I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 366 New copy: Sea God Palace [ask for guaranteed monthly ticket! ]

"If those weirdos don't give you face, remember their faces and names, and I'll vent your anger when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, okay, my son is still capable." The more Liu Meizhu looked at her son, the prouder she felt.

"Okay, Mom, I'll leave first, I have something else to do." Mu Rufeng took a tissue and wiped her mouth, then stood up.

"Will you come back for dinner tonight?" Liu Meizhu asked.

"No, this matter will definitely take a lot of time."

"Okay, be careful."

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded, and then disappeared from the spot, heading straight for Bermuda.


The Bermuda Triangle is located in the southeast of the Florida Peninsula in North America. It specifically refers to a triangle in the western Atlantic formed by the British Bermuda Islands, Miami in the United States, and San Juan in Puerto Rico.

The side length is about 2,000 kilometers and the area is about 1.16 million square kilometers.

This area is often called the "Devil's Triangle" because many ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared here in history, sparking widespread speculation about its mystery.

However, the specific reasons for these disappearances are still not fully understood.

There are many different explanations and theories about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Some people believe that there are natural factors such as abnormal magnetic fields, complex seabed topography, and abnormal climate in this area, which may cause navigation difficulties or instrument failures.

Some people also suggest that some disappearances may be related to war, piracy or human error.

In addition, there are more bizarre speculations about time and space distortion and alien intervention.

Although the Bermuda Triangle is full of mystery, scientists generally believe that these disappearances are not caused by supernatural phenomena or mysterious forces, but are the result of the combined action of multiple complex factors.

With the advancement of science and technology and the deepening of investigation and research, Bermuda has become more and more supernatural, especially six years ago.

Six years ago, when the weird world came, Bermuda was full of a special magnetic field.

Whether it is a ship or an airplane, once it enters here, it will lose its trace.

This is a disappearance in modern society, not history. Including but not limited to the United States, the United Kingdom, etc., all sent investigation teams to investigate.

But they all went but never returned, even if there were contractors later, they also went but never returned.

Therefore, Bermuda was listed as a forbidden area, and it was blocked by fleets on all sides, and no planes or ships were allowed to pass through here.

However, in this case, it was nothing, because the area covered by fog in Bermuda was only a small area at the beginning.

It was probably a few kilometers of the core area.

And now, the entire Bermuda Triangle, thousands of kilometers, is covered by fog.

It is for this reason that talents from various countries will send high-level contractors to check.

It is different from before. It is not that there is no return, but that you can't get in at all. You just play a few circles in the fog and come out.

Any attack has no effect.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng stepped on the clouds and mist, with a faint light in his eyes, looking at the seemingly endless fog.

The fog is invisible under his dark eyes.

Mu Rufeng's spiritual attributes are high, his soul power is also high, and his strength has reached the ninth level of the divine realm.

The Dark Eye, as the ability of Xiaoying's contract, has a very powerful illusion-breaking attribute under various blessings.

However, Mu Rufeng probably only saw through a distance of hundreds of miles.

There are no valuable clues within this hundreds of miles, all of which are relatively normal sea areas.

Even the fish under the sea seem to have no effect.

"Is it too far away, or is the fog too confusing?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

He was still a little surprised that he could not see through the thousands of miles of fog.

Mu Rufeng immediately raised his strength to the peak state, and then he activated the divine power in his body.

His eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying light, and in an instant, all the fog in the distance was instantly seen through.

There was a terrifying vortex in the center of Bermuda, and endless sea water was swallowed.

And in the vortex, I don’t know if it was an illusion, there was actually a building looming inside.

I could only barely see a little bit of the outline, and I couldn't tell what shape or style it was.

"Hmm? Where is this?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in Mu Rufeng's ears.

"Wu Lan? Are you awake?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

After he came out of the last copy, the sealed Wu Lan and other contracted ghosts were still in a deep sleep. Mu Rufeng called them, but they didn't show any intention of waking up.

However, now that Mu Rufeng has activated the power of divinity, Wu Lan has awakened.

It should be stimulated by the power of divinity, and then he woke up.

"Well, why did I suddenly fall into a deep sleep, and where is this place?" Wu Lan asked.

"The last copy is more complicated. I will tell you when I have time. This is the Bermuda Triangle in the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

Wu Lan fell into a deep sleep during the ban, so naturally he didn't know what Mu Rufeng had experienced in the copy.

"Bermuda Triangle? Why did you come here? And why is there such an unusual atmosphere here?"

"Especially that vortex, it makes me feel palpitations." Wu Lan said slowly.

Hearing Wu Lan say this, he should have learned about the Bermuda Triangle through the Internet world.

"It appeared suddenly, and I am also investigating it." Mu Rufeng said.

As he said this, Mu Rufeng was ready to give it a try.

Just at this time, a number of armed helicopters flew over from a distance.

Mu Rufeng slowly looked at those people.

"This is a national restricted area. People in front please leave quickly."

A voice came from the armed helicopter, and the person speaking was still in English.

At the same time, the breath of high-level contractors came from the helicopter.

Because this place is unusual, there are still many national fleets guarding it, and there are also high-level contractors sitting in it.

When they found Mu Rufeng, they took a helicopter here as soon as possible.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the helicopter and ignored it. After thinking for a while.

He took out the Qilin magic wand, waved it, and cast the fire meteorite falling from the sky.

Dozens of huge meteorites appeared in the sky.

The meteorites were also wrapped in terrifying flames, dyeing the sky orange-red.

The temperature around them also rose suddenly, making people feel a little hot and unbearable.

"Send Q!"

The people on the three armed helicopters were shocked.

Without saying a word, they turned around and quickly went back the way they came.

At the same time, many strange streams of light flew out of the helicopters.

These were the streams of light produced by high-level contractors who used the ghost escape.

This terrifying aura made those high-level contractors feel the threat of death.

They even felt that the helicopter was flying too slowly, so they ran away at the first time and used their abilities to run away.

Mu Rufeng's eyes shone with light, staring at the mist, he wanted to see how the mist could eliminate his attack.

Or, his attack could break the mist.

Under Mu Rufeng's control, the fire meteorite roared into the mist.

The mist kept rolling, but it did not disappear, and quickly filled up, as if the meteorite had not fallen.

Mu Rufeng stared at the inside of the mist.

When the meteorite sank into the mist, a strange scene appeared.

The meteorite disappeared in an instant. None of the meteorites existed, but all disappeared.

Mu Rufeng's eyes instantly locked on the strange vortex in the core area of ​​Bermuda.

In the vortex, meteorites continued to appear out of thin air, and then the meteorites carrying huge power were directly swallowed by the vortex.

After swallowing all the meteorites in a row, there was no ripple.

"So, all the attacks of those people will be transmitted to the top of the vortex and then swallowed by it?" Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.

"Such a powerful force was swallowed up by that strange vortex." Wu Lan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, looked at the resurrection card in the inventory, and then looked at the landing bracelet on his hand, and Mu Rufeng decided to go there in person.

"No venture, no gain. Maybe I can get another dungeon." Mu Rufeng made up his mind.

What can appear here must be some things from the strange world.

As long as you can get in, it must be a dungeon game.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng flew into the fog.

Unlike those who entered the contract to explore, Mu Rufeng's eyes can see through the fog, so he will not get lost and turn out.

He continued to enter, and in just a few minutes, Mu Rufeng successfully arrived at the core area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle.

The huge vortex was still swallowing up the sea water.

The building inside was still looming and unclear.

Mu Rufeng could not feel any ghost energy, even spiritual power.

Mu Rufeng released a trace of ghost power, and then was instantly absorbed by the vortex and disappeared.

This seems to be a place without spirits.

There is also a faint suction acting on Mu Rufeng.

However, it seems that his strength is very strong, and the suction can't do anything to him.

Mu Rufeng lightly tapped, and saw a shark lying at his feet flew up, and then fell directly into the vortex.

When the shark fell into the vortex, the blood in its body was instantly sucked away, and then it turned into a mummy, and finally fell into the vortex and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Why does it feel like the Dead Sea?"

He stood outside, and the suction could not affect him, but if he jumped into the vortex, he didn't know whether the suction would increase to the extent that it could directly suck him to death.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng fell into a dilemma.

"Where is the copy, why hasn't it been triggered? Is it not close enough?"

Mu Rufeng thought so and moved closer again.

When he reached a certain distance from the vortex, a prompt sound suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Detected copy: Sea God Palace, do you want to enter? ]

"Sea God Palace?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled.

Sure enough, this is really a copy, and the copy name actually has the word "Sea God".

"What did you say? Sea God Palace?" Wu Lan was surprised.

"Huh? Wu Lan, do you know Sea God Palace?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Lan and asked hurriedly.

"Yes, Sea God Palace is~~~ huh?" Wu Lan's voice was stuck.

"What's wrong? What is the Sea God Palace?" Mu Rufeng noticed that Wu Lan paused and asked again.

"Sorry, I can't say it." Wu Lan said apologetically.

"How can I not say it? Don't you have divine power? You should be able to ignore it, right?"

Wu Lan shook his head and said, "The Sea God Palace is higher than the third forbidden land, and the rules it restricts are more powerful."

"I can only say that the Sea God Palace is extremely dangerous. Of course, you have a landing bracelet, so you can come back safely even if you die."

"In that case..."

Mu Rufeng thought about it and did not rush in.

He turned around and immediately left the range of the fog, and then came to a fleet.

As soon as the ghost cave opened, he directly pulled two level 7 contractors, two level 5 contractors and two ordinary people towards the fog.

He was going to see if he could let others in.

If possible, he would seal the sword and call Ye Lin and others.

Soon, Mu Rufeng brought a group of people to the vicinity of the vortex.

"Did you hear the dungeon prompt sound?" Mu Rufeng let go of Gui Hu and asked them.

However, no one answered Mu Rufeng's words, but they all looked at Mu Rufeng in horror.

Even the contractors were the same.

Because their abilities were all sealed at this moment, just like an ordinary person, they could feel the terrifying aura of Mu Rufeng even more.

"Hmm? Do you want me to ask you a second time?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"No, there is no dungeon prompt sound."

"Sir, I didn't hear any dungeon prompt sound."

Those people finally reacted, but they all shook their heads, indicating that they didn't hear any dungeon prompt sound at all.

Mu Rufeng frowned when he heard this.

There was no dungeon prompt sound, so why did he hear the prompt sound?

He just left and brought people back, and he still heard the dungeon prompt sound again.

"So, is it that these people's strength is not up to par?" Mu Rufeng's eyes swept over these people and thought about something in his heart.

There are ordinary people, contractors with lower levels than him, and contractors with higher levels than him.

If it's not the contract level, then it's naturally the strength.

He is now in the ninth level of the God Realm, and the target is the Ghost Emperor, that is, the ninth level of the Contractor.

If this is the case, Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu are also in the ninth level of the God Realm, can they also enter this copy?

Or, eighth level is enough?

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng found something wrong.

That is, these people seemed to completely ignore the huge vortex.

Before, it was understandable that they couldn't see the vortex because it was covered by the ghost den.

But Mu Rufeng had removed the ghost den, and just now they all subconsciously glanced around.

When they swept past the vortex, they didn't stop at all, and their eyes didn't change at all.

It seems that the vortex doesn't exist in their eyes.

"What's there?" Mu Rufeng pointed to the vortex and asked them.

"I can't see it clearly, it's all fog."

"Yes, it's all fog and I can't see clearly."

The group of people said quickly.

Yes, yes, these people can't see through the fog, and naturally can't see the whirlpool on the water.

So, it's not feasible to bring people in. They have to be able to enter and see the whirlpool and the building inside the whirlpool in order to get the reminder sound of the dungeon?

Mu Rufeng's guess should be correct with a high probability.

In this case, Ye Lin and the others can't enter the dungeon either?

What about Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu?

With the login bracelet, there is no need to worry about safety issues, so it's good to let the companions increase the number of times.

Not to mention, this kind of dungeon is very dangerous at first glance, so the more dangerous it is, the more precious the reward of the dungeon will be.

Mu Rufeng immediately pulled a group of people out of the foggy area and sent them back.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jian Yifeng's number.

However, he did call it, but it was out of the service area. The same was true when he called Mu Wuyu.

Mu Rufeng quickly clicked on the WeChat information of the two.

As expected, the information said: Entered the dungeon, leave a message if you have anything!

These geniuses will change their data whenever they enter the dungeon, and change it back when they return.

"It seems that I can only go in by myself." Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly.

Mu Rufeng immediately returned to the mist and soon came to the vortex.

[Dungeon detected: Sea God Palace, do you want to enter? ]


When Mu Rufeng agreed to enter, the next moment, he saw a suction force that Mu Rufeng could not resist acting on him.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's body flew into the vortex and then disappeared.


"Tick! Tick! Tick!"

There was a sound of dripping water in his ears, and some water stains splashed on Mu Rufeng's cheeks.

He felt that he was wet all over, as if he was soaking in a very shallow puddle.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng woke up.

He looked around, it was a little dark here, but there was still light.

The place he was in seemed to be a prison, and the walls and the ground were cut and built with some kind of rock.

The ground and walls were a bit uneven, and there was a layer of water stains on the ground. The walls seemed to be like the return of the south wind, all covered with water drops, which not only flowed down, but also fell into the ground to form a wet ground.

Looking at the top, water drops dripped from time to time.

The back, the left and right sides were piled with rocks, and only the front was a sealed wooden fence.

Mu Rufeng looked out through the gap in the fence. There seemed to be a cell opposite, but it was very dark inside.

The two cells were facing each other, with an aisle about two meters wide in the middle. On the top of the aisle, there was a night-shining pearl emitting a dim light.

Mu Rufeng came to the fence and looked at both sides, and found that there were cells all over the place.

It was quiet, but some breathing sounds could be heard vaguely.

Of course, the sound of water drops was the most common here.

Here, in addition to Mu Rufeng, there were others who were imprisoned in other cells.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also felt a force that was constantly absorbing the blood and qi in his body.

The speed was not fast, but it was irresistible.

Feeling wet and uncomfortable, Mu Rufeng immediately activated the fire power in his body and dried his body and clothes in an instant.

[Enter the dungeon: Sea God Palace]

[Dungeon type: special multiplayer/single-player dungeon]

[Number of participants: 1 person]

[Survive for seven days in the first stage of the task]

The system's dungeon prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Sea God Palace? Multiplayer dungeon/single-player dungeon?" Mu Rufeng murmured to himself.

Then he thought about the first stage of the task, which was to let him survive for seven days.

Then Mu Rufeng felt his own strength. Fortunately, fortunately, the strength was not banned.

However, his own strength was not banned, and he was able to survive for seven days. Then, the Sea God Palace was really as Wu Lan said, extremely dangerous.

Mu Rufeng checked the landing bracelet on his left arm again.

The tattoo on the bracelet was intact, and Mu Rufeng was relieved.

The last rule world made Mu Rufeng a little scared, and he was afraid that the login bracelet of this copy would not work again.

"Wu Lan, are you there?" Mu Rufeng asked in his heart.

"I'm here." Wu Lan responded.

"Now that we have entered the copy, can you tell me the information of the Sea God Palace?"

"I'll try." Wu Lan said: "The Sea God Palace is..."

Without any hindrance, Wu Lan told everything he knew.

The Sea God Palace, as the name suggests, is the palace of the Sea God.

Before Wu Lan was born, there was a black sea in the strange world.

And the controller of the black sea is the Sea God.

The Sea God's cultivation is the peak of the God Lord, which can be said to be the top existence in the entire strange world.

Even the Buddha God Lord is slightly inferior to him, and he has to give the Sea God some face.

The Sea God Palace is under the Black Sea, serving as the residence and practice place of the Sea God.

However, 50,000 years ago, the Sea God wanted to reach a higher realm and sacrificed many creatures in the Black Sea.

In the end, he failed. After the failure, the Sea God died directly, which also caused a drastic change in the Black River, and then it became the current Dead Sea.

The Sea God Palace sank forever under the Dead Sea. Some emperors went there to obtain the inheritance and treasures of the Sea God Palace, but none of them returned.

Even the four gods, Wu Fo and others, went to the Sea God Palace, but they all returned without success.

Only one person came out of the Sea God Palace, and that person was Wu Shi Shen Zun.

When Wu Shi Shen Zun entered the Sea God Palace, he was originally at the peak of the emperor. Later, I don’t know what adventure he had in the Sea God Palace, but he broke through the shackles and became a god.

However, when he came out, he was also seriously injured and forgot all his memories in the Sea God Palace.

Fortunately, the several gods of Wufo did not take advantage of the situation to kill and devour Wushi God, but accepted him, and also divided a part of the territory and interests to Wushi God.

They also knew that the weird world needed high-end combat power to prevent other worlds from spying.

The original powerful Sea God died, and the appearance of Wushi God made up for it.

Later, because of the matter of Wushi God, many people thought that there was a secret to break through the God in the Sea God Palace.

Over the years, there have been weird strong people who want to go to the Sea God Palace to find a way to break through the God.

But without exception, they all go and never return.

In other words, some weird people can't enter at all, and once they enter, they go and never return.

The Sea God Palace has always been at the bottom of the Dead Sea, and it has become a forbidden place.

Oh, by the way, the Sea God Palace has another name, that is: the fourth forbidden place.

This fourth forbidden place is very strange, there is no so-called opening time, as long as you want, you can go there at any time.

However, if you want to enter, you must be at least level nine ghost emperor. And I don't know if it depends on fate or something else. Some weird places can be entered, but some weird places cannot be entered even if you have reached the level of strength.

There are many forbidden places in the weird world, and the ranking of the danger level of these forbidden places is determined by numbers.

The smaller the number of the forbidden place, the higher the danger level.

As the fourth forbidden place, the Sea God Palace is also a relatively mysterious existence.

Of course, in terms of the danger level of the forbidden places, the top ten can be said to be almost the same.

As long as it is in the top ten, there must be a God-like strength.

As the fourth forbidden place, the Sea God Palace, although no one has ever seen a God-like in it, because the Emperors have never returned, the four God-like Lords have also returned empty-handed.

Moreover, an Emperor has broken through the God-like, so it is ranked in the fourth forbidden place.

"As for some things in the Sea God Palace, I don't know anything at all." Wu Lan said slowly.

"If you don't know, then don't know. I will figure it out slowly."

"I just don't know if there is a God-like Lord in this Sea God Palace." Mu Rufeng said.

Wu Lan didn't speak and fell silent.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything about this, and then began to grope in this room.

This cell was all wet, and there was nothing else, no bed, toilet, etc.

Mu Rufeng tried to use his own strength and punched the wall.

A muffled sound came, and a black light flashed on the wall, but there was no damage.

Mu Rufeng frowned when he saw this scene. There were actually rules in this wall.

He checked carefully and found a rule on the wall.

1. The prison is unbreakable.

2. No conflict can occur in the prison.

Mu Rufeng didn't believe it and took out the Xiuchun serrated knife again, but it was still blocked by the black light.

It seems that the power of the rules on the wall is stronger than the power of the Xiuchun serrated knife.

Mu Rufeng tried the wooden fence again, and still couldn't leave any traces.

Then Mu Rufeng put away the Xiuchun serrated knife, and the whole person directly entered the virtual state, and then tried to fly out from the gap in the fence.

However, it was a bit dumbfounded that Mu Rufeng actually hit the air wall head-on. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cross the fence.

Mu Rufeng gave up and returned to his original appearance.

This rule is really strong.

Just when Mu Rufeng was thinking about whether to use the ability of rule suppression or ignoring rules.

A heavy footstep was heard in the corridor outside.

Mu Rufeng stopped moving all of a sudden.

Because the footsteps were accompanied by a terrifying breath, which was the breath of the emperor.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered the virtual state, then approached the fence and looked outside.

I saw a three-meter-tall humanoid creature as burly as Thanos walking over.

Unlike Thanos, this guy was covered with a layer of black scales all over his body, and his right hand was holding a long whip like a snake, which had an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

This guy walked to the cell next to Mu Rufeng and stopped there.

Then, a low voice sounded: "Work time has come, everyone, go to the mine immediately."

This person seemed to be the jailer guarding this prison?

When his voice fell, the ground began to shake.

Then, the fence door of the cell was seen to rise slowly, and finally all sank into the roof above.

Not only Mu Rufeng's cell, but all the doors of the cells were opened.

The cell door was opened, but Mu Rufeng did not go out.

However, some of the surrounding cells walked out one after another.

The weakest ones were all at the level of Ghost Emperor, and there were also many Emperor-level weirdos.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, the jailer looked at Mu Rufeng, and then swung the black whip in his hand violently.

"Snap!" There was a sound.

The long whip hit Mu Rufeng's body violently.

"Hmm!" Mu Rufeng groaned, and his body was uncontrollably revealed from the virtual state.

"Come out, if you do it again, kill!" The jailer's voice was murderous.

Mu Rufeng covered his painful chest and walked out of the prison quickly.

He was shocked that the jailer could actually find himself after virtualization. You know, when he was in the Tiandao Continent, the Emperor could not find him after virtualization.

And this jailer, judging from his aura, was at most similar to the Great Ancestor, but the Great Ancestor could not detect him in his virtual state.

And it would be fine if he could detect him, but the long whip could actually hit him in his virtual state, and injured him through the clothes of the ninth-level props.

This is unreasonable, too unreasonable.

Not to mention, the second rule in the prison is that there can be no conflicts, so it is obvious that this jailer can ignore this rule.

"Human? How could a human come to the Sea God Palace?"

"My God, it's a human, what happened outside? How could a human be there?"

"Strange, strange, a human ghost emperor?"

When Mu Rufeng appeared, the prisoners standing in the corridor looked at Mu Rufeng with incredible faces, and then talked about it.

For the discussions of these prisoners, the jailer did not pay any attention to them, and walked directly outside.

When the jailer passed the prisoners, he did not stop but continued to move forward, saying, "Let's go."

The next moment, the team slowly moved and followed the jailer.

"Hey, human boy, I say, why are you here? And there should be no humans in the weird world."

A very thin weirdo who exuded the aura of an emperor came up from behind Mu Rufeng and asked.

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