I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 371 Emperor! Emperor! Emperor! [Please give me a monthly pass!]

Even if the nine contracted ghost emperors are not allowed to take action, the human contractor will have all the abilities of the nine contracted ghosts. In this state, he can also crush the ghost emperors of the same realm.

What if the contractor reaches the emperor? Contract ten emperors? Wouldn't that kill gods and Buddhas?

"Excuse me, how many ghosts did Brother Mu contract?" A ghost with a haggard face asked.

"Not many, only five." Mu Rufeng did not count the mount Nian beast.

"I really didn't expect that in just over a hundred years, the outside world has changed so much." A ghost emperor muttered to himself.

"Yes, now even humans can safely appear in the weird world and can also make contracts. It's really strange." An emperor said with emotion.


Time gradually came to twelve o'clock in the evening.

Mu Rufeng had not slept all the time. He closed the door curtain and lay on the bed quietly waiting for the reward to come.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng felt a strange fluctuation.

Then, he sat up suddenly.

At this moment, three fist-sized balls of light appeared out of thin air.

The balls of light emitted golden light and were filled with the breath of rules. Mu Rufeng actually felt a little familiar with this breath.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng thought of something.

The Stone of Rules, that is, the Stone of Rules contained in the mysterious meteorite obtained in the Baibaolou Auction House.

He recalled the properties of the Stone of Rules.

[Stone of Rules]: It is a product under the rules, containing powerful power of rules. It can be used to create rule props and rule skill cards, and can also be integrated into rule props and rule skill cards to improve the status of rules, and can also be integrated into the group's power to improve the status of rules.

Then, Mu Rufeng quickly grabbed the three balls of light in his hands.

[Power of Rules]: It is the concrete power of rules, containing powerful power of rules, which can be refined to break through the Emperor, and even break through the God.

It can also be used to create rule props and rule skills, and can be integrated into rule props and rule skills to improve the status of rules, and can also be integrated into the group's power to improve the status of rules.

Mu Rufeng compared the difference between the two. The rule stone cannot be refined into the body to break through the emperor or even the god.

But the latter's rule power can.

I think the rule stone should not be better than this complete rule power.

After all, the rule stone is probably produced by absorbing the rule power over the years, and is a product under the rules.

But what Mu Rufeng has in his hand is the complete rule power, and the difference is obvious.

"The power of rules, tut tut tut." Mu Rufeng was happy.

Then he immediately integrated the three light balls into his body, and then sat cross-legged and began to refine.

Looking at Jian Chengsang on the opposite side, he was also very excited at this moment.

Not only did ten rule light balls appear in front of him, but there were also many elixirs.

Jian Chengsang did not hesitate and took the ten rule light balls into his body. Then he swallowed the elixir and began to restore his strength.


Time passed by.

Mu Rufeng spent an hour and successfully refined the first rule.

However, although Mu Rufeng's aura had become much stronger at this moment, he was still at the peak of the God Realm and had not entered the realm of the Emperor.

Well, how should I put it? Mu Rufeng is a warrior, and the system of warriors and the weird world is different.

Ordinary ghost emperors can break through to the Supreme by absorbing a complete rule.

A powerful ghost emperor may need two or even more to break through to the Emperor.

If you break through in this way, your strength will naturally be stronger.

Mu Rufeng thought that he only needed to refine another thousand rule fragments to break through, which was purely his own idea.

After refining this rule, his strength became stronger, and it can be said that he broke through to a whole new realm.

It also enhanced his own attribute values ​​a lot.

But how to say it, it is between the God Realm and the Emperor, half a step to the Emperor.

This state is his peak state, because all attribute values ​​have reached the upper limit of 99999 because of refining this complete rule.

After sensing it, if Mu Rufeng wants to truly break through the Emperor, he needs to refine at least five rules.

However, there are only two rules left in Mu Rufeng now.

But he only needs to wait until the next mining to break through the Emperor.

If you calculate it, it will be the day after tomorrow, and Mu Rufeng naturally doesn't want to wait that long.

So, Mu Rufeng stopped practicing and set his sights on Jian Chengsang who was still practicing.

Ask Jian Chengsang to borrow three rules, I guess this guy shouldn't refuse, right?

"Brother Sang, Brother Sang, wake up." Mu Rufeng approached the fence and called Jian Chengsang.

Jian Chengsang's eyelids moved, but he didn't wake up, he was still practicing.

"Brother Sang? Brother Sang? Your eyelids moved, I know you are awake, hurry up and reply." Mu Rufeng shouted again.

The movement here also attracted the other weirdos, and they all came forward to watch the fun.

For them, it doesn't matter whether they sleep at night or not. They don't need to sleep at all. Those who want to sleep almost all want to prevent the power in their bodies from fading too quickly.

Because as long as they sleep, they can slow down this speed.

"Brother Mu, what do you want? I'm busy." Jian Chengsang opened his eyes and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"I want to break through to the Emperor, but three rules are not enough. Give me three more rules, and I will give them back to you next time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? Brother Mu, don't joke. Three rules are not enough for you to break through to the Emperor?" Jian Chengsang looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"I remember that you should have refined the rules into your body before. No matter how powerful you are, you should be able to break through to the Emperor with your three rules, right?" Jian Chengsang asked again.

"There is no way. It is indeed still short. Just one word, will you lend it to me?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Lend it, of course." Jian Chengsang naturally did not refuse.

He immediately waved his hand, and three rule light balls flew out of his body, and then flew out from the gap in the fence, and then flew into Mu Rufeng's cell.

This scene stunned all the weirdos, and they all stared at the flying rule light balls.

Especially those ghost emperors, staring eagerly, without saying too much, they can break through with one rule.

After all, they have been mining for these years and have absorbed a lot of rules.

"Thank you, I will return it to you next time." Mu Rufeng smiled and waved his hand to take the three light balls into his body.

Then he closed the door curtain and sat cross-legged again to refine the rules.

Refining the rules is actually very simple. Just use your own power to break the rules, and the rules will turn into fragments and then quickly integrate into the body.

At this time, call on the power of blood and qi to continuously catalyze these rule fragments.

Time is passing, and as the rules slowly integrate into Mu Rufeng's body, his breath becomes stronger and stronger.

I don't know how long it has been, Mu Rufeng feels that he has entered a new realm.

Even the so-called bottleneck did not appear, this is the horror of the [Restriction Destroyer].

Like ordinary ghost emperors, even if they obtain complete rules, they may not be able to break through 100% after refining, and there will be bottlenecks to bother them.

Mu Rufeng had no bottleneck at all. With the resources and rules in place, he could break through naturally after refining.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng truly became the ancestor of the Emperor.

However, Mu Rufeng, the Emperor, was different from those weird Emperors.

As mentioned before, those weird Emperors controlled a complete rule and could use this power.

Mu Rufeng was a warrior. For a warrior, breaking through the Emperor required refining the rules into the body and strengthening the body.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng still did not control the rules, but the power he burst out now would contain the power of the rules.

His strength was definitely explosive.

Mu Rufeng immediately checked his panel attributes.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 25

[Level]: LV6 (1/7)

[Strength]: 100,000

[Spirit]: 100,000

[Constitution]: 100,000

[Contract Slot]: LV6 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV5 (Bai Jingwei)/LV6 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV6 (Huanxin)/LV7 (Wu Lan)

[Mount]: Nian Beast (God Realm)

[Ghost Power]: Level 9

[Realm]: Emperor

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Gambling] [Demon Suppression Marquis] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster] [God Hunter] [Medical Master][Nian Beast Conqueror][Dragon Slayer][World Peak][Demon Slayer][Warrior of Magic]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [God Rewards Hard Work][Flying on the Clouds][Dragon Corpse Lord][Power of Rules]

[Luck Value]: 212

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Power: 100 million

Soul Notes: 150,080 billion

Bound Soul Notes: 8.645 billion

Points: 12,145,410

Soul Units: 300,710,550

His three-dimensional attributes increased only a little, but it was this point that allowed him to break the shackles of the God Realm and break through to the Emperor.

Just one point, but the difference between the two sides is huge.

He can clearly feel the mystery of the Emperor's Realm.

If he faced his former self, he could crush his former self with just one finger. Of course, if it was a resurrection card, there were bugs like time imprints, then he would be powerless.

The realm has also reached the Emperor, and there is an additional [Power of Rules] in the talent column.

The rest has not changed much.

[Congratulations to LV6 Contractor Mu Rufeng, who successfully broke through the Emperor and became the first Emperor player on the entire earth. The world cheers for you! Granted the title: Peak Warrior]


[Congratulations to LV6 Contractor Mu Rufeng, who successfully broke through the Emperor and became the first Emperor player on the entire earth. The world cheers for you! Granted the title: Peak Warrior]

This prompt appeared three times in a row, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

This is definitely not just in his mind, it should be a server-wide announcement for all human players.

Mu Rufeng doesn't know whether ordinary humans have it, but he definitely hasn't heard of the weirdness.

Why do you say Mu Rufeng knows? This is also very simple, because the prison is too quiet now, and there is nothing unusual.

If those weirdos heard this prompt tone, they would definitely be in a frenzy, and then they would think it was Mu Rufeng, and they would definitely ask all kinds of questions.

"Huh? People? Why is there no one?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment.

Because after Mu Rufeng opened the door curtain, he found that the gate of the prison was actually open.

In the prison opposite, Jian Chengsang's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Mu Rufeng quickly walked out of the prison, and then checked the other prisons, and found that those people were also gone.

"Could it be..."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and checked the time. Sure enough, as he guessed, the time was already three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day.

Mu Rufeng entered the dungeon at around nine o'clock in the morning on April 11.

In the weird world, it was around nine o'clock in the evening on April 10, but he seemed to have been asleep for a while.

He woke up directly when he was about to go to work on the second day.

So, the current time is April 12, 3 pm, and the real world is 3 am on April 13.

According to the information provided by Jian Chengsang, they should be participating in the so-called dirty tide work at this moment.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng immediately took out the token of the deputy captain and input the ghost power.

Suddenly, the token exuded a strange power.

Not long after, a voice came from the token.

"Mu Rufeng? Have you broken through to the Emperor?" Zhu Nan's voice sounded.

"Yes, Lord Nan, I have broken through to the Emperor, but it seems that there is no one in the cell." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, everyone is dealing with the dirty tide. I see that it will take some time for you to break through to the Emperor, so I specially approved a day off for you to miss today's dirty tide work."

"You can stay in the cell for a day first." Zhu Nan said.

Mu Rufeng heard this and nodded slightly, saying, "Okay, Lord Nan, thank you very much."

"You're welcome. As long as you can do what you said yesterday, I will be your strongest support. I can find a way to do whatever you want." Zhu Nan said slowly.

Then Mu Rufeng asked about some precautions and ended the communication with Zhu Nan.

There are no precautions here. No matter how Mu Rufeng builds it, he can't destroy the prison anyway.

As long as Mu Rufeng doesn't leave the prison range and doesn't get close to the deepest cell, it's fine.

The prison range mentioned above is not the prison where Mu Rufeng lives, but the entire prison.

There is no one here now, and Zhu Nan and the others will not come back from work until at least 8 o'clock in the evening.

And Mu Rufeng has no restrictions here, so the deepest cell mentioned by Zhu Nan aroused Mu Rufeng's curiosity.

There is still a lot of time, so Mu Rufeng decided to go to the deepest prison to explore.

Of course, there is no hurry. Mu Rufeng checked the titles he got.

[Peak Warrior]: This is the title awarded to the first warrior in a certain world who breaks through to the realm of Emperor.

Effect: When wearing this title, all attributes +1000, and one's own momentum can be increased by 30%.

This attribute is not bad, all attributes +1000, not to mention that it can also increase one's momentum by 30%.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put it on.

After that, Mu Rufeng left the cell, turned right immediately, and then walked quickly towards the depths.

There are still many cells in this area. After walking for seven or eight minutes, at least hundreds of cells were seen.

This is still walking towards the depths. If you go to the exit, there are almost a hundred cells.

This is enough to show how huge this cell is, and it also proves how prosperous the Sea God Palace must be when it is reborn to build such a huge prison.

After a while, Mu Rufeng finally came to the end.

This cell is different from other cells, because there are a hundred meters of sealed walls on both sides.

And the door of the cell is right in front.

The layout of the cell is still similar.

However, the breath inside is terrifying.

You know, he is now in the realm of the Supreme Emperor, and he still feels a little palpitated when he feels the breath inside.

The people imprisoned in this cell are at least at the peak of the Supreme Emperor.

As for the God, it is impossible for a God to be imprisoned here.

"Human? How can a human appear here? And an Emperor?"

Suddenly, an old voice came from the cell.

This sudden voice made Mu Rufeng's eyebrows jump.

"Who are you? How come you are imprisoned here, and you don't have to go mining? Don't have to deal with the sewage?" Mu Rufeng asked back.

"Haha, of course Zhu Nan is afraid and dare not let me out. Who am I? I am the first warrior of the Sea God Palace, Mo Qifeng." Mo Qifeng did not hide his identity and said bluntly.

"The first general of the Sea God Palace?" Mu Rufeng was shocked and said, "Are you really a general of the Sea God Palace?"

"It's impossible. The Sea God Palace was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago. As the first general, even if you are at the peak of the emperor, you would have died of old age long ago, right?"

"Not to mention that you are still here, and your strength and vitality are being sucked away all the time." Mu Rufeng did not believe this person's identity.

"Hehe, as the first general of the Sea God Palace, I naturally have some means, otherwise I would have died long ago."

"I have told you my identity. Now, can you tell me yours? How can you, a human being, appear here?" Mo Qifeng was also very interested in Mu Rufeng's identity and the reason for his coming here.

Mu Rufeng carefully looked at the situation in the cell, but found that it was dark inside and he could not see through it.

Obviously, Mo Qifeng used some means to block Mu Rufeng's sight.

"My name is Mu Wufeng, and I am the ninth prince of the Dali Dynasty in Tiandao Continent." Mu Rufeng said.

"Tiandao Continent? Could it be that the strange world has found a new world?" Mo Qifeng's tone changed slightly.

"Humph, my Tiandao Continent has now been breached by the strange world, and this prince has also been arrested and sent here. You all deserve to die, you all deserve to die!" Mu Rufeng's tone suddenly became fierce.

"I see, no wonder, no wonder you entered here, but I am very curious, why can you walk freely and appear here?" Mo Qifeng asked again.

"I broke through the Emperor today and wasted some time. Lord Zhunan specially approved a day off for me." Mu Rufeng said.

"No wonder, no wonder I felt someone broke through the Emperor today. It seems that it must be my friend." Mo Qifeng said with a smile.

"Can you still sense us from so far away here?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

If so, wouldn't what he just said be exposed?

"I don't have such great ability. Do you see the walls on both sides? I can't do it because I am bound by the rules."

"It's just that your breath of breaking through the Emperor has spread throughout the periphery of the Sea God Palace. I guess the people in the prison must know it." Mo Qifeng said lightly.

"Oh, so that's the case. OK, I'll leave first. I'm very happy to meet you today." Mu Rufeng said hello and turned to leave.

"Hey, wait, brother Mu, don't leave in a hurry." Seeing that Mu Rufeng was about to leave, Mo Qifeng hurriedly stopped Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? Is there something?" Mu Rufeng asked in confusion.

"Brother Mu, you should know that once you enter the Sea God Palace, you can't get out, but I have a way to leave the Sea God Palace." Mo Qifeng's tone was very calm, but his words were shocking.

Mu Rufeng's heart was actually not fluctuating. After all, he could get out as long as he completed the task. At worst, he could leave by relying on the login bracelet.

However, to be honest, Mu Rufeng was still a little surprised that Mo Qifeng actually knew there was a way to leave the Sea God Palace.

You know, for tens of thousands of years, no one has left the Sea God Palace except Wu Shi, who broke through the God of the World.

To be honest, if those emperors heard this, they would probably go crazy.

"What? You know how to leave the Sea God Palace? Are you serious?" Mu Rufeng immediately pretended to be shocked and asked.

"Of course it's true. There's no need for me to lie to you, a junior." Mo Qifeng said lightly.

He was very satisfied with Mu Rufeng's reaction.

"What is the method? Tell me." Mu Rufeng asked quickly.

"Haha, why do you think I should tell you? Everything in the world, no matter what it is, has its own value and can be traded. You want to know this method, so what can you use in exchange?" Mo Qifeng said.

"You want me to let you out? Do you think I can do it?" Mu Rufeng looked at the series of rules on the wall and then said.

"You are too weak to let you out, and I don't need you to let me out. I just want you to help me do something." Mo Qifeng said.

"Things? What things?"

As Mu Rufeng's voice fell, a black and white bead the size of an eyeball flew out of the prison.

Mu Rufeng reached out to catch it.

[Mysterious bead]: This bead is very mysterious and nothing can be found out.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was stunned. He didn't expect it to be this attribute, or even the system couldn't find out the function and origin of this bead.

"When you enter the mining area next time, find a place and bury the bead underground." Mo Qifeng said.

"So simple?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, obviously unable to react.

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