I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 368: Immortality Jade Pendant, I agree! [Monthly vote requested! ]

One hundred days, three months and ten days, this time can be said to be very short, because it allows you to break through to the Emperor.

The most important thing is that there are rewards for the top ten. Although he doesn't know how much the rewards are yet, as long as he enters the top ten, it will definitely take less than a hundred days.

Strictly converted, it would take roughly one million kilograms of digging to absorb one rule fragment.

For an ordinary peak ghost emperor to break through to the emperor level, he probably just needs to refine a thousand fragments.

The reason why Mu Rufeng only wanted one thousand was because he had already absorbed a lot before. He probably had several times more than an ordinary Ghost Emperor.

A ghost emperor has to dig 100,000 kilograms here a day, which is 0.1 rule fragments.

One thousand, that is ten thousand days. Strictly speaking, that is about twenty-seven years.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng felt that it would not be so easy just twenty-seven years. Maybe the working hours here are not every day?

Or is there something else that needs to consume rule fragments?

It's only twenty-seven years, which is really not worth mentioning compared to how long Poseidon Palace has existed.

Mu Rufeng chose the first plug-in [Unmoving as a Mountain].

After choosing the plug-in, my body seemed to have a magical power.

That powerful absorption power disappeared in an instant. No, it cannot be said that it disappeared, but that this absorption power could no longer absorb Mu Rufeng's ghost power and qi and blood power.

In this way, Mu Rufeng could keep digging.

In his current situation, he could use the serrated knife with all his strength and dig for days and nights without any problems.

Consumption too much? It doesn't exist. His energy and blood power are extremely sufficient. Of course, it’s okay to take a break and recover.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng started digging frantically again.

However, at this time, the thin Emperor Zun came up to him strangely again.

"Brother, little brother, you are mining so fast, can you give it to me evenly?" Thin Monkey said.

"Give it to you evenly? Why? Give me a reason." The serrated knife in Mu Rufeng's hand paused for a moment, and then continued to cut.

The thin monkey's eyelids jumped when he saw how fast Mu Rufeng was mining.

He said: "You are a newcomer who has just come in. You probably know only a little about some of the information here, and you may even have a dark eye, right?"

"As long as you are kind to me, I will tell you everything you know."

"Ore can also be traded?" Mu Rufeng asked doubtfully.

"Ore naturally cannot be traded because it belongs to the public. What we want to trade is mined ore and transported to the platform. This can be traded. Poseidon Palace will not care about it. They only need everyone to complete the rated amount. "Skinny Monkey explained.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Shouhou and said, "Senior, how much do you want?"

Information, no matter where it is, is extremely important. It is very cost-effective to spend some ore to buy some information.

The most important thing is that the ore does not belong to him, but to the public.

"One million catties." Thin Monkey stretched out a finger and said.

"Senior, even though I'm new here, there's no need for you to take me for granted. Really, do you believe that with ten thousand pounds, I can find those Ghost Emperors and ask them to tell me what's going on here?"

Mu Rufeng could be said to sneer at the news that one million kilograms of ore was exchanged for Slender Monkey.

One million kilograms is enough for him to dig for more than an hour. This is after speeding up. If it were before, he would have to dig for two hours.

"Haha, what do those brats know? Besides, have you noticed that I am particularly thin?" Thin Monkey said again.

"Yes, isn't this because of your true nature?" Mu Rufeng nodded and then said.

"Haha, how is that possible? My nickname outside is Fat Dragon, and now I'm called Skinny Monkey. You should have guessed it when I said that, right?" Skinny Monkey said slowly.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng reacted immediately.

"Is it because you stayed here for too long and absorbed this power for too long, so you turned from a fat dragon to a skinny monkey?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, I came here three thousand years ago. I didn't come in on my own initiative. I had no choice but to run here because there were enemies chasing me. I didn't expect me to come in."

"I didn't die after I came in, but I was imprisoned here. It can be regarded as a desperate situation." Shouhou did not shy away from how he got here.

Because in his opinion, once you enter here, you have no way to get out. There is only one outcome, either, break through the God Lord and forcefully break through the space to leave.

Or be sucked to death here by the power of extraction, there is no third option.

Three thousand years is an extremely long time.

If we put it into modern society, three thousand years ago, that would have been 976 BC.

What dynasty was that? It seems to be the Western Zhou Dynasty. The dynasty of the Western Zhou Dynasty lasted from 1046 BC to 771 BC.

And this guy has been here for three thousand years, so he definitely knows a lot of things.

"Little brother, do me a favor. Whatever you want to know, I will tell you everything you know. I will give you all my spiritual objects and elixirs, and I will also give you this thing. "

Thin Monkey gritted his teeth and said, then took out a jade pendant.

"What is this?" Mu Rufeng looked at the jade pendant curiously.

Thinking about it, it should be a very good prop.

"You can take a look at the attributes." Thin Monkey stretched out his hand and handed it over.

Mu Rufeng was not polite and wanted to take it immediately, but the thin monkey held half of it and did not let go. In this way, Mu Rufeng could not hold it in his hand at all.

The thin monkey grinned and said: "Just look at the attributes."

I think the thin monkey also knows that he cannot rob things, but if he takes it away after giving it to him, he will really want to cry without tears.

And facing Mu Rufeng's words, the thin monkey, as an emperor, is still confident that he will not be robbed by Mu Rufeng.

If he is really robbed by Mu Rufeng, he will really become a joke.

Mu Rufeng did not say anything and checked the attributes of this jade pendant.

[Eternal Life Jade Pendant]: It is a long life pendant forged by the strongest weapon refiner in the longevity world with longevity stone as the main material, supplemented by a variety of spiritual materials, and incorporated into the power of rules. It contains the aura of longevity.

Effect 1: Special rule props. When worn by living beings, the longevity aura can comb their bodies, strengthen their bodies, prolong their lives, and increase their lifespan by 0.8334 days per day (equivalent to 10 hours).

Effect 2: When worn by ghosts, the longevity aura can comb their bodies, strengthen their bodies, prolong their lives, and increase their lifespan by half a day per day.

"Huh? There is such a thing in the world?" Mu Rufeng was immediately shocked by the properties of this jade pendant.

Just when Mu Rufeng was shocked, he saw the thin monkey took the jade pendant out of Mu Rufeng's hand.

He smiled and said, "Little brother, how is it? This thing, is it okay? It was because of it that I was chased and ran here."

"Okay, I promise, one million catties." Mu Rufeng agreed.

This kind of good thing, let alone digging one million catties for him, even if it is ten times, Mu Rufeng is willing.

There is no other reason, this thing is simply a weapon for longevity.

The longer the life span, the more popular it is to wear this jade pendant.

Even if an ordinary person wears it from birth, it has the property of strengthening the body. If he can live to 100 years old, then he can increase his life span by 730,000 hours.

Converted to 30,416 days, which is 83 years in years.

And in 83 years, you can get 20 hours of life every day, and you can get 69 years of life here, according to the data of 0.83.

If an ordinary person wears the longevity jade pendant, his life span can be 100+83+69+57+47+39+32+26+22+18+15+12+10+8+6+4+3+2+1=554 years.

This is a rough estimate. In fact, there will definitely be more, because wearing the longevity jade pendant can strengthen the body, and the basic life span may be more than 100 years.

Just wearing the longevity jade pendant, an ordinary person can live for more than 500 years.

And what about people like them who practice?

Just like Mu Rufeng, he is in the ninth level of the divine realm, can live for tens of thousands of years, and he has also won more than 10,000 years of life.

According to this conversion and multiplication, he can live for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Hundreds of thousands of years, is it considered longevity?

In Mu Rufeng's opinion, it is barely counted!

Moreover, the most important thing is that Mu Rufeng is still in the divine realm now. What if his cultivation breaks through to the emperor? What if he breaks through to the divine? Or even above the divine?

Based on this life span, can it be obtained longer? Hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

Longevity, longevity, it really is the longevity jade pendant.

Take it down, this thing must be taken down.

However, what made Mu Rufeng concerned was that this guy actually wanted to give him this jade pendant for a million kilograms of ore.

You know, this is also useful for weirdness.

Although the effect is half weaker than that of wearing it on living people, it can still double or triple your lifespan without any problem.

"Little brother, you have also seen the properties of this longevity jade pendant. If you get it, with your current lifespan, living for tens of thousands of years is a piece of cake. You should have seen how precious this thing is, right?" Shouhou said slowly.

"Tell me, how much do you want." Mu Rufeng has made up his mind. He must get this thing.

Even if he gets it and then immediately commits suicide to return, it's okay, because this thing is too awesome.

It was made by the master of refining in the world of longevity. Is this world of longevity also a world invaded and swallowed by the weird world? Or what?

He also knew that for a million kilograms, this guy would definitely not agree. It depends on what Shouhou's conditions are.

"One million jin is definitely not enough. The value of this is actually difficult to measure with the amount of ore."

"I have two choices. You decide which one to choose. First, I will exchange for your knife. Then, I need everything on you, including everything in the storage space, and half of your blood and qi." The skinny monkey said the first plan.

Mu Rufeng is new. He saw that there are definitely a lot of things in the storage space. The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng's blood and qi are strong enough. This is a real strong blood and qi, which is still very good for his recovery.

"Is this possible? You say the second one." Mu Rufeng refused without hesitation.

Are you kidding? How many good things does he have? Although the longevity jade pendant is very good, he still can't accept it for a while.

Although he can leave some things, seeing that the skinny monkey dares to trade with him, there must be some restrictions.

"The second one is that you have to mine for me and keep me in first place in mining for two months."

"Here we mine once every two days, which means you have to let me get first place 30 times." The thin monkey said in a deep voice.

"Thirty first places? Mine once every two days?" Mu Rufeng pondered carefully.

"Okay, I agree." Without bargaining or too much hesitation, he agreed immediately.

Although it may be difficult and tiring, Mu Rufeng believes that as long as he gets this longevity jade pendant, everything will be worth it.

However, Mu Rufeng also knows that it is definitely difficult to get first place.

"Senior, tell me now, how much is the weight of the first place ore every day?" Mu Rufeng asked.

No matter how much, Mu Rufeng will agree, because no matter how much, it is worth it.

"The first place will probably fluctuate between 4 and 5 million jin, the lowest will not exceed 4 million jin, and the highest will not exceed 5 million jin."

"The bosses of each region have discussed it. On which day, the boss of which region will get the first place, and the quantity will not be too different." Shouhou said.

"Five million jin! Have they discussed it?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"Looking at your speed, you should be able to dig out five or six million jin a day. To prevent accidents, I will dig out one million jin, which adds up to six or seven million, enough to get the first place." Shouhou said.

Five million is really a lot. At Mu Rufeng's current speed, he can indeed dig so much in a day.

But it is possible that the bosses of those regions have inventory.

The so-called inventory means that more than one million jin is dug on a certain day, and then the excess is stored.

When you want to get the first place on that day, you will take it all out for a wave.

At the same time, the younger brothers in that area will also be stored together. After all, the storage space cannot store so much.

The jailers didn't care about these things at all. As long as you reach the daily task, they won't care even if you can eat ore.

"Senior Shouhou, if you get first place, will it be dangerous?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hehe, what danger can there be? Those guys can't do anything unless they can bribe the jailer."

"But they can't bribe, because if I get first place, the jailer can also get a reward." Shouhou said with a sneer.

"I remember you are in cell No. 15, I am in cell No. 16, opposite you, work first today, let me get first place."

"I'll tell you about the things here in the evening, how about it?" Shouhou said.

"No problem, but do we have to sign an agreement, and you have to give me the things first." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, I have a rule contract here." Shouhou said, and took out a rule contract directly from the storage space.

"It used to be a rule contract, but for a while it suddenly became a rule contract. It's weird, but it's more convenient than a contract." said the thin monkey.

The contract, as the highest standard of rules, will really be suppressed by the rules of the weird world if it is violated.

Soon, a lot of regulations appeared on the rule contract.

The two spent some time to confirm it, then modified a few, added and deleted a few.

Finally they decided, and then signed the rule contract, signed, signed, and even dripped their own blood in the end.

"If you drip your own blood, the binding force of the rules will be stronger." The thin monkey handed the contract to Mu Rufeng.

"Is there such a saying?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise after putting the contract away.

"Don't you know? That's right, you haven't reached the emperor yet. Only after the emperor, dripping blood will strengthen it. The ghost emperor doesn't need it." said the thin monkey.

"Okay, this is yours now." The thin monkey handed the longevity jade pendant to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he felt very comfortable. Without saying anything, he took out a thin rope to put on the jade pendant, and then hung it directly around his neck.

This thin rope is also a rule-based prop. After hanging it, it is impossible to be pulled down unless Mu Rufeng takes it down himself.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng took out the marking card and directly marked the longevity jade pendant. In this way, even if he accidentally lost it, he could summon the jade pendant back.

When he wore it, an inexplicable breath slowly sank into Mu Rufeng's body, constantly washing his body.

This feeling is very strange and indescribable, but soon this breath disappeared. It should be hidden, so that Mu Rufeng could not detect it.

It can only be felt when it is taken off and worn.

"Come on, work hard to mine, dig as much as you can, I just want to be the first, even if I am second, I will not admit it." The skinny monkey urged.

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely work hard to mine, we will follow the contract." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Very good, then I will go to mine. By the way, it would be best if you rank higher. If nothing else, at least you should be in the top 100."

"The rewards you get can also enhance your strength and make you mine faster." said the skinny monkey.

"What exactly is this reward?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Haha, it's good stuff anyway, it's good for you, just work hard to mine, you'll know when you get off work in the evening, let's go, I'm going to mine too, tell me when your storage space is full, we'll go store the ore together."

Skinny Monkey said, and walked away.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the Xiuchun serrated knife and began to dig ore frantically.

And Skinny Monkey returned to his area to start mining.

But saw several emperors coming over strangely.

"Skinny Monkey, you talked to that guy for so long, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, I see you seem to have taken out a rule contract, did you sign a contract?"

"Mysterious, did you reach any agreement?"

Three emperors asked strangely.

One of them was the strange emperor Fu Tianxiong who was full of malice towards Mu Rufeng.

"It's a small matter, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning." Skinny Monkey smiled indifferently, without any intention of explaining, and continued to mine.

"Skinny monkey, you are so brave. Tell me clearly, what did you talk about?" Fu Tianxiong said coldly.

The skinny monkey completely ignored Fu Tianxiong's words and worked hard to mine.

"Your wings have become hard, right? Good, very good, hum!" Fu Tianxiong had no way to deal with the silent skinny monkey.

He could only snort coldly, and then returned to his area to start mining.

The other two emperors saw this situation and knew that they could not ask anything, so they did not continue to ask and turned away.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, four hours passed.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Three ethereal drum sounds resounded throughout the mining area.

Suddenly, everyone put down their work and quickly gathered towards the shed.

The skinny monkey came to Mu Rufeng and called Mu Rufeng to go to the shed.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"The morning work is over. We have an hour's lunch break at noon to recover some strength." The thin monkey said.

"Lunch break?" Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone.

He looked at the time and it was indeed twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

The two also walked into the shed. The thin monkey did not gather with those weirdos, but pulled Mu Rufeng to a corner.

The thin monkey waved his hand to release a ghost cave, blocking the space around the two of them, so that their conversation would not be heard by others.

Even the emperor's weirdos could not do it.

"I see you have been digging there all morning and have not been to the platform. How much have you dug now? Are all of them in your own storage space?" The thin monkey asked.

"Well, I dug about 2.8 million catties." Mu Rufeng said.

Before, he could dig about 500,000 catties an hour, but now he has improved a lot and can dig about 700,000 catties of ore an hour.

Excluding the one hour he dug before, if it remains unchanged, there are still seven hours in the afternoon, and he can dig out about 5 million catties.

Add up all the weight here, that's 7.8 million jin, if you add the one million jin of Shouhou, that's 8.8 million jin.

If Shouhou works harder and digs out another 200,000 jin, the two of them can dig out 9 million jin a day.

9 million jin, that's almost double the first place, such a high weight, it must be the first place.

"So fast, too good, this way, my first place is stable, even you can enter the top three." Shouhou was overjoyed.

Stable, stable, this time it's really stable.

It's no wonder that Shouhou's expression changed, after all, there are too many rewards for the first place.

Back then, he accidentally obtained the Immortal Jade Pendant, and then was hunted down. At that time, he was only at the peak of the middle stage of the Emperor.

After entering here, three thousand years of prison life made his cultivation level fall to the state of just entering the middle stage of the Emperor.

Although he hasn't dropped a small realm yet, he is almost unable to hold on. At most, if he digs for five more days, he will fall to the early stage of the Emperor.

He didn't want to drop a realm, he wanted to become stronger.

So when he saw that Mu Rufeng, the Ghost Emperor, could dig ore so fast, he thought of this method.

As long as he got the first place, the reward he got could directly restore him to his peak state.

He estimated that about ten first places would allow him to break through the late stage of the Emperor.

Twenty times would allow him to achieve the peak of the Emperor.

Thirty times, there was no need to think about becoming a God, because it was too difficult to become a God. It was just ten more times to accumulate some rewards.

In this way, he would have the capital to compete with the bosses of those mining areas and participate in the matter of taking turns to become the first.

But soon, he thought again that after thirty times, it was estimated that Mu Rufeng would be the first every time.

In this case, he could only go to the second place.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"I guess I don't have to hand in what I dug myself. I'll just keep it for myself." The skinny monkey said with a smile.

"Okay, the food is here, let's eat something first and recover."

"I see you've been digging without a break, and you can hold on longer than our Emperor. Are all humans so persistent?" The skinny monkey said, and withdrew the ghost den.

Mu Rufeng smiled faintly and said, "I don't know about others, but I am indeed very durable."

The jailer had already arrived in the shed. He waved his hand and a large iron pot appeared in front of him.

Then sixteen bowls appeared on the long table next to him.

When the large iron pot appeared, a strange phenomenon drifted out and filled the entire shed.

"It smells so good." Mu Rufeng sniffed it, and his stomach immediately made a gurgling sound.

"This is good stuff, a specialty of the Dead Sea, made of black spirit fish and black shrimp."

"But you have to remember, you only need to drink a small bowl, don't drink too much, by the way, this thing can't be put into the storage space." The skinny monkey reminded.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The sixteen people also lined up in a long line in an orderly manner.

These weirdos took the stone bowls from the long table and came to the jailer.

The jailer took a look and directly scooped a full bowl.

Then the second, the third...

When it was Mu Rufeng's turn, he was only given about one-third of the food.

Seeing so little, Mu Rufeng wanted to say something, but the jailer said, "Eat first, and come back if you don't have enough."

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and walked towards the skinny monkey beside him.

"I'm very optimistic about you. Keep working hard. If you get first place, I'll give you a surprise." The jailer's voice sounded in Mu Rufeng's ears.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned his head to look, but found that the jailer was not looking at him, but was serving food to the next level nine ghost emperor.

"Sound transmission? Surprise, what kind of surprise?" Mu Rufeng murmured in his heart.

"Eat, what's wrong? Can't eat? It shouldn't be, this should be very nourishing for living people." The skinny monkey drank a mouthful of meat paste and said.

"Oh, I'm thinking about something." Mu Rufeng said, and also drank a mouthful.

After drinking it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This tastes really good." Mu Rufeng drank up the rest in one gulp.

Mu Rufeng had been digging ore for the whole morning, but he hadn't stopped for a moment. He was already very hungry. After drinking this small bowl, he was one-third full all of a sudden.

At the same time, the strength he had consumed was slowly recovering.

"Slow down, slow down, you eat so fast, be careful not to die of bloating." The skinny monkey was shocked when he saw Mu Rufeng eating so generously.

"Well, this is only one-third full, how can I die of bloating, I'll get another bowl." Mu Rufeng said and strode towards the jailer.

"Sir, give me another bowl, full." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? Finished so quickly? One bowl? Are you sure you can eat it?" The jailer looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"Of course I can eat it. I'm only one-third full now. Eat more so that you can work well in the afternoon." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Haha, it seems that you are indeed extraordinary. OK, I'll make you a bowl. Remember, drink slowly." The jailer said, and directly scooped a full bowl for Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, sir." Mu Rufeng thanked him and turned to leave.

When passing by those ghost emperors, he found that they were all eating in small sips.

When those ghost emperors saw Mu Rufeng passing by, they all looked at him with awe.

A ninth-level god realm with such a fast mining speed simply made them admire him.

In the mining area, the one who mines fast is the boss.

"By the way, Senior Shouhou, what is your name?" Mu Rufeng came to Shouhou and asked.

"Why are you asking this? Just call me Shouhou." Shouhou replied.

"Shouhou is a bad nickname, and it's a bit uncomfortable for the senior to call me, so I want to ask." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Haha, didn't you see it when signing the contract?" Shouhou said with a smile.

"Uh, senior, I don't recognize the words you wrote." Mu Rufeng said awkwardly.

Mu Rufeng didn't recognize the words from three thousand years ago. They didn't look like simplified Chinese characters, nor did they look like traditional Chinese characters, because they were some ancient texts.

"Oh, I'm used to it. I would have written ordinary characters earlier. My name is Jian Chengsang." Jian Chengyi told Mu Rufeng his name.

"Brother Sang, I'll call you Brother Sang from now on." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Whatever you want." Jian Chengsang said indifferently.

"Brother Sang, tell me, what is the reward? And what else do you have to do besides mining?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I'll tell you after work tonight. Now, it's time to refine the food in your body. You have to refine it quickly. You've eaten so much, and you'll have to suffer later."

After Jian Chengsang finished speaking, he sat cross-legged and began to refine the food in his stomach.

"Huh? Refining? Isn't this just ordinary digestion?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Chengsang strangely.

He glanced at the rest of the weirds and found that all the emperors had finished eating without exception and were sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Looking at the ghost emperors, they were still drinking the meat paste in small sips.

Mu Rufeng looked at the remaining one-third of the meat paste in his bowl and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking it, he sat cross-legged and began to refine it.

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