I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 377 Eight places, the battle for the Emperor's contract [asking for monthly votes! ]

Zhu Nan carried the sea dolphin to a stone house.

This stone house is very short, only about 1.6 meters.

Zhu Nan leaned down and knocked on the door: "Sir, Zhu Nan wants to see you."

"Come in." A light voice came from the door.

Zhu Nan immediately opened the door and walked in with a hunched body.

This is a space of about 50 square meters, with a room in front, a kitchen and a toilet.

The floor height is only about 1.8 meters, and Zhu Nan is more than two meters tall, so after entering, he can only squat.

However, there happened to be a stone bench at the door, and Zhu Nan sat there directly.

It seems that this stone bench is for these jailers to sit.

Unlike the outside, the decoration here is more modern, and it is also decorated very warmly, with a girlish atmosphere.

Then this deacon is more likely to contact the outside world than those jailers? Can't go out, but can receive information from the outside world?

Of course, it may also be because of the new prisoners.

In front, near the wall, there was a sofa.

On the sofa, a girl in Lolita was lying. Judging from her height, she was about 1.5 meters.

"Zhu Nan? What do you want to talk to me about?" The girl asked slowly.

Her voice was very light and sounded like a girl who had just graduated from high school.

When the girl spoke, she did not stand up, so people could not see her face clearly.

"Sir, my prisoner caught a sea dolphin." Zhu Nan said immediately.

"Huh? Sea dolphin???" Chun Jue, who was still lying there motionless, suddenly changed his face when he heard about the sea dolphin.

Then he stood up immediately and looked at Zhu Nan in the direction of the door.

The old face of the steward came into Zhu Nan's eyes.

It was very strange. Obviously, this Chun Jue was wearing Lolita, had a nice voice, and even his exposed arms and thighs were extremely white and tender.

But just his face, it seemed as if he was about to die of old age.

When Zhunan saw the girl's face, he was shocked.

"Master Chunjue, you...your face" Zhunan was shocked.

"Sea God Dolphin? Your prisoners caught the Sea God Dolphin?" Chunjue completely ignored Zhunan's words, and stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw the Sea God Dolphin flying directly.

Chunjue kept stroking the Sea God Dolphin, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Very good, this is for you, remember to give it to the prisoner who caught the Sea God Dolphin." Chunjue immediately took out a token and threw it to Zhunan.

"Yes, Master Deacon." Zhunan didn't dare to ask more, stretched out his hand to take the token, and his face also showed joy.

"Also, don't spread my face problem, otherwise, you know the consequences." Chunjue said coldly.

"Yes, Master Deacon, Zhunan will keep it secret." Zhunan quickly stretched out his hand to swear.

Chunjue immediately waved to Zhunan, who immediately understood and left.

"Haha, Sea God Dolphin, after a thousand years, someone finally caught Sea God Dolphin again." Chunjue laughed up to the sky.

After venting his emotions, Chunjue stopped laughing, and then opened his bloody mouth, revealing a dense and sharp teeth.

With one bite, he directly bit off the head of Sea God Dolphin, and then chewed it a few times and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

When this bite of Sea God Dolphin meat entered his mouth, Chunjue's old face began to slowly become younger.

Chunjue seemed to feel it, and immediately tore off a large piece of Sea God Dolphin meat again.

In just seven or eight bites, the huge Sea God Dolphin was eaten up by Chunjue.

And Chunjue's face no longer had the old face before, but a delicate and fair face of a girl.

With the Lolita she was wearing and the light voice, she was definitely a beautiful girl.

"Recovered, finally recovered, five hundred years, five hundred years, my face finally recovered." Standing in front of the mirror, Chunjue stroked her face, her face was extremely excited.

To be honest, the Sea God Dolphin was not actually handed over to the Sea God Palace, but she wanted to use it herself. Eating the Sea God Dolphin can make her recover and keep the face of a girl for five hundred years.

For tens of thousands of years, she has maintained the appearance of a young girl.

Because there were many strong people in the Sea God Palace at the beginning, and the power of the Sea God Palace was not so strong.

So it was easier for those prisoners to capture the Sea God Dolphin.

But as time went by, the power of the Sea God Palace became stronger, and the strength of those strong people gradually weakened, making it more and more difficult to capture the Sea God Dolphin.

It may take thousands of years to capture a Sea God Dolphin.

She used to rely on the inventory to maintain her appearance.

Now, it has been used up long ago, and there has been a window period of five hundred years.

In these five hundred years, she has hardly ever gone out, and when the jailer came to see her, he would not show his true face.

Now, finally, someone has caught the Sea God Dolphin again.

As for the token she gave that allows the prisoner to enter the Sea God Palace once, it is Chun Jue's privilege as a deacon.

She has a quota every year, which can allow any prisoner to enter the Sea God Palace once.

One quota per year can still be accumulated. Chun Jue has been here for tens of thousands of years, and he has accumulated a lot of quotas.

It is precisely because of this privilege that the prisoner can enter the Sea God Palace once by handing in a Sea God Dolphin.

"Zhu Nan, he seems to be from the sixth team of District D. I remember that a few days ago, a human contractor entered the Poseidon Palace, and he happened to be under Zhu Nan." Chun Jue touched his chin and thought.

"Dong dong dong!" At this moment, the door was knocked again.

"Master Deacon, Zhu Nan wants to see you. There is one more thing that I forgot to mention just now." Zhu Nan's voice sounded from outside.

When Chun Jue heard this, a smile appeared on his face, just in time to show this guy his restored appearance.

"Come in."

After Zhu Nan heard Chun Jue's voice, he immediately opened the door and entered.

Because Zhu Nan lowered his head, he only saw Chun Jue's delicate calves standing not far away.

Zhu Nan sat on the bench with his head lowered, not daring to raise his head at all, as if he didn't dare to look at Chun Jue's old face.

He was afraid that if his expression was not paying attention, Chunjue would find out and punish him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Chun Jue asked slowly.

"Master Deacon, two more human contractors have entered my sea area today. Please provide information for imprisonment." Zhu Nan still lowered his head.

"Oh? Is there another human contractor? I remember that a few days ago, you also came, and there was also a human contractor." Chun Jue said.

"Yes, Lord Butler."

"Look up, what? Do you think I'm ugly?" Chun Jue suddenly yelled.

"Master Deacon, please calm down." Zhunan's whole body trembled, and he immediately stiffened his neck and slowly raised his head to look at Chunjue.

However, when he saw Chun Jue's delicate and beautiful face, he was stunned.

"Does it look good?" Chun Jue showed a cute smile, and his voice was extremely pleasant.

"Look good." Zhunan nodded subconsciously.

"If you look good, just keep watching." Chun Jue's expression suddenly changed and became serious.

When Zhu Nan heard this, he felt a knot in his heart. He wanted to see it, but he didn't dare to see it, but he had to see it. At this moment, he felt extremely complicated.

"I didn't expect that all the human contractors went to the sea area that you are responsible for. In other words, the Dead Sea vortex is bordering the real world, and it can be said to be fixed."

"From now on, wherever human contractors enter, it should be your area." Chun Jue said.

When Zhunan heard this, his face lit up. He really didn't expect that all future human contractors would appear in his area.

In this case, even after Mu Rufeng completes her mission and returns, other human contractors will arrive.

These contractors have all kinds of strange abilities and props, and their working ability may be stronger than that of Emperor Zun.

In this case, the area he is responsible for will only become stronger and stronger in the future, and even because these contractors will directly become the most tyrannical among a hundred prisoners.

"Zhu Nan, I remember there are very few people on your side, and the most powerful one seems to be Fu Tianxiong. With his ability, he shouldn't be able to capture the Poseidon dolphin?"

"Also, in the past few days, everyone has entered the top 20 in the mining rankings. Why did they suddenly rise up?" Chun Jue asked.

"Sir, it was the new human contractor who arrived a few days ago who led the arrest. The human contractor also owns an extremely powerful tool for mining." Zhu Nan said quickly.

"They are all the human contractors? His name is Mu Rufeng, right? I remember that when he came in, he was not as strong as the Ghost Emperor?" Chun Jue said with some suspicion.

"Sir, Mu Rufeng has a tool that is very suitable for mining. The mining speed is extremely fast. With the strength of the Ghost Emperor, he can dig out tens of millions of kilograms of ore in a day."

"After breaking through the Emperor, it seems that hundreds of millions of kilograms of ore can be mined in one day. As for capturing the Poseidon, it seems to have the power of thunder. As for the specific method of capturing, I did not ask." Zhu Nan explained.

"It seems that this human contractor has some abilities. When the first of next month, remember to bring him to my place. I will personally take him to Poseidon Palace." Chun Jue said.

"Yes. Lord Deacon!" Zhu Nan answered with cupped fists after hearing this.

"Okay, you can get out." Chun Jue waved his hand towards Zhu Nan.

The latter immediately breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and said quickly:

"Master Deacon, when Mu Rufeng broke through Emperor Zun a few days ago, I gave him a day's leave. Then after he broke through, he went to the depths of the prison and met that person."

"Huh? How is this possible? Wherever there is a formation, let alone giving it to Emperor Zun, even if you go there, you won't be able to go if you don't close the formation." Chun Jue looked slightly startled.

"That one must have regained his strength and even gave Mu Rufeng an eyeball and asked him to bury it in the mining area."

"But fortunately Mu Rufeng told me right away and handed the eyeball to me, and I crushed it directly." Zhunan said.

"Haha, he is really evil. He will do something wrong in a few hundred years. You don't have to worry about it. I will take care of it." Chun Jue said.

"It's my lord. The younger one will leave first." Zhu Nan clasped his fists and left directly.

Watching Zhu Nan leave, the door closed.

"Human contractor, Mu Rufeng, haha, it's really interesting, but since one can be captured, then the second and third can be captured..."

A sinister smile appeared on Chun Jue's face.

the other side.

Mu Rufeng was eating the dinner sent by Zhu Nan while chatting with these people.

No, to be precise, he was listening to these people chatting and arguing.

Yes, they were arguing.

They were arguing about the contract quota between Jian Feng and the other person.

"Brother Mu, these two contractors are your friends. Tell me who the quota should be given to." Jian Chengsang kept winking at Mu Rufeng while speaking.

Obviously, he wanted Mu Rufeng to use the back door because he gave him the immortal jade pendant.

Mu Rufeng smiled lightly and said, "It's useless for you to argue now. Wait until they wake up tomorrow. Let them decide for themselves."

"Signing a contract is not a casual signing. They look at your abilities. They will definitely choose to contract with the weird ones who are useful to them." Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng chuckled in his heart. These people thought there were only two quotas, but Mu Rufeng felt that there should be more than that.

After hearing this, everyone seemed to think that this was also the truth, so they stopped arguing and asked about the situation of Mu Rufeng and the other two.

"Don't ask me about this. Wait until tomorrow and ask them yourself." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and did not tell.


Time passed quickly and it was the second day in the morning.

"Tick! Tick! Tick!"

Water stains kept dripping from above and landed accurately on the tip of Jian Yifeng's nose.

The rule protection on Jian Yifeng disappeared.

At this moment, Jian Yifeng's eyelids twitched and then slowly opened.

When he saw this unfamiliar environment, Jian Yifeng immediately drew out the sword at his waist, and the violent sword energy raged.

However, whether it was the ground, the wall, or even the wooden fence, there was no mark left.

"Where is this?" Jian Yifeng was still extremely vigilant and looked at the situation in the prison.

But soon, he felt a strong burst of blood and energy in front of him.

Jian Yifeng looked over immediately and saw Mu Wuyu in the prison opposite.

Mu Wu Yu also noticed the rampage of the sword energy and looked over, and then their eyes collided.

However, before the two of them could speak, they saw an emperor next to them speaking quickly.

"Awake, awake, Jian Feng and Mu Wu Yu are awake."

"Really awake, such a strong sword energy, is this person a sword cultivator? It's over, I practice swordsmanship, I definitely can't get this guy's place."

"This person has such a strong blood and qi power, and he is a pure martial artist, it's over, my ability just happens to counter this guy, I can't get it either."

The emperors could naturally feel the blood and qi power and the raging sword energy that the two people burst out.

Some emperors were crying, because their own abilities were really not matched at all, and they really couldn't get a place.

"Huh? Who are you? How do you know us? And where is this place?" Mu Wu Yu asked.

"Haha, great, there is a sword cultivator, I will follow the path of sword cultivator." An emperor shouted excitedly.

These emperors ignored Mu Wuyu's words and were talking to each other.

"Brother Jian, Sixth Brother, you guys take a look at the copy information first, and the rest will be discussed when we start working." At this time, Mu Rufeng's voice sounded.

"Huh? Mu Rufeng?"

"Ninth brother? You are here too?"

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu were surprised when they heard that it was Mu Rufeng's voice.

But soon, the copy prompt sound rang in their ears.

After a long time, they came back to their senses, and at this moment they also understood the information of the copy.

"So, is this copy coming in to jail?"

"I think I, the prince of the Dali Dynasty and the future emperor, will actually go to jail in my lifetime." Mu Wuyu's voice sounded, causing Mu Rufeng's mouth to twitch slightly.

"Sixth brother, let alone going to jail, I think you may even go to kill pigs and pick up manure in the future." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Mu, what is your first-stage mission? My mission is to mine one million jin." Jian Yifeng suddenly said.

"That's the same as mine. I also mine one million jin." Mu Wuyu said.

"Oh? Your first-stage mission is mining? Then mine is different. Mine is to survive for seven days." Mu Rufeng said with some surprise.

He thought the three people's missions should be the same, but he didn't expect that theirs was mining.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to continue speaking, footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

Mu Rufeng immediately said: "Let's talk later, I'm going to work soon."

"Work? What work? Mining?" Mu Wuyu guessed.

"Yes, mining." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Soon all the cell doors were opened.

"It's time to work, everyone, gather." Zhu Nan shouted.

The next moment, a total of 18 prisoners immediately came out and lined up.

This line was not randomly arranged, but arranged according to the order of the cells.

The front ones are all emperors, and the back ones are all ghost emperors.

Of course, Mu Rufeng did not do so, but stood directly with Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng.

As the team moved, Mu Rufeng also started chatting with Jian Yifeng and the others.

"Why did you two come in together? Shouldn't you both have entered the dungeon?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Haha, that's a coincidence. We both came out of the dungeon at about the same time, and then we met in Bermuda." Mu Wuyu said with a smile.

"Oh? That's really a coincidence." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Brother Mu, you seem to be very familiar with this place? There are many strange emperors." Jian Yifeng said in a low voice.

"Haha, we are quite familiar with each other, and then don't be afraid. These emperors can't attack us. Besides, I have a good relationship with them, and I will definitely not embarrass you."

"Besides, I guess they will come to get close to you later," Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Get close? What's the situation?" Mu Wuyu was a little confused.

"Of course they want to make a contract with you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Contract? Don't joke, we are only level 4 contractors now." Mu Wuyu waved his hand and said.

From the time they came to the real world, and until now, it has been about three months.

About three months, according to reason, they should only be level 3, not level 4 contractors.

However, they also entered some additional dungeons, so they were promoted to level 4.

Both of them, without exception, still had no contract.

It was because they had not met a contracted ghost that caught their eye.

Although they had only entered the dungeon for three months and he had no contracted ghost, he also knew that if he wanted to sign a contract, the highest level could not exceed their level 1.

In other words, they could only contract a level 5 ghost at most.

Look at the ghosts in these teams again, the lowest ones are all ghost emperors, and there are only four ghost emperors.

The aura exuded by the remaining eleven ghosts made them feel palpitating, just like facing their emperor ancestors.

The result was obvious, these were all emperor ghosts.

The ghost emperor was level nine, and the emperor was level ten, how could they sign a contract with their level 4 contractors?

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then said: "Haha, I was the same at the beginning, but they only need to knock down their own realm, so that they can sign a contract with you."

"This is impossible, how difficult it is to break through the ghost emperor, let alone the emperor." Jian Yifeng didn't believe it at all.

"Hehe, this young man, nothing is impossible. It's a pity that you are a sword cultivator, and you definitely don't think highly of my ability." An emperor's weird turned around and shook his head and said.

"Ah?" Mu Wuyu was a little stunned.

"By the way, let me ask, have you two contracted weirds?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

As soon as this was said, all the weirds looked over.

Yes, they seemed to have forgotten one thing, that the contractor can't only contract one person.

They had a preconceived idea that Mu Rufeng only had one weird left, and the same was true for these human contractors.

But now when they heard Mu Rufeng ask this, they all looked at the two of them at once.

"I haven't signed a contract yet. The weirds in those copies are too weak and their abilities are too poor." Mu Wuyu said.

"Yes, mine too." Jian Yifeng said.

"Haha, then you two are lucky. Now there are eight places. You can choose four emperors to contract with." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Those emperors were shocked when they heard this.

Shit, eight places, there are eleven of them, that is, only three emperors can't leave.

All the emperors and ghosts showed excitement at this moment.

"Ah? What's going on?" Mu Wuyu was confused when he saw this scene.

Jian Yifeng was the same.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and immediately explained why these people wanted to lower their strength and sign a contract with them.

Soon, Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu also understood why these emperors wanted to sign a contract with them even if they lowered their realm.

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