I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 375 Overlord Vacuum Cleaner, Layout and Planning [Happy Dragon Boat Festival! ]

"Let's not talk about the cleaning for now, but I think you should know that the benefits of entering the Sea God Palace are huge. Can't they be worth the loss of one of your emperors' arms?"

"You can even share the burden and make up for the emperor with a broken arm." Mu Rufeng said doubtfully.

"Hehe, you think too simply. If you dare to break your arm here, the wound will be too big, and because of the absorption power here, you can't close the wound."

"And the breath emitted from the wound will attract the living pollution sources in the garbage tide."

"Once all these pollution sources are dispatched, we can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge, so we must try our best to prevent ourselves from having large-scale wounds." Jian Chengsang said.

"Then you can completely cut off the broken arm in advance, and then after recovery, use blood and flesh to attract the Sea God Dolphin the next day." Mu Rufeng said again.

"What you can think of, we have naturally thought of. You use the flesh and blood of the emperor to attract the sea dolphin, which will also attract the pollution sources. Do you think we can capture the sea dolphin among such a huge number of pollution sources?"

"In fact, we can't even get close. We can only watch the sea dolphin eat the broken arm. We are powerless."

"So, Brother Mu, don't think about catching the sea dolphin. Unless you are lucky enough to bump into it, we are powerless."

"Okay, we have also wasted a little time. If we finish it earlier, we can go back earlier. If we don't finish it within the effective period of the medicine, we will have to work overtime."

"During the overtime, we don't have the protection of the elixir. Under this high-intensity absorption force, we will be very dangerous because the consumption is too great." After Jian Chengsang finished speaking, he flew directly into the beach.

Immediately, Jian Chengsang took out a small basin the size of a palm.

Jian Chengsang injected the power of rules into the small basin, and a rule suddenly appeared on it.

Then he threw the small basin violently, and the small basin suddenly swelled up against the wind, and the next moment it turned into a huge basin of 100 meters.

A pair of arms condensed by ghost energy emerged, grabbed the giant basin, and scooped into the sea, and a large amount of pollution sources were directly poured into it.

Then Jian Chengsang came to a cave entrance, shook the giant basin a few times, and the giant basin flashed, and many dead sea creatures fell down and sank into the cave entrance.

Then, he brought the giant basin to the incinerator and poured all the things inside into it.

These things seemed to be burning materials. Once they entered, the flames of the incinerator suddenly soared, and raging smoke rose up.

"It's really simple." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and watched this scene.

Then he looked into the distance again, and saw that the methods used by those weird things were actually similar to Jian Chengsang's.

What they held in their hands were some props that were convenient for holding things.

The Emperor seemed to have used the rules to enter the props, and then they could filter out the dead sea creatures.

The ghost emperors were a little worse, and they didn't go through the cave at all, but poured directly into the incinerator.

Obviously, these guys didn't have the power of rules, and they couldn't filter out the dead sea creatures at all.

As for pouring them out and then distinguishing them with bare hands, how could this be possible? Their strength didn't allow it.

So it could only be like this.

Besides, their speed was nothing compared to that of the Emperor. The main force was these Emperors, and the ghost emperors were just a bonus.

Mu Rufeng didn't rush to do it, but searched in his inventory.

He got a lot of props from the Treasure House, and some useful high-level props or rule-based props were left behind.

Soon, Mu Rufeng's face was happy, and there was really a good thing.

He took out a palm-sized vacuum cleaner.

[Bawang Vacuum Cleaner]: Bawang brand vacuum cleaner, you deserve it.

Effect: A rule-based prop that can suck any dead objects into the vacuum cleaner, and it will automatically classify them. It can suck living things in a short time. The normal loading capacity is 100,000 jin, and the loading capacity can be expanded with soul notes. 10,000 pieces can expand the loading capacity by 100 jin, and the maximum is 1 million jin.

Look, isn't this the most convenient prop?

At that time, Mu Rufeng thought that this vacuum cleaner was very interesting and could absorb and store living things in a short time, so he kept it.

Mu Rufeng came to the edge of the beach, and then poured in ghost power. Suddenly, he saw that the vacuum cleaner turned directly into a normal-sized vacuum cleaner.

Mu Rufeng aimed the suction port at the garbage tide of the sea, took out 110 million soul notes, and stuffed them into the mouth of the vacuum cleaner.

100 million directly expanded the loading capacity of the vacuum cleaner to the highest 1 million jin, and the remaining 1 million was the consumption of the vacuum cleaner.

Then he turned on the maximum power directly.

A strong suction force suddenly burst out, and looking at the sea surface, a large amount of garbage was attracted and then flew into the mouth of the vacuum cleaner.

The mouth of the vacuum cleaner is obviously very small, but the strange thing is that those things actually shrunk to the size of rice grains and were sucked into the trash bin of the vacuum cleaner.

This efficiency is very fast. After a while, the garbage in his area was gone and exposed to the sea surface.

I have to say, this is really too fast.

It’s just that soon the garbage tide from all around surged again, filling this vacant area.

Mu Rufeng did not stop and began to absorb again.

Large pieces of garbage surged into it, and once again, this area was exposed to the sea.

There is still garbage coming, but less than before.

"Ding ding ding~~!"

Soon, the vacuum cleaner sounded a warning.

This means the weight has reached one million jin and can no longer be used.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the hole, and then planned the classification according to the instructions, and aimed the mouth of the vacuum cleaner at the hole.

After pressing the switch, a large number of dead sea creatures flew out from inside and sank directly into the hole.

These dead sea creatures are edible after being processed.

The corpses of the pollution source, or the dead sea creatures like evil spirits, will not be released.

In just a dozen seconds, all the dead sea creatures came out.

Then Mu Rufeng came to the incinerator again, pressed the switch, and directly emptied everything inside and put it into the incinerator.

"Brother Feng, what prop is this? It's so fast to clean up?" Fu Tianxiong also happened to come and put it into the incinerator. After seeing this scene, he looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"Oh, this is a vacuum cleaner, a modern rule prop. I guess we can get off work early today, haha." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"That's really great." Fu Tianxiong said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng did not continue to talk to Fu Tianxiong. The most important thing now is to clean up.

Moreover, he also had an idea in his mind, a way to see if he could catch the sea dolphin.

Originally, everyone should have to clean up for almost six hours before they could barely complete the cleaning task.

But now with the addition of Mu Rufeng, the speed is actually twice as fast.

In just three hours, all the garbage on the sea surface was cleaned up.

At this moment, the sea surface was completely exposed, with only some scattered garbage or corpses of pollution sources.

Although there was still some garbage filling in from other areas, the speed was relatively slow. Now Mu Rufeng and others can get off work.

They all gathered in a shed at this moment.

In this shed, the power of absorption will also be reduced.

"Brother Feng, this tool of yours is really amazing."

"Yes, your cleaning speed is much faster than all of us combined."

"Originally, we had to clean for almost six hours, but now it has been completed in three hours, and it is very clean."

The weirdos highly praised Mu Rufeng.

"Should we go off work directly now, or wait here for the end of get off work?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Brother Feng, we need to wait for the end of work, because the opening of the platform also requires the transportation of all the weirdos back to the prison." Fu Tianxiong said.

"Well, that means we still have three hours of free time now?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"As long as it is in our area, it can indeed be considered free time." Jian Chengsang nodded and said.

"In that case, I now have a plan, a plan to capture the Sea God Dolphin." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Sea God Dolphin?" The weirdos were slightly startled, and all looked at Mu Rufeng at once.

"Brother Mu, are you sure? You should know that the total number of Sea God Dolphins caught over the years has not exceeded two digits." Jian Chengsang said in a deep voice.

"Haha, that's because there are too many pollution sources in the garbage. Look, the sea surface is so clean now. If we use the flesh and blood of the emperor to attract it, do you think we can attract the Sea God Dolphin?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

Yes, it's not that they can't attract the Sea God Dolphin, but they can't resist the corpses of the pollution sources or evil spirits attracted by the flesh and blood of the emperor.

Once attracted, they really dare not do it, and can only hug each other and hide on the beach.

If you go to the beach to catch the Sea God Dolphin at this time, the pollution sources will swarm in before you catch it, and it will even be difficult to escape back.

"Brother Mu, what you said is indeed possible. As long as we emperors set up a net, it is really possible to catch the Sea God Dolphin." Jian Chengsang said excitedly.

"However, one thing is very important, that is, you must recover the wound as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be dangerous." Fu Tianxiong said.

"Don't worry about this, I have a prop that can recover the wound in a short time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? What prop?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and immediately took out the flesh and blood growth device.

Everyone reached out, touched it, and checked the properties.

After reading the properties, everyone was shocked again.

In the past, there were very few rule-based props, because the rules were used for cultivation.

Even if there are rule-based props, this kind of recovery prop is extremely precious.

I didn't expect Mu Rufeng to have it, and it only costs soul money. Soul money, for them, is really just a number.

They are actually not short of soul money.

Of course, people like Jian Chengsang, who have been here for thousands of years, don't use soul money, but soul silver. Of course, this is almost the same.

"However, I have never restored the Emperor, so I still need to give it a try."

"I wonder if anyone is willing to come and give it a try." Mu Rufeng looked around and asked.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and no one spoke.

It's not that they don't want to, but they didn't react for a while. This attempt is too dangerous.

As long as there is a large area of ​​wounds, the absorption power will surge. Once it surges, if it is not stopped in time, it will be directly sucked dry.

They have no confidence in stopping the wound. Once the absorption power surges, it is not possible to recover if you want to. Even if you take the elixir, it is difficult to resist in this shed.

"Why, are you so afraid of death? Why? Do you want me to do it myself?" Mu Rufeng looked at this circle of cowardly guys and frowned slightly.

"I'll do it." At this time, the ghost emperor in red armor who wanted to contract with Mu Rufeng stood up.

"You are the ghost emperor, no, let me do it." At this time, Fu Tianxiong gritted his teeth and stepped forward and said.

"Oh? Fu Tianxiong, are you sure?" Mu Rufeng looked at this person with a surprised look on his face.

He didn't expect that this guy would dare to try.

"Brother Feng, come on, tell me how to do it." Fu Tianxiong said.

"Because of the rules here, we can't attack others, so you need to do it yourself."

"You can cut off a finger first, I'll see if it can be restored, if it can, try to cut off the arm." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Fu Tianxiong said, without saying anything, he took out his weapon directly, and then cut off the index finger of his right hand without any hesitation.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful absorption force burst out instantly, completely ignoring the properties of this shed and the properties of the elixir.

It can be seen that the wound at the broken finger of Fu Tianxiong is slowly expanding, and some of his power is drawn out and then disappears.

"Brother Feng, hurry up, I can feel that the absorption power is getting stronger and stronger." Fu Tianxiong said hurriedly.

He tried to use his own power to recover the wound, but the effect was not obvious, at most it slowed down the speed of the wound expansion.

No wonder these guys dare not get hurt here in the dirty tide, because once injured, it is really no different from seeking death.

It seems that even if it is a broken finger, it is a large-scale wound.

Mu Rufeng did not waste time and directly pressed the flesh and blood growth device on his body, and then activated the prop.

The next moment, a very powerful force was seen pouring into his body, and then the wound that was still slowly spreading began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It took only three or five breaths for a broken finger to grow out completely.

Fu Tianxiong looked at his regrown finger in shock. He moved it and found that the strength of this finger was not inferior to the finger he had cut off before.

In fact, it was slightly better. This newly grown finger was like his flesh at his peak.

"Brother Mu Mu, this grown finger, how, how..." Fu Tianxiong was a little unsteady in his speech.

According to their understanding, whether it is the flesh that is restored by the vitality of the elixir or by their own ability, it will be much weaker than before.

If the strength of the flesh is to be restored again, it requires long-term practice and tempering to complete.

Now, in just a few breaths, the broken finger not only recovered, but also reached its peak state.

"This is the ability of this prop. How about it? Can you do it according to my idea now?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Of course, no problem, I can do it." Fu Tianxiong nodded repeatedly to agree.

Just kidding, if it weren't for the bad place here, he would even want to dig out his hands, feet and flesh and blood, cut them off, and then let Mu Rufeng use the prop to restore him.

In this way, he can directly recover to his peak state, instead of being like now, where the flesh and blood in his body and the power have been withered a lot by the absorbed power.

Other weirdos saw Fu Tianxiong like this and wanted to know the magic of this prop, but thinking that they had just refused, they didn't speak up.

However, they were embarrassed to speak up, but Mu Rufeng was embarrassed. Seeing the expressions of everyone who wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, he directly explained.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and then they also showed excitement on their faces.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, please cut off my arm too."

"Me too, Brother Feng, if one arm is not enough, you can cut off two."

"Not enough, Brother Feng, two arms are definitely not enough, just cut off my thighs, as long as you can heal my wounds as soon as possible."

A group of weirdos spoke up immediately.

Mu Rufeng saw this scene and smiled. He said, "Don't worry about this. Everyone has a share. The more flesh and blood the emperor has, the greater the probability of attracting the sea god dolphin."

"But before we do it, we still have to make a plan first, and then set a trap." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Yes, that's right, make a plan and then set a trap." Fu Tianxiong nodded repeatedly.


In the real world, a luxurious villa somewhere in Kyoto.

In a room in the villa, which was originally empty, a mist suddenly rose up, and then quickly dissipated, and a figure appeared.

This person is none other than the sixth prince Mu Wuyu who had just returned.

"Oh, I'm finally back. The dungeon is really not a place for people to stay. There are no fragrant beauties, only stinky female ghosts."

Mu Wuyu has made up his mind. After the settlement, he will book a bar and find a group of beauties to have a good time.

After Mu Wuyu settled the bill, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to change his information and make an appointment at the bar.

But after opening WeChat, he saw Mu Rufeng's message as soon as he opened WeChat.

"Huh? This is the Bermuda Triangle? The dungeon Sea God Palace? Only the strength of the ninth-level ghost emperor can enter?" Mu Wuyu's eyes lit up instantly.

"The Bermuda Triangle, I remember it is a very mysterious place on the earth." Mu Wuyu murmured while touching his chin.

Soon, Mu Wuyu made up his mind to go there.

After all, he has a login bracelet, and there will be no danger in entering such a powerful dungeon.

And he is also very interested in this so-called Sea God Palace.

The main thing is that the dungeons he enters now are a bit boring.

After all, his strength was too strong, but because of his LV4 level, the dungeons he matched were all of this level.

With his strength as a ghost emperor, even if he met some ordinary ghost emperors, those ghost emperors would greet Mu Wuyu in a friendly manner.

As for those ghost kings, or beings of lower levels, they were worshipped as ancestors.

Therefore, he still wanted to go to the exciting dungeon of the Sea God Palace.

It took only an hour or so for Mu Wuyu to arrive outside the Bermuda Triangle.

At this moment, the Bermuda Triangle was still shrouded in fog, which not only did not become thinner, but even became thicker, and there was a faint tendency to spread.

There were more fleets, but there were fewer high-level contractors.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng's previous operation scared these high-level contractors.

Just when Mu Wuyu wanted to enter, suddenly, a stream of light came from a distance.

Mu Wuyu felt the breath of this person, which was very familiar, and reacted immediately.

"Brother Jian, why are you here too? Did you receive a message from Mu Rufeng?" Mu Wuyu said.

"It turned out to be my brother-in-law. Yes, I just came out of the dungeon and saw the message from Mu Rufeng, so I rushed here as soon as possible."

"I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be here too. Did you just come out of the dungeon?" Jian Yifeng said with a smile.

Because the messages sent by Mu Rufeng were several days ago, now they met here, the two of them must have just come out of the dungeon.

"Yes, I saw the message and rushed here as soon as I saw it."

"In that case, how about we enter together?" Mu Wuyu said.

"Okay, let's enter together." Jian Yifeng nodded slightly.

Immediately, the two of them entered the mist directly.

Both of them were very strong, both at the peak of the Divine Realm.

It can be said that, except for Mu Rufeng, they are the most powerful warriors on the entire earth.

When they entered the mist, as expected by Mu Rufeng, the mist was not a big obstacle for them.

After a while, they came to the core area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, that is, the huge vortex that envelops the Sea God Palace.

"Is this really from here?" Mu Wuyu saw this huge vortex and felt a strong palpitation. He felt a little shocked.

"Look, is there another building inside?" Jian Yifeng's eyes kept flickering, staring at the looming building in the vortex.

"It seems that it is the Sea God Palace. Mu Rufeng said that as long as you get close to a certain distance, there will be a copy prompt sound. Let's go a little further in." Mu Wuyu said, and continued to approach the vortex.

Jian Yifeng heard it and naturally followed.

After advancing about 500 meters, a prompt sound rang in the minds of the two at the same time.

[Detected copy: Sea God Palace, are players entering? ]

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