I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 374 A place to leave [ask for monthly pass]

"Yeah, yeah, fifth place, hehe, really good." The person who spoke was Fu Tianxiong.

"I didn't expect our Ghost Emperor to be on the list, Brother Feng is so mighty!!!"

"Yes, Brother Feng is mighty and domineering!"

A group of people began to compliment Mu Rufeng again.

"However, old water ghost, you saved so much without saying a word and got the fourth place directly." Fu Tianxiong suddenly looked at the cell diagonally opposite him.

The person in this cell was none other than the low-key and quiet old water ghost Shui Lantian.

The name sounds good, but looking at the body, it feels completely unrelated.

"Saved for hundreds of years, took it out all at once, next time I can only compete for the top ten." Shui Lantian's voice was hoarse, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman.

Mu Rufeng had seen it before. This guy was also relatively thin, but his body was swollen, as if he was soaked in water, extremely scary.

So Shui Lantian was called the old water ghost by others.

In terms of strength, he is in the middle stage of the Emperor, and seems to have fallen from the peak of the Emperor.

There is no bad smell on his body. At their level, although the body is still difficult to change, some smells can be controlled freely.

Everyone chatted happily, without the previous dullness.

All this is the change caused by Mu Rufeng's arrival.

In just over ten minutes, Zhu Nan brought everyone's food.

Although their meals are not as good as Mu Rufeng and Jian Chengsang, they are also very rich, much better than before.

The most important thing is that they can eat enough and have enough to practice or restore their own strength.

After delivering the meal, Zhu Nan left.

On their side, they were still eating and chatting, because they were too happy.

Speaking of which, the happiest among these people are actually the ghost emperors.

"Oh, Brother Mu, I suddenly remembered that you can come here because I told you to enter through the dungeon."

"Does that mean that when you complete the task, you can leave the Sea God Palace and return to the real world?" Jian Chengsang suddenly remembered something and said hurriedly.

"That's right." Mu Rufeng nodded.

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect Mu Rufeng to be able to leave the Sea God Palace!!!

You know, they want to leave the Sea God Palace all the time, but they can't do it.

"Brother Feng, can you take us out?" After a long time, a ghost emperor spoke.

When the others heard this, they immediately listened attentively, waiting for Mu Rufeng's answer.

They really wanted to leave the Sea God Palace.

"Well, I'm sorry, I can't take you out." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

The reason why he could go out was because of the rules of the world, so how could he take them out?

"Contract, yes, contract, Brother Mu, if you sign a contract with me, can you take me out with you?" Shui Lantian, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

"Yes, if you sign a contract, the weird will follow the contractor." Jian Chengsang suddenly became very excited.

"I remember Brother Mu said that you are a level 6 contractor and have contracted five contracted weirds, which means you still have a quota?" Fu Tianxiong also spoke suddenly.

All of a sudden, everyone's heart was hanging, a quota, a quota to go out.

The cell suddenly fell into a dead silence.

"Well, I seem to have forgotten to tell you that the weird I can contract cannot exceed one level higher than me."

"I am now a level 6 contractor, which means I can only contract with level 7 weirds at most." Mu Rufeng said.

"The highest level is only level 7?" In an instant, all the weirds showed bitterness.

There was hope, but they were suddenly hit the bottom again.

"Then I will reduce my strength to level 7, can I sign a contract with you?" Shui Lantian suddenly said.

"That's fine, but are you sure you want to reduce the Emperor's strength to level seven?" Mu Rufeng hadn't said anything yet, but he didn't expect Shui Lantian to think of this himself.

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

However, no one spoke at this time.

Go out? The Emperor's strength is reduced to level seven? Do you want to choose? Which one to choose?

Those Emperors all shook their heads.

They finally broke through to the Emperor. If it is reduced to level seven, let alone the Emperor, it is difficult to determine whether the Ghost Emperor can reach it again.

Even if they break through to the Ghost Emperor again, what about the Emperor? If there are no rules, they can't break through to the Emperor.

In this Sea God Palace, although it is a bit tiring and hard, there is always hope. Mining can get rules.

And in the outside world? Rules are too rare, which also leads to very few new Emperors in the outside world.

Not to mention, it is not so easy to lower the realm. For the Emperor, you have to break your own rules, then expel them from the body, and let them dissipate between heaven and earth.

This process is undoubtedly painful, and few people can bear it.

There is another point, that is the issue of lifespan.

Therefore, they will not lower their realm so easily.

As for the Ghost Emperor, it is naturally easier to lower his realm than the Emperor, but even if he wants to restore the cultivation of the Ghost Emperor, it will still be very difficult.

At this moment, those Emperors did not speak anymore, because even if they were trapped in the Sea God Palace, they would not want to lower their cultivation and leave here.

After all, signing a contract with the contractor is like being tied together.

Only the ghost emperors had their eyes flickering, as if they were thinking about whether to lower their strength and sign a contract with Mu Rufeng.

Because they were ghost emperors, there were only two outcomes here, either dying here, or mining to accumulate enough rule power, and then successfully breaking through the emperor.

However, if they left, it would mean that they could no longer obtain the rules.

But soon, one of the ghost emperors thought of something, and his face instantly became a little exciting.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I am willing to lower my strength and sign a contract with you. I want to go out." The ghost emperor's voice was very low, and he was wearing a red armor, so his face could not be seen clearly.

At the same time, this ghost emperor was also the strongest and most powerful ghost emperor among the four.

"Oh? Are you sure you want to sign a contract with me?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"I'm sure, very, very sure." The armored ghost emperor said.

This time, Mu Rufeng was confused.

Should he sign a contract with him?


There is no need to hesitate.

No matter how bad he is, he is still a ghost emperor.

Although he has lowered his strength, as long as he has enough resources, he can still restore his strength as a ghost emperor.

If Wu Lan is not counted, then this red armored ghost emperor must be the most powerful weird he has signed.

"Okay, a ghost emperor has lowered his strength to sign a contract with me, so I still make a profit." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"However, Brother Feng, I don't know if I can wait until you are about to return to sign the contract, because I want to save some rules. When I go out and restore my ghost emperor cultivation, I can also use it to break through the emperor." The armored ghost emperor said.

"Hmm? Good idea, no problem." Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

This armored ghost emperor is really smart. He hasn't thought of this yet, but the other party has thought of it in a short time.

"Thank you, Brother Feng." The armored ghost emperor could hear that his tone became a little brisk.

At this time, those ghost emperors and emperors reacted.

Damn, this guy has no martial ethics. We haven't figured it out yet, but he has already agreed to the contract of lowering his strength.

The most important thing is that after they heard the request of the Armored Ghost Emperor, their faces became very interesting.

Yes, they all forgot that Mu Rufeng has taken them to the top 16 of the rankings.

There is no shortage of rules for breaking through the Emperor, and there are definitely some left.

As long as you lower your strength and go out, you can still break through the Emperor. Although it is a bit difficult to restore the peak of the Emperor, as long as you can break through the Emperor, it will be fine.

The Emperor can absorb the fragments of the rules between heaven and earth to become stronger. It is difficult to break through the Emperor. Once you break through, you can slowly practice and restore your own cultivation.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, sign a contract with me. I am the Emperor, and I am willing to lower my cultivation." Jian Chengsang said hurriedly.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I am willing too."

The Emperors also spoke hurriedly, saying that they could lower their strength and then sign a contract with Mu Rufeng.

These people also knew the interests involved, so they were not worried about the difficulty of recovering after lowering their realm.

Hearing that so many emperors wanted to sign a contract with Mu Rufeng, the Armored Ghost Emperor suddenly became extremely nervous.

Mu Rufeng said: "I'm sorry, everyone, I have already promised that... Armored Ghost Emperor? I will not break my promise."

"Great!!!" The Armored Ghost Emperor was very excited, but soon realized something and hurriedly said: "Brother Feng, my name is Chi Ling."

"Chi Ling, a good name." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Chi Ling, you kid, if I remember correctly, you still owe me two lives, you give up signing the contract, how about we settle the two?" Fu Tianxiong suddenly said.

"This" Chi Ling's face changed all of a sudden.

Yes, he still owed Fu Tianxiong two lives, both times during the dirty tide, he encountered danger, and happened to be saved by Fu Tianxiong.

Mu Rufeng heard this, but did not speak, he wanted to see how Chi Ling would choose.

Chi Ling finally gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, you said that one rule is worth one life. Before I leave, I will give you three rules."

Fu Tianxiong was about to speak when he heard this, but Mu Rufeng spoke: "Okay, okay, don't argue, I signed a contract with Chi Ling, and this will not change."

"But you don't have to worry. The entrance to the copy of the Sea God Palace is in the real world. You can enter with the strength of level nine."

"Now we have two powerful gods in the real world. I will let them in when the time comes."

"At that time, you can make a contract with them. Although there are only two, don't worry. Just wait for three to five years, and the level nine ghost emperors here can be wholesaled. At that time, you can make a contract with one by one."

"The most important thing now is that you have to save the rules. After you go out, you can recover your strength faster." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? Brother Mu, is what you said true?" Fu Tianxiong's pupils shrank slightly.

"Brother Mu, can you really enter the Sea God Palace dungeon at will?" Jian Chengsang's eyes suddenly lit up.

The other emperors also immediately asked questions.

"Of course, I think you can wait for a few years, right?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"If you can wait, it's only a few years. We have been here for thousands of years."

"Yes, yes, let alone a few years, we can wait for decades."

"It seems that we can't practice now. We need to store the rules."

The emperors and weirdos immediately began to plan for the days ahead.

"Brother Mu, I have another question. What if, what if those contractors go to other areas?" Jian Chengsang suddenly said.

Everyone was shocked when this was said.

Yes, if the human contractors go to other areas, then the contract can only be signed with other people, and it is impossible to sign with them.

"Isn't this a fixed entry area?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Entering the Sea God Palace from the Dead Sea, they all appear randomly in the dirty tide. If they are picked up by people from which area, they will be people from that area." A weirdo said.

Mu Rufeng frowned immediately, but soon he figured it out and said, "Don't worry, there are more people waiting to come in. No matter how bad your luck is, you can still pick them up, right?"

"You just said that you can wait for decades. In a few decades, the number of contractors who come is definitely more than the number of prisoners like you."

The weirdos were relieved when they heard this.

This is the best. It's just a few decades. They can really wait.


No words all night.

The next morning, Zhu Nan urged everyone to go to work.

Today is the working day for dealing with the sewage tide.

The group still lined up and walked out of the prison corridor under the leadership of Zhu Nan.

It was still the huge platform.

One hundred teams stood here neatly.

"Brother Sang, should we take this platform? Isn't it the mining area when we go up? The sewage tide should be at the seaside, right?" Mu Rufeng asked Jian Chengsang in front of him.

"The top is the mining area. We don't need to go to the top. We will stop in the middle, and then there will be a passage to the seaside." Jian Chengsang explained.

"So that's it." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

Boom boom! ! !

The platform made a violent roar, and the ground was shaking.

The platform quickly rose upwards.

In about half a minute, the platform stopped.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that there were also 100 passages.

"Huh? This is also a hundred passages? Why, is this also divided into a hundred areas of sewage?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, it is also divided into a hundred areas." Jian Chengsang nodded.

"Are your areas connected?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It can be said that they are connected, but the area is very large, and it is difficult to meet other people." Jian Chengsang said.

"Is that so." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After the platform completely stopped, Zhu Nan walked towards the passage first.

Mu Rufeng and others quickly followed.

As soon as everyone walked in, they saw Zhu Nan unfold the ghost domain and directly enveloped everyone.

"Don't resist." Zhu Nan said, and then he led everyone to disappear from the spot.

In just a few breaths, everyone appeared at the exit of a cave.

In front of them, there were large stretches of sandy beaches.

However, this beach was actually black, and a black aura continued to rise from the beach.

Looking at the sea farther away, Mu Rufeng couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It was an extremely turbulent current, from left to right, across the horizon, covering the entire Sea God Palace.

Vortex, this is the huge vortex.

If you want to get out of here, you can leave the Sea God Palace by passing through this vortex.

However, even if you are an emperor, there is no way to pass through this vortex.

Even, you may fall into the vortex and be sucked dry by the absorbing power inside.

In tens of thousands of years, many emperors have escaped, but no emperor has succeeded.

Most of them were trapped in the whirlpool and could not leave. They eventually died in it and became dried human bodies, and then became garbage and washed onto the beach.

Looking at the edge of the beach, there were a large number of unknown objects piled up there, and the black sea water kept washing them, making these things more and more.

A closer look also revealed that some of these things were still twisting, as if they were coming to life.

At the same time, the absorption power here is stronger than that in the mining area, about ten times that of the mining area.

This absorption speed is simply despairing.

Fortunately, because we have to deal with the sewage tide and cannot let these people die here, a pill will be distributed.

As long as you eat this pill, you can offset 80% of the absorption power, and the duration is about five hours.

Of course, some people have swallowed this pill and wanted to use this power to escape from the whirlpool.

Unfortunately, they still failed, because the absorption power in the whirlpool is even stronger, and those who have not escaped have directly become dried human bodies.

This situation also made them realize that the absorption force generated by the vortex when entering was much weaker than the absorption force generated by the vortex when leaving.

"Master Nan, what is the specific process of the work?" Mu Rufeng asked Zhu Nan, who was leading the team.

"I have something else to do. Let Jian Chengsang tell you. I have to go see if there is anyone in the sea." Zhu Nan finished speaking, holding a token in his hand and flew directly into the debris.

The token was very powerful. It directly released a protective shield to cover Zhu Nan, which seemed to be able to offset the power of absorption and shield the attacks of some species inside.

In the past, some people tried to be stronger than the jailer's token, thinking that this token could help them escape from the Sea God Palace and the whirlpool.

Not to mention, someone really succeeded in taking the jailer's team leader token, and then, just after entering the whirlpool, he became a dead man in a short while.

The token also flew back to the jailer's hand as soon as possible.

It seems that the jailer has the ability to control the token. As for why the jailer does not leave the Sea God Palace, it is naturally because they cannot leave.

Even if the token has the ability to let people go out, it just can't be used.

They all signed a contract with the Sea God Palace to become the people of the Sea God Palace forever, unable to leave, and unable to help others leave.

Once violated, there is no doubt of death.

Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Chengsang and asked, "Brother Sang, what is the specific process of the work?"

"It's very simple, just throw those miscellaneous things into the incinerator and burn them."

"But remember, those fish and shrimps, you have to catch them and throw them into the hole, this is our rations."

"The most important point is, don't go deep into the sea, let alone get close to the edge of the vortex, otherwise you will die." Jian Chengsang said.

"I see, but Brother Sang, can't we just eat the blood food of those fish and shrimps? In this way, we can also restore the consumed strength and vitality." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hehe, we also want to, but these dead sea creatures are polluted, and they contain a polluted breath. If we eat them directly, we will also be polluted. Only through processing can they become our food."

"As for the processing method, only the people in the Sea God Palace know how to deal with it." Jian Chengsang said.

"I see, I said, why don't you just eat these blood foods." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

After all, these are all weird. Let alone dealing with them, the original pig intestines can probably be eaten in one bite.

"Okay, let's not stay here anymore. Let's clean it up quickly. If there is too much accumulation, we will be in trouble." Jian Chengsang called out and prepared to start.

Looking at Fu Tianxiong and others, they also went to the pollution source early and began to clean up the garbage.

"Wait, Brother Sang, what are you in a hurry for? I haven't finished asking. That is to say, what is the situation of the sea god dolphin you mentioned a few days ago?" Mu Rufeng chased after him and asked.

"The sea god dolphin is the sea god dolphin. It has the cultivation of an emperor. It contains extremely powerful rule power in its body. After eating it, the perception of the rules is greatly improved."

"Although it is also an emperor, its strength is not as good as ours, and its combat power is very weak, but its speed is extremely fast, and we can't catch up at all. Unless we know where it will appear, and then lay a net." Jian Chengsang said.

"Oh, so, the last two questions, first, how much do we need to clean up?"

"The last question, should we be able to lure the Sea God Dolphin with something?" Mu Rufeng asked two questions.

"How much do we need to clean up? Do you see the garbage piled up on the beach? About two-thirds of it will do, or as much as you can see the sea water."

"As for the other question, we can lure it, but we need the flesh and blood of the emperor, and at least an arm. Can you imagine which emperor dares to cut off his arm here and attract the Sea God Dolphin?"

Jian Chengsang said slowly.

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