I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 367 The plug-in has been successfully loaded! [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"I think they probably found a new world, and then kept those humans in captivity, and found a way to prevent humans from transforming into weirdness?" Another emperor said in surprise.

"There are humans? And there are a lot of them. Keeping them in captivity? No. Seniors, have you been here for a long time?" Mu Rufeng said.

"There are humans? There are still a lot of them? Come on, tell me, what's going on outside now?" The thin emperor was shocked and asked again.

The other weirds also listened attentively. Obviously, they also wanted to know the information from the outside world.

It was also obvious that these guys had been here for at least five years.

Otherwise, they couldn't have been unaware of the contractor.

"Do you want to know?" Mu Rufeng did not answer immediately.

"If you want to know, tell me quickly, or I'll crush your balls." A level nine weird said in a rebuke.

"Crush my balls? Just you?" Mu Rufeng looked at the ghost emperor and said in a cold tone.

The weirdo felt Mu Rufeng's breath, but was not afraid. Just as he was about to speak, he saw an emperor weirdo on the side speak.

"This waste is naturally not good. If you keep talking nonsense, I will swallow you in one bite."

Mu Rufeng glanced at the emperor weirdo, snorted coldly, and simply stopped talking. He followed the weirdo in front of him and went outside.

Mu Rufeng was not afraid of these people taking action.

With the second rule, he knew that these weirdos could not take action at all.

If they could take action, then these level nine weirdos would not survive at all and would have been eaten by these emperor weirdos long ago.

"Boy, I'm talking to you?" The emperor weirdo's voice became more gloomy.

"You talk to me, do I have to agree to you?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

"You're looking for death!" The emperor weirdo immediately stretched out a big hand and grabbed Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng stopped directly in place, without dodging or evading, allowing the emperor weirdo to take action.

The big hand stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"You have courage, very good." The emperor snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to Mu Rufeng, and continued to walk forward.

"So you are a coward who dares not to take action, tut tut tut, if you are the ghost emperor, I will slap you to death." Mu Rufeng said sarcastically.

"Boy, when we get to the mine, I hope you can still be stubborn, hehe~~!" The emperor looked at Mu Rufeng strangely and laughed strangely.

Mu Rufeng's face did not change at all when he heard it, but he frowned in his heart.

According to the emperor's strange meaning, he would be in danger when he got to the mine? Or can the mine take action?

No, that's not right, he should not take action, because if he can take action, the ninth-level ghost emperor will not exist.

They will all become the blood food of the emperor.

Then there is only one, which should be the problem of working in the mine.

The jailer also said that the working time has come, and going to the mine means going to work.

"There is no reason why I can't do the work that those level nine ghost emperors can do." Mu Rufeng figured it out and stopped worrying about it.

Those level nine ghost emperors are not good enough for Mu Rufeng. There is no reason why they can do what Mu Rufeng can't do.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour with the jailer, they came to a huge space.

This huge space has countless weirdness. Like them, they were led by a jailer, walked out of the corridor of the prison, and then stood in this place.

It seems to be waiting for something.

Mu Rufeng looked around and was shocked.

This space is very large and high. Looking up, you can't see the end at a glance.

The diameter of the ground reaches thousands of meters, presenting a circle.

At the edge, there are corridors one after another. Needless to say, he knows that these corridors are prisons for prisoners.

There are a hundred corridors and prisons in this circle.

In front of each corridor, there is a team.

The leaders are all emperor jailers, and there are more than 30 prisoners in each team, and as few as 7 or 8.

Among these prisoners, more than 70% are emperors and weird, and 30% are level 9 ghost emperors.

This number is also extremely terrifying.

The number of people in their team is not too many or too few, including Mu Rufeng, there are 16.

There are only five level 9 weirds, including Mu Rufeng, while there are 11 emperors and weirds.

Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of what Wu Lan said, that many strong people went to the Sea God Palace, and as long as they entered, they would never return.

So, these weirds who came in may not have died, but were all imprisoned here?

A rough count shows that there are as many as thousands of emperors, what a terrifying number.

Not to mention, there are still 100 jailers.

Mu Rufeng stood there, not daring to move, constantly looking around.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the hundred teams seemed to have arrived.

"Bang bang bang~~!"

A series of roars sounded.

It was the gates above the hundred prison corridors that fell down, blocking the prison corridors tightly.

"Boom boom~~!"

Before Mu Rufeng could react, the ground began to shake violently.

Looking at the other weirds, there was no surprise, they should have been used to it.

A huge thrust came from below.

The ground under their feet rose rapidly.

If these weirds were not strong, they would not be able to stand steadily.

"However, these weirds and the breath of the emperor seem to be weaker than those of people outside."

"Dead Sea, is the Dead Sea the absorption force?" Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart.

When he was in prison, there was a force that absorbed the power in his body. Although it was very weak, it could not be stopped.

These weirds have been absorbed here for many years, and they are indeed weaker.

Of course, this weakness is relative. The emperor is still the emperor, and Mu Rufeng is still difficult to resist in front of the emperor.

Unless Mu Rufeng uses all the power of rules, he should be comparable to the emperor, that's all.

Killing the emperor is probably not that easy.

The ground rose rapidly for about ten minutes, and the originally dark place above was illuminated by light.

When it stopped completely, the surroundings were suddenly clear, and there was a blood-red sun hanging in the sky.

This seemed to be an island, and the sea could be seen, and there was a cloud of fog in the distance.

Looking around, there was a huge mine with strange rocks.

At this time, the jailer in front moved.

The team also began to follow the jailer and slowly walked down.

They were on a high platform, so their prison was underground.

This mine was also divided into areas. Mu Rufeng saw a sign on the side, and they were in Area D.

He also saw signs in other areas, and knew that the mine was divided into ten areas.

Named after the ten heavenly stems, they are: Jia, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui.

When he walked down the platform and stepped into the mine, a stronger suction force acted on him.

It was probably dozens of times stronger than before.

If we continue to stay in the mine, we will be sucked dry sooner or later.

Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

In this environment, let alone working, he can only stay here and stand here for one or two days at most.

Mu Rufeng looked at the weirdness and found that they all looked at him with a weird look.

"I can't hold on for so long, so the working hours should not be so long."

"Or, they should give us something to prevent the loss of blood and qi or give us something to eat to supplement." Mu Rufeng guessed that it should be like this.

Soon the jailer took them to an area full of rocks.

"Start working, each emperor should dig at least one million kilograms of ore every day, and each ghost emperor should dig at least 100,000 kilograms of ore every day."

The jailer shouted loudly.

When he finished speaking, he immediately jumped to a high place, and then sat cross-legged there, staring at them with a pair of eyes.

The originally arranged team was dispersed in an instant, and a group of people swarmed towards a shed in front.

It can be seen that the emperors walked in front, while the ghost emperors followed behind.

Mu Rufeng naturally followed the crowd and walked over.

But when Mu Rufeng went over, he found that they were going to get the pickaxe.

After the weirdos took them, there was only one very worn pickaxe left, and even the handle was only half left.

Mu Rufeng went forward to take it and checked the properties.

[Worn pickaxe]: A pickaxe that has gone through who knows how many years.

Effect: Rule-type props, for ore-like materials, the excavation speed increases by 100%.

Note: In the damaged state, the excavation speed only increases by 50%.

"Huh? Damaged." Mu Rufeng frowned.

He remembered that the pickaxes in those guys' hands were relatively new, that is, this broken pickaxe should be left for themselves on purpose.

Those weirdos also looked back at Mu Rufeng at the right time, and their mouths exuded a sneer.

But no one paid attention to Mu Rufeng, and each came to the area of ​​the rocks, and then started digging.

"However, in this shed, the absorption power is so weak, almost like a prison." Mu Rufeng looked around the shed and was a little surprised.

Then, Mu Rufeng did not hesitate too much and walked out directly.

Then he came to an unmanned ore area. He did not take action immediately, but observed those weirdos.

He found that those weirdos urged the ghost power in their bodies to pour into the iron pickaxe, and then vigorously dug the hard ore.

The emperor's weirdo could dig out a fist-sized ore with one blow, while the ghost emperor had to dig out a piece four times.

The dug ore will also be collected by them in their own portable space at the first time.

The dug ore will be collected by itself, and then, where will it be transported?

Mu Rufeng kept looking around, and suddenly, his eyes fixed on the platform where they stood before.

I saw that on the platform, a cylinder appeared at some point. The cylinder was ten meters high, and there was an emperor sitting on it.

Looking at the platform below, there was some faint light flickering, and it seemed to be divided into several areas.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and came directly to the bottom of a huge rock.

"Sir, I'm new here. Where is the excavated ore sent to?" Mu Rufeng looked up at the jailer sitting on the boulder and asked.

The jailer's eyes, which were originally slightly closed, slowly opened.

He looked down at Mu Rufeng and said in a deep voice: "Send the excavated ore there, and there will be a special person to calculate the weight for you."

Mu Rufeng followed the jailer's gaze and looked over. Sure enough, it was really that platform.

"Boy, remember, before leaving work, you must dig enough 100,000, otherwise, you will be miserable. If it is not enough, you can come to me." The jailer said again.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thought in his heart, then nodded slightly, then thanked him, and immediately returned to the deserted place before.

Then, he swung the pickaxe in his hand and hit the hard ore hard.

"Bang!" With a sound, a crack appeared on the ore.

However, because the handle of the pickaxe was too short, Mu Rufeng had to use more strength when he started.

And it was not just strength, but also his own ghost power.

Otherwise, let alone digging, I'm afraid there would be no trace left.

Mu Rufeng dug about six times and knocked off a fist-sized piece of ore.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took it in his hand.

[Black Green Rock]: A special ore deep in the Dead Sea, with extremely strange power, used to build some special buildings, extremely precious, containing the power of rules, and extremely difficult to mine.

The attributes did not say the specific role of the black green rock, but the words also showed that this ore was extremely precious.

Mu Rufeng weighed it and found that the ore weighed about ten pounds.

It took about five seconds to dig out ten pounds in six times, that is, five seconds to dig out ten pounds of ore.

Taking into account the rest time, picking up time, etc., double it and count it as ten seconds, which can be said to be one pound per second.

One hour and sixty minutes, three thousand six hundred seconds, that is to say, one hour can dig three thousand six hundred kilograms.

Ten hours means thirty six thousand kilograms, and it will take about twenty eight hours to reach the target of one hundred thousand kilograms.

There are only twenty four hours in a day, this is simply impossible to accomplish.

However, this is not absolute.

Mu Rufeng looked at the ghost emperors, they could dig out a piece of it, and what they dug out was a circle bigger than what he just dug out.

Practice makes perfect, and their iron pickaxes are still new, with an increase of one hundred percent, while his is only fifty percent.

The efficiency here is doubled than Mu Rufeng's.

In this way, it only takes fourteen hours.

The most important thing is that this is just a rough estimate by Mu Rufeng. According to the ghost emperors, it may take eleven or twelve hours to dig it out.

As for the weird words of the emperor, one million kilograms, it is estimated that few emperors will not be able to dig enough.

The jailer did not say the working hours, but in Mu Rufeng's opinion, the working hours should probably be twelve hours.

To be honest, if Mu Rufeng used this draft, it would be difficult to mine enough ore.

Although this draft is a rule prop and has a bonus for mining, Mu Rufeng feels that his Xiuchun serrated knife should be easier to mine.

As he said that, Mu Rufeng took out his Xiuchun serrated knife.

This black green rock still has the power of rules, which is why it is extremely difficult to mine.

However, his Xiuchun knife is definitely more powerful than this iron pickaxe, or it is a higher level existence.

After all, the extremely difficult to destroy mysterious meteorite was easily cut off by his unupgraded clown chainsaw.

And now the upgraded version of the clown chainsaw, the Xiuchun serrated knife, can only be said to be easy for these ores.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng poured ghost power into the serrated knife, and then slashed it on the ore.

With a crisp sound of "clang!", the serrated knife was embedded in the ore.

Then the blade of the serrated knife made a rapid electric saw sound, and then, under Mu Rufeng's control, the serrated knife began to cut the electric saw.

In just a few seconds, a volleyball-sized ore was cut off.

Mu Rufeng weighed it and it weighed more than 100 kilograms.

What a concept, this is equivalent to Mu Rufeng's excavation speed directly increasing by more than ten times compared to the previous one.

Moreover, this is not the most important thing. If Mu Rufeng's cutting range becomes larger, then his excavation speed will only be faster.

Even those emperors and weirdos can never compare to him.

"No matter what, let's dig out the 100,000 kilograms today first, and we can dig a little more, so that we can rest." Mu Rufeng made up his mind and started to dig frantically.

Because of the size issue, Mu Rufeng fixed the size of the cutting, and the weight was about 10,000 kilograms.

As for the speed, well, it was very fast, about one minute.

This is an extremely terrifying speed. It can be said that as long as Mu Rufeng has enough ghost power, he can dig 6 million kilograms in ten hours a day.

This is equivalent to the digging capacity of six emperors.

The movement here naturally attracted the monsters who were mining.

When they saw that Mu Rufeng was digging so fast, they widened their eyes and looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

The thin Emperor Zun Weiyi asked directly: "My friend, what kind of knife is that in your hand? Can you mine so fast?"

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and said: "My weapon, Xiuchun Sawtooth Knife, couldn't kill people before, but I didn't expect it to be so fast now."

"Looking at your speed, wouldn't you be able to dig out several million pounds in twelve hours a day?"

"This is more laborious to use. I should rest for half an hour after digging for an hour. In twelve hours, more than four million pounds?" Mu Rufeng roughly calculated and then said.

However, I still learned from this weird mouth that the working time is indeed twelve hours.

The weirds around were shocked again when they heard that a ghost emperor holding this knife could dig more than four million pounds a day.

What if they let the Emperor come? It may be an exaggeration to say that it has increased tenfold, but it is definitely no problem to increase it three or five times.

Increase it by three or five hundred, that is tens of millions of pounds.

You know, they work here, the suction force is relatively strong, once they work more, the power in their bodies will dissipate faster.

If they can easily obtain ore, it will definitely be super labor-saving.

The most important thing is that mining can increase their strength.

This strength does not mean that it increases directly, but because there are rules in the ore, and when digging the ore, the rules will be absorbed into the body.

In this way, the Ghost Emperor can more easily control the rules and enter the realm of the Emperor.

The Emperor can also refine more rules to enhance its own strength.

Although mining is boring, it can make you stronger, and no one will refuse it.

The more you dig, the stronger the power of rules you absorb.

Moreover, there is another benefit, that is, there is also a ranking for mining, and the top 100 can get benefits.

The top 10 have more benefits, not to mention if you are the first.

If the Ghost Emperor gets the first place, the reward can directly allow him to break through the realm of the Emperor.

Of course, the Ghost Emperor cannot get the first place, and the Emperor can get more power of rules if he gets the first place.

Mu Rufeng didn't know all this because no one told him.

"Four or four million jin? Little brother, how about you lend me this knife?" The thin emperor came up immediately.

"Sorry, no." Mu Rufeng refused directly.

What a joke, if this is lent out, it must be borrowed without return.

There can be no fighting or conflict here, so it is definitely not possible to rob his things.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to give it out, no one can take things away from him.

"Oh, I'll just take a look, take a look at the properties." The thin emperor said again.

"Old senior, I still have to mine. If you have nothing to do, please go back." Mu Rufeng made a gesture of invitation.

"Then, I will exchange things with you. Here, spiritual objects and elixirs are very precious." The thin emperor said, and took out some spiritual objects, plus a bottle of elixir.

When these things were taken out, the weird eyes on the side suddenly lit up.

Mu Rufeng took a look and curled his lips and said, "It's nothing good. I don't need it."

"This is a good thing. How can it be useless? Look at them, they are all staring at it." The thin emperor said hurriedly.

"I say, thin monkey, you are an emperor, but you are still so timid. Boy, hand over the knife in your hand."

Suddenly, an emperor stood up and looked at Mu Rufeng coldly.

This emperor was the emperor who said he wanted to eat Mu Rufeng before.

"Harmony brings wealth, harmony brings wealth, there can't be conflicts here, Brother Fu, you also know." The thin monkey said.

"Although there can't be conflicts, so what? I have plenty of ways to kill him." The emperor said with a weird grin.

"I'm so scared, then you use it quickly." Mu Rufeng pretended to be scared and sneered, and then ignored them and continued to dig ore.

Soon, an hour passed.

Mu Rufeng was also a little tired.

He really needed to recover.

It just so happened that Mu Rufeng could also move the ore in his inventory to the platform.

After digging for an hour, Mu Rufeng was not bad, and he dug more than 500,000 kilograms of black green rock.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng also saw a lot of people transporting ore, but most of them were emperors.

The speed of digging for the old emperors was not slow.

Mu Rufeng followed the example of those emperors and put the ore he dug directly on the platform.

The next moment, a faint light flashed on the platform, wrapping up the ore.

Soon, a simple ranking list appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

This ranking list was very simple, with only the name, strength level, and how many kilograms of ore had been dug.

Mu Rufeng could not see the total number of people, because the ranking list only showed 100 people, and those who were less than 100 were not shown.

But if he was outside the top 100, he could see that he was ranked 101st and the weight he dug.

In other words, as long as you are not in the top 100, you will be ranked 101st, no matter how much you have dug.

Mu Rufeng looked at his ranking and found that he was actually in the top ten.

He was ranked eighth, with an ore weight of 530,000 jin.

Good guy, he thought his digging speed should be very fast, but he still underestimated these emperors and was only ranked eighth.

You know, it's only been an hour.

Mu Rufeng was able to dig so fast because of the Xiuchun Serrated Knife. Are those emperors so powerful? Or are there weapons that don't belong to the Xiuchun Serrated Knife?

Look at the top three, they are all super bosses with more than one million jin.

Mu Rufeng scanned some of the subsequent rankings and found that the important ones who entered the top 100 were all emperors without exception.

"It seems that I can't rest. I have to work hard. At least I have to strive for the top five. At the very least, I have to stay in the top ten."

Mu Rufeng made up his mind and walked quickly towards the ore area.

The situation on the rankings was naturally noticed by some emperors who came to transport ore. They were extremely shocked, and then the news spread quickly.

Some weirdos even ran to the platform to check the rankings before their storage space was full to see the authenticity.

After seeing it, those people were even more shocked.

To be honest, it was very abrupt for Mu Rufeng, who was at the ninth level of the God Realm, to appear on the list, and now he had directly jumped to the eighth place.

This was like the top 100 college entrance examination scores, all of them were 18-year-old students from key high schools, and suddenly a junior high school student appeared, and his score was in the top ten.

How could this not be surprising.

It seemed that because of the problem of regional restrictions, people from other areas could not come to their area.

Even people in the same area, as long as they were not in the same prison, could not come to their area.

Therefore, although Mu Rufeng's name had spread, no one came to him.

Mu Rufeng had no idea that his reputation had spread.

However, he also knew that his reputation would definitely spread. After all, the excavation speed of a ninth-level God Realm surpassed that of most emperors.

Of course, Mu Rufeng didn't care much about the spread. Anyway, those guys couldn't do anything to him.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to continue digging, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

"The cheat is finally here." Mu Rufeng smiled faintly.

[The host has entered the dungeon and the cheat has been successfully loaded]

[Please select one of the following three cheats]

[1. Unmovable as a mountain: Your body and all the energy in your body cannot be shaken]

[2. Mining elite: Your mining speed is increased by 500%]

[3. Stoneman: You will become an ordinary, ordinary stone with no sense of existence. You can safely pass this dungeon]

Simple, ordinary.

Mu Rufeng carefully considered these three cheats.

First of all, he excluded the third cheat, the stone man, without any hesitation.

The stone man also appeared in his second dungeon, the bloody train.

It is actually quite good to be able to let people pass a dungeon safely.

But for Mu Rufeng now, it is not very useful, because now Mu Rufeng is not just going to pass the dungeon.

He wanted to get a high reward, and even more so, the secret of this dungeon. If he chose the stone man, it would be almost the minimum reward for clearing the level.

He couldn't even get the secret of this dungeon.

The most important thing is that only people who are afraid of death would think about clearing the dungeon immediately, but Mu Rufeng has a resurrection card and a login bracelet, so he doesn't have to worry about safety issues at all.

Mu Rufeng looked at the second one again, and the mining speed increased by 500%.

This can be said to be extremely useful for Mu Rufeng's current situation.

The mining speed increased by 500%, and coupled with the Xiuchun serrated knife, there is no need to say more, he has won the first place in mining.

Mu Rufeng looked at the first plug-in option again.

Unmovable as a mountain, so that the power in his body will not be shaken, which means that the power of absorption in the mine has no effect on him.

This point is obviously more important in this Sea God Palace.

If you choose Unmovable as a mountain, you should feel more secure about the handling here.

As for the first place in mining, Mu Rufeng felt that if the power in his body did not dissipate, he would not need to rest at all.

Not only did he not need to rest, he also did not have to worry about the absorption force and could dig faster.

With the addition of the two, his mining speed would be even faster.

However, according to the speed of the top three, they all exceeded one million catties per hour, and some even did not reach one million catties per hour.

It was really difficult for Mu Rufeng to get the first place.

But it didn't matter, as long as he could enter the top ten, he was only in the God Realm, and he only needed to absorb 500 more rule fragments to successfully break through the Emperor.

When he was mining ore, he also realized that he could absorb about 0.5 rule fragments per hour.

Based on ten hours, that's 5 a day. As long as he digs here for a hundred days, he can break through the Emperor.

Yes, it only takes a hundred days of mining for Mu Rufeng to break through the Emperor.

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