I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 361 Wang Luo, Xing's cultivation system [asking for monthly votes! ]

Wang Xin even thought that she would scold them and make them angry, so that they would kill her.

Unfortunately, her ability was too important, and everyone endured it. They took care of Wang Xin meticulously until the moment of her return.

"You speak very clearly, but your voice is not very pleasant. Later, I will make you cry. Do you believe it?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I believe it. After all, I can't stand it and will cry if it hurts a little. If you have the ability to make me laugh, it's better to cry with a smile, then I will obey you." Wang Xin said.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will definitely make you laugh and cry. You two should go out first. The treatment scene should be a little inappropriate for children." Mu Rufeng looked at the two and said.

"Are you really sure?" Wang Luo did not move, but asked.

"I am sure, but it will be a little bloody. I am afraid that you can't help but attack me when you see it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Bloody? What do you want..." Before Wang Luo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Rufeng: "Don't worry about it."

"I have two plans, civil and military, let her choose at that time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I believe you, Hu Lili, let's go out." Wang Luo said, and then walked out the door.

Hu Lili glanced at Mu Rufeng, and then at Wang Xin.

Wang Xin sneered fearlessly: "Lili, you go out, I want to see what this guy is going to do."

Hu Lili nodded, and then left here, and closed the door at the same time.

"Okay, thousand-year-old monster, now tell me, what are you going to do?" Wang Xin said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but looked up and down at Wang Xin's body.

Because of ALS, whether it is the body, hands or left leg, they have shrunk to the extreme, it can be said that they are as thin as a stick.

(After thinking about it, I felt that it was wrong, so I changed polio to ALS, which does not affect the viewing experience)

It was as if a layer of skin was attached to the bones, and the skin was very white. This was the pale feeling of not getting sun exposure all year round and having no blood.

"I said, you are not so perverted that you are interested in a woman like me, right?"

"If you are really so perverted, you can do whatever you want. I also want to try what it feels like. However, after the try, remember to kill me." Wang Xin seemed to be talking about something very ordinary.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's too much. You can insult my people, but you can't insult my aesthetics." Mu Rufeng seemed to have suffered a great humiliation.

"My purpose of coming here is to treat your disease." Mu Rufeng said.

"Treat my disease? Haha, are you kidding? Didn't the ten thousand year old monster tell you?"

"Of course I said that the power of your body will resist, right?"

"Yes, as long as you treat me, the power in my body will not resist at all, and then I will be directly backfired and die. So, how are you going to treat my disease?" Wang Xin sneered.

"When the first rule came, didn't you hear it? Or, can you still feel the power in your body now?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

Wang Xin was speechless when she heard it. Yes, after the arrival of [Ordinary World], she is now just an ordinary person.

If she is treated now, there will be no backlash at all.

And the extraordinary power can heal her. The Mu Rufeng in front of him is the first person who has extraordinary power.

He said that he can heal himself, so it is likely that he can really do it.

Like Wang Luo, the Immortal Emperor, although he was very powerful before his return, he had his own expertise and could only make her body better but could not heal her.

"You mean you can heal my body? You and Team Leader Wang Luo came here for this?" Wang Xin didn't even call the old monster at this moment.

"Of course, I now have two ways of treatment, one is civil treatment and the other is martial treatment." Mu Rufeng said.

"What is civil treatment and what is martial treatment? What is the difference between the two? Can both cure me?"

"The difference should be a matter of speed. They can indeed cure you. I am sure of this." Mu Rufeng said.

"How long does civil treatment take? How long does martial treatment take?" At this moment, Wang Xin's body began to tremble slightly.

She really wanted to have a healthy body.

She had seen many people with ALS, and the severity of the disease was different. The mild ones were just like normal people, with symptoms in one arm or one leg.

People with serious diseases, like her, had difficulty speaking, and were even more serious than her.

When she heard that there was a supernatural power that could cure her, she was very excited and happy. However, when the power in her body began to resist, it made her despair. She almost died under that power.

Now that the power of resistance is suppressed by the rules and is forever silent, then, the supernatural power is definitely likely to be able to cure it.

"Wenzhi means eating some natural treasures, which will slowly start to comb your body and strengthen your physique."

"According to my estimate, it will take at least a month for you to fully recover to a normal body."

"This way you won't feel any discomfort. At most, you need to lift your hands and legs every day and do some recovery training."

"If you use martial arts, it will be bloody and unbearable, or it is something that ordinary people cannot bear. As for time, you can be cured in an hour." Mu Rufeng said.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng is inclined to martial arts. After all, she can recover in an hour and then start working.

As for civil medicine, there are too many uncertainties in a month.

If she is not cured, she cannot kill the black-armored man to restore her strength, because once she recovers, the strength will resist.

Therefore, martial arts is the best choice, and she can get back to work faster.

"Martial arts, I want martial arts, it's just painful, I can bear it, I want to recover as quickly as possible."

Without any hesitation, Wang Xin said loudly.

"Very good, then let's start?" Mu Rufeng walked up and stood in front of Wang Xin.

"Come on, I can bear it." Wang Xin nodded heavily, then raised his right foot, clamped the towel on his leg, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He should be worried that he would bite his tongue, so he bit the towel. This picture can be said to be very funny.

But Mu Rufeng didn't feel that way. Instead, he felt that Wang Xin had a hard time.

"No need. I will remove your chin so that you won't bite your tongue."

Mu Rufeng said, pulling off the towel, then pinching her white chin and gently exerting force.

"Ka~~!" A crisp sound.

Wang Xin's chin was removed, and she couldn't open her mouth, and the pain caused her to whimper constantly.

Then Mu Rufeng hugged her and placed her directly on the bed beside her.

Then Mu Rufeng took out a spiritual fruit, crushed it, and dripped the juice into her mouth.

This spiritual fruit allowed Wang Xin to stay awake, and at the same time protected her life, so that she would not die from great pain or trauma.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the flesh and blood organ growth device.

The method of martial arts treatment is actually very simple, just like Mu Rufeng suppressed the netherworld flower toxin in his body before.

Cut off the flesh and blood of his body, and even the bones, bit by bit, and then rely on the flesh and blood growth device to let the flesh and blood grow again.

The flesh and blood that grows in this way are intact and healthy flesh and blood.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS for short, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a chronic, progressive neurological disease that mainly damages upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons and the trunk, limbs, and head and facial muscles they control.

The cause of this disease is still unclear. It may be related to genetic factors, lifestyle, exposure to toxins, and many other factors.

The common first symptoms of Lou Gehrig's disease are clumsy and weak movements of one or both fingers, followed by atrophy of small muscles in the hands. When the atrophy is severe, the patient's hands may be in the shape of eagle claws.

As the disease progresses, muscle weakness and atrophy may affect the forearm, upper arm, and shoulder girdle muscles, then develop to the trunk and neck, and finally affect the facial muscles and throat muscles.

Lou Gehrig's disease is still a terminal illness. There is no way to treat it. At most, it can only prolong life.

The most famous scientist Mu Rufeng knows is Hawking, followed by a game player, the DNF (Dungeon and Fighter) game anchor, Xiaoba.

Xiao Ba only has three fingers that can move normally, but he has become a game anchor with only these three fingers.

Mu Rufeng has watched his live broadcast and PK videos. It is hard to imagine that a person with ALS who needs to lie down all day and can only move three fingers can play PK in the game.

And his skills are very strong. Mu Rufeng has played DNF before. He feels that he can't beat Xiao Ba if he goes to PK.

Mu Rufeng can make all the flesh and blood of Wang Xin grow again, but there is definitely no way to the head.

However, it doesn't matter. There is only one head left. Just scrape the flesh on the cheeks, the flesh in the mouth, etc., and let it grow again.

Even if there is a little bit left, Mu Rufeng can use the power of blood and some spiritual objects to completely heal it in a short time.

"I'm going to start, are you ready?"

"Woo woo woo, Zun~ is being~ plucked~." The words are a little unclear, but you can barely hear them clearly.

When Mu Rufeng spoke, he had already taken out a knife.

When Wang Xin saw this scene, her whole body trembled again. She had already thought it would be painful, but she couldn't figure out why it was a knife.

Then, under her horrified eyes, Mu Rufeng directly cut off Wang Xin's left arm.

"Woo woo woo woo ah~~!"

A low whimper and a cry of pain came out of her mouth.

Her face also became distorted instantly, but her body did not move at all. It was obvious that Mu Rufeng had used some means to restrain her.

"Don't worry, it will be quick." Mu Rufeng patted her shoulder and said with a faint smile.

Then, Mu Rufeng used the flesh and blood growth device, and immediately saw the flesh and bones at the wound began to grow rapidly.

Because Wang Xin is just an ordinary person now, the recovery speed is extremely fast, and the consumption is also very small.

In just seven or eight seconds, a complete arm appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

This arm is no different from a normal person. Compared with Wang Xin's left hand, it is almost half as thick and also very white, but it is white with red, and looks very healthy.

The whiteness of the left hand is as pale as blood.

Then, Mu Rufeng followed the same method and restored his left arm, left leg, and right leg.

All limbs are done. So now it's time to start treating the middle torso.

The torso in the middle will be more complicated, because there are many important organs that cannot be cut off directly, and the flesh can only be cut with a knife.

Similar to Lingchi's execution, one can imagine how much pain Wang Xin must suffer.

But there was no choice. Although this was Mu Rufeng's wish, it was also Wang Xin's own choice.


Mu Rufeng thought for a while and helped her mouth recover: "What do you want to say?"

"It hurts, it hurts. Is this how you treat it? It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death." Wang Xin shouted with tears streaming down his face.

"You chose martial arts. Who can blame you? Moreover, your limbs have healed now. This is the fastest and most comfortable."

"The next step will be even more painful. Do you know that Lingchi will be executed? You will suffer it again later. Only by digging out your flesh and blood can you recover."

"The elixir I give you will protect you from death, and your organs will be replaced with new ones." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"No, I don't want martial arts anymore. Don't, don't do this. I choose martial arts. I choose martial arts. Thousand years... ah no, Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I choose martial arts."

Wang Xin shouted quickly. The feeling of cutting off her limbs and growing them again was already unbearable for her.

I originally thought that this would be enough, but I didn't expect that I would have to go to Ling Chi again. It would be better to die.

"That won't work. Since you have already chosen martial arts, I won't change it. Moreover, it only takes one hour."

"No, no, I calculated it and it should take you half an hour to regain a healthy body." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, I don't want to be treated anymore, Wang Luo, Wang Luo, come in quickly, I don't want martial arts, I want cultural governance, I want cultural governance." Wang Xin shouted again.

"Don't worry, they won't bother you, and I said they will make you laugh and cry." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, then reached out and pinched her chin.

"Wait, wait, get me some medicine, or use your ability to paralyze my body so that I can't feel it." Wang Xin thought of something and said immediately.

"I want to, but it's useless. I cut off your flesh and blood, so that your flesh and blood can recover quickly. While recovering, you will also regain your senses."

"So, it doesn't matter whether you use it or not. Don't worry, it's only half an hour. Just take it for a while."

Mu Rufeng comforted her and then removed her chin again.

Then, Mu Rufeng tore off the clothes on her body, holding a knife, and began to torture her.

Half an hour flies by.

Mu Rufeng slowly put away the knife, and then wiped the blood from her forehead.

At this moment, the bed was already covered in blood.

On the bed, there was a woman covered in blood lying on the bed.

Well, it's very eye-catching, white and tender, and not too small. It's a feast for Mu Rufeng's eyes.

Wang Xin is now a normal person, except that he has no hair on his head and is bald.

Even so, it did not cover up Wang Xin's handsome face.

Wang Xin could not speak or move at this moment, but her beautiful eyes stared at Mu Rufeng fiercely.

Deep whimpers continued to come out of his mouth, as if he wanted to kill Mu Rufeng to vent his anger.

Mu Rufeng took a blanket from the wheelchair and covered his body.

"It's finally solved. Just let your hair grow back on its own. By the way, remember to take a shower later. You're all sticky."

"You should have some clothes and stuff here. You can wear them later."

Mu Rufeng said, putting a little pressure on Wang Xin's chest, and then, Wang Xin's body suddenly trembled.

Then Mu Rufeng pressed her mouth again, and she regained her speaking voice.

"Ah~~~! I'll kill you, kill you!"

Wang Xin was shocked, then stood up from the bed and rushed towards Mu Rufeng.

Naturally, the blanket couldn't cover him.

Seeing such a beautiful woman jumping over, Mu Rufeng did not catch her, but stepped aside to avoid it.

There was a sound of "Bang!"

Wang Xin fell directly to the ground.

"Ah~~It hurts so much, wuwuwu~~!" Wang Xin lay on the ground with his big buttocks raised, whimpering and crying.

But he quickly stood up again, feeling the feeling of strength in his body, and laughed again.

"How about it, did I say I would make you laugh and shed tears? It's done now." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Ling Chi, Ling Chi, you delayed me for half an hour, I will bite you to death." After hearing Mu Rufeng's words, Wang Xin was furious and was about to speak.

"I said, can you pay attention to the impact? Although you don't care, I actually don't care either." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Ah! Thousand-year-old gangster, get out, get out." Wang Xin only reacted at this time and was shocked. Then he immediately ran to the sofa, took a blanket and wrapped it around himself.

"Remember, after taking a shower, get dressed and come out quickly. There is something I need you to do." Mu Rufeng said and walked out of the room.

Mu Rufeng closed the door, and Hu Lili, who was standing not far away, came over immediately.

"Team Leader Mu, are you ready?" Hu Lili asked.

"Yes, it's done, you can go in and take a look." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

The soundproofing effect of the dormitory in the base is still very good. No matter how Wang Xin yells inside, it is difficult for the outside to hear.

Wang Luo did not wait here. He is the leader of the Dragon Group and has a lot of things to do every day. How could he wait here for more than half an hour?

Mu Rufeng asked around and found out that Wang Luo was in the interrogation room.

Wang Luo knew that Wang Xin would be able to recover soon, and then he had to consider how Wang Xin, an ordinary person, could kill the black-armored man.

So he studied in the interrogation room to see if he could make the black-armored man seriously injured and dying, and then let Wang Xin kill him.

Soon Mu Rufeng came to the interrogation room.

At this moment, Wang Luo was holding a sledgehammer and constantly hitting the black-armored man's body.

He stopped as soon as he saw Mu Rufeng coming in.

"Done? But why are you covered in blood?" Wang Luo looked at Mu Rufeng, and after a look, he spoke.

"Blood? Is there?" Mu Rufeng looked down and saw that there was indeed a lot of blood on his body.

It seems that he was too focused before, so he ignored it directly.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he saw that the bloodstains slowly disappeared, and his clothes were clean again.

His clothes also unlocked a little bit of function, so there was no problem with cleaning.

"There is no way, the treatment is a bit bloody, but it was successfully done. When Wang Xin takes a shower and puts on a set of clothes, he will come over." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's fine, I've tortured this black-armored man, and I can kill her when Wang Xin comes over."

"There is another black-armored man next door, let's go over and interrogate him now." Wang Luo said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Then, the two turned around and left, and came to the interrogation room next door.

This black-armored man, who was alive and well and had even fully recovered, was bound by Mu Rufeng's props and could not move at all.

Seeing Mu Rufeng and Wang Luo coming in, he began to talk constantly.

Mu Rufeng didn't understand, and Wang Luo didn't understand either.

"Tell me, who are you and what is your purpose here?" Mu Rufeng tried to communicate with him using the ability of telepathy.

"How can you speak our language? No, that's not right. This is the ability of telepathy." A voice sounded, it was this black-armored man.

"Sure enough, you are a variable. In this world, no one can break through the constraints of the rules, but you have extraordinary power." The black-armored man looked at Mu Rufeng in horror.

The terrifying power that Mu Rufeng showed before made them think that Mu Rufeng was a variable, so they wanted to kill Mu Rufeng.

They felt that ten people were not enough, so they first attacked a base and then captured eight travelers.

A traveler can open a space-time rift and teleport a black-armored man over.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated Mu Rufeng. Eighteen people didn't win, but three of them were captured alive.

But it doesn't matter. Next time, it will definitely work.

All the data and vision of the black armored people can actually be shared.

Everything that happened to them has long been known to other black armored people.

When the next attack comes, it won't be so simple to rush up. They will also use hot weapons.

After the black armored people knew that Mu Rufeng could communicate with him, they closed their mouths and said nothing.

No matter how Mu Rufeng asked, even if he used some means, he didn't respond at all.

Even when Mu Rufeng used some inhuman means to torture him, the latter didn't even make a sound.

"It seems that they can block their own pain, so I can't ask anything. It would be great if I could use soul search." Wang Luo said with a little regret.

"Not only can they block their own pain, they should also be able to communicate with other black armored people, the kind that cannot be blocked." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Mu Rufeng used the power of illusion, but it still had no effect.

He had clearly changed his perception, but when he was about to speak, he always paused and then kept silent.

Mu Rufeng knew that someone must have reminded him.

It was probably another black-armored man. They were a combination of flesh and metal. Black-armored men could communicate with each other, so it was normal.

He could change the perception of the black-armored man in front of him, but he could not change the perception of the black-armored man who was watching the live broadcast tens or even hundreds of kilometers away.

It was for this reason that Mu Rufeng guessed that this guy could communicate with other black-armored men in real time, and even live broadcast through his eyes.

"Then aren't we exposed?" Wang Luo frowned when he heard this.

"It's exposed, by the way, do you want to kill him? Maybe your strength can also break through the upper limit." Mu Rufeng said.

Wang Luo thought about it and nodded slightly after hearing this.

As the Supreme Immortal Emperor, due to his limited strength, he could not use 99% of his methods, and most of them relied on physical strength.

If his upper limit was doubled, then he would be able to have the strength of the third level of Qi training.

Although he was only at the third level of Qi training, the weakest realm of immortal cultivation, he could use many methods.

He could even start practicing. Although his cultivation level might not improve, he could store spiritual energy and increase its concentration.

Then Wang Luo took out a sledgehammer and began to hammer the black-armored man's head.

Although his defense was strong, it was not strong enough to withstand multiple hammer blows.

The black-armored man did not resist at all, but just stared at Mu Rufeng and Wang Luo.

Wang Luo probably hit him dozens of times, and the black-armored man finally closed his eyes.

His head was already flattened.

No matter how strong his defense was, the shock could still shatter the brain matter in his head.

Wang Luo's face suddenly showed a smile: "My upper limit has been improved, and my cultivation level has reached the peak of the early stage of Qi training."

As the voice fell, Wang Luo reached out and shot at the chair fixed to the ground in the distance.

Suddenly, a powerful force acted on the chair.

"Bang!" With a crashing sound, the chair broke directly and flew into Wang Luo's hands.

This is a small magic called the Object Control Technique, which can be performed as long as there is spiritual power.

It is only the early stage of Qi training, and the Object Control Technique has extremely powerful power.

"The method of cultivating immortals is really powerful." Mu Rufeng had to praise.

"By the way, Team Leader Wang, do you have any immortal cultivation techniques? Just get some supreme techniques for me to practice." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Yes, but sorry, my strength is too low now, and I can't engrave those techniques at all." Wang Luo shook his head and said.

"Well, then you can just write it out by hand, and I will practice it according to it." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not that simple. I can write out the low-level techniques, that is, the techniques of the third level of Qi training."

"I can't write out the later ones. I think you don't need the techniques of the Qi training period." Wang Luo said slowly.

"There's no rush for this. When you kill more black-armored men and your strength improves, you can get another one and I will comprehend it myself." Mu Rufeng said.

He has a good understanding. If there is a technique to open his eyes and let him understand it, it should be no problem for him to create a technique for cultivating immortals later.

Of course, what Mu Rufeng wants most is to let Wang Luo give him a technique for ghost cultivation.

Ghost cultivation absorbs ghost energy or yin energy to cultivate. In the weird world, it is simply killing indiscriminately, which is a paradise for ghost cultivation.

Mu Rufeng also learned that there are also cultivation techniques in the weird world, but they are very few, very few, and humans cannot cultivate them at all.

Now those weird people don't practice even if they have techniques, because they don't need to practice at all. They can upgrade their levels by refining the ghost energy in the soul notes.

Those with strong talents will automatically gain abilities after upgrading, and even use skill cards, so there is no need to practice those broken techniques.

Of course, only by practicing techniques can you have the road to the emperor, and the rules of control are also related to the techniques you practice.

However, this kind of powerful skills are all strictly guarded, and even if Mu Rufeng has money, he can't buy it.

If you want to obtain the practice skills, you must join some forces to obtain the practice skills.

"This is no problem, it depends on Wang Xin." Wang Luo said.

"Calculating the time, Wang Xin should be here soon, let's go first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah." Wang Luo nodded.

Then the two of them left the interrogation room.

Coincidentally, Mu Rufeng saw Wang Xin and Hu Lili, who were wearing white dresses, walking towards this side not far away.

Wang Xin didn't know where to find a wig, not to mention, it was even more beautiful.

When Wang Xin saw Mu Rufeng, his originally smiling face suddenly became irritable.

"Mu Rufeng, I'll kill you!" Wang Xin shouted, took out a gun from his back, and was about to pull the trigger at Mu Rufeng.

Wang Luo's eyelids jumped, and he stretched out his hand to take the pistol from Wang Xin's hand. Then he saw that the pistol in Wang Xin's hand slipped out of his hand and fell into his hand.

"Wang Xin, what are you doing? Didn't Mu Rufeng make you healed?" Wang Luo said.

"Healed? Do you know what he did? Lingchi, he cut my whole body all over, and cut off the flesh with a knife."

"I must kill him. It's useless for you to take my gun. It's useless for him to hide. I can find him." Wang Xin said with gritted teeth.

Mu Rufeng smiled indifferently and stretched out her hand to take the pistol from Wang Luo's hand.

"Want to kill me? Little sister, you're still a little short. A sniper rifle can't kill me, let alone this small pistol."

Mu Rufeng smiled, raised her hand directly, and shot at her head.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded.

Mu Rufeng did not move at all.

The bullet also hit Mu Rufeng's temple.

The expected blood and wounds did not appear, because...

The bullet could not break Mu Rufeng's defense at all, and fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

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