I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 362: Strength surges, ninth level of God Realm [ask for monthly votes! ]

"No, here you go, see if you can beat me to death."

Mu Rufeng said, throwing the pistol over, and Wang Xin immediately scrambled to catch it.

Unfortunately, because of my poor motor skills, I missed the catch and fell to the ground.

Wang Xin immediately picked up the pistol and emptied the magazine at Mu Rufeng without saying a word.

Wang Luo on the side was afraid of being hit, so he immediately entered the interrogation room to prevent accidental injury.

When Mu Rufeng saw the incoming bullets, her hands turned into phantoms and caught all the bullets.

Well, I have to say that Wang Xin's marksmanship was terrible. He fired more than twenty bullets, but not a single bullet hit Mu Rufeng.

It was precisely because of this that Mu Rufeng reached out and caught the missed bullets.


Mu Rufeng spread his hands and bullets scattered on the ground, making crisp sounds.

"Wang Xin, you still need to practice your marksmanship more. I'm standing here and you haven't hit me with a single shot. If it weren't for my quick hands, all these bullets would have hit the wall." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"You, you, you~~!" Wang Xin suddenly became furious.

She smashed the pistol on the ground, then ran towards Mu Rufeng, then grabbed Mu Rufeng's arm and bit it hard.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng didn't care and let her bite him.

Then Wang Xin burst into tears of anger.

Because no matter how hard she tried or how hard she tore, Mu Rufeng was still smiling and there were no wounds on her hands.

There was only a shallow tooth mark and glistening saliva.

"Have you not vented your anger enough? Did you see the man in black armor inside? Your task now is to kill him." Mu Rufeng pointed at the dying man in black armor in the interrogation room.

"Humph." Wang Xin snorted coldly, then wiped his tears and saliva, and strode into the interrogation room.

"Ten thousand years old monster, this guy is wearing armor, how do I kill him?" Wang Xin asked Wang Luo.

"He is seriously injured now, and you don't have much strength, so use a grenade." Wang Luo said, taking out a grenade from his pocket.

"Just tear off the latch and throw it at the feet of the man in black armor. Then I will take you out." Wang Luo said.

This interrogation room is made of special materials and cannot be destroyed by a small grenade.

"Okay." Wang Xin nodded, took the grenade, and without saying a word, pulled out the latch, then turned around and planned to throw it towards Mu Rufeng.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't care about this. It was just a grenade, which had no effect on him now.

Hu Lili on the side was scared to death and even screamed.

"Wang Xin, don't scare me, I'm almost going to have a heart attack from you." Hu Lili hid behind Mu Rufeng.

"It's boring." Wang Xin shrugged and threw it at the feet of the black-armored man.

Afterwards, Wang Luo immediately pulled Wang Xin out of the room and closed the door.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The room seemed to shake, but that was all. The one-way glass was not damaged at all.

"Here, throw another one, he's not dead yet." Wang Luo took out another grenade and handed it to Wang Xin.

"How do you know you're not dead?" Wang Xin asked with some confusion.

"I sensed it." Wang Luo replied.

"Oh." Wang Xin immediately pulled out the latch, and Wang Luo opened the door in time.

A grenade was thrown in and rolled next to the man in black armor.

Then Wang Luo closed the door again.

A few seconds later, another roar erupted in the room.

This time, there was no need for Wang Luo to speak, and Wang Xin had a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, yes, I feel that my strength is restored." Wang Xin felt the power in his body.

Finding that her power had no backlash made her feel extremely good.

This also means that Wang Xin can use his abilities at will at this moment, and his body is already at the level of a healthy person.

"Okay, without further ado, let's find those black-armored people quickly. I think they must be brewing some conspiracy," Mu Rufeng said.

"That's right. They hid it so well that we couldn't find any clues. I just hope it's not what I thought." Wang Luo said slowly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Wang Luo but said nothing. He knew what Wang Luo was thinking. In fact, he thought the same way.

There is a high probability that those men in black armor are hiding abroad.

They really have no choice but to hide abroad because it is beyond their reach and because it is the territory of another country.

There are also time-travelers abroad.

Moreover, foreign thermal weapons are more widespread and easier to obtain.

Wang Xin seemed to know the seriousness of the matter. Although he was extremely hostile to Mu Rufeng, he still did not resist his work.

Soon, paper and pen appeared in front of Wang Xin.

Wang Xin also quickly started painting.

Before Wang Xin suffered from ALS, he was an art student who was good at painting and had very good professional grades.

Unfortunately, after contracting ALS, I could no longer hold a pen, so I ended up relying on my right leg to draw.

Now her body is back to health, and after getting used to it for a while, she feels like before.

Soon, the man in black armor appeared on the white paper.

Then, Wang Xin stretched out his hand and pressed it on the black-armored man, closing his eyes slightly, and a special power instantly emerged from his body.

More than ten seconds later, Wang Xin opened his eyes and said, "There are eighteen black-armored people in our Dragon Country, but they are all dead."

"There are a total of 171 black-armored people abroad. No, that's not right. Two more have been added."

"Their locations are scattered in various countries around the world, but they are all gathered together. The United States has the most, with a total of 41 people. I will write down the coordinates of the specific locations."

After Wang Xin finished speaking, he began to write on the white paper.

"There are so many." Mu Rufeng's face was slightly happy.

"There are so many." Wang Luo frowned.

"They capture traversers, and one should be able to summon a black-armored person from another world. There are many traversers in our country."

"But there are more in foreign countries than us. We need to eliminate them all as soon as possible. Otherwise, when they form a certain scale, it will be difficult to kill them even with your current strength." Wang Luo said.

This does not mean that Mu Rufeng is not strong enough and cannot beat those black-armored people.

But Mu Rufeng couldn't split his body and cast spells, so these black-armored men were scattered, capturing traversers all over the world and summoning black-armored men to come.

Mu Rufeng was alone, and even if he could fly, the speed of killing black-armored men could not match the speed of the black-armored men coming.

"No, Team Leader Wang, have you forgotten that we can also increase the upper limit of killing black-armored men."

"I won't say it, just for you, if your strength is unlocked to a certain extent, do you think you can't kill them all?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Hmm? Yes, I almost forgot. I haven't slept for several days, and my spirit is a little dazed." Wang Luo smiled and shook his head.

"However, we still have to kill them as soon as possible, because it is not clear whether their strength will increase. After all, if we can improve our strength, they should be able to do so."

"If they are fully armed, although we can kill them later, they will also cause huge damage and casualties." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, then there is no time to lose, let's set off immediately." Wang Luo said.

"However, Team Leader Wang, do you think we should tell the foreign countries about this? As long as they know that killing the black-armored people can lift the restrictions and increase the upper limit, they will definitely hunt down the black-armored people like crazy." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course we have to tell them, but time is tight now. It's morning now, so let's notify the foreign countries tomorrow morning." Wang Luo said seriously.

"Well, that makes sense. By the way, Wang Xin, are there many black-clad people in our neighboring countries?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Wang Xin glanced at Mu Rufeng and said, "There are ten in the Korean country, the island country, the Yue country... There are eighty in total."

"Eighty? It seems that the black-armored people of our Dragon Country should have withdrawn to the surrounding countries and waited for an opportunity to act."

"Mu Rufeng, please help me kill a few more black-armored people. When my strength is improved, I can kill them myself." Wang Luo said.

"Of course no problem." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

This must be agreed to. He was still counting on Wang Luo to write him a basic cultivation method after he became stronger.

Mu Rufeng and Wang Luo took a car to Huanghua Airport.

They were going to go to Korea as their first stop.

For no other reason, Korea was the closest to them.

According to the location provided by Wang Xin, these black-armored people in Korea were all gathered together in Seoul.

Calculating the distance, the two sides were about 1,600 kilometers.

They were going to take a plane directly. Anyway, if the captain was driving the plane, he just had to say a few words, "I'm a bastard." It didn't matter if he was speeding or not.

They directly dispatched a plane and took off in a short time.

There were also quite a few people traveling with them, six of them, all of them were time travelers.

Their abilities were very useful, so they were taken with them, and they also recovered their own abilities, so that they could act better.

As for Wang Xin, she was not allowed to go with her.

She wanted to go, but Wang Luo didn't allow it. He asked people to strictly protect her and wait for their instructions. Once the order was issued, she would immediately draw and use her ability, and then report the location of the black-armored man.

Two hours later, a plane landed at Seoul International Airport.

Mu Rufeng and his group got off the plane secretly, and then left the airport without alarming anyone.

After they left the airport, several cars that had been arranged long ago drove them to a certain place.

Almost five minutes later, Wang Xin called.

Wang Luo answered the call, nodded, and then hung up the phone and opened a special map and entered a coordinate in it.

Soon, a location appeared.

"Go here, as fast as possible." Wang Luo said to the driver.

"Okay, team leader." The driver nodded, and then stepped on the accelerator.

The two cars behind also stepped on the accelerator quickly and followed closely.

Mu Rufeng had already taken out a computer and began to type on the keyboard with his hands.

Soon, surveillance images appeared on the computer screen.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and said, "There are still too few surveillance cameras in the Korean country, but they can still monitor the abandoned factory."

"But if they take the side road, we still don't know whether he has left."

Wang Luo heard this and said, "It's okay. When we get to the vicinity, let Wang Xin report their location. If they don't find us, they will definitely not leave there easily."

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Half an hour later, the three cars slowly stopped in a forest 500 meters away from the abandoned factory.

Mu Rufeng and Wang Luo got out of the car immediately, and after telling the group to stay here, they went to the abandoned factory alone.

Not long after, the two came to the outside of the factory.

They had confirmed through Wang Xin that the group was still inside, and at the same time, the number of black-armored people had reached fifteen.

It was only a few hours, and there were five more black-armored people.

However, this also made them feel surprised.

After all, there were five more people who could increase their strength.

Even Wang Luo was thinking about whether to let the black-armored people summon more black-armored people, and then kill them all at once, so that his strength would recover higher.

Soon this thought was thrown away by him. The black-armored people must have a conspiracy. Maybe the more black-armored people there are, the more conspiracy there is. Even the number of black-armored people who die is not important. What matters is the number of black-armored people who come to this world.

Wang Luo also told Mu Rufeng about his idea. After hearing it, Mu Rufeng also expressed his opinion.

If they capture the traverser to summon the black-armored people, if they need to kill the traverser, then the probability should be smaller.

However, if the black-armored people capture the traverser and summon the black-armored people without killing the traverser, then the problem will be very big.

Because this will cause a very realistic problem.

The traverser wants to regain his own power, and killing the black-armored people can restore his own power.

At the same time, the black-armored people can summon black-armored people indefinitely. They only need to capture the traverser, and they don’t even have to kill the traverser.

Then, those powerful traversers in countries all over the world will start to capture traversers themselves, and then send them to the black-armored people, so that the black-armored people can summon their companions.

After the summoning is completed, the black-armored man will be killed to make his strength stronger. Repeating this process, he will reach his peak strength before crossing.

Wang Luo agrees with Mu Rufeng's opinion.

If this is true, then they cannot tell other countries, but must clear all the black-armored men as quickly as possible.

"Then I will go in first, you follow me, fifteen people, as mentioned before, leave two for the team members, I will have seven, and you will have eight." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." Wang Luo nodded slightly.

After killing seven black-armored men, his strength should be able to recover to the foundation building stage, and after the foundation building stage, his strength will become very strong.

The most important thing is that after the foundation building stage, he can cast more spells, arrays, prohibitions, etc., and even fly with a sword.

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Rufeng teleported directly to a small window above.

He looked down through the window and found that there were indeed many black-armored men gathered together.

They did not move at all, and there was a wire behind them, as if they were charging.

Mu Rufeng also slowly pulled out his Xiuchun serrated knife.

Although the effect was greatly weakened, the hardness and sharpness were still there.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng appeared beside them, and the knife light flashed.

In an instant, the limbs of these black-armored men were cut off instantly, and blood flowed from the broken ends.

At this moment, they also woke up instantly.

They wailed one by one, but soon shut off the pain, so that they could not feel the pain.

They fell to the ground, staring at Mu Rufeng, shouting incomprehensible words.

Although they wanted to do it, their limbs were cut off, and now they were in the form of a human stick, and it was extremely difficult to turn over.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng swung the knife again, and the heads of the seven black-armored men were directly cut off.

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised one upper limit]

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised one upper limit]

The next moment, Mu Rufeng felt that his strength had soared again.

He carefully sensed it and thought that he should be at the sixth level of the mind-refining state now.

Soon, Wang Luo walked in from outside.

After seeing the situation here, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Mu Rufeng, your strength is really amazing. The way of martial arts is completely different from cultivating immortals, but it is somewhat similar to the way of body refining."

"Don't sigh, hurry up and do it. After dealing with these guys, I will go to the island country." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, yes, let's fight quickly. After I kill them, I will also go to Yue State to kill these black-armored men as soon as possible and restore my own strength." Wang Luo nodded.

Then he cast a small fire spell, and in an instant, a terrifying flame rose up and enveloped the eight black-armored men.

The black-armored man was bathed in flames, his expression did not change at all, and he stared at Mu Rufeng and the others.

After burning for about a minute, Wang Luo withdrew the spell and then cast an ice spell again.

The terrifying cold air instantly covered the black-armored man who was still emitting high temperature, and froze him into ice.

Then Wang Luo used his spiritual power and smashed the body of a black-armored man into pieces with one punch.

Alternating hot and cold can make metal materials very brittle. Scientific cultivation is also a correct choice.

Wang Luo then followed suit and smashed the other seven black-armored men into pieces.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt a certain energy surge in Wang Luo's body.

The aura has also become extremely powerful, probably rising to a great realm and reaching the peak of this great realm.

Maybe, as long as he kills some more black-armored men, he can break through the big realm again.

"The peak of foundation building, I miss the power so much." Wang Luo opened his palms, and a whirlpool of spiritual energy emerged, with a faint smile on his face.

"He is actually a foundation-building master. He is so terrifying. The golden elixir avenue is just around the corner!" Mu Rufeng said exaggeratedly.

"Can you please stop being like this? It's weird." Wang Luo glanced at Mu Rufeng, shook his head and said.

"Sorry, sorry, I was a little excited when I saw a cultivator for the first time. I like reading novels about cultivating immortals the most." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, without further ado, I will take these two men in black armor to find them. You can also go to the island country." Wang Luo reached out and grabbed the two men in black armor and said.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but with a flick of her finger, she saw the two men in black armor falling asleep.

At the same time, a black mist enveloped them, preventing them from sensing the situation outside.

"The time travelers are not dead, they are all being held in a room over there." Mu Rufeng turned to look at a room not far away and said.

"No one died?" Wang Luo said in a deep voice.

"Well, not dead, the breath of five people." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"It seems that they must have a conspiracy. It's better not to tell the public about this news for the time being. Let's eliminate the black-armored people as soon as possible."

Wang Luo went to the room and checked. There were indeed five time travelers inside. Although they were all in a coma, they were not dead or even injured.

"Well, have a nice journey. Remember, give me a powerful immortal cultivation technique. By the way, give me a ghost cultivation technique as well." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ghost cultivation technique? Okay, let's wait until the black-armored man's matter is settled." Wang Luo nodded and responded.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, then disappeared from the spot.

Mu Rufeng arrived at the airport, and a private plane was already waiting.

After Mu Rufeng got on the plane, the plane started directly and headed towards the United States.

Going to an island country? No, no, no, how is it possible to go to the island country? Even Wang Luo did not go to the Yue country, but to Lao Maozi.

This is naturally to confuse those black-armored people.

Mu Rufeng could not understand the language of the black-armored people, but there was a high probability that the black-armored people had learned human language.

It is conceivable that the black-armored people in Yue and island countries must have moved to other places.

The United States is the place with the largest number of black-armored people, and they have not dispersed. They have all gathered somewhere in Niuyue.

It is estimated that by the time he reaches Niuyue, the number will become a little larger.

On the plane, Mu Rufeng opened her property panel.

【Name】: Mu Rufeng


[Level]: LV6 (0/7)

【Power】: 4777


[Physique]: 4777

[Contract slot]: LV6 Wei Ying (Mu Guiying)/LV5 (Bai Jingwei)/LV6 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV6 (Huan Xin)/LV7 (Wu Lan)

[Mount]: Nian Beast (Divine Realm)

[Ghost Power]: Level 9

[Realm]: Divine Realm

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Prosperous Gambling Luck] [Demon Lord] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster] [ Divine Hunter】【Medical Hand】

[Skill]: [Life or death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Explosion]... [God rewards those who work hard] [Soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist] [Lord of the Dragon Corpse]

[Lucky value]: 212

Props: [Scarlet Preferred Share Contract]...

Soul power: 100 million

Soul Bank: 150,800 billion

Bound soul money: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul unit: 300710550

The rest has not changed much, only his three-dimensional attributes, realm and ghost power level have changed.

They were all suppressed. If he wanted to fully recover his strength, he would probably have to kill a lot of black-armored people.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Mu Rufeng's plane landed at an airport in Niuyue.

When Mu Rufeng came outside the airport, the phone rang.

After the call was connected, Wang Xin's curse came: "Old gangster, the coordinates of those black-armored men are at XXX. There are a lot more people. There are seventy in total."

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked her and hung up the phone.

You can't do it without hanging up. This guy can spray Mu Rufeng for hours.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng directly blocked Wang Xin's number.

Mu Rufeng notified Wang Xin when she got off the plane and asked her to see the location of the black-armored man.

Now that we know it, Mu Rufeng will naturally not stay here too long. As soon as the ghost is gone, the whole person will go directly towards the destination.

When it comes to rushing, Gui Xie is much stronger.

What made Mu Rufeng a little concerned was that these black-armored people were growing too fast. There were only forty-one before, but now there were seventy black-armored people.

However, it was more friendly to Mu Rufeng. After all, the time to eliminate forty and seventy was almost the same, but it could make him stronger.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to a more remote manor.

This place is in the suburbs, sparsely populated, and this manor is a good place to hide.

Moreover, this place is a branch of the official organization of the American supernatural.

However, at this moment, this branch has been occupied by the black-armored people.

Looking at the situation, the United States has no idea at all.

These black-armored people seem to have evolved and learned, and know how to use humans to hide themselves.

Unfortunately, they met someone with bug-like abilities like Wang Xin.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered the virtual state, and then flew in swaggeringly.

In this world, using the virtual ability can be said to be a complete kill, and no one can sense his existence.

The wall was easily penetrated, and Mu Rufeng saw a large number of black-armored people sitting in front of those computers or equipment in this branch.

The words spoken in his mouth were actually English.

Judging from what they said, it seemed that they were dealing with some things or reporting some work.

After a closer look, Mu Rufeng found that these black-armored people were pretending to be staff members in the branch.

It seems that it is precisely because these black-armored people can disguise themselves so perfectly that people from other departments will not find out that this branch has already changed hands.

At the same time, the most noticeable thing is that among these black-armored people, there is a red-armored person.

This red-armored person is very tall, more than three meters tall. At first glance, he is the leader of these black-armored people.

From the size, you can tell that this red-armored person is definitely not simple.

"I didn't expect that the boss of the black-armored people would come out?" Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly, and then walked around the branch.

He found that these black-armored people really completely replaced those Americans at work.

Even some of the video or voice calls with their families were all processed with certain technologies and were not discovered by outsiders at all.

Because this branch is special and confidential, almost no one will come here, and most of them are still online.

Mu Rufeng also saw the imprisoned travelers.

There were quite a few of them, about thirty in total.

After confirming that the travelers were here, Mu Rufeng memorized the location and prepared to take action.

The next moment, the ghost den expanded directly and enveloped the entire branch.

Except for the travelers, all the black-armored people were wrapped in it.

The coverage of the ghost den also made the black-armored people feel that something was wrong.

Of course, it was not that they noticed the ghost den, but because of the ghost den, those communication equipment and some machines and computers could not be used.

The red-armored man immediately stood up and looked around. He seemed to have noticed something.

However, before he could say anything, he saw the black-armored people around him fall to the ground at the same time.

At the same time, he also felt a burst of extreme sleepiness.

Before he could make any move, he was overwhelmed by sleepiness and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Mu Rufeng appeared here, and then he thought about it, and saw seventy black-armored men appeared here.

They were all transferred here by Mu Rufeng using the ghost cave.

Mu Rufeng did not have any mercy, and directly swung the serrated knife in his hand and quickly cut off the heads of these black-armored men.

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised the upper limit level]

[Successfully killed a black-armored man, and raised the upper limit level]

The power in the body was surging and surging, and this feeling made Mu Rufeng feel very relieved.

All seventy black-armored men were killed by Mu Rufeng, including the red-armored man.

It was a pity that even if the red-armored man was killed, it would only increase one level.

Mu Rufeng took another look at his attributes.

[Strength]: 19315

[Spirit]: 19315

[Constitution]: 19315

[Ghost Power]: Level 8

[Realm]: Soul Refining Realm

The three-dimensional attributes soared directly to 19,000, and both the ghost power and martial arts realm reached level 8.

This wave made Mu Rufeng's strength soar.

However, if Mu Rufeng wants to recover his peak state, hundreds of black-armored people should be about the same.

If all the existing black-armored people in the world are killed, it should be possible, but Mu Rufeng thinks that Wang Luo should recover his strength first.

He is really interested in Wang Luo's supreme skills.

Moreover, Wang Luo is a person from this world. If he recovers his strength, he can better protect his world.

And it doesn't matter whether Mu Rufeng's strength is recovered or not. After all, as long as he completes the task, he can return directly.

His strength will naturally be restored.

Killing the black-armored people, whether he kills them or others kill them, as long as they die, it's fine.

After Mu Rufeng finished the work, he called Wang Xin.

As soon as the call was connected, Wang Xin started to curse. Mu Rufeng ignored him and simply explained his request.

Although Wang Xin was still cursing, his hands were not slow, and he started to draw the black-armored man again.

Not long after, Wang Xin sent all the location information to Mu Rufeng's mobile phone through TT.

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