I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 369: Taking first and third place, rule rewards [ask for monthly votes! ]

Soon Mu Rufeng felt a very powerful force of qi and blood begin to burst out from her abdomen.

He was originally full, but suddenly he felt bloated, very bloated.

This is the kind of thing that makes you want to vomit after eating so much that your belly is getting bigger at a speed that is even visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng did not dare to be distracted anymore and began to use all her strength to refine the meat in her belly.

Just like that, an hour passed.

"Dong dong dong!"

The ethereal drum beat sounded again.

"Everyone, rest time is over, get back to work immediately." At this time, the jailer's voice sounded again.

The strange things all around him were instantly awakened.

Then they quickly picked up their pickaxes and headed towards the mining area.

Mu Rufeng slowly opened her eyes at this moment.

After an hour of refining, my bloated stomach was slightly better and not too full.

It actually allowed him to return to the peak state he had just entered before.

"I have to say that your refining speed is really fast and you are quite capable." Jian Chengsang came up and said with praise.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Jian Chengsang and found that Jian Chengsang's aura was a little thicker than when they first met.

It must be because of drinking this meaty paste.

"Let's go and continue mining." Mu Rufeng stood up and prepared to work in the mining area.

"Wait a minute, how much more can you hold in your storage space? You dug millions of kilograms all morning. Isn't it still full?" Jian Chengsang pulled Mu Rufeng.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng glanced at his inventory. Two million eight hundred thousand kilograms of ore occupied only a dozen squares.

Now, each of his inventory can carry a weight of one hundred tons, which is two hundred thousand kilograms.

He spent a whole day digging and couldn't fill his inventory.

"Don't worry, there are still a lot of vacancies. You can dig them until you get off work today." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Does your storage space have that much space?" Jian Chengsang was slightly surprised.

Mu Rufeng smiled calmly and did not explain.

Then he went directly to the mining area and started digging like crazy.

Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

Most of the weird ones were mining, and a few were tired from mining for a long time and consumed a lot of money, so they returned to the work shed to rest.

The jailers don't pay attention to these weird rests or mining. As long as there is no conflict and you don't leave the area, you can do whatever you like.

Just complete the daily mining tasks.

At this time, Fu Tianxiong, who was mining in the distance, suddenly stopped, then came to the work shed and sat cross-legged in a place.

Then he took out another pill and swallowed it. Finally, he closed his eyes and rested his mind to recover the strength he had consumed.

It's just that before Fu Tianxiong closed his eyes, he looked at the jailer sitting on the boulder in the distance.

The jailer at this moment was also sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. He was practicing.

The jailers are different from them. Although they are also unable to leave the Poseidon Palace, they hold power and are not affected by the power of extraction.

There are also wages paid on time, which can be used for cultivation.

Fu Tianxiong glanced at the jailer and closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Tianxiong cast a secret technique. Although his body was sitting here without moving at all, an invisible soul emerged from his body.

However, at this moment, the practicing jailer suddenly opened his eyes.

The long whip in his hand suddenly flew towards him, snap! A loud noise hit the void directly.

A silent scream sounded, and Fu Tianxiong's spirit immediately flew back to his body.

Fu Tianxiong's face turned a little pale to the naked eye.

"Next time, kill!" The jailer glanced at Fu Tianxiong, snorted coldly, took back his whip, and closed his eyes again to practice.

The movement here suddenly attracted everyone's strange eyes.

Those people looked at this scene with some confusion.

Fu Tianxiong's face turned ugly, but he still didn't speak. He took out another pill and swallowed it, then began to recover from his injuries.

"Fu Tianxiong is so courageous. He really doesn't know what he's talking about even if he has a little ability." Shouhou said with a sneer.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng asked Jian Chengsang curiously.

"Fu Tianxiong has the ability to separate his soul. The separated soul has independent consciousness and can also be controlled by himself. It has one-third of the power of the original body."

"Furthermore, the split soul is extremely hidden and difficult to be detected by beings of the same level."

"Looking at his situation, he probably wants to cause trouble. This guy used this ability to go to other areas before. Master Nan is extremely powerful, so he can naturally detect it."

"I'm just saying that Mr. Nan is turning a blind eye. This guy really thinks that Mr. Nan can't find out. He probably wants to attack you." Jian Chengsang explained.

"So that's it. This guy is really brave enough to dare to attack me?" Mu Rufeng was still a little surprised.

"Haha, of course I won't attack you directly, but I will take advantage of the geographical location." Jian Chengsang said.

"Good location? What good location?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"You see, our place is located in the central area. There are mining areas below and mining areas above. He probably wants to go up to the edge to do some management with Emperor Zun, who has a better relationship with him."

"Maybe when you go to transport the ore, I'll get some ore to hit you to death." Jian Chengsang said.

"Hmm? Isn't this a bit unreliable?" Mu Rufeng said with some disbelief.

You have to know that Mu Rufeng is now in the ninth level of the divine realm. Not to mention the ore falling, he can dodge the meteorite.

"It's not that simple. Although I don't know what the situation is, if it really hits you, you might be in danger."

"But don't worry, you are mining so fast now, with the protection of Lord Nan, there is absolutely no danger." Jian Chengsang patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and said.

The more or less you mine, the more performance there is. As long as there are people on the list, Zhu Nan will reward them.

Zhu Nan also told them that in normal times, only the quota tasks are handed in, and the rest of the excavated items are stored.

When a certain amount is stored, it will be handed over to a certain person and let him rush to the first place.

Because there are too few people on his side, he can't compete with those areas with more people for the first place in turn.

So, this method can only be used to get the first place.

It's not just his area, other small areas will also use this method, and those upper areas will turn a blind eye to it.

After all, it's impossible for the upper areas to take all the benefits, and it's impossible for the soup not to be given to the lower areas.

However, because of the small number of people, some weak ones can barely complete the quota, and the storage quantity is pitiful.

So if you want to get the first place, it will take several years to get your turn.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and did not continue to chat with Jian Chengsang.

Instead, he continued his excavation.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

With the sound of the ethereal drum, the jailer announced that it was time to go off work.

"It's time to go off work, everyone put their ore in the recycling area, you have a quarter of an hour." The jailer shouted loudly.

Those weirdos immediately walked towards the platform recycling area in front.

"How many kilograms of ore do you have now?" Jian Chengsang asked Mu Rufeng.

"I have 9.2 million kilograms here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Nine million two hundred thousand catties? Good, great, I dug one million one hundred thousand catties today, which adds up to one million three hundred thousand catties." Jian Chengsang was delighted.

"Let's go to the recycling area first to see how much the first place is. As long as you get the first place, you can also pay some ore yourself to get into the top five or top ten."

Jian Chengsang immediately took Mu Rufeng to the platform recycling area.

At this moment, a large number of weirdos stood on the periphery of the recycling area, constantly throwing the ore they dug into the recycling area.

Soon, the two came to an unmanned recycling area.

Jian Chengsang immediately released his own ghost cave and covered an area around him.

Then Jian Chengsang directly took out 100,000 catties of ore and threw it into the recycling area.

"This time the first place is 4.5 million catties. To be safe, invest one million more. You can take out 5.5 million catties of ore."

Jian Chengsang checked the ranking and said to Mu Rufeng.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, and immediately waved his hand, and 5.5 million kilograms of ore appeared on the side.

Jian Chengsang rolled up the ore without saying a word, and then put it into his storage space.

However, he couldn't put so much at once, so he could only go through his storage space in batches, and then put it aside again.

"Brother Sang, what are you doing?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Chengsang in confusion.

"After going around in my storage space, it will be contaminated with my breath. When I put it into the recycling area, it will be judged as the ore I dug." Jian Chengsang explained.

"Oh, that's it." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Then the two of them stood there in tacit understanding without any other movements.

They both knew that if they wanted to grab the first place, they couldn't hand in the ore now, so that there would be time for other weirdness to deal with it.

Therefore, they had to wait for the last ten seconds to put the ore in, so that they would be guaranteed. In the words of the live broadcast, that is, the remaining seconds to steal the tower during PK.

In the last ten seconds, Jian Chengsang immediately put all the five million catties of ore in.

In an instant, the name that was originally ranked first with 4.5 million catties dropped one place and became the second place.

And the first place has become Jian Chengsang's 5 million catties.

Jian Chengsang still saved a hand when stealing the tower, so he could save 500,000 catties of ore.

And Mu Rufeng took a look and invested 3.6 million, and directly won the third place.

The second place was 4.5 million, and Mu Rufeng only had 3.7 million catties of ore left, so he naturally couldn't reach it.

The third place was 3.5 million, and Mu Rufeng only slightly added 100,000 catties to win the third place.

A quarter of an hour has passed.

"Dong, Dong, Dong!" The huge drum sounded again.

"Today's mining time is over, and the following are the top ten rankings." The emperor sitting on the column in the recycling area spoke.

He stood up and directly said the top ten rankings.

"The tenth place, Liu Zhun, 1.58 million, Emperor's cultivation."

"The ninth place, Qian Yifeng, 1.6 million, Emperor's cultivation."


"Third place, Mu Rufeng, 3.6 million jin, God Realm cultivation, equivalent to Ghost Emperor."

"Second place, Luo Cheng, 4.5 million jin, Emperor cultivation."

"First place, Jian Chengsang, 5 million jin, Emperor cultivation."

When this name was called, the scene was silent.

But soon, everyone reacted and there was an uproar.

The first place actually appeared a guy who had never appeared before, 500 jin, it's not a small amount.

They guessed that Jian Chengsang probably stored ore for many years, just to hit the first place on this day.

This kind of thing often happens here, there are always some emperors who can accumulate slowly over time, and then suddenly burst out to get the first place.

There is really no way to make any prohibition for this, because it is possible that the jailer behind the emperor is also involved.

The bosses of the following regions discussed and came to a conclusion, that is, whoever meets the first place on the day, it can only be considered his bad luck, and he can't complain about anything.

Even more, he can't occupy the first place next time.

However, when they saw the third place, they were dumbfounded.

The weight of the ore of the third place did not surprise them too much, but the person who won the third place was surprised.

Yes, it was a person, a living person, a living human being who was only at the ninth level of the divine realm.

Apart from other things, the Sea God Palace has never seen any human beings in tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention humans, the Sea God Palace has never seen a ninth-level ghost emperor in the top three, not even the top 100.

The top 100 can only be the emperor, because the ninth-level ghost emperor can't save up to one million no matter how hard he digs and stores.

Even if he saves up to one million, compared to the emperor, one million catties is just their daily basic task.

The 100th place is the lowest in the ranking, and it also requires 1.37 million catties.

"Shit! What's going on? Why is my first place gone? And what's the situation with the third place?"

The emperor boss in a certain area saw the ranking and shouted angrily.

Although he is only one place away from the first place, the reward is really much different.

It's finally his turn to get the first place, and now he is being treated like this, right?

Unfortunately, even if he knew, he could only be furious.

The queues in all regions were talking about it, and it was very lively.

The emperors in some regions were also gloating and laughing.

For them, this is a good thing, because this is just a wild first place, so they won't meet it for a while.

For this kind of thing, as long as it's not the person himself, they will be very happy.


"Okay, okay, haha!" At this time, the jailer Nan in the queue laughed.

The weirdos in the queue also looked at Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang with a shocked look.

The first and third place, a total of 8.6 million kilograms, Mu Rufeng's excavation speed is too fast, right?

When the weirdos saw Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang coming, they immediately came up and kept asking questions to the two.

"Little brother, did you dig 8.6 million kilograms today?"

"Brother Sang, Brother Sang, congratulations, congratulations on taking the first place, and little brother, you also took the third place."

"I admire you, you are really amazing, little brother, and Brother Sang, can you guide me?"

"Senior is amazing, Brother Feng is awesome, Brother Feng is mighty!"

The Emperor came up and held his feet, constantly complimenting, and those ghost emperors shouted without any moral integrity, extremely admiring.

There was only one weird standing behind, with a changing expression on his face looking at the two of them, and this weird was naturally Fu Tianxiong.

"Mu Rufeng, you are very good, very good, haha." Lord Nan came forward and patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and was very happy.

"Jian Chengsang, you are lucky to meet Mu Rufeng." Lord Nan also said to Jian Chengsang.

"Lord Nan is too kind, I will take care of you more in the future." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Lord Nan, I'm lucky, and you're going to be lucky too, right? Haha!" Jian Chengsang also laughed.

"Yes, we're all lucky, haha! Today is a good day, and everyone will have a grilled fish for dinner." Lord Nan said with a big laugh.

"Thank you, Lord Nan!"

"Thank you, Lord Nan!"

When everyone heard that there was an extra meal, they smiled and thanked Lord Nan.

Dinner is also very important because it can restore the consumed power. After all, the absorption power here exists all the time.

Moreover, if you don't work, you won't have anything to eat, and you can only bear it yourself.

If you can't bear it, you can eat the spiritual objects or elixirs in your storage space. After so many years, these things are probably running out.

It is precisely because of this that these things are particularly precious.

"Line up and get ready to go back." Lord Nan called everyone to stand.

When the rankings were announced, the emperor in the recycling area strangely pinched the magic formula, and suddenly the recycling area bloomed with black array patterns.

In just a moment, all the ores disappeared, including the Emperor Zun Weiyi.

"Everyone, go up."

Under the leadership of Lord Nan, everyone walked onto the platform.

In just a few minutes, the platform under their feet began to rumble loudly.

The platform fell rapidly downwards in the vibration.

It was not until a quarter of an hour later that the platform stopped and they came to the corridor of the prison again.

"Zhu Nan, I remember that you won the first place last year. How come you have enough ore this year?" In the distance, a jailer who seemed to be familiar with Lord Nan greeted Zhu Nan.

"Haha, it's just luck." Zhu Nan didn't say much, just responded casually.

When the door of the corridor opened, Zhu Nan led everyone in directly.

The other jailers also led everyone in.

After walking for a while, they also came to the prison. The prison was still open, and everyone entered their own prison.

After watching everyone go in, the prison door closed, without saying anything, and left directly.

When the jailer left, the prison suddenly became very lively.

Without exception, they were talking to Mu Rufeng or Jian Chengsang, and Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang just perfunctorily said a few words.

"Brother Sang, what are the rewards for the third and first place?" Mu Rufeng couldn't help asking Jian Chengsang.

"Haha, I won't hide it from you. The third place will get three complete rules. After ordinary ghost emperors refine a complete rule, they can directly break through to the emperor."

"In addition, there will be meals every day within seven days to ensure that your power does not dissipate, and you can even practice."

"The second place can get five complete rules, meals within half a month, and spiritual fruits to enjoy."

"The first place can get ten complete rules, unlimited meals within a month, plus spiritual fruits and elixirs, and the qualification to enter the Sea God Palace once."

Jian Chengsang slowly said the rewards for the top three.

At the same time, he also briefly said the top ten.

The fourth to tenth place can get a complete rule, and then have meals within seven days.

The top 100 can get 500 rule fragments and three days of meals.

In addition, the top ten can get better treatment, that is, the treatment in the prison.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

If he can get the complete rules, it means that he can break through the emperor.

If he breaks through the emperor, you can imagine that the mining speed will definitely increase dramatically. Not to mention more, it will definitely be no problem to increase tenfold.

Then, a very terrifying thing will happen.

If it is ten times, Mu Rufeng should have no problem digging 100 million catties a day.

What is the concept of 100 million catties? The top 50 combined do not exceed 100 million catties.

In this way, Mu Rufeng can completely take the top ten.

Although he is only one person, there are sixteen people in his small area.

Excluding Fu Tianxiong, there are still fifteen people, occupying the top fifteen, and then let them hand in part of the rules.

When Mu Rufeng returns, he can definitely mass-produce the emperor. Do you think this is terrifying?

"Brother Sang, can the rules obtained be traded?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

"Of course you can. The rules you get are ownerless, but almost no one will trade them out. Either you refine them to enhance your own strength."

"Or you refine them into weapons or some skills to increase their power." Jian Chengsang said.

Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard this.

"Brother Sang, if this is the case, I think the people in our prison can occupy the top fifteen." Mu Rufeng smiled happily.

Jian Chengsang was shocked when he heard this, staring at Mu Rufeng with a look of surprise.

Other people in the prison also heard it, but they didn't react for a while.

The Emperor Zun Weird reacted the fastest, and also trembled all over.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you...you mean." The Emperor Zun Weird said tremblingly.

All of a sudden, the other Weirds also reacted.

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