I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 373: Top 10, bankrupt Wang Changxiong [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

The rewards for those outside the top ten are unified, so the competition for the top ten must be fierce.

As for the four ghost emperors, they don't care, as long as they can rank in, they can get 500 rule fragments every two days.

After handing in half, there are still 250 rule fragments, and there will be meals every day.

In this way, they can restore their own strength and reach the peak of ghost emperors. After a while, when they have enough rule fragments, they can start to break through the emperor.

There is hope, their days are really hopeful.

Zhu Nan left, returned to his boulder, closed his eyes and practiced.

Seeing Zhu Nan leave, Jian Chengsang immediately put away the iron pickaxe and came to the shed.

"I'm so tired, I won't dig anymore, I won't dig anymore, brother Mu, how much have you dug now?" Jian Chengsang came to Mu Rufeng's side, took out an ore and sat on it as a chair.

"I have dug more than 80 million kilograms." Mu Rufeng said.

"More than 80 million jin? It's only been three hours. Your speed is too fast." Jian Chengsang said in surprise.

He knew that Mu Rufeng dug fast, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

The day before yesterday, he only dug more than 8 million jin in a whole day. Today, he broke through the emperor. In three hours, he dug more than ten times more than the last time.

"Then will you dig again later?" Jian Chengsang asked.

"No, I'm tired. Besides, more than 80 million jin is enough to give each of them 5 million. This amount is enough to take the top 16." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's right, but how do you decide their rankings?" Jian Chengsang nodded slightly, and then asked again.

"The two of us will definitely be the first and second. I don't care about them. Anyway, I will only give them 5 million. For the rest, they can add ore to compete for the rankings themselves." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's fine. Forget it. I won't dig anymore. I have enough ghost power in my body these days. I need to refine it more and restore my strength."

Jian Chengsang didn't go to mine. He just sat aside and started practicing.

Mu Rufeng didn't pay attention to him. He ate his food by himself, then crossed his legs and watched those people digging leisurely.

Somehow, Mu Rufeng felt like a contractor?


"Brother Mu, Brother Mu? Wake up."

A voice woke up Mu Rufeng who was sleeping soundly.

Mu Rufeng opened his eyes in a daze, and then he saw more than a dozen weirdos surrounding him.

"Huh? What's wrong? Why are you all here?" Mu Rufeng sat up, with some impatience between his eyebrows.

He hated others waking him up from sleep.

"Brother Mu, there is still half an hour before work ends. Are you going to transport ore?" Jian Chengsang said.

"Oh? Only half an hour left? Okay, let's go." Mu Rufeng's anger also subsided.

It was Mu Rufeng himself who asked Jian Chengsang to wake him up in the last half hour.

Soon the group arrived at the platform area.

Without Mu Rufeng's action, the eleven emperors deployed the ghost den at the first time and united to cover the surroundings.

Mu Rufeng immediately waved his hand and took out 77 million kilograms of ore.

When the public saw so many ores appear, they looked at Mu Rufeng excitedly, waiting for his distribution.

Then, Mu Rufeng divided the ore directly into fifteen parts, fourteen of which were five million kilograms each, with an error of no more than one kilogram.

There was also one for Jian Chengsang, which was seven million kilograms.

As for his own, it was naturally in the inventory.

"Everyone is five million kilograms, check the storage space yourself and then go to pay." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Feng."

"Thank you, Brother Feng!"

All the weirdos heard this and immediately thanked him.

Mu Rufeng waved to everyone, and then he began to put the ore into the platform recycling area.

He asked Jian Chengsang to put 7 million, and he put 6.5 million, so that he could occupy the first and second place.

For the rest, it depends on how much the weirdos dig every day.

Mu Rufeng also took the time to look at the ranking list. Now the first place is a peak emperor in Area A, with a weight of 5 million jin.

Well, not bad, this time he actually reached the basic weight he gave to the weirdos.

However, when Mu Rufeng put his ore in, it soared directly to the first place.

Jian Chengsang was still constantly passing the ore through his storage space.

The same was true for the other weirdos.

Soon, everyone passed the ore once, and then began to put the ore into the platform area.

However, soon, one of the weirdos realized something and asked Mu Rufeng:

"Brother Feng, you gave each of us 5 million kilograms of ore. The first and second place will naturally be you and Brother Sang, but do you have any instructions for our ranking?"

After this, the other weirdos who were preparing to put the ore stopped, and then looked at Mu Rufeng and waited for his instructions.

"Brother Sang and I will definitely be the first and second place, and I don't care how you rank. I will give you a basic weight of 5 million, and you can add the rest by yourselves." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Everyone understood it immediately after hearing this, and then quickly got to work.

Soon, the ranking was announced.

The first and second place was naturally Mu Rufeng.

The third place in the remaining rankings was unexpectedly held by Emperor Zun Weiyi, who had never spoken much and had little presence.

His weight was 6.48 million.

The fourth place was Fu Tianxiong, with 6.4 million.

As for the two Emperor Zun Weiyi outside the top ten, it was very strange that they weighed 5 million directly.

It seemed that they also knew that they could not break into the top ten, so they simply saved what they dug today and waited for the next mining to hit a high ranking.

As for the ghost emperors, it didn't matter at all, and even directly reduced the number, as long as they entered the top 100.

Time went back a few minutes ago.

At the edge of a recycling area.

Wang Changxiong, who was at the peak of Emperor Zun's cultivation, had a gloomy face.

"Damn, how did this guy dig out so much ore?" Wang Changxiong stared at the ranking list.

Today, it was his turn to win the first place. He was originally planning to get about 4.5 million, but considering what happened yesterday, he simply added another 500,000 to make up 5 million kilograms.

Just now, a subordinate told him that his ranking was surpassed, so he hurried over.

Then, looking at the glaring number of 6.5 million jin for the first place, his face was terribly gloomy.

He looked at his storage space, and there was only 500,000 jin left.

Even with these 500,000 jin, it was only 5.5 million, and it was impossible to get the first place.

"How much ore do you three have?" Wang Changxiong asked the three people behind him.

"Brother Xiong, I have 500,000 jin now."

"I have 350,000 jin."

"I have 230,000 jin."

The three people looked at their reserves and said.

These three people are going to impact the top 100, so the reserves are not much.

"Lend it to me first, let me get the first place, and I will return it to you." Wang Changxiong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Brother Xiong." The three did not say anything, and after agreeing, they handed over their reserves to Wang Changxiong.

The reserves of these three weirdos totaled 1.08 million jin, plus his own 500,000 jin, and the 5 million jin he put in before, which together amounted to 6.58 million jin.

This amount was exactly 80,000 jin more than Mu Rufeng, and he could win the first place.

Then, Wang Changxiong prepared to put the ore in.

However, he soon thought of something. Now there were still ten minutes before the end of the time.

It would be very troublesome if there were any more accidents, so he was ready to wait for the last few seconds to prevent the tower from being stolen.

"Go, gather everyone here." Wang Changxiong ordered his men.

"Yes, Brother Xiong." The weirdo responded, and then left quickly.

It only took a few minutes for more than 30 people to come.

Their area was still very powerful, with more than 30 people, and the number of ghost emperors was small, only five.

"Brother Xiongxiong, look, look at the ranking list." Suddenly, a weirdo shouted loudly.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Wang Changxiong heard this and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Then, he immediately checked the ranking list.

Not only him, but the other weirdos also came forward to check it out out of curiosity.

It doesn't matter if they don't look at it, but once they see it, they are shocked.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Wang Changxiong was shocked.

What is this situation? TM, he is 5 million jin, but he is ranked 17th.

The ones in front are all 5 million jin, and the first one has reached a terrifying 7 million jin.

It's okay that those in front are all emperors, but there are actually four ghost emperors among them.

And, if he remembers correctly, the second Mu Rufeng seemed to be a ghost emperor the day before yesterday, but today he is an emperor.

The names of the first and second places are the same as the day before yesterday, where did they get the ore?

Why, after breaking through the emperor, the weight of the ore soared so fast?

"Brother Xiong, what should we do now?"

"It's outrageous, this is too outrageous, where do the top sixteen get so much ore?"

"Look, there are still four ghost emperors, is this a miscalculation?"

"It can't be wrong, there must be some unspeakable secret on their side."

"Damn, I've fallen out of the top hundred."

"Yeah, me too."

The crowd started talking.

"You, each of you lend me 100,000 catties of ore." Wang Changxiong said in a deep voice.

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent.

Borrow ore? They didn't want to borrow it, but the boss said it, so they had to borrow it.

There was no way, because Wang Changxiong was the strongest, and he had the best relationship with the jailer, and he was the deputy captain appointed by the jailer.

Each of the group took out 100,000 catties of ore.

Only the five ghost emperors looked at Wang Changxiong hesitantly.

They were just ghost emperors, and the daily quota of 100,000 catties was a bit of a stretch, and there was no surplus at all.

"Forget about you guys." Wang Changxiong waved his hand at the five Ghost Emperors.

They immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

There were a total of 34 people in this area, excluding Wang Changxiong and the three people he had borrowed before, and these five Ghost Emperors, a total of 25 Emperors.

Each of these 25 Emperors had 100,000 kilograms of ore, which was 2.5 million.

Wang Changxiong, with a ferocious face, threw all the 2.5 million together with his previous 1.58 million ore.

Suddenly, Wang Changxiong directly regained the first place with a weight of 9.08 million.

He breathed heavily and stared at the rankings.

Although there were still a few minutes, he didn't want to wait any longer. He weighed nine million kilograms and didn't believe that the other party could still produce so much ore.

"Brother Xiong, why did you vote now, without waiting for the last few seconds?" A strange person asked quickly.

"Shut up, are you teaching me how to do something?" Wang Changxiong glared at the weird one fiercely.

This time, they didn't dare to speak.

Wang Changxiong has a bad temper, and he is very strong. With the badge of deputy captain, he can discipline them. Although he cannot kill, there is no problem in giving them a beating.

the other side.

Mu Rufeng drank a cup of milk tea while waiting for the end of time.

However, at this time, Fu Tianxiong's exclamation was suddenly heard.

"Brother Mu, brother Mu, it's bad, Jian Chengsang's first place was passed." Fu Tianxiong exclaimed.

Because Fu Tianxiong was worried that his fourth place would be pushed down, he took a look at the rankings from time to time.

Just in time, I saw that the first place was directly surpassed.

"What?" Jian Chengsang was shocked, and then quickly checked the rankings.

Sure enough, his weight of 7 million kilograms was now in second place, and the first place soared to 9.08 million.

"Brother Mu, hurry up, hurry up." Jian Chengsang looked at Mu Rufeng.

"It's interesting. Don't panic. He probably emptied his fortune. No, I'll give you another five million to suppress him."

Mu Rufeng waved her hand and released another five million to Jian Chengsang.

Jian Chengsang was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately passed by and entered the platform area.

All of a sudden, I saw Jian Chengsang regaining the first place with 12 million.

Naturally, Mu Rufeng didn't want to settle for third place, so he invested 3.5 million again and directly collected 10 million, ranking second again.

Although it exceeds this much, it doesn't matter. It's just ore. Mu Rufeng can dig up as much as he wants.

"It should be fine, but you still have to keep an eye on it. You probably still have a few million left on you, so keep an eye on it yourself." Mu Rufeng warned.

"No problem." Jian Chengsang nodded after hearing this.

Jian Chengsang didn't have any objections to this. After all, Mu Rufeng had given him tens of millions of kilograms of ore.

But he also feels that Wang Changxiong shouldn't be able to break through his twelve million, right?

the other side.

At this moment, Wang Changxiong's whole body was filled with black air, his eyes almost bulged out, and his whole body was beginning to be covered with tumors.

It's getting bigger and bigger, and it seems like it will burst at any time.

This is angry.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how can they still have ore, how can they still have ore."

"Twelve million, ten million, I can only be third with these nine million, I can only be third!!!" Wang Changxiong roared violently, and a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from his body.

"What's going on?" At this time, a tall and strange man came over.

This is Changyi, the jailer who manages this area.

"Lord Changyi, I won't be able to get first place this time." Wang Changxiong said through gritted teeth.

"What's going on?" Changyi frowned.

"You can see for yourself by looking at the rankings."

Changyi immediately stepped forward and checked the rankings. Suddenly, his face became extremely ugly.

"How is this possible? The first and second place are both over 10 million. With this amount, you can directly win the first place four times."

"Wait a minute, what's going on with those rankings at the end? Why are they all above five million?"

At first glance, Changyi was attracted by the number of the top three, and then he discovered the rankings at the back, and his expression changed.

"The sixth team in District D is Zhu Nan's territory. I remember that one of Zhu Nan's Ghost Emperor and Emperor Zun won the first and second place the day before yesterday, right? Their names seem to be Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang, too?" Chang Chang Yi murmured to himself.

"It seems that there is something wrong with Zhunan. No, I must get the first place this time, otherwise the nine million will be wasted." Changyi thought about it a lot and made up his mind. This time he still has to get the first place. arrive.

"Wang Changxiong, how much ore do you still have on you?" Changyi asked.

"No, I voted for it all, and I even asked them to borrow 100,000 yuan." Wang Changxiong said.

"In this way, each of you will give another 100,000 kilograms of ore to Wang Changxiong." Changyi said.

As soon as these words came out, those weird people didn't say anything. One hundred thousand catties sounded like a small amount, but this was what they had worked hard to save.

return? Who knew that Wang Changxiong would have to pay back the money in years and months, and they still had to rely on ores in exchange for food and so on.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Changyi looked a little ugly, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he said, "Don't worry, I guarantee that Wang Changxiong will pay you back. Moreover, for the next week, I will give you an extra bowl of meat every day."

"Since Mr. Changyi has already said this, I won't say more. I'll borrow 150,000 jins."

"I borrowed it too."

All of a sudden, everyone gritted their teeth and gave Wang Changxiong 150,000 kilograms.

As for those ghost emperors, they were simply ignored.

The total of these weird things added another 3.75 million to Wang Changxiong.

3.75 million plus 9.08 million, that is 12.83 million, exceeding the first place by 830,000.

"Be more cautious this time, and put it in the last three seconds." Changyi said.

"Yes, Lord Changyi." Wang Changxiong naturally knew it.

This time, nine million has been invested. If he doesn't take the first place, it will be a blood loss. If he can take the first place by adding another three million, it won't be too much of a loss.


Jian Chengsang has been staring at the rankings without any slackness.

At the same time, he also lifted one million kilograms of ore with his ghost power. As long as there is any movement, he will immediately add the one million kilograms.

Time passed slowly, and only the last ten seconds were left.

Mu Rufeng was also affected, and simply stared at the rankings together.

When the countdown reached three, the ranking suddenly changed.

Wang Changxiong, who was originally in third place, suddenly added millions of ores and rushed directly to the first place.

"Ha! I really stared at you." Jian Chengsang was slightly surprised, and then he put all the one million kilograms of ore in without hesitation.

The ranking changed again, and Jian Chengsang went directly from second place to first place.

Mu Rufeng also reacted quickly and directly threw 2.9 million kilograms of ore in.

Although three seconds is short, it is enough for Mu Rufeng to weigh 2.9 million kilograms of ore and put it into the recycling area.

Three seconds have passed, and today's ranking has been determined.

Jian Chengsang ranked first with 13 million kilograms of ore.

Mu Rufeng ranked second with 12.9 million kilograms of ore.

Wang Changxiong ranked third with 12.83 million kilograms of ore.

"Okay, haha!" Zhu Nan, who was always paying attention, laughed out loud.

Jian Chengsang was also relieved. He still got the first place today.

"Why is the competition so fierce today? Didn't you say that ordinary four or five million would be enough?" Mu Rufeng said with some doubts.

"I don't know."

"I don't know, and I don't know if Wang Changxiong is sick."

"Yes, there must be something wrong. He has exceeded so much, but he is still adding. Fortunately, we are always keeping an eye on the rankings, otherwise we will really be robbed."

A crowd of people talked about it.

"Wang Changxiong has invested 9 million. If we don't follow, the loss will be greater, so he came to steal the house, but I didn't expect that we are always paying attention to it." Mu Rufeng made a summary.

"Okay, come up, line up, and go back." Zhu Nan's face was smiling at this moment, without the gloomy and cold feeling before.

I have to say that as long as enough benefits are obtained, the iron tree can bloom and the iron lady can shake automatically!

Of course, not only Zhu Nan is very happy, but all the other weirdos are very happy.

"Zhu Nan, what's the situation on your side? Those people are on your side, how can the ore be mined so quickly?"

"Old Zhu, have you discovered any mining secrets? Lead my brother."

The jailers of the two teams on the left and right sides sent messages to Zhu Nan one after another.

Zhunan heard this, but he didn't say anything, just smiled at them.

Faced with Zhunan's appearance, they had no choice but to ask Zhunan after work.

It is estimated that by then, not only the two of them will ask, but all the jailers will come to ask him.

But Zhunan didn't care. Whether he said it or not, it would not have any effect on him.

However, he saw that Mu Rufeng dug so much in only three hours a day, and he dug more that day.

"It seems that we need to discuss with several brothers nearby to maximize the benefits."

"Although it's a little tiring, I think Mu Rufeng will not refuse to get a 50% reward." Zhunan touched his chin and thought to himself.


Everyone returned to their respective cells.

Zhunan said hello and left to prepare meals for everyone.

As soon as Zhunan left, the quiet prison suddenly became lively again.

"It's so cool, haha, it turns out that this is how it feels to be on the list." A weird laugh said.

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