an instant.

Wang Luo and others also quickly left the ring along this passage.

They got off the ring, avoided the monsters that rushed again, and quickly went to the distance.

There were quite a few hot air balloons landing at the twelve o'clock position, many of which were filled with ammunition and even food, but not many people.

To be honest, they actually had enough people, and the only thing they lacked was ammunition.

During this half hour, more than a dozen hot air balloons landed on the rule clock, half of which were fully armed combatants and half were supplies.

Ten minutes later, a group of people arrived at the supply department.

Wang Luo did not say any nonsense, and called the combatants guarding the side to let them immediately follow and carry these supplies.

There was no way, the intercom was not on the same channel as them, and they were people from other places.

Otherwise, Wang Luo would have asked them to take the supplies to the core area directly.

Most people on the ground could not see the picture on the rule clock clearly.

But as long as they used a telescope, they could see a large number of hot air balloons taking off and then landing on it, and they could also see some flames.

The sound was definitely inaudible, but it did not prevent them from knowing that there was a fierce exchange of fire on it.

"Fuck, is this a national action?"

"Didn't they take action last week? They said this rule time and space is illusory, how come it has become real now?"

"The country must have used some method to make it appear. Now there are so many monsters and the battle is very fierce."

"Awesome, really awesome."

"What a pity, what a pity, the speed limit is 80, so we can only use hot air balloons to go up. If there is no speed limit, we can directly arrange fighter jets and cover the firepower in minutes."

On the ground, almost everyone is paying attention to the situation above.

In addition to these ordinary people, foreign forces are also paying attention.

Even, they have begun to take action.

Similarly, hot air balloons are launched, and they can also land on them.

It can be imagined that people will continue to take hot air balloons to land on the rule clock in the future.

There are domestic and foreign people.

Seeing that it is so lively above, in order to prevent it from being monopolized by Dragon Country, foreign countries naturally have to join in the fun.

Almost all foreign combatants are fully armed, but they have not clashed with Dragon Country personnel.

After all, they had already been in contact, and this was also to prevent disputes.

As more and more combatants came out, some mechanical monsters were directly destroyed as soon as they came out.

In this way, the pressure on Mu Rufeng's side was greatly reduced.

At this moment, he was slumped on the ground, eating meat in big mouthfuls.

It has been twelve hours, and half of the time for holding on has passed. Just hold on for another twelve hours.

There are already a lot of people now, and there are still a steady stream of combatants coming up in hot air balloons.

It is estimated that after twelve hours, these people will probably have a traffic accident when they parachute.

Of course, this traffic accident is not caused by the speed limit of 80.

It is because there are too many people parachuting and too dense, and they may collide with each other.

It's okay, only the speed limit of 80 is for vehicles. If you run very fast and can break through 80 yards, there will be no traffic accidents.

When parachuting, the falling speed must exceed 80 yards, but it will not trigger the rules.

At this moment, there are already hundreds of combatants in the core area, and the nearby area is full of supplies they brought up.

There was no need for Mu Rufeng to take action, as these combatants could easily deal with the mechanical monsters.

It was possible that the digital monsters were a little more resilient, but they were killed by RPG before they could get close.

Even if they avoided it, they would be concentrated and killed in a short while.

"I'm so tired, I'll sleep for a while, if you can't hold it, remember to wake me up." Mu Rufeng lay beside the collector and shouted to Wang Luo.

"Well, you should rest, you haven't rested much in the battle for more than ten hours." Wang Luo nodded in response.

Soon, Mu Rufeng fell into a deep sleep, there was no way, he was really tired.

At the same time, it was also to get enough sleep for eight hours, otherwise, it would be against the rules.

I don't know how long I slept, Mu Rufeng heard a reminder sound in his ear in a daze.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully holding on for 24 hours, completing the fourth stage mission, and obtaining 100% clearance completion. Please keep the space-time breath collector properly]

[Please note that the rule clock will collapse in three minutes. Please leave as soon as possible]

Mu Rufeng woke up instantly.

He stood up and looked around. There were many combatants sitting aside to rest or eat, and some were still firing.

But soon, they all stopped.

Because, those mechanical monsters turned directly into parts on the ground at this moment.

"Dead, they are all dead."

"What happened? How did they all turn into a drop of broken copper and iron."

"I don't know, it suddenly became like this, and the most difficult digital monster is also."

Wang Luo, who was originally resting, was also awakened instantly because of the ceasefire.

"Quick, everyone, parachute immediately, the rule clock is about to collapse." Mu Rufeng shouted loudly.

He encouraged his own blood and qi power, and his voice spread far away.

In addition, it was relatively quiet here, so almost everyone heard it.

However, they hadn't reacted yet.

At this time, Wang Luo took out the walkie-talkie, connected everyone's channel, and issued an order: "All personnel, retreat immediately and parachute."

Wang Luo's order also made everyone react. The combatants at the edge did not hesitate too much. After packing up their luggage, they jumped down one after another.

The people in the core area were panicked.

Because they are too far away from the edge, they can't run faster.

At this time, Mu Rufeng said: "Don't worry, we just wait. After the rule clock collapses, it will fall directly into the illusion."

"However, we should spread out a little, don't collide with each other."

At this moment, Mu Rufeng has taken down the space-time breath collector and put it away, and the rule space-time has become somewhat looming.

At the same time, a large number of cracks began to emerge on the clock.

Everyone felt relieved when they heard it.

"Quick, listen to the deputy team leader and disperse immediately." Wang Luo said in a deep voice.

Everyone reacted when they heard it and quickly ran in all directions.

"Mu Rufeng, I didn't expect that the rule clock was really solved by you." Wang Luo said with a smile.

"Team Leader Wang, the rule clock has been destroyed. At that time, it depends on whether there will be rules coming next week."

"Also, you have to try again to see if the rules that were sent down before still exist." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course I know. I will arrange it immediately after I go down." Wang Luo said.

"That's fine. You should stand further away. I'm afraid there will be a traffic accident later." Mu Rufeng looked at the many figures on the rule clock and said.

"This depends on your own skills." Wang Luo said with a smile.

At this moment, the foreign combatants also found that the Dragon Country personnel at the edge jumped down, and they were also a little confused.

However, when they saw the clock rules under their feet began to crack, they immediately reacted.

Then they ran towards the edge frantically.

Although they also heard Mu Rufeng's reminder, they didn't understand Chinese.

Even some people understood, but they couldn't spread it quickly, so these frightened foreign combatants were created.

Three minutes passed in a flash.

The rule time and space also collapsed at this moment, and at the same time, it turned directly into illusion.

Those who were still stepping on the rule clock only felt that their feet were empty, and then passed through the rule clock and fell down.

However, the scene that Mu Rufeng thought would be a major car accident did not happen at all.

Because Mu Rufeng found that after they fell, all the people quickly returned to their respective spaces.

What does this respective space mean?

That is, you flew up from the hot air balloon, and you fell in that airspace.

It seems that those foreign combat personnel also returned directly to their own homeland.

The personnel that were originally densely packed like dumplings suddenly became extremely empty.

Mu Rufeng's body fell rapidly downward.

The feeling of weightlessness also came spontaneously, but this feeling of weightlessness was simply child's play for Mu Rufeng.

After flying for a while, Mu Rufeng saw that the time and altitude were almost the same, and he immediately opened his parachute.

The opening of the parachute instantly slowed down Mu Rufeng's speed.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Rufeng slowly landed on a mountain peak.

However, this place is a little different, it seems to be a tourist attraction, and he was on a certain building.

Mu Rufeng didn't know where he was.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone, opened the map app, and located himself. He found that he was actually on the Nanyue Hengshan Mountain, hundreds of kilometers away from Changsha.

It was normal to be so far away.

"Fuck, handsome guy, you didn't jump off the rule clock, did you?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded not far away.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng looked down and found that there were many people below.

He looked again and found that he was standing on top of a building.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, but the place where Mu Rufeng was standing at the moment was actually the highest point of Nanyue Hengshan Mountain.

The weather was very good today, and many people were climbing the mountain.

When Mu Rufeng came, he scared these people, and then they were shocked.

"Yes, it must be. Many hot air balloons went up before."

"The rule clock collapsed, and they all came down."

Suddenly, people around talked a lot, and kept taking out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

Mu Rufeng didn't care much about it, and directly took out his mobile phone to call Liu Li.

The reason why Wang Luo was not beaten was naturally because this guy's situation should be the same as his.

"Liu Li, I am now on the top of Nanyue Hengshan Mountain. Please send a car to pick me up at the foot of the mountain." Mu Rufeng said.

Liu Li: "Mr. Mu, you said you are now on Hengshan Mountain? Don't you need me to drive the car to the top of the mountain to pick you up?"

"No, I will go down by myself. Please send a car quickly."

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I will arrange for the local Dragon Group members to arrive within ten minutes without any accidents."

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, responded, and hung up the phone directly.

Then Mu Rufeng looked at the road down the mountain, and jumped directly, jumping down from above, directly over the crowd, and landed in the distance.

Mu Rufeng did not go down the stairs, but jumped directly to the mountain forest area on the side.

Going down the mountain here is naturally very fast.

After a few jumps, Mu Rufeng disappeared in front of everyone.

Those tourists immediately ran to the railing on the edge of the cliff.

At this moment, they could only see a small black dot.

Now he doesn't care whether something will be discovered by ordinary people.

Because the appearance of the rule clock and the addition of a new rule every week have made people all over the world aware of the existence of supernatural powers.

Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng arrived at the foot of the mountain.

And a car had already stopped there.

No, it should be many cars, but Mu Rufeng recognized at a glance that the man was coming to pick him up.

Because in front of the car, there was a man standing with a sign in his hand, which read: Mu Rufeng, three big characters.

Mu Rufeng walked up, opened the door, and sat directly on it: "Let's go, take me to Changsha."

"Deputy Team Leader Mu?"

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The man got in the car immediately and started the car.

"Team Leader Mu, because the speed limit is 80, it may not arrive so quickly. If you are tired, you can take a rest." The man said.

"Well, drive well, call me when you get to the place, I'll take a nap." Mu Rufeng responded, and then leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

But soon he thought of something, and immediately reached out and fumbled behind him, then pulled the seat belt and buckled it.

Now, whoever rides in a car without wearing a seat belt is really looking for death.

Vehicles are not prohibited now, but there is a speed limit. No matter where you are, even on the highway, the speed limit cannot exceed 80.

Manual transmission cars are more troublesome, and you need to pay attention to the dashboard at all times. Generally, you drive at around 70, because you are afraid that you will suddenly reach 80 without paying attention.

And automatic transmission cars, especially those with cruise control, are simply fairy cars.

Highways are also extremely convenient. Just set the speed to 75, and then you just need to stare at the windshield and keep an eye on the road conditions and step on the brakes.

Three hours later, Mu Rufeng got off at Changxiong Mental Hospital.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He met Wang Luo in the base.

Wang Luo came back faster than him.

Mu Rufeng talked with Wang Luo and got a little understanding.

Although the rule clock has collapsed, the few rules that were added before are still there.

However, the only thing is that these rules will be offline in two months at most.

Unfortunately, the first new rule has no time limit. If there is no accident, it must continue.

Then, Mu Rufeng said goodbye and left.

Mu Rufeng doesn't need to show up for the current things. If there is something, Wang Luo will contact him.

Soon, Mu Rufeng returned to the rental house on the second floor of the Internet cafe.

After Mu Rufeng completed the fourth stage task, he did not release the fifth stage task.

This also surprised Mu Rufeng. Mu Rufeng had only one guess, that is, the timing is not right now, and he needs to wait.

The first time he got home, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and charged it.

After staying in the sky for a whole day, the mobile phone had run out of power.

After charging, Mu Rufeng went to the bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a shower, Mu Rufeng turned on his mobile phone, and suddenly, a series of TT messages, text messages and missed calls popped up.

The most TT messages were sent by Liu Nan, and the text messages and missed calls were from Yan Zhicheng.

Mu Rufeng was about to reply to Yan Zhicheng when he heard a violent knock on the door.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, are you home? Are you home?"

"Yes, how did you know I was back?" Mu Rufeng opened the door and asked curiously.

"I told the supermarket owner next to the Internet cafe that if she saw a very handsome man going to the back alley, she should call me immediately." Yan Zhicheng explained.

After the explanation, he said to Mu Rufeng: "Brother Feng, where have you been these two days, and why are the new rules you said last time still correct?"

"Also, and, Brother Feng, do you know that the rule clock has collapsed, so many people have gone up, and it seems that there is a war going on up there."

"I said I didn't lie to you, and I know everything you said." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Brother Feng, of course you didn't lie to me, but how did you know the rules?" Yan Zhicheng felt like a weight was stuck in his heart. If he didn't know, he would definitely not be able to let go.

"Don't ask about social matters. I'm hungry now. Come on, I'll treat you to a big meal. Wait a minute, I'll change my clothes."

Mu Rufeng said, and walked towards the bedroom.

At this moment, he was wearing a pair of shorts.

"Brother Feng, you have a great figure. You must have no shortage of girlfriends. Unlike me, a fat otaku, I haven't even held a woman's hand yet." Yan Zhicheng said enviously.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "Then you should lose weight, too. You don't look ugly. If you lose weight, you will definitely look a little more handsome."

"I want to lose weight, but I can't stick to it. I used to think about eating less and exercising, but every night at 9 or 10 o'clock, I would be so hungry that my hands and feet would become weak."

"Not only did I not lose weight during that period, I also gained weight because of eating midnight snacks every day."

"I also wanted to go running, but I was exhausted after running 100 or 200 meters. After running 500 meters, I felt like my heart was going to jump out. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit, and I was dizzy and dizzy."

"I forced myself to run for a week, and then my knees were broken." Yan Zhicheng said with a sad face.

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