I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 365 Bermuda Triangle? [Monthly vote requested! ]

In fact, it is not very useful for Mu Rufeng to know these, because it is almost impossible for the strange world to have contact with the Xuanlong world.

Mu Rufeng took out another jade slip.

Yinming Jue is also an extremely powerful technique.

Moreover, it is very suitable for human practice, or in other words, it is a technique that only humans can practice.

It must be practiced based on the physical body.

After checking it, Mu Rufeng put it away.

This technique is not as powerful and magical as the Hunyuan Sutra, and it can be reproduced.

Even manually copied.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng decided to give this technique to Ye Lin, and let him handle the promotion.

Anyway, it is also happy to be an idle person.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the phone and dialed Ye Lin's number.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Mu Rufeng? Back? It took so long this time? Is the dungeon the more powerful one?" Ye Lin said in surprise.

"Well, this dungeon, how should I put it, is very bizarre. Are you at the headquarters?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I'm at the headquarters. What dungeon? Still makes you feel bizarre?"

"Let's talk about it when we meet later."

"Okay, I'm in the Time Book Room, just come over."

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then hung up the phone. Then Mu Rufeng flew out of the room and headed towards the Beijing headquarters.


Beijing headquarters, Time Book Room.

Ye Lin was writing some information at the desk.

When Mu Rufeng came in, he looked up at Mu Rufeng, then lowered his head and continued to write information, and asked at the same time:

"Tell me, how bizarre is your dungeon this time."

"I'll talk about this later. I got a good thing in this dungeon." Mu Rufeng said, throwing the jade slip directly to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin raised his left hand and grabbed it directly.

The properties of the jade slip appeared directly in Ye Lin's mind.

"Hmm? This." Ye Lin looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"How is it, is it a good thing?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Good stuff, this is definitely a good thing, it can directly absorb ghost power for cultivation, but this technique seems to be a method for cultivating immortals, right?"

"Then, does it require spiritual roots to cultivate? So, your copy this time is a world of cultivating immortals?" Ye Lin said.

In Ye Lin's opinion, Mu Rufeng's copy is indeed getting weirder and weirder.

I never thought that the copy that Mu Rufeng entered this time was actually in a world of cultivating immortals.

If this is the case, does it mean that this world of cultivating immortals has also been invaded and swallowed by the weird world?

"Yes, this is the method of cultivating immortals, and it also requires spiritual roots to practice, but you are wrong about one thing."

"The copy I went to this time was not the world of cultivating immortals, but a modern world. The time is 2014. Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the history has been a little different."

Mu Rufeng briefly recounted the history of Dragon Country.

"Wow, this Chongzhen is so awesome, and the Ming Dynasty directly conquered the world, which is pretty good." Ye Lin said in surprise.

People of his status have a very strong sense of belonging and honor to the country.

Unconsciously, he was substituted into the Ming Dynasty and Dragon Country, and naturally he would have a very special feeling.

"However, what you said is just an ordinary modern society. How is it related to this method of cultivating immortals?" Ye Lin said puzzledly.

"This world is the main world, and it is very strange. There are many travelers in the main world. These travelers are all natives of this main world, and then they travel through various different worlds."

"There are magic worlds, high martial arts worlds, immortal cultivation worlds, rebirths back to the past, and the end of the world, etc."

"After these travelers return, their strength will be suppressed to a very low level. The strongest ones are probably equivalent to the second level of martial arts refining muscles."

"Among them, the strongest in the world is Wang Luo, who is also the head of the special department of the Dragon Group. He is the supreme immortal emperor who returned from the immortal cultivation world."

"This immortal emperor is not fake, but the kind with real infinite power."

"In his words, that is: "Picking stars and moons, moving mountains and filling the sea, destroying a domain with one hand, and shattering space with a thought, the laws obey my orders, and the laws follow my words. I am the master of all heavens and worlds."

Mu Rufeng said.

"I am the master of all heavens and worlds, what a big tone. "Ye Lin was shocked when he heard this.

"This is not fake, I have seen it before."

"Later, due to some special reasons, my strength recovered, and his strength also recovered to the peak of the Tribulation Realm. He used the national fortunes of the five most powerful countries in the world as the core of the formation and arranged a powerful formation."

"He killed a space-time giant beast whose strength reached the Earth Immortal Realm with one strike."

"This Earth Immortal Realm surpasses the Emperor Realm and seems to have reached the God Realm." Mu Rufeng said.

"So powerful? Earth Immortal Realm, God Realm, Space-time giant beast, your world this time, isn't it not swallowed by the weird world? But a brand new world?" Ye Lin suddenly thought of this, and then looked straight at Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, this is a real world, not a world swallowed by the weird world. As Wang Luo said, he is the master of all heavens and worlds. "

"Xuanlong Realm is the Immortal Realm, and there are countless sub-planes under the Immortal Realm. I believe that in addition to our Earth, there must be countless worlds, the real heavens and myriad worlds." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"So, that space-time giant beast was sent by the strange world to invade that world? But you should be given the task of invasion."

"How could the Supreme Immortal Emperor Luo give you this skill?" Ye Lin said.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then began to explain. At the same time, he also told Ye Lin all the information about the copy.

When Ye Lin finished listening, he looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"Rule world, ordinary world, the login bracelet is invalid, Mu Rufeng, are you sure the login bracelet is invalid?"

This login bracelet is the most precious prop for humans now, and it can save lives.

But Mu Rufeng heard that the login bracelet was invalid.

"Yes, it is invalid. That rule has surpassed the world level. Fortunately, I finally returned safely." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, this matter is a bit serious. Please write a report. I will go to the person in the South China Sea in person." Ye Lin said seriously.

"I am too lazy to write, but I recorded it. You can prepare a written report yourself and take this recording with you."

Mu Rufeng said, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and then ended the voice recording and sent the recording file to Ye Lin via WeChat.

"Okay, by the way, you just returned, there should be nothing wrong, right?" Ye Lin said again.

"Well, nothing happened." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"It just so happened that last week, a fog appeared in the Bermuda Triangle, covering the entire Bermuda."

"We sent people there, and they all turned around and came out."

"I went there in person a few days ago, and I turned around and came out. I couldn't get in at all. Even if we used our abilities to attack, or even the overwhelming missiles, they were swallowed by the fog and there was no ripple."

Ye Lin said, operated on the computer, and then turned it over to show Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng looked down. It was a video shot from high altitude. The picture showed a vast sea area.

A huge fog covered the sea area. Some contractors launched a terrifying attack on the fog.

There were also hot weapons. Missiles flew into the fog. There was no explosion, no light, and no ripples at all.

"So, do you want me to go there?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, after all, who made you the strongest man in the world now?" Ye Lin said with a smile.

"I would like to ask with the Book of Time, but the number of inquiries in the Book of Time has been used up this month. I have to wait until next month." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, I know. I have something to do later. I will go there tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yeah." Ye Lin nodded in response.

"Yesterday I also asked Jian Fengfeng and Mu Wuyu to go there. They can go deep into the range of about 100 kilometers, but they can't find any clues." Ye Lin said.

"They are already in the ninth level of the divine realm, but they have only entered the range of 100 kilometers?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"You go ahead, I'll go first." Mu Rufeng said hello to Ye Lin and left directly.

Arriving at the first floor of the headquarters, clouds rose under Mu Rufeng's feet, and then he stepped on the clouds and headed towards Changsha.


On the way, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Yaocun's number.

"Brother Feng? Are you back?" After the call was connected, Li Yaocun's surprised voice came from inside.

"Well, I'm back. How is it? How is your wife's dungeon situation these few times?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"My wife and child are fine, thanks to Ma Qiu, thank you, thank you Brother Feng." Li Yaocun hurriedly thanked him.

"It's good that everything is fine. The child should be born too? Are you still in the hospital or at home now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's born. We are at home now. Brother Feng, are you coming over? It's just right. Things are a little complicated. I still need to talk to you." Li Yaocun responded.

"Is it a bit complicated? Okay, wait for me, I'll be there in about five minutes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng immediately went at full speed.


Five minutes later.

Mu Rufeng appeared at the door of Li Yaocun's house.

Li Yaocun is now a level 4 contractor and the captain of the action team in Changsha County.

He has contracted two contracted ghosts and his strength is not weak. He now lives in a large flat allocated for the second time.

The 300-square-meter large flat is in the newly built community next to the branch.

Mu Rufeng rang the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened and Li Yaocun came into view.

"Brother Feng is here? Come in, come in." Li Yaocun hurriedly invited Mu Rufeng in.

Mu Rufeng looked around the house. It was decorated in a modern and simple style, which looked very tall and beautiful.

"This decoration is good. Is this your new house?"

Speaking of which, Mu Rufeng has never been to Li Yaocun's place.

"Yes, it's a new house. It was renovated last month and we just moved in not long ago." Li Yaocun said with a smile.

If it were in the past, let alone such a luxurious house, he probably couldn't even afford a 70-square-meter old house with stairs that was older than his parents.

Since entering the dungeon, his fate has changed. Now, he lives in a luxuriously decorated 300-square-meter flat.

Life has really changed dramatically.

This location is also very good, close to the subway entrance, and on the 16th floor, you can see a river in the distance.

Although it is not as good as the river view room of the Xiangjiang River, it is still very pleasing to the eye.

If you look at the price, this house cannot be bought without several million.

"It has just been renovated. It won't be left for a few months? Aren't you afraid of formaldehyde?" Mu Rufeng said.

To be honest, a newly renovated house, no matter what materials you use, will always have formaldehyde. The best way is to let it ventilate for a few months.

"Brother Feng, have you forgotten that we are contractors?"

"Use ghost power to sweep it once, and the formaldehyde and other things will disappear. I also specially used instruments to test it. The formaldehyde content is extremely low, lower than those houses that have been left for several years." Li Yaocun said with a smile.

"Yes, I almost forgot. I didn't realize that Brother Cun was quite flexible and could think of this trick." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"This is not what I thought of, but what the decoration company thought of. The boss of that decoration company is also a contractor."

"He suddenly wanted to try whether the ghost power could remove the formaldehyde, and he really tested it out." Li Yaocun replied.

"Is that so? That's good. By the way, where is my sister-in-law?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"In the room. Let's go and show you my baby daughter." Li Yaocun laughed.

"Alas, in a blink of an eye, you have a daughter." Mu Rufeng said with emotion.

"You are living with my sister-in-law, so you should be soon." Li Yaocun said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

Soon he arrived at the door of the room, which was open.

The bedroom was also very large. Mu Rufeng saw that his sister-in-law Long Meijuan was sitting on the bed at this moment, holding the child in her arms, and shaking slightly.

"Hello, auntie! Hello, auntie!"

There were two other people in the room, Li Yaocun's mother and Long Meijuan's mother.

"Oh, it's Xiaofeng." Jiang Ying responded and greeted Mu Rufeng.

She was Li Yaocun's mother and had met Mu Rufeng before. When she was in college, Jiang Ying often came to the dormitory and often brought them food in large and small bags.

Everyone in the dormitory had a share.

"You must be Xiaofeng, thank you, thank you, if it weren't for you, my daughter would..."

Li Hui came forward and grabbed Mu Rufeng's hand, tears streaming down her face.

Li Hui, that is, Long Meijuan's mother.

"Auntie, this is what I should do. It's serious, it's serious." Mu Rufeng quickly winked at Li Yaocun.

The latter immediately understood and said quickly: "Mom, don't cry, this should be a happy thing, and Xiaoya just fell asleep, don't wake her up."

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Hui nodded repeatedly.

"Mom, Mom, you two go prepare dinner first. Dad and Daddy should be back soon after shopping. We still have something to discuss with Brother Feng." Li Yaocun said.

"Oh, okay, I remember Xiaofeng likes to eat the pickled spicy fish and papaya shreds I made. I brought a lot of them this time." Jiang Ying said.

"That's great, I haven't eaten them for a long time." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Soon, the aunt and the aunt went out and closed the door.

The decoration materials are very good and the sound insulation effect is also great. After closing the door, you can't hear the movement outside.

When the two aunts went out, Li Yaocun, who was originally smiling, suddenly became a little serious.

"Brother Feng, thank you, Ma Qiu really helped me a lot, otherwise, I don't know what Xiaoya would do." Long Meijuan, who was holding the child on the bed, said with gratitude.

"It should be, anyway, Ma Qiu is probably very happy." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, Maqiu is very happy. Every time my wife is about to enter the dungeon, she is very excited." Li Yaocun nodded and said.

"By the way, you two look very serious. Is there anything else?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Well, Meijuan, you go ahead. I'm holding the child." Li Yaocun stepped forward and held the child over.

"Hey, Xiaoya, why are you keeping your eyes open? Aren't you sleeping?"

As soon as Li Yaocun held her over, he saw his daughter staring at him with a pair of big eyes and smiling.

"She should be pretending to sleep. This child is a little different from ordinary children."

"Brother Feng, now every time I enter the dungeon, Xiaoya will go with me." Long Meijuan said.

"Huh? The child will go with you too?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He could never have imagined that the child would follow Long Meijuan to the dungeon.

"Yes, and, look." Li Yaocun nodded, and then grabbed Xiaoya's left hand and raised it up.

Mu Rufeng looked over and his pupils shrank slightly. There was a login bracelet tattoo on Xiaoya's arm.

"Is this a login bracelet? What's going on?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

You know, if the login bracelet is worn by people under the age of 18, it is invalid.

Only those over 18 years old can use the login bracelet, enter the strange world, and participate in the dungeon game.

But now Xiaoya has just turned one month old, how could she wear a login bracelet?

"That's what I want to tell you. I also talked to Minister Zhou and checked it out. They didn't know what was going on."

"They said they would wait for you to come back and let you take a look." Li Yaocun said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. He went forward and grabbed Xiaoya's hand. After a careful inspection, she was wearing a login bracelet.

But the next moment, Mu Rufeng's face was slightly shocked. Xiaoya actually

"Sister-in-law, tell me about your first dungeon experience."

Long Meijuan nodded, and then directly told her first dungeon information.

Long Meijuan entered a dungeon called [Mountain Climber].

This is a new dungeon. The main task is to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

It seems very simple, but there are various dangers on the mountain, including but not limited to traps, wild animals, weirdness, falling rocks, landslides, etc.

This is also a multiplayer dungeon. A total of ten people participated, and they were all new players, without any old players.

Long Meijuan is a pregnant woman, and she is also a pregnant woman who is about to give birth. Let alone climbing a mountain, she can't walk too far.

Fortunately, Maqiu was there, because they were all new players, and the danger was relatively small.

It was more of a test of physical strength and courage. If the physical strength and courage were sufficient, there would be no problem in passing the level.

With Maqiu's mecha mode, there would be no problem in reaching the top.

However, because this mountain was quite strange, and Long Meijuan was also quite righteous, she had to take the other nine players to the top of the mountain together.

It took five days to successfully reach the top and complete the dungeon return.

And Xiaoya was born on the third day.

Fortunately, there was an obstetrician and a nurse among these new players.

The child was born safely.

After the child was born, Long Meijuan was afraid that something might go wrong, so she put the login bracelet given by Li Yaocun on the child.

Then, she really put it on.

After Long Meijuan returned, she didn't care too much about these things. After all, the mother and daughter were safe.

However, when they entered the second dungeon, they found out that after Long Meijuan entered the dungeon, Xiaoya would follow her.

It seemed that they were already bound together.

As for whether Xiaoya had a panel, system tasks, system rewards, etc., they didn't know.

Because Xiaoya was only a month old, she couldn't speak at all and couldn't understand their words.

Then the third and fourth dungeons were the same. Even if they were thousands of miles away from Xiaoya, as long as they entered the dungeon, Xiaoya would appear in her arms.

Fortunately, every time Maqiu accompanied her, she returned safely and even contracted a good weirdness.

"It seems that you two should be bound, but as long as you wear the login bracelet, you will be directly teleported back even if something goes wrong."

"In the future dungeons, I can only rely on my sister-in-law. Ma Qiu is not of much use to me now, so let it follow my sister-in-law first."

"By the way, I see that my sister-in-law has reached level 2, and Xiao Ya seems to have reached level 2 as well. It seems that she will also issue tasks and settle rewards with my sister-in-law." Mu Rufeng suddenly noticed something and said immediately.

"Huh? Really? Xiao Ya has also reached level 2? Why can't I feel it?" Li Yaocun was shocked.

"I am stronger and more sensitive. I didn't notice it before. I just felt it when I grabbed Xiao Ya's hand." Mu Rufeng said.

"In this case, doesn't Xiao Ya's level follow my wife?" Li Yaocun looked incredulous.

"It should be like this. It seems that the youngest contractor will appear in the future, haha." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Brother Feng, you are too..." Li Yaocun said, holding his forehead.

"No matter what, it is bound to my sister-in-law, who can also take care of it. With the login bracelet, there is no need to worry about safety issues."

"It can be said that Xiaoya's starting line has surpassed most people now. When the strange world comes in September, Xiaoya will be level 4."

"When Xiaoya is 18 years old, she will probably be level 9. Do you feel much better when I say that?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's right. Oh, if you put it that way, isn't my Xiaoya a blessing in disguise?" Li Yaocun figured it out at once, and then said with a smile.

"The strange world is inevitable, and all people of the right age in the world will enter the strange world to participate in the dungeon game."

"It is indeed a good thing that Xiaoya can be bound to her sister-in-law." Mu Rufeng said.

"By the way, did you give Xiaoya the attribute fruit?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"No, Xiaoya is only one month old, how can I give her the attribute fruit?" Li Yaocun shook his head and said.

"Attribute fruit can make Xiaoya grow faster and her brain develop faster. Some people abroad have already studied it."

"It is beneficial to give attribute fruit to a newborn baby. I am here today, so I will give Xiaoya some attribute fruit." Mu Rufeng said.

He is not making this up. It is indeed an experiment done by those contractors abroad.

No one in China has tried this. After all, this is a child. It is impossible to use him for this experiment.

But abroad, people don't care so much.

When the experimental results came out, many people with status would directly give their children or descendants the attribute fruit.

This can be regarded as training from an early age, and when they grow up, they will definitely be able to stand on their own.

Li Yaocun and Long Meijuan naturally agreed.

Then, under Mu Rufeng's careful sensing, he fed Xiaoya three fruits.

Strength, physique and spirit each increased a little.

Because she is a child, she can't eat too much, one of each is already the limit.

If she eats more, it will be bad.

This is also why Mu Rufeng strictly monitors Xiaoya's body, and naturally will not let Xiaoya suffer any damage.

After eating the attribute fruit, Xiaoya seemed to be digesting the power in her body, so she fell into a deep sleep.

"The child should sleep for a while, put her in the crib." Mu Rufeng handed Xiaoya to Long Meijuan.

"Later, give Xiaoya a strength attribute fruit every day, eat ten, then eat physique, and finally spirit. After eating enough, you can give her a second-level one, and so on." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Okay, I got it, Brother Feng." Li Yaocun nodded in response.

Long Meijuan put the child in the crib, and then the three of them left the room.

At this moment, the two uncles also came back and were busy in the kitchen.

Mu Rufeng went over to say hello, after all, they were all elders.

After saying hello, he was called out by them, but Long Meijuan was still in the kitchen and helped.

"There are many people eating tonight. I also called Brother Qiang and others, as well as several colleagues in my team." Li Yaocun said.

"Very good, let's go, take me to visit your home, it looks really good." Mu Rufeng looked at the large flat and said.


The next morning.

Yongcheng, at Mu Rufeng's parents' home.

Mu Rufeng was awakened by Liu Meizhu.

"Xiaofeng, it's time for breakfast. Didn't you say you have something to do today? Hurry up and get up."

The curtains were opened by Liu Meizhu, and the dazzling sunlight fell down.

In April, the temperature was over 10 degrees, and it was still rainy, so it was still quite cold.

It rained a lot during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road were almost dead.

It was not long after the Qingming Festival, and it still rained a lot, but the sun was out today.

"Well, how much did you cook? I'm a little hungry." Mu Rufeng got up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and yawned.

"If you cook two big pots and it's still not enough, then you can find a way yourself." Liu Meizhu said and left the room.

Mu Rufeng came back to see his family after having dinner at Li Yaocun's house last night.

Unexpectedly, his father also entered the dungeon.

At the dining table, there were only grandpa, grandma, Liu Meizhu and Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng ate the noodles very quickly. They had eaten less than half of it, and Mu Rufeng had already finished a big pot.

"Xiaofeng, I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I'm also ready to go to the dungeon world. Do you see if there are any props or something? You know, your mother is very afraid of ghosts." Liu Meizhu suddenly said.

"Hmm? Mom, are you going to enter the dungeon? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

He had said before that he would let his mother enter the dungeon in advance, so that she would be better prepared after the advent.

But Liu Meizhu was a little scared and never dared to go in.

"Your father went in and showed off every day. Your aunt Jiang and aunt Long also went in."

"Although they all died once, they were not afraid. They also went to the relevant departments to restore their broken arms with special props."

"So I think I should go into the dungeon." Liu Meizhu said.

Seeing her mother's serious expression, it is estimated that she has thought it over carefully.

"Well, go in. Mom, you have eaten a lot of spiritual objects now, and your attributes are also high. Ordinary first-level ghosts are not your opponents."

"Take these, and if you meet those unruly ghosts, just fight them."

"If you meet a powerful one, then give them my business card." Mu Rufeng said, taking out a lot of props.

Not enough, the most important thing is your business card.

"Business card?" Liu Meizhu was a little surprised.

"Well, if you encounter a powerful weird, just take out my business card, they should give you some face." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Liu Meizhu looked at the business card that only had Mu Rufeng's face, and was a little confused, but still believed her son and put the business card away.

"Grandpa and grandma, if you two want to go in, you can, take these things, and my business card." Mu Rufeng looked at the eager grandpa and grandma and said.

"Okay, I've wanted to go in for a long time." Grandpa immediately put the things away and grinned.

Grandma thought about it, didn't refuse, and also put the things away.

Grandpa and grandma have eaten so many spiritual things now, and their white hair has turned black. Although it can't be said that they have regained their youth, they have turned from old age to middle age.

As for physical fitness, it goes without saying that they are many times better than ordinary people. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are little supermen.

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