I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 372 Emperor’s First Experience [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"Yes, it's that simple. As long as you bury it, I will tell you immediately." Mo Qifeng said.

"But. That's not right. After I bury it, I can't come to you. How are you going to tell me?" Mu Rufeng thought of this and asked.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to tell you. Just tell me your cell number." Mo Qifeng said.

"Are you sure? Don't lie to me then."

"If I lie to you, you can dig out the bead again, or you can tell Zhu Nan directly." Mo Qifeng said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng laughed in his heart, and then pretended to think for a while, and then agreed.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here any longer, turned around and left directly.

Then Mu Rufeng checked other places in the prison again, and finally returned to his own prison.

He sat cross-legged on the sofa and began to practice again.


Several hours passed.

The footsteps of many people were heard on the quiet corridor.

Mu Rufeng woke up instantly and walked out immediately.

I saw Zhu Nan and his group walking towards this side.

Some weirdos also walked out of the team after arriving at their own prisons and then entered the cells.

"Xiao Mu, judging from your aura, have you broken through to the Emperor?" Zhu Nan also saw Mu Rufeng for the first time.

"Well, thank you Lord Nan for letting me take a day off." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Haha, you can break through to the Emperor, and the amount of mining can be more, it's just a win-win situation." Zhu Nan said with a big laugh.

Obviously, he was also very happy about Mu Rufeng's breakthrough.

Not happy for Mu Rufeng, but happy for himself.

Mu Rufeng can bring him enough benefits, and he can also greet humans with a smile.

"Great, Brother Mu has broken through to the Emperor, so he can take the top sixteen when he goes to mine tomorrow." An Emperor was overjoyed.

"Yes, yes, take the top sixteen." Another weirdo echoed.

Anyway, these dozen weirdos were all full of joy.

Only Jian Chengsang's face did not change much. After all, he had to be the first for two months.

"Lord Nan, I have something to tell you." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Something?" Zhu Nan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Go ahead."

"It's not convenient." Mu Rufeng glanced at the prisoners and said.

"You guys go into the cell quickly." Zhu Nan glanced at Mu Rufeng, and then said to the prisoners.

Soon, the weirdos returned to their own cells.

Then Zhu Nan pinched the magic formula, and all the cell doors fell directly.

"Let's go, talk in your cell." Zhu Nan immediately entered his cell with Mu Rufeng.

It was very strange that although the cell door was closed, Zhu Nan and Mu Rufeng ignored the cell door and went directly into Mu Rufeng's cell.

Then, a rule appeared on the wall.

Soon, the entire cell became closed, and the words inside could not be transmitted, and the outsiders could not see the situation inside.

"Master Zhunan, first of all, I want to apologize. Although you have already warned me, I still went to the cell in the deepest part of the prison because of curiosity." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Hmm? So, did you see the prisoner?" Zhunan's face changed slightly.

"No, there is a formation restriction over there. Even with your Emperor's cultivation, you can't get close to it." Zhunan said in a deep voice.

"Formation restriction? No, Master Zhunan, when I went there, there was no obstacle." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems that Mo Qifeng blocked the formation, which allowed you to get close. So, did he say anything to you?" Zhunan asked.

"Well, he wanted me to take a bead and bury it under the mining area, saying that he would tell me how to get out of the Sea God Palace." Mu Rufeng said, and took out the mysterious bead.

Zhu Nan heard the words, and then looked at the bead in Mu Rufeng's hand, and burst into laughter: "Haha, I am dying of laughter, this guy could have chosen anyone else, but he chose you."

"Damn, damn human, don't you want to go out? You actually... You actually told on me." The voice of Mo Qifeng suddenly came out of the bead.

Mu Rufeng felt a palpitation and threw the bead away without saying a word.

But Zhu Nan stretched out his hand and grabbed the bead directly in his hand.

Then he squeezed it hard and crushed it directly.

"Ah~~!" Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the depths of the cell.

Then the sound stopped abruptly, it was blocked by a certain formation.

"Is this bead a trick?" Mu Rufeng frowned and said.

"Of course it is a trick, this is his eye, Mo Qifeng has another nickname, called the Thousand Eyes God General." Zhu Nan explained.

"But why did he ask me to bury his eyeballs underground in the mine?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"That guy's skills are all in his eyes. As long as you bury his eyes underground in the mine, he can absorb the power of the rules in the mine through his eyes to restore his strength."

"His current strength is only a fraction of what it was. If he recovers his strength, this prison will not be able to hold him."

"But that guy chose you. If he had chosen someone else, he might have succeeded." After saying this, Zhu Nan laughed again.

"That guy has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years and has no information channels to know about the outside world."

"I thought his news that people could leave the Poseidon Palace would be able to catch you."

"It's a pity that he doesn't know that you are a player and a contractor. You can return as long as you complete the task, or you can return through the login bracelet if you suffer fatal injuries."

"As long as he chooses someone else, he will probably be successful. If he can block the rules and let you get close, he must have secretly regained a little strength."

"With this power, you can definitely open the cell and let other weirdos go. I guess you happened to go to the depths of the prison by yourself."

"And Mo Qifeng wanted to save some of his power, so he chose a human like you." Zhunan said with a smile.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she also smiled.

Zhunan was right, he was a contractor and leaving Poseidon Palace was not a problem at all, so he was not attracted by this at all.

If Mo Qifeng offered other benefits, Mu Rufeng might have agreed.

And now he said it, just to give Zhunan a certificate.

After all, if he and Zhu Nan can handle the relationship between them, it will be more convenient to complete the task.

As for Mo Qifeng's life and death, it was none of his business, it was just an irrelevant mystery.

But to Mu Rufeng's surprise, Zhunan actually knew about his mission, his identity and the matter of logging into the bracelet.

So, can their jailers know information about the outside world?

"Master Nan, I'm still a little confused. Why do you know that I can leave the Poseidon Palace, and why do you know about the landing bracelet?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Haha, a lot of weird things have come in in the past few years. For example, last month, another weird thing came in."

"Although it's not in my area, our jailers sometimes exchange information." Zhu Nan said with a faint smile.

"I see. Thank you, Master Nan, for clearing up the confusion." Mu Rufeng thanked him immediately.

It turned out that these jailers communicated with each other, and Mu Rufeng thought they were all separated.

"Okay, do you still have any questions? If not, I'm leaving." Zhunan said.

"No more for now." Mu Rufeng still wanted to ask about Poseidon Palace.

But after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. The situation is still unclear. In a few days, when the first phase is completed and the second phase tasks are issued, Mu Rufeng can just ask again.

Then Zhunan left.

After the person left, Jian Chengsang finally spoke: "Brother Mu, congratulations, you have broken through to the Emperor."

"Congratulations, Brother Feng."


Everyone opened their mouths to congratulate.

Their faces were full of joy, and they looked even happier than Mu Rufeng herself.

Because starting from tomorrow, they can all enter the top twenty of the rankings.

As long as Mu Rufeng is always here, then they can always be like this.

Mu Rufeng responded with a smile, and then asked Jian Chengsang, "Brother Sang, you are going to deal with the dirty tide today. What exactly is this dirty tide?"

When I asked Jisheng yesterday, Jian Chengsang didn't have much explanation, so I could ask now.

"Dirty tide, you can understand it as dealing with garbage." Jian Chengsang thought for a while and said.

"Disposal of garbage?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

Soon, Jian Chengsang explained to Mu Rufeng in detail.

It turns out that this so-called pollution tide is actually some garbage in the Dead Sea, some corpses of pollution sources, and other miscellaneous things that were attracted by the whirlpool surrounding the Poseidon Palace.

Call it marine debris, but you can see anything in the sewage, even living creatures.

And the mushy ingredients like the meat they eat every day are all caught in the filthy tide.

As for the danger Jian Chengsang mentioned, when he went to clean up the sewage, he was at the outermost edge of the Poseidon Palace and closest to the whirlpool.

The power of absorption is even more powerful.

Rather than dealing with the sewage, they actually want to mine, because although mining is a bit more difficult and tiring, it is not dangerous.

When dealing with polluted water, not only does it have strong absorption capabilities, but it is also necessary to be prepared for the dangers in the polluted water.

The danger here is not only the power to absorb, but also a large number of strange creatures caught in the whirlpool.

Those who can withstand the absorption power of the Dead Sea vortex are the lowest beings at the Ghost Emperor level, or even Emperor beings.

This kind of people, as long as they are intelligent creatures, will be captured as prisoners and join them.

Those without intelligence, similar to evil spirits, can be killed directly or even become their food.

Mu Rufeng, for example, was picked up from the dirty tide by jailer Zhu Nan and put into prison.

Jian Chengsang and others have also seen this with their own eyes.

There is no need to worry about being picked up by those weirdos and eaten directly by humans. Because as long as they are intelligent creatures, they will be protected by Poseidon Palace and cannot take action against them.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, he was a little surprised. He really didn't expect that he was actually picked up.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng the most was that this whirlpool was clearly the most dangerous place in the depths of the Dead Sea, where even the Emperor dared not step into.

But why does this vortex appear in the real-world Bermuda Triangle?

Mu Rufeng didn't know the reason, but it was probably related to the rules of the world.

The worlds of both sides were slowly merging, and some strange places in the strange world would also be reflected in the real world.

The contractors in the real world could enter this strange place in the form of a copy if they met certain conditions.

"I don't know how long this copy will take, and it seems that I will definitely not be able to return in a short time."

"However, I hope that my future tasks will not conflict with the rules and contracts signed between me and Jian Chengsang." Mu Rufeng thought so in his heart.

However, it's okay to interrupt, anyway, the contract signed by Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang is also relatively loose.

It's not necessary to get the first place for thirty consecutive times, time is not a problem, and it can be divided into batches, but the total time must not exceed one year.

After getting his own answer, Mu Rufeng didn't ask anything else.

Because the meal sent by Zhu Nan came, he had to eat and recover today's consumption.

Of course, except for Jian Chengsang and Mu Rufeng, the rest of the people could hardly recover today's consumption. In layman's terms, it was not enough to make ends meet.

Jian Chengsang and Mu Rufeng were different. The food they ate could not only restore their consumption today, but also make them rich. They could use it for cultivation.

After eating, Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged on the bed and began to cultivate.

Now Mu Rufeng had just broken through the Emperor Venerable, and there were too many things to sort out, including his own abilities, skills, martial arts, secrets, etc.

Even, Mu Rufeng had to refine some soul power to keep his soul power in the most abundant and peak state.

After all, he had just broken through the Emperor Venerable, and although his soul power had also increased, it was far from the limit of the realm he could reach.

Time passed slowly.

The prison was quiet at this moment, and no sound was heard.

Just at this moment, a black snake composed of black aura came to Mu Rufeng's prison.

This black snake was a little unusual, because it was covered with human eyes, which looked very strange.

But there was no breath leaking out. If it was not visible to the naked eye, its existence could not be sensed at all.

Not just one, a closer look shows that there is a black snake in front of each of the sixteen cells.

Among them, the black snake of Mu Rufeng is the largest, twice as big as the rest.

These black snakes opened their mouths and aimed at the cells, and then, wisps of breath flew out from the people in the cells and then sank into the mouths of the black snakes.

It seems that these black snakes are absorbing strange power.

And why is this so, it is self-evident, this is Mo Qifeng's trick, in order to restore his own power.

I don't know how long he has been doing this, but no one has noticed.

Mu Rufeng naturally didn't know, it's not that his perception is weak, but once the cell door is closed, unless you look with your naked eyes, you can't perceive the outside world.

And Mu Rufeng's cell was covered by a door curtain, how could Mu Rufeng find it.

As for the power of absorption, neither Mu Rufeng nor those weird things would care, because it was a very sparse and common thing.

As for whether these people will wake up and see these black snakes, it is unknown.

But no one knows for such a long time, so they must not see them.


No words all night.

The next day, it was time to go to work.

Mu Rufeng had already woken up, washed up, and had breakfast.

At 6:30 in the morning, they arrived at the prison on time.

After opening the prison, a group of people lined up and walked out.

At 7 o'clock, they arrived at the mining area on time and officially started their mining career today.

"Mu Rufeng, it's up to you today." Zhu Nan looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"Don't worry, Lord Zhu Nan, leave it to me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, you can't slack off, work hard to mine, I don't ask you to mine more, half of the quota is enough." Zhu Nan said.

"Yes, Lord Nan!" A group of weird and excited people shouted.

In the past, they were numb when mining, because there was no hope, but they would mine as much as possible every day and store some, which was also for survival.

Now, they don’t need to worry so much, just keep half of the daily quota, because they can already take the top 16 with the help of Mu Rufeng.

The top 16, they used to just think about it, and the top 100 would take who knows how many years.

Now they can just sit and wait, how can they not be excited, how can they not be excited, how can they not be happy?

Mu Rufeng found an unmanned mining area, and then took out the Xiuchun serrated knife.

Mu Rufeng swung the knife and chopped it, and the next moment, a piece of ore the size of a foot basin was cut off.

It was about one meter in radius and weighed 30,000 kilograms.

How long does it take to swing a knife? Mu Rufeng can now do dozens or hundreds of knives in one second, but this is undoubtedly a huge consumption.

And this is mining, not fighting. These rocks are a whole. If you want to cut them down, you have to cut them here, then change direction and cut them again.

Because if you cut straight, you can't cut it off, otherwise, how can it be called mining.

According to the normal calculation, one cut per second, three cuts to cut a square meter, that is, 10,000 catties per second.

One hour and 3,600 seconds, that is 36 million catties.

Mu Rufeng can do it without stopping. If it is 100 million jin, it can be done in less than three hours.

Mu Rufeng made up his mind to dig 100 million jin every day, which would take two or three hours.

For the first sixteen, each person has 5 million jin, and the total is only 80 million jin.

The excess, Mu Rufeng will store it himself, maybe this ore has some special use.

In fact, Mu Rufeng also wants to dig a large ore of tens of millions of jin at a time.

However, the Sea God Palace does not allow it. The largest can only be one meter in radius, and it cannot exceed this size. Once it exceeds this size, you have to break it.

Soon, Mu Rufeng started his mining business.

Because his strength has reached the realm of Emperor Venerable, Mu Rufeng did not mine as before, but kept waving the sword light in his hand to chop these ores.

It is not straight, but there will be changes. Even so, the weird people around are also shocked by the falling ores.

When Mu Rufeng was in the God Realm, he could mine so fast. Now that he has broken through to the Emperor, the mining speed is not only fast, but also very cool and elegant.

It is really eye-opening for these weirdos.

The jailer Zhu Nan did not close his eyes to practice, but kept staring at Mu Rufeng.

When he saw the mining speed was so fast, he couldn't stop smiling.


Three hours passed in a flash.

Mu Rufeng slowly put away the Xiuchun serrated knife in his hand, and then waved his hand to put some ore on the ground into the inventory.

He didn't stop for three hours, and the consumption was still a bit large, but he could still hold on.

But it was enough, because he had already mined 100 million catties of ore.

According to what was said before, 80 million is enough, and the remaining 20 million is stored by Mu Rufeng himself, and even to be taken out of the Sea God Palace later.

Anyway, this 100 million catties only occupied more than 100 grids of him.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the shed, took out a recliner, and lay directly on it.

Seeing this scene, the weirdos all looked over, but no one came over, and the speed of mining also slowed down a bit.

"Brother Mu, is it too much consumption? Here, take some pills to restore your blood and qi." Zhu Nan also came to the shed and handed Mu Rufeng a bottle of recovery pills.

"Then I will accept it with pleasure." Mu Rufeng took the pills with a smile.

"How is it? How many kilograms of ore did you dig?" Zhu Nan asked.

"We have dug more than 80 million kilograms, Lord Nan, it should be enough for today, I want to practice for a while." Mu Rufeng said.

"80 million kilograms? Enough, enough, enough." Zhu Nan grinned, the whole person was extremely excited.

80 million, if all of them share it equally, it will reach 5 million kilograms, and 5 million kilograms is usually the first place.

Based on this 5 million, plus what they dug themselves, and then the official ranking will be arranged.

This will also prevent these guys from quarreling over ranking issues.

Not only that, I gave each of you 5 million jin, and the rest, you can dig as much as you want, which can be regarded as more work, more pay.

Of course, it only has some effect on the top ten, and after the tenth place, the rewards are the same.

Their team is not too many or too few, including Mu Rufeng, there are sixteen people.

Nine-level weirdness, because Mu Rufeng broke through the emperor, so there are only four left, and the emperor plus Mu Rufeng is twelve.

Jian Chengsang is the first, there is no doubt about it, because Mu Rufeng agreed.

The second place must be the big boss Mu Rufeng.

Third to tenth place, there are eight positions here, but there are still ten emperors.

Because there will be two emperors who can only be ranked outside the top ten.

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