I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 370: Fu Tianxiong's weak legs [Please give me a monthly pass! ]

Mu Rufeng got the third place, three rules.

A complete rule is equivalent to a thousand rule fragments.

Mu Rufeng's cultivation is at the peak of the God Realm, and he can refine three rules to break through to the Emperor.

Before, Mu Rufeng was only in the God Realm, and he could dig out 9 million jin of ore a day, and break through to the Emperor immediately, 100 million jin, no problem.

100 million jin, that would definitely be the same as what Mu Rufeng said, taking the top 15, and even a lot of surplus.

At this moment, all the weirdos were excited. Mu Rufeng said that, which meant that they wanted to occupy their identities.

They might have to hand over everything, but it didn't matter. The daily meals and better treatment would make them very satisfied. After all, they were getting it for free by following Mu Rufeng.

All of a sudden, these weirdos started talking at once, and the quiet prison was like a vegetable market at this moment.

"Don't worry, everyone. When I break through to the Emperor, I will take everyone to the list. I don't want more of your stuff. Just hand over half of it to me." Mu Rufeng said generously.

"Thank you, Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng is mighty and generous!"

"Brother Feng, great!"

Everyone complimented Mu Rufeng all at once. No one called him by his name or called him "little brother". They all called him Brother Feng.

"Haha, don't say that. The days will get better and better in the future. The top fifteen can also get a lot of good things." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Top fifteen? Brother Feng, that's not right. We have sixteen people here." A ghost emperor said a little stupidly.

As soon as this was said, there was silence at the scene.

Yes, there are sixteen people here, but Fu Tianxiong doesn't get along with Mu Rufeng, so he will naturally be excluded.

Why did this ghost emperor speak without thinking and just say it directly?

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot for a moment." The ghost emperor slapped himself immediately.

The voice was still loud, and everyone heard it.

"That. Brother Mu, I had a bad attitude before. I admit my mistake. Please forgive me." Diagonally opposite was Fu Tianxiong's prison. At this moment, he leaned in front of the fence and apologized to Mu Rufeng with a sincere face.

"No, no, no, I'm just a small human being. I don't deserve to accept the apology of the emperor." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

Fu Tianxiong's face froze on the spot when he heard it.

He was about to continue speaking, but he heard Zhu Nan's footsteps in the distance.

"It's time for dinner." Zhu Nan's voice rang out.

Zhu Nan was pushing a small cart with a large iron pot on it.

It was the same fragrance as the one at noon. It seemed that it was also the meat paste.

The food came, and the crowd stopped chatting and waited quietly for the food to be distributed.

The ghost emperors were given about half a bowl, and the emperor was given two bowls.

Mu Rufeng and his dinner was unusually rich, with roast meat, stewed meat, roast fish, roast goose, fish soup, etc., and a bowl of black noodles.

In addition to these, there were many spiritual fruits and even spiritual wine.

This dinner can be said to be extremely rich.

Look at Jian Chengsang across the table, and his dishes are exactly the same as Mu Rufeng's.

"I sent this to you specially, and it is of the same level as the first place meal."

"By the way, I said before that I would give you a surprise, take this." Zhu Nan said, throwing a token over.

[Ding District Team Order]: This token is the order of the deputy captain of the sixth team of Ding District.

Effect: Special props, holding this token can reduce the absorption power by 50%.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note: Zhu Nan, the captain of the sixth team of Ding District, can take this token back at any time.

"Is this. The deputy captain's order?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhu Nan in surprise.

"Yes, this is the order of the deputy captain. Although there are no special privileges for you, it can reduce the power of absorption by 50%." Zhu Nan said.

As soon as these words came out, the weirdos around were all shocked.

This is a good thing, really a good thing, especially in this Sea God Palace.

Everyone who can see it stared at the token in Mu Rufeng's hand, and those who can't see it directly stretched their heads out of the fence to take a look.

Reducing the power of absorption by 50% is a prop that can make these weirdos crazy.

However, to be honest, Mu Rufeng has a plug-in, and the power of absorption has been completely blocked. This token is really dispensable for Mu Rufeng.

However, Mu Rufeng couldn't show it, and could only show that he was extremely happy.

The next second, Mu Rufeng pretended to be surprised and said, "Thank you, Lord Nan."

"Haha, this is what you deserve. You can clean up your place yourself. These are your rewards."

After Zhu Nan finished speaking, he cast a few spells, and suddenly, the walls of Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang's prison cell flashed.

After a few seconds, they disappeared.

"Okay, let's eat. I have something else to do. I'll leave first." Zhu Nan was in a good mood today, so he talked a lot.

After he finished speaking, he walked forward.

However, when he passed by Fu Tianxiong's prison, Fu Tianxiong stopped Zhu Nan.

Then, Zhu Nan came over and said a few more words to him, then blocked the surroundings and chatted with Fu Tianxiong alone.

Mu Rufeng also saw it, but ignored it and checked the situation on the wall.

Originally there were only two rules for the wall, but now, there are actually a few more.

They are:

3. The prison will continue to be kept dry.

4. The power of extraction in the prison is reduced by 10%.

5. There will be various facilities in the prison. It is up to the residents to think of them. Once decided, it cannot be changed.

It was at this time that the three new rules seemed to come into effect.

The originally wet prison became extremely dry in an instant. The walls and roof no longer leaked or seeped, and there was no trace of water stains on the ground.

Mu Rufeng couldn't feel the decrease in absorption power. After all, his own absorption power was gone.

As for the fifth rule, as soon as Mu Rufeng thought about it, she realized that she controlled a force.

It seems that as long as Mu Rufeng makes associations, she can use this power to visualize some of the facilities, furniture, etc. she needs.

Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, and then quickly renovated the prison.

There was no way, Mu Rufeng estimated that she would have to stay here for a long time. How could she be wronged if she could live more comfortably.

In a short time, this square, thirty-square-meter cell turned into a very modern prison.

Well, it can be said to be a whole-house Xiaomi smart home.

There is a large bed, a separate bathroom and a bathroom.

Sofas, dining tables, TVs, refrigerators and even air conditioners are all matched.

The walls and roof have also been painted with latex paint, and some ancient paintings have been added, and the suspended ceiling is also extremely beautiful.

The whole house is laid with warm wooden floors and a layer of carpet, which is very comfortable to step on with bare feet.

The fence gate is also equipped with an electric curtain, which can effectively block outside prying eyes.

However, most of these require electricity, so there is no need to worry too much about this. If there is no electricity, Mu Rufeng only needs to release some lightning power into the distribution box.

For long-term use, Mu Rufeng looked at the instrument panel on the distribution box that showed 999999 kilowatt hours of electricity. It was estimated that Mu Rufeng would not be able to use up all the electricity after his return.

"What you did is quite beautiful. It's really beautiful." Jian Chengsang, who was opposite the door, looked at the modern prison and praised it.

And Mu Rufeng took a look at the prison that Jian Chengsang had renovated, and it was pretty good.

It's antique and fragrant, and you can definitely tell that this is the most noble layout in ancient times.

Also, even though Jian Chengsang didn't do well here, before he came in and before he was hunted down, he must have been a figure based on his strength.

"Brother Sang, when will the reward be distributed?" Mu Rufeng asked Jian Chengsang, who was lying on the sofa and looking outside comfortably.

"It will be distributed on time at twelve o'clock at midnight." Jian Chengsang replied.

"It's actually twelve o'clock?" Mu Rufeng murmured.

But calculating the time, it was only a few hours, so there was no harm in waiting.

"By the way, Brother Sang, can you tell me some things about Poseidon Palace now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course it's no problem. We have plenty of time to chat slowly now, but please remember to tell me what's going on outside later," Jian Chengsang said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

At this moment, Zhu Nan had already finished talking to Fu Tianxiong. Zhu Nan turned to look at Mu Rufeng and said:

"Xiao Mu, Fu Tianxiong has something to tell you."

After Zhunan finished speaking, Fu Tianxiong spoke:

"Brother Mu, I really know I was wrong. I'm sorry. You are a warrior. I happen to have a very useful tool for human warriors here, so I will apologize to you at odds."

With that said, Fu Tianxiong also took out a prop and threw it directly towards Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng did not reach out to catch it, and let it fall to the ground and roll in front of Mu Rufeng.

Then Mu Rufeng picked up the prop.

[Qi-Blood Spirit Capsule]: A special prop made from an organ of a special spiritual beast.

Effect: A ninth-level prop that can store one's own energy and blood power in the spirit sac. It can store the energy and blood power of an emperor unit. The specific storage amount depends on the user.

Note 1: The stored spirit sac can be used to restore the consumed energy and blood power, and can fill itself instantly.

Note 2: You can also absorb all the energy and blood power at once when in full state, so that you can explode with double the power.

After reading the attributes, Mu Rufeng was slightly shocked, but on the surface she remained calm.

This thing is indeed extremely useful to warriors, it is equivalent to having an extra unit of power bank.

You can also consume the power in this power bank at once to enhance your own strength.

Because this is a qi-blood spirit sac, it can only hold the power of qi-blood, so naturally it has no use against Weirdness.

But for Mu Rufeng, it was of great use.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to reply, Zhunan said: "Xiao Mu, Fu Tianxiong also sincerely apologized to you. I will be a peacemaker, so you can forgive him."

"There's just one more person, and you can get an extra portion."

When Mu Rufeng heard this, his eyes moved slightly, then he nodded slightly towards Zhunan and said:

"It's a good prop. Since you are so sincere, I will forgive you for Master Nan's sake." Mu Rufeng put the prop away.

In this prison, there is no way to take action. Even if he is stronger than Fu Tianxiong, there is nothing he can do.

Since there is nothing you can do to him, and others come to apologize with gifts, then naturally you can accept it.

The most important thing is that one more quota can also give him more income.

Not to mention, it is still Zhu Nan who is the peacemaker.

"Thank you, thank you Lord Nan, thank you Brother Mu."

"Then Brother Mu, please look at the ranking issue. Don't worry, I can hand over 70%." Fu Tianxiong said hurriedly.

"Since I forgive you, then you will naturally be ranked up, but it is not 70%, but 50%. I treat you equally." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Fu Tianxiong's face showed joy when he heard it.

This is the weird world. No matter how cruel the weirdness was before, as long as you can bring him benefits and interests, he is willing to kneel down and call you dad.

Even if he has become an emperor.

"Okay, you guys have your meal. I have something to leave first. Xiao Mu, if you have anything, use the token I gave you to contact me." Zhu Nan said.

"Okay, Lord Nan, take care." Mu Rufeng responded.

As the footsteps gradually faded away, Mu Rufeng asked Jian Chengsang about the Sea God Palace again.

At the same time, he brought the food to the door and ate while listening to Jian Chengsang's speech.

Speaking of which, in fact, they did not belong to the Sea God Palace, but could only be said to be under the jurisdiction of the Sea God Palace.

The prison they were in, and the mining area outside, were specially for them to dig.

As for the purpose of the ore, Jian Chengsang did not know, but heard some gossip that it seemed to be used to build an altar.

And as far as he knew, the oldest person here was an emperor who came in 20,000 years ago.

There was also an emperor who came in their prison many years ago, but he still did not survive and died ten years ago.

But he learned from this old guy that this mine seemed to have been dug for tens of thousands of years.

Even when the Sea God Palace was still in the Black Sea, it was mining.

I don't know why it has been so long, the mine has not been dug out, and why the altar has not been built.

There is nothing else outside the Sea God Palace except their prison.

The rest of the weirdness is all inside the Sea God Palace.

As long as you get the first place in mining, you will have the qualification to enter the Sea God Palace once.

No one knows what you will encounter in the Sea God Palace, but without exception, there are only benefits and no disadvantages.

Because every prisoner who enters the Sea God Palace, although he can't say it clearly after coming out, the feeling of excitement and excitement, as well as the stronger breath, cannot be faked.

Because the mining area is only mined once every two days, then the next day, they are not just staying in this prison.

They also have other work to do.

They have to clean up the dirty tide every two days.

That is, if they dig a mine today, they will clean up the dirty tide tomorrow, and they will go to mine again the day after tomorrow, and clean up the dirty tide again the day after tomorrow.

"Dirty tide? What is dirty tide?" Mu Rufeng asked with some curiosity.

"The dirty tide is easier than mining, but if you are not careful, you will die."

"For tens of thousands of years, there have been countless strong people who have entered here, but there are only a few of us left. In fact, most people died under the dirty tide."

"Of course, as long as you act carefully, and most importantly, don't be greedy, the danger will be greatly reduced." Jian Chengsang said.

"I see." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Then Mu Rufeng asked about some of the situations inside the Sea God Palace.

However, Jian Chengsang didn't know anything about it, because he had never won the first place, so he naturally couldn't go there.

He also thought about secretly storing ore every day, and after hundreds or thousands of years, he would compete for the first place.

But he couldn't keep it at all, because he had to use the ore to exchange some elixirs or spiritual objects to restore strength, spiritual medicines and even food, etc.

If it weren't for this, his cultivation would have fallen to the early stage of the emperor.

Mu Rufeng asked again how to enter the Sea God Palace.

Jian Chengsang also gave an answer. First of all, the first one is to get the first place in mining, and then go to the Sea God Palace on the first day of each month.

Another one is that during the foul tide, if you catch a divine dolphin, you can go to the Sea God Palace the next day.

Of course, the above two situations are only qualified to enter, and you have to leave the next day after entering.

If you want to enter the Sea God Palace permanently or for a long time, he doesn't know, but there are also rumors, but most of them have been confirmed to be false.

"Okay, I've said everything I know. If you have anything else to ask, just ask. After asking, it's time to talk about the situation outside." Jian Chengsang said.

"There's nothing to ask for the time being, so I'll tell you about the changes outside now." Mu Rufeng said.

As soon as this was said, the people around him immediately listened attentively. Obviously, they also wanted to know the changes in the outside world.

After all, they have been here for too long.

The one who has stayed the longest here is not Jian Chengsang, but another Emperor, who has been here for eight thousand years. His strength has fallen from the peak of Emperor to the early stage of Emperor.

His body is also relatively thin, but not as thin as Jian Chengsang, and he seems to be more normal.

The shortest person, excluding Mu Rufeng, is a ninth-level ghost emperor who came in more than a hundred years ago.

Through this Ghost Emperor, they also learned about the situation in the strange world back then, and they were quite surprised.

But now Mu Rufeng has appeared, proving that there has been another major change in the strange world, so everyone wants to know about it from Mu Rufeng's mouth.

"According to Brother Zhou, there was no difference a hundred years ago, but in recent years, there have been more and more incidents where the real world reflects the strange world."

"This has also led to the weird world entering a rapid development stage."

Now that the weird world has entered a modern society, the decoration style of my room is laid out according to modernity. "

"Of course, these are just irrelevant. After all, the times are developing, and so is the weird world."

"However, since six years ago, the reflected real world and the strange world have truly intersected."

"One day six years ago, Weird World selected a large number of humans in the real world to enter the weird world, and allowed humans to participate as players in the form of a copy of the game."

"As long as humans clear the dungeon in a step-by-step manner, they can advance all the way to the Ghost Emperor. What they cultivate is ghost power. Not only will it not affect the human body, but it will also strengthen the physical body."

"And human players can also make contracts with Weird, thereby becoming contractors and possessing Weird abilities." Mu Rufeng briefly explained the current situation of Weird's world.

When Mu Rufeng finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar.

"Brother Mu, are you telling the truth? Human beings can now make contracts with us and appear in the strange world with great fanfare? Have strange abilities?" Jian Chengsang was shocked.

"Impossible, how is this possible? If humans appear, they will definitely be eaten. Ah, I'm sorry, Brother Mu, I'm not targeting you."

The weirdness is still a bit unbelievable.

"Of course it's true. I think there should be new weirdness coming here in the past six years, right? If you don't believe it, you can ask."

"There must be some gossip leaking out," Mu Rufeng said.

"There should be, but we don't know."

"Yes, we can't go to other areas. The most we can do is chat with others at the edge of the area."

"Yes, and even if we meet, we hardly talk."

A group of strange opinions abounded.

"Haha, just because you don't know, it doesn't mean that Master Nan doesn't know. The jailers must have exchanged information with each other."

"Brother Sang, you can ask Mr. Nan tomorrow to find out whether what I said is true or false." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jian Chengsang nodded. No matter whether it was true or not, he had to ask.

In the past, he would not have dared to ask Zhu Nan, but now that he has won first place, Zhu Nan will not refuse his question.

"Brother Mu, I would like to ask, how many Weirds can that human player contract? And is the power used inherited, copied, or using Weird's own power?" Fu Tianxiong asked.

"That's a good question." Mu Rufeng immediately answered everyone's questions.

"Contractors are tentatively classified as levels 1-9. Each level can sign a contract with one contractor. In other words, humans can sign nine contracts. It is unknown what the higher levels are, because no one has reached it yet. "

"As for the ability used, you can think of it as copying, copying a strange ability to humans, and then as humans become stronger, the abilities will also become stronger." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hiss~~!" When everyone heard this, they took a breath of cold air.

This. This is simply too shocking.

If a human directly signed nine ghost emperors when he was the ghost emperor, and faced the ghost emperors of the same level, wouldn't it be a crushing gesture?

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