I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 359 The mastermind arrives, the upper limit is raised [ask for monthly votes! ]

"You are overweight, so you should take it slow. It's best to start from scratch. Also, when you earn money from this book, go to the gym and find a coach. Let him arrange a training plan for you and prepare food for you."

"You just have to spend more money. It depends on whether you are willing to spend it or not." Mu Rufeng put on his clothes and walked out.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Feng. I'll put it on the shelves in the middle of next month. I'll sign up for the class as soon as the money arrives next month." Yan Zhicheng said solemnly.

Then Mu Rufeng took Yan Zhicheng to a nearby seafood buffet restaurant.

Mu Rufeng has a big appetite, and Yan Zhicheng also has a big appetite because of his body size.

So, the most cost-effective one is the buffet.

98 yuan per person is very affordable. If the two want to eat to make back their money, there is still no problem.


Time flies, and it is the fifth week of Mu Rufeng's time travel, which is July 28, 2014, 11:59 am.

There is still one minute before the new rules are added and the rule clock appears.

"Brother Feng, do you think the rule clock will appear again? Will there still be rules?" Yan Zhicheng sat on the sofa in the living room and asked Mu Rufeng with some concern.

"I don't know either. There is still one minute left. We just need to wait." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then Brother Feng, do you know what the new rules are this time?" Yan Zhicheng asked again.

"Well, if the rule clock appears, then the rule this time is [Chatter]. You must talk to others more than two hundred sentences every day. If you violate the rules, you will become dumb." Mu Rufeng thought about it and said.

"Chatter? Two hundred sentences? That's quite easy to accomplish." Yan Zhicheng nodded slightly.

At this time, there were only five seconds left.

When the five seconds were over, the two were already standing on the balcony, looking up.


The sound of the clock rang, but there were some harsh sounds mixed in it, as if it was stuck.

The rule clock also reappeared in front of everyone.

However, this rule clock is a bunch of fragments that were forcibly put together. You can tell at a glance that this rule clock is broken.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, look, the rule clock has appeared, but it is broken and collapsed." Yan Zhicheng pointed to the sky and shouted.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, staring at the rule clock.

[New rules this week: Chatterbox]

[Chatterbox]: You need to complete 200 or more conversations with others every day. Those who violate the rules will become mute.

Note: This rule will be offline in one month.

The rules are still new, but the prompt sound can be heard in everyone's ears. The sound is a bit strange and intermittent.

"Brother Feng, you are really a chatterbox, and the clock is broken, and there are new rules." Yan Zhicheng was shocked.

"I didn't expect that the rule clock would collapse, and there would be new rules coming." Mu Rufeng's face became a little serious.

Just at this time, a prompt sound rang in his ears again, and it was the task issued by the system.

[The fifth stage of the mission has begun. The people behind the rule clock have already arrived in Longguo. Please capture or kill the infiltrators within one week]

[Note 1: Every time you kill a person, you can increase your own rule suppression limit by one level, and you can also allow the suppressed person to break the rule shackles and restore extraordinary power]

[Note 2: The opponent's target is all traversers, and the key target is the player Mu Rufeng]

Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard the fifth stage of the mission.

Unexpectedly, the mastermind behind the release of the rule clock has already arrived in Longguo. It seems that they also need something special from the traversers.

And Mu Rufeng is actually their key target.

However, the most surprising thing is that every time you kill a person, you can increase his limit, and you can break the rule shackles of Wang Luo and other traversers and restore their extraordinary power.

Judging from the mission, there are definitely more than one person coming, and it is estimated that there are quite a lot of people.

The most important thing is that these guys are estimated to have extraordinary power.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng? Are you listening to me?"

"I don't want to be dumb, let's chat quickly."

"Brother Feng? What's wrong with you? Didn't you hear what I said? Or are you distracted?"

Yan Zhicheng's chattering voice came to my ears.

I guess he was also infected by the rules.

"Nothing, thinking about something."

"You are right, but wait a minute, I need to make a call." Mu Rufeng waved his hand, picked up the phone, and was about to call Wang Luo.

Just before he could dial, Wang Luo's call came first.

"Team Leader Wang? What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng had some bad premonitions.

"Something happened. There is a second person with extraordinary power besides you." Wang Luo said.

"Huh? What's going on? Tell me." Mu Rufeng asked immediately.

"Just now, the base was attacked. They were wearing black armor and were very strong. Their hands could tear steel apart. The black armor could also resist attacks from hot weapons."

"We suppressed them with firepower and repelled them, but eight travelers were still captured." Wang Luo said.

"Black armor? Tearing steel apart with hands? Capturing travelers? Did you track down their location?" Wang Luo asked.

"They seem to be unrestricted by the rules and drove away. We learned from the surveillance that they left the city. We were limited to a speed of 80 mph and could not catch up at all." Wang Luo said.

"How many people are there?" Mu Rufeng asked after a moment of silence.

"Ten people, and it feels like this is just a wave of people, there must be more, and I feel like they are not from this world."

Wang Luo had a strong intuition about these black-armored people who suddenly appeared, as if they were not from this world.

"It is possible that the power of the rule clock has secretly descended on our world." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems that they do have some conspiracy, but why do they want to capture us traversers?" Wang Luo fell into deep thought.

I didn't think so at first, I just thought they were here to attack their Dragon Group.

However, they are almost not interested in ordinary people, and they will only attack ordinary people when they fight back.

When facing traversers, they all take the initiative to attack, but they don't kill them, but only capture them.

After catching people, they are suppressed by the opponent's firepower, so they quickly evacuate.

"How strong are they?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Ordinary firearms have no effect and cannot leave marks on the black armor. Sniper rifles also cannot leave marks, but the power they burst out can repel the black armored people."

"Heavy weapons such as grenades and RPGs can repel them. They cannot break through the defense, but they can injure them with impact force."

"Their strength is also very strong, definitely not inferior to my previous strength. With such strong strength, their bodies are also extremely strong."

"In this case, they will definitely be able to withstand the impact force generated by our heavy weapons, unless we use more powerful firepower to cover them and shock them to death." Wang Luo said.

"Did you use electricity? Or fire." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"We don't have electric shock guns or flamethrowers in our base, but I have asked people to prepare them." Wang Luo said.

"Well, after finding their location, notify me as soon as possible, and I will rush over. By the way, prepare a knife for me. The weight and style are not limited, but it must be hard. I want the best flexibility and hardness." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Wang Luo responded and hung up the phone directly.

"That. Brother Feng, why do I feel a little confused about what you said." Yan Zhicheng looked at Mu Rufeng with a confused face.

"If you don't understand, don't listen. It's not good for you to know these things."

"By the way, how is your new book?" Mu Rufeng's two hundred words still need to be said. Although it feels that there will be some problems with the rules, the rules should still be followed.

"Brother Feng, I'm serious. I really want to know what you said."

"My new book is very good. It ranks first on the new book list. The collection has reached 200,000, and there is also a golden alliance."

"Hurry up and tell me, Brother Feng, you know, I write novels, and I am extremely curious." Yan Zhicheng asked again.

"The results are so good, why don't you go home and write quickly."

"Curiosity kills the cat, don't you know?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"I'm not a cat, you can't kill me. Come on, Brother Feng, tell me."

"I'll go home and write later."

Mu Rufeng heard this and said with a smile: "I belong to the special department. I broke the rules clock. As for the rules, naturally, the people in the special department told me."

"Okay, that's all I can say. No more. There are confidentiality regulations."

Yan Zhicheng heard this and looked at Mu Rufeng in shock: "Brother Feng, are you telling the truth?"

"Special department? You broke the rules clock too? You were the first person to go up in a hot air balloon?"

Mu Rufeng smiled and said: "Of course, the signal up there is not good, otherwise I would call you."

"No wonder I called you last week and said you were out of service area. It turns out that you really went up." Yan Zhicheng was shocked.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng began to chat with Yan Zhicheng.

After all, two hundred sentences a day still need to be said.


Twelve o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng lay in bed quietly waiting for something.

Two minutes later, the phone rang. It was Wang Luo.

After the call was connected, Wang Luo's voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's confirmed that the rules are valid, but the punishment for violating the rules is wrong."

"Oh? The punishment for violating the rules? What is the punishment?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Wang Luo: "The original violation would result in becoming mute, but now after violating the rules, you can still speak, but you can only say ten sentences a day."

Mu Rufeng: "Ten sentences? That's not bad, as long as you don't become mute, you can just wait for the rule to go offline and then you can recover."

Wang Luo: "Yes, it seems that because the rule clock collapsed, the rules can still come, but the punishment for violating the rules will be much weaker."

Wang Luo used several death row prisoners to try the rules early.

Don't say it, he tried it out, so he called Mu Rufeng to explain the situation as soon as possible.

"Team Leader Wang, is there still no news about the black armored people?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Wang Luo: "No, they seem to have disappeared, and there is no news about the traverser."

Mu Rufeng: "No matter what, let's check it carefully. I will try my best to find it online. Let me know as soon as I find it."

"Well, by the way, the sword you want has been made. Will I send it to you tomorrow, or will you come to the base to get it yourself?" Wang Luo suddenly remembered something and said hurriedly.

"You can have someone send it to me. I'm too lazy to move."

"Okay, I got it."

"By the way, I almost forgot, does talking on the phone count as chatting?"

Wang Luo said: "No, it has to be face to face."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then hung up the phone.

"It's really difficult. There's only one week, and one day has passed." Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly.

To be honest, if these black-armored men hide in the city, they can be found in minutes.

And once they get into the deep mountains and forests, they can't be found at all.

If Mu Rufeng hasn't found it in a week, then the mission is likely to fail.

He doesn't know what will happen if the mission fails, and now he can only take it one step at a time.

Wang Luo and his team also gathered all the time travelers and arranged a large number of fully armed soldiers for protection.

As long as those black-armored people dare to appear again, this time, they will be covered with heavy firepower, regardless of life or death.

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, he gradually became sleepy and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated violently, followed by a rapid alarm.

Mu Rufeng woke up immediately and quickly went to the computer to check the surveillance screen.

Then, he saw a car after a car was running rampant on the street, and the target was very clear, that was Mu Rufeng.

The speed limit was 80 miles per hour, but it was completely exceeded without a traffic accident, so this was very obvious.

"Black-armored people? Are they here to find me?" Mu Rufeng smiled.

Then, Mu Rufeng opened the window and jumped directly out of the window.

When he just landed, he saw five cars appear at the entrance of the alley.

Immediately, a large number of black-armored men got off the car.

All of these people were wearing black armor, and their heads were also covered. Even their eyes were covered with mesh.

It can be said that the whole body was protected.

At the same time, they were all very tall. Wearing armor, each of them was more than two meters tall.

They blocked the alley, and the sense of oppression was still very strong.

"\u0026!" A strange note came out of the mouth of one of the black-armored men.

Although Mu Rufeng didn't understand, he had the ability to communicate with his mind and could clearly perceive the meaning of this word, which was the meaning of "up".

"Bang bang bang~~!"

Those black-armored men kicked their feet suddenly, bursting out with a violent collision sound, and then their bodies shot towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng lightly hooked his feet, and saw a head turn and fly up, and then kicked it.

"Swish swish swish!" The brick burst out with a whistling sound and smashed forward.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

The brick hit the head of a black-armored man directly, and the brick shattered instantly, and the black-armored man flew back directly.

However, before flying far, he hit the black-armored man behind him, and finally two or three black-armored men fell to the ground.

The other black-armored men didn't care about their fallen companions at all, and continued to come towards Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, they were very close.

The fastest one was already waving his fist and hitting Mu Rufeng's head.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng waved his fist without hesitation.

"Bang!" A sound.

The terrifying blood and qi power burst out, and the black armor was directly dented a little bit, while the latter shot back directly to the back.

He flew more than ten meters away before stopping.

After the black-armored man stabilized his body on the ground, he stood up directly with a carp jump, and attacked Mu Rufeng again as if nothing had happened.

"Interesting." Mu Rufeng retreated, avoiding the attack of one person, and then grabbed one of them by the arm.

Mu Rufeng pulled him hard, causing him to lose his balance and fly backwards.

Without waiting for him to fly away, Mu Rufeng grabbed the man's right leg with his right hand.

Then Mu Rufeng used the black-armored man as a weapon and started fighting the rest of the black-armored men.

"Bang bang bang~~!"

A series of golden sword sounds rang out, accompanied by fierce sparks.

Almost every collision would knock a black-armored man away.

And every time, those black-armored men stood up again as if nothing had happened, and then continued to attack Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, and used the black-armored men as weapons to continuously attack them.

The noise here also woke up the residents around.

They opened the windows one by one, and were about to start cursing, and then they saw the horrifying scene below.

Without any hesitation, he took out his phone and filmed the scene first, then called the police.

The walls on both sides were cracked due to the impact, and some were even directly broken through.

Even one wall of the Internet cafe collapsed.

A customer who was taking a shit was so scared that he didn't even wipe his butt, but just pulled up his pants and ran away.

There were many people staying up all night in the Internet cafe, and they all came to watch the fun. Seeing such a scene, they shouted that it was exciting.

Of course, they didn't dare to get too close, because the battle scene was so fierce that they would be crippled even if they didn't die.

"These guys are too tough, just like Xiaoqiang, and the black armor can't be stripped off. Otherwise, they will be killed in minutes." Mu Rufeng repelled the black-armored men again and tried to strip the armor again, but he was still powerless.

He tried his best to strip the black armor on the black-armored man in his hand, but he couldn't do it at all.

"In this case, I can only use the spiritual secret technique." Mu Rufeng sighed.

His strength is insufficient, and now he can only forcibly use the spiritual secret technique, that is, the other side of the fist.

Although he also knows other spiritual secrets, the effect is too poor, and it should be difficult to kill these people.

The other side of the fist is different, with huge lethality and great consumption.

Mu Rufeng can now forcibly use it, which will also cause him great sequelae.

The most obvious is that his spirit will be severely damaged and depressed for a period of time.

Of course, Mu Rufeng's soul power is strong, so he will definitely recover quickly.

Today, these black-armored men came to find him. If he didn't leave them behind, it would be troublesome to find them again in the future.

Moreover, the most important thing is that killing a black-armored man can increase his upper limit.

Although I don't know how much a level can be increased, it's okay to become stronger.

"The flowers on the other shore are blooming, the other shore of the fist!"

Mu Rufeng gently uttered eight words.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng let go of the black-armored man in his hand, who should have given up resistance and even fainted.

Then he locked onto a black-armored man in the distance, and the soul of the black-armored man was pulled into the soul space.

All around, the flowers on the other shore turned into fist shadows, directly submerging the black-armored man.

Although it seemed very slow, in fact, it only took a moment.

Mu Rufeng's face turned a little pale.

His soul was traumatized, but it didn't matter, because his soul power was strong and he would recover soon.

On the other hand, the black-armored man he attacked stood there motionless, and then fell backwards to the ground, without a breath.

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised one upper limit level]

A prompt sound came from his ear, and then Mu Rufeng felt that his strength had skyrocketed.

Doubled, he found that his strength, all-round strength, had directly doubled.

Doubled, what a terrifying improvement.

His originally pale face instantly became rosy.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Mu Rufeng's face gradually became a little ferocious.

"Are you ready to accept death?" Mu Rufeng looked at these black-armored men with a grim smile.

"Go, kill him." These black-armored men shouted again, and all came towards Mu Rufeng.

"Die!" At this time, Mu Rufeng also shouted loudly.

However, this shout was shouted out with martial arts.

Roaring Sky Collapse——

The terrifying sound wave, containing powerful blood and qi, swept forward.

Wherever the sound waves passed, the ground cracked, and glass products within a radius of several miles also shattered instantly.

Everyone felt a sharp pain.

This was just the aftermath, and it was not aimed at them at all, but it was still the same.

The black-armored men who were hit head-on were now blown dozens of meters away by the sound waves, and fell directly into the middle of the road after leaving the alley.

They fell to the ground, motionless, and completely lifeless.

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised one upper limit level]

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised one upper limit level]

Dead, almost all dead.

Mu Rufeng counted, there were eighteen black-armored men attacking him.

And fifteen black-armored men had been killed by Mu Rufeng.

In other words, there were still three black-armored men who were not dead.

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