I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Last three days, please support me with monthly tickets!

Time flies, and it's the last three days of the month.

Xiaowen is begging for monthly tickets here, and I'm going to give it a try.

This month, I've updated 8,000 words a day, and my tinnitus and back pain have eased a little.

I wanted to add more chapters and ask for monthly tickets, but because my grandma fell a few days ago, I was busy for a few days and all my manuscripts were used up.

Grandma is still in the hospital and should have surgery in the next few days. My uncle and aunt are taking care of her there now.

I've also tried hard to save manuscripts these days. I feel like I'm getting rusty staying at home all day.

I've been a little anxious and insomniac recently. I'm obviously very sleepy, but I just can't fall asleep, and then I get up the next day and I'm not very energetic. It's really uncomfortable.

I've finished complaining, so I won't say much. In the last three days, I'm begging for monthly tickets.

Thank you all for your subscription support and monthly ticket support!

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