I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 360: Unlocking strength, modifying rules, and creating rules [asking for monthly votes! ]

Mu Rufeng immediately picked up the unconscious black-armored man at his feet and walked towards the road.

However, while walking, Mu Rufeng looked at the residential building on the left.

Well, the first floor was almost riddled with holes, and there were many large holes on the back, and the wall was also covered with multiple cracks.

It is estimated that this building will be demolished as a dangerous building.

The Internet cafe is similar, and the house rented by Mu Rufeng is also empty.

Fortunately, when the battle just started, those people saw the danger, so they didn't dare to stay nearby.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that many innocent people would really die.

When Mu Rufeng came to the road, he also saw a large number of people watching around, and the police had already arrived and were cordoning off the scene.

At this time, someone in the crowd cleared the way, and then several cars drove over.

Then, Wang Luo and others got out of the car.

"Mu Rufeng, are you okay?" Wang Luo looked at the cracked road and the black-armored men lying on the ground around, and then asked Mu Rufeng.

"It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit high. There were eighteen black-armored men this time, and I killed fifteen of them. I caught one alive here."

"There should be two more alive. You can find them yourself." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, everyone, move the black-armored men together immediately and transport them back." Wang Luo gave the order immediately.

"Team leader Wang, these black-armored men have strong defense and strength, but they also have many weaknesses. You can prepare some flamethrowers, stun guns, sonic weapons, or heavy weapons to deal with them."

"And the most important point is that after I killed them, I felt that my strength increased again. Killing them seems to unlock the upper limit of extraordinary power."

"In other words, it can break the first rule [Ordinary World]." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Oh? Are you sure?" Wang Luo also looked at Mu Rufeng with a little surprise.

"I'm sure that my current strength has increased by about fifteen times." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? Fifteen times?" Wang Luo looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"I killed fifteen monsters and increased my power fifteen times. So, I guess that killing one person will double my power." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng now knows that a magnitude is to increase one's existing power.

Killing fifteen people is fifteen times more powerful.

"Wait until you take these people back to study them. Kill one and you will know. Maybe you can regain extraordinary power." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." Wang Luo nodded solemnly.

If this is really the case, then Wang Luo must kill at least one, or even all of them, so that he can recover some strength.

Of course, the most important thing is that he now wants to know how strong Mu Rufeng is.

"By the way, can you take down these black armors?" Wang Luo asked.

"I tried before and couldn't take them down, but now my strength has increased. I think there should be no problem." Mu Rufeng said, and he was about to start dismantling.

"Wait, let's go back to the base first. It's not very convenient here." Wang Luo said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and looked around. It was clearly early morning, but both sides were already full of people. If they had not been blocked by the police, they would have rushed over long ago.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Soon, the black-armored men were also hit and piled together.

There were two who were not dead, and they were placed on one side.

The two who were not dead were the two with the strongest strength, and they also escaped the fastest and suffered the least damage, so they did not die, but they were seriously injured and fell into a coma.

An Iveco drove over, and then someone threw these guys into the car one by one.

As for the three living ones, Mu Rufeng followed them and got into a van.

Although they thought they would not wake up, Mu Rufeng still had to watch them just in case.

Soon, the group went to Changxiong Mental Hospital.

As for the follow-up treatment here, there were naturally special people.

Whether it was compensation or repair, there was no problem.


Changxiong Mental Hospital, inside the Dragon Group base.

Fifteen bodies of black-armored men were thrown on the ground.

The other three people who were not dead, the black-armored man, were on the other side.

Mu Rufeng went forward, grabbed a corpse, grabbed the mask on his cheek, and pulled it hard.

The iron mask that Mu Rufeng could not take off before was easily pulled off by him at this moment.

It can't be said to be pulled, but directly torn off.

A somewhat weird face was revealed.

"This is." Mu Rufeng looked at the man in surprise.

His face was red, and there were faint blood stains flowing down.

But Mu Rufeng soon reacted, and then looked at the mask torn off in his hand.

I saw a layer of skin stuck on it.

"This is stuck with flesh and blood, no wonder, no wonder they are so hard to kill." Mu Rufeng immediately understood.

"So, is this black armor their skin?" Liu Keke said.

"Why do I feel that they are like the bionic people in science fiction movies, with flesh and blood, but muscles, bones or some organs are metal?" Liu Lili said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. He reached in and fiddled with it for a while, then tore the body into pieces.

Sure enough, it was just as Liu Lili said.

They are indeed flesh and blood, but the bones and important organs are all made of metal.

"So, these guys are artificially made?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Not necessarily. The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things. You have also seen those mechanical monsters in the rule clock. Maybe these black-armored people are born as such species." Wang Luo said.

"That makes sense. Then, these three living ones can only be like this?" Mu Rufeng looked at the three black-armored people who were not dead yet and said.

"Let's do this first. Give them an examination and study them." Wang Luo nodded.

"Okay, that's it. By the way, arrange a place for me to live. I don't have that place. And these three black-armored people, you guys take care of them and treat them. Don't let them die. I will interrogate them tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

Although they speak another language, it doesn't matter, because Mu Rufeng has the ability to communicate with the mind.

He has unlocked many abilities now, including mind communication.

The inventory is also restored.

However, his strength has not been fully restored. Although it has increased by 15 times compared to the beginning, it is nothing compared to the heyday.

His plug-in legacy can also be used, rule suppression, ignoring rules, and even modifying rules.

However, whether the rules can be modified or not, Mu Rufeng still has to try it himself.

At the same time, what makes Mu Rufeng happiest is that his inventory is finally unblocked, and the login bracelet on his hand has become a tattoo again.

In this way, his safety is guaranteed again, as long as he suffers fatal damage, he can be teleported back directly.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a net-like prop and covered the three black-armored men directly.

"Remember not to take down this net, so that even if the black-armored men wake up, they will not have any ability to move." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Team Leader Mu." Liu Keke responded.

"I'm a little tired. I want to take a nap and sleep for eight hours today. I will interrogate them tomorrow morning when I get up well." Mu Rufeng said to Wang Luo beside him.

"It's okay to interrogate them, but when I heard them talking in the car, they didn't seem to be speaking any known language in the world, right?"

When they came back before, the black-armored man who was used as a weapon by Mu Rufeng should have been the least injured.

So when they came back, the black-armored man woke up, said some incomprehensible words, and was knocked out by Mu Rufeng again.

"It's okay, I have unlocked a lot of powers, one of which is the ability to communicate with the mind."

"As long as they are intelligent species, I can communicate with them, even animals, I can do simple communication." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's good." Wang Luo nodded slightly when he heard it.

It's really convenient to have such an ability.

"Liu Li, take Team Leader Mu to the dormitory area and choose a dormitory for him." Wang Luo said to Liu Li on the side.

"Okay, team leader, team leader Mu, please follow me." Liu Li responded, and then took Mu Rufeng to the distance.

Seven or eight minutes later, Mu Rufeng arrived at the dormitory area.

Liu Li found an empty dormitory for Mu Rufeng, opened it, and said, "Team Leader Mu, you will set the password for the door lock later. This dormitory will be yours in the future."

"Well, you go down and get busy first." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then entered the dormitory.

"Team Leader Mu, I'll leave first. If you have anything, you can call me." Liu Li responded and left in a hurry.

Today, she was afraid that she would have to stay up all night because there were too many things to deal with.

After Mu Rufeng set the password permission, she went directly to the bathroom to take a shower.

I have to say that she was a little dirty after the battle just now.

After taking a shower, Mu Rufeng lay on the bed and began to sort out the abilities he had recovered.

First of all, the most important ones are rule suppression, ignoring rules, modifying rules, and the most important rules of heaven, which have all been unsealed.

Then the others, it should be said that all of them have been unsealed, but it is just that the power exerted has not reached its peak state and is still weakening.

However, even so, Mu Rufeng is much stronger than before.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was already past three in the morning.

He slept for more than two hours today. No matter what, he should sleep for eight hours first.

After the interrogation is over tomorrow, Mu Rufeng can start to study his own rule power to see if he can offset or modify some rules.

However, the only thing that makes Mu Rufeng a little upset is that all his contracted ghosts are banned and can use their abilities.

However, it is not bad, anyway, this kind of scene has been seen many times.

Soon, Mu Rufeng fell into sleep.

At 8:30 in the morning of the second day, Mu Rufeng woke up on time.

After his strict calculation, eight hours of sleep time is enough.

After washing up, Mu Rufeng took out some food from the inventory and ate it up in no time.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to try to modify the ability of the rules.

Each copy can be used once, so he can only modify one of the rules.

When Mu Rufeng's mind moved, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Please select the rules you need to modify, which are: keep your phone in your hand, speed limit 80, good sleep, chatterbox]

"Can it really be modified? But the first rule [Ordinary World] is really not allowed." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

Finally, Mu Rufeng chose to modify [Speed ​​Limit 80].

The rule of keeping your phone in your hand does not pose any life-threatening danger, and good sleep is similar, but it will make people a little irritable.

Chatterbox is even easier, just say 200 sentences a day.

Only [Speed ​​Limit 80] has a huge impact on this world.

Soon a piece of white paper appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, and on the white paper, there was another rule, that is, [Speed ​​Limit 80].

Mu Rufeng immediately changed the speed limit of 80 to 300.

However, the number after Mu Rufeng's modification suddenly became dim, and then it returned to 80.

"Is it too high? Then we can only test it one by one." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Then it was changed to 290 again.

As expected by Mu Rufeng, it was changed back to 80.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, but started to reduce it by ten yards.

Finally, when the speed limit was 160, the modification was finally completed.

From the original speed limit of 80, it has become the current speed limit of 160.

How to say it, for ordinary transportation industry and traffic, it has not had much impact.

However, things like airplanes, high-speed trains, etc. still cannot be started.

After all, once started, the speed will definitely exceed the speed limit of 160.

Just when Mu Rufeng finished the modification, a prompt sound appeared in the minds of everyone in the world.

[New rules added in the third week, the speed limit of 80 was changed to the speed limit of 160]

"Huh? After modifying the rules, there is also a broadcast to the whole server?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

Then, Mu Rufeng used [Ignore Rules] again.

[Please choose the rules you need to ignore, which are: keep your phone in your hand, speed limit 80, good sleep, chatterbox]

There is still no option for the rule [Ordinary World].

After thinking for a long time, Mu Rufeng chose to ignore [Chatterbox].

Keep your phone in your hand, and throw your phone into the inventory space, Mu Rufeng will not be able to violate the rules.

The speed limit is 80, and now it has reached the speed limit of 160. It is rare for a car to run this speed on the highway.

Good sleep? No need, absolutely no need. If he doesn't want to sleep, he can just practice instead of sleeping.

And talking too much also affects his image, so Mu Rufeng chose to ignore chatterbox.

If you can choose [Ordinary World], it would be great, it would be a happy ending for everyone.

Then, Mu Rufeng chose to use [Heavenly Rule].

The Heavenly Rule is the reward Mu Rufeng got when he cleared the third forbidden land: Heavenly Continent, the copy.

You can offset a world-class rule or create a rule that conforms to the current world.

When Mu Rufeng used it, the option still appeared, asking Mu Rufeng to choose to cancel the rules or create rules.

Mu Rufeng first chose to cancel the rules, but it was still the same few rules, and there was still no [Ordinary World].

"Is this [Ordinary World] one level higher than the world level?" Mu Rufeng now had only such a guess.

In the end, Mu Rufeng chose to give up, because those rules were dispensable, and there was no difference between canceling and not canceling.

The most important thing is that there are many abnormal rules in the future, and it will not be too late to cancel them at that time.

Just at this time, there was a hurried knock on the door outside.

Mu Rufeng sensed that the person coming was Wang Luo.

"I'm here." Mu Rufeng responded, and then went forward to open the door.

"Did you hear the sound of the rule modification?" Wang Luo said straight to the point.

"Of course I heard it." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Do you think that the modified rules were caused by those black-armored people?" Wang Luo asked.

"Of course not." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No? Are you sure? Wait, it can't be you?" Wang Luo looked Mu Rufeng up and down.

"Yes, it's me." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"How is this possible? Why can you modify the rules?" Wang Luo asked.

"This is my ability. I control the rules in Tiandao Continent. I killed those black-armored people. Although my strength has not reached the peak, I unlocked the rules I control."

"I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to be successful." Mu Rufeng said.

"Controlled rules? If that's true, it's great. Can you still modify the rules?" Wang Luo's face changed a little at this moment.

If Mu Rufeng can modify the rules, it will really help them a lot.

"Wait, you seem to have said that you are only in the God Realm. Only those above the God Realm can control the rules. You..." Wang Luo suddenly thought of something and said.

"Hehe, no one stipulates that only those above the God Realm can control the rules." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Also, I can only modify one rule, but I can also create a rule or offset a rule."

"Now these rules are not too serious, so I want to wait until the rule comes next week and then offset it." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

The rules of the next week are extremely cruel. Once they come, a large number of people will die in the world.

"Offset and creation? Next week. What you said is very good, but as long as what you said is true, then you can try to create a rule that can exempt punishment after violating all the rules."

Wang Luo thought for a while, and then immediately spoke.

Mu Rufeng heard this, his eyes slightly condensed, not to mention, what Wang Luo said is really reasonable.

"Then I will try?"

"Well, try." Wang Luo nodded, and then said: "Of course, if you can offset [Ordinary World], it will be even better."

Traversers have more or less special abilities. Some people are not strong, but their abilities are extremely useful.

If the ordinary world is offset, then they can use the ability of the traverser to find all the black-armored people hiding in the dark at the first time.

They have no way to hide, as long as they unlock their abilities, they will definitely find them.

"No, [Ordinary World], the level of this rule is definitely very high, and my rule power cannot shake it at all." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"That's a pity." Wang Luo could only sigh.

Then Mu Rufeng created a new rule according to Wang Luo's request.

Just at this time, a prompt sound rang in everyone's ears again.

[The honorable crazy driver, pig killer, game terminator, crazy chosen person, gambling luck, parasite nemesis, demon suppression, abyss gazer, Nian beast conqueror, God-honored slaughterer, world peak, dragon slayer, magic hero, demon nemesis Mu Rufeng, created a rule: Punisher]

[Punisher]: When someone violates the current world rules, all punishments will be changed to the same one, shouting loudly: I am a bastard.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was almost dumbfounded after hearing this prompt sound.

What's the situation, why are all his titles broadcast out.

Wang Luo on the side chuckled and said, "It seems that our distinguished Mr. Mu is really famous, with so many titles."

"But I was wondering why you changed the punishment for violations to such a sentence."

Mu Rufeng calmed down and said, "I was just trying it, but I didn't expect it to be successful."

"Hey, I should have changed the punishment earlier." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

He can now imagine that every day there will be a large number of people shouting: I am a bastard, this sentence.

"Anyway, we still have to test it first to know. By the way, one of the black-armored people was too seriously injured and couldn't survive last night, so I killed him before he died." Wang Luo said.

"What about the other two?" Mu Rufeng didn't care much about Wang Luo killing a black-armored man, as long as one was alive.

"Don't worry, the other two black-armored men are fine, and they have recovered. I didn't expect that they only needed to replenish electricity to quickly recover from their injuries." Wang Luo said.

"That's good. By the way, Team Leader Wang, I remember you said that if the time traveler recovers his extraordinary power, he can find those hidden black-armored people."

"Then let the time traveler kill another black-armored person." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry about this. Let's talk about it after you interrogate him." Wang Luo said with a smile.

"No problem. I just need one person alive. I have plenty of ways to make him tell everything he knows, unless they have no memory or their souls are restricted." Mu Rufeng said.

"In that case, I will let Wang Xin do it immediately. Her ability is that as long as there is a reference object, no matter what it is, as long as it still exists in this world, she can find it. However, she also needs to draw it herself."

"She is a little special. Her painting skills are very poor. It will take one or two days to draw it completely." Wang Luo said.

"It's interesting that she has to draw it herself? And, didn't you teach her to draw?" Mu Rufeng said with a chuckle.

"Wang Xin is a person with ALS. She draws with her right foot, and only her right foot can move normally." Wang Luo said.

"Huh? ALS? Didn't you treat her? Or, can't the supernatural power treat her?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"We tried, but the power in her body seems to be extremely resistant. Once forced treatment is given, it will definitely cause the power in her body to backfire."

"At that time, let alone treatment, Wang Xin will die because of it." Wang Luo said.

"Wait a minute, then you say, now her power is sealed and she has become an ordinary person, then if I treat her, can the power in her body resist? Can it backfire on her?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of this and said.

"Huh? This. It shouldn't backfire on her, but are you sure you can treat her?" Wang Luo also thought of this, but he was still a little worried.

"Haha, try it and you'll know, and my storage space can also be opened, there are a lot of good things in it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good. Let's go there now without delay." Wang Luo immediately led Mu Rufeng to the distance.

They only turned a few corners and stopped in front of a dormitory.

"Wang Xin also lives in the base, which makes it easier for us to take care of her. Of course, the main reason is that she has always been alone."

"The grandmother who took care of her died before she crossed over. She returned three years later and was found by us, and then moved here to live." Wang Luo explained.

"She is a poor person." Mu Rufeng said softly.

Wang Luo nodded slightly and then knocked on the door.

"Wang Xin, are you awake? I have something to ask you. Can I come in?" Wang Luo said.

"Come in, Team Leader Wang."

A hoarse and weak voice sounded.

Then, with a "click!" sound, the door opened.

Mu Rufeng looked inside and found a girl with atrophied muscles sitting in a wheelchair.

The girl's face was a little weird. It was not that she looked weird, but because of her facial muscles, she looked very ugly.

But it can be seen that if the girl's face shape was normal, it should be considered a pretty one.

The door of this room is voice-controlled. If it weren't for voice control, Wang Xin wouldn't be able to open the door in his current state.

Mu Rufeng could see that Wang Xin's right leg was relatively normal compared to other parts of his body. Of course, it was still much thinner than that of an ordinary person.

Behind him stood a woman who was a nurse and was specifically here to take care of Wang Xin.

"Wang Xin, this is Mu Rufeng," Wang Luo introduced.

"Well, I've read his profile, and I heard the rule prompt before."

"There shouldn't be extraordinary powers in the ordinary world, but Deputy Team Leader Mu not only has them, but can also create rules. It seems that you have a lot of secrets."

"I wonder if you two came here today for something? Or do you want me to kill a black-armored man to recover my abilities, and then find the remaining hidden black-armored man?"

"Let me make it clear first, after I recover my abilities, I will only paint two paintings a month. If I paint more, it will be too tiring. I don't want to be so tired." Wang Xin said.

"Little sister, you guessed wrong. I didn't come here for this." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Little sister? Do you know how old I am this year? You call me little sister?" Wang Xin looked Mu Rufeng up and down and said.

"Oh? Little sister, do you know how old I am?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I don't know how old you are, but I am 198 years old this year. Do you think it's appropriate to call me little sister?" Wang Xin said with a smile.

Just to say, this smile is very weird.

"198 years old? I look at your face, you should be in high school, right? Why, have you traveled through more than 100 years?" Mu Rufeng said.

This time, before Wang Xin could speak, Wang Luo on the side said: "Well, Wang Xin is indeed 198 years old this year, and she traveled through a different world."

"Her awakened ability allowed her family's power to continue her life until she returned."

"That's unfortunate. I traveled through a thousand years. There should be no problem calling you little sister, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Although, well, his real age is only in his twenties, but this does not prevent him from saying that his age is higher.

Wang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I know, a thousand-year-old monster, but you are still not as powerful as a ten-thousand-year-old monster."

"Please forgive me, Wang Xin's mouth is a bit poisonous." Wang Luo shook his head slightly and said.

This is very obvious, the ten-thousand-year-old monster is Wang Luo.

"Haha, this little girl is still very cute." Mu Rufeng said with a big laugh.

"Cute? Your whole family is cute, which eye of yours saw me cute?" Wang Xin replied unceremoniously.

Wang Xin's original personality was not like this, she should be more introverted and cowardly.

But the more than 100 years of time she traveled through time and space made her develop this personality, and she could not correct it after returning.

It seems that it is precisely because of this personality that she did not seek death in the more than 100 years after traveling through time and space.

No, not necessarily, maybe it is because she wants to seek death, but she can't die, so she has become a personality that fights against the sky, the earth and the air.

After all, this kind of body made her have no hope of survival. After finally being reborn, she still suffered from a disease similar to polio.

She couldn't move, couldn't live like a normal person, couldn't eat, etc.

In this state, she was as dead as ashes and wanted to commit suicide, but because of her ability, she was forcibly restricted by the elders of the family who traveled through time and space, and was not allowed to commit suicide.

And they also used the spiritual objects of heaven and earth to extend her life for more than a hundred years. What a torture it was, so she could only vent her emotions in the form of cursing.

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