I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 378 The secret between Mo Qifeng and Chunjue that cannot be told [ask for monthly votes! ]

Mu Wuyu nodded slightly: "That's fine. Although our abilities may not match, we are all emperors, so we are not likely to be that bad."

Jian Feng also said: "But, are you really willing to lower your strength and sign a contract with me? After the contract, you will also lose your freedom and cannot leave my side."

"Haha, what's the matter? We can continue to improve our strength. With the speed at which you contractors upgrade, I estimate that it won't take a few years for me to regain my emperor status."

"As for freedom? Is death more important than freedom? Besides, it's even more unfree here." An emperor said strangely.

The two thought about it, and it seemed so. These people have been here for who knows how many years.

Their cultivation is constantly decreasing, and their vitality is constantly being extracted.

Day after day, year after year, mining, cleaning up sewage, going to jail, starving, how can they not want to go out?

Not to mention, the premise of signing the contract is that they can save enough rule power with the help of Mu Rufeng.

After signing the contract, they only need to wait for a few years until they reach the ninth level of the contractor, so that they can absorb the power of rules and break through the emperor.

A few years is just a matter of time for them.

After regaining the emperor, although they are bound to the contractor, these contractors will not restrict them.

They can also go to the real world and eat real flesh and blood, which is also wonderful.

They have been here for so many years, and the most eaten thing every day is fish, which makes them want to vomit.


Half an hour later, the group arrived at the mining area.

Zhu Nan didn't say anything, just jumped onto the stone pillar, and began to practice cross-legged.

"You go to mine first, I'll talk to my friend." Mu Rufeng said to the weirdos.

The weirdos nodded, and they didn't have any opinions, and went to mine immediately.

They also have to compete for the third place, and the top ten.

The third place has three complete rules, and the top ten also have one complete rule.

Then Mu Rufeng talked about some things about the Sea God Palace with Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng in the shed.

Mu Rufeng talked in detail and told everything he knew.

Including the rewards for mining.

When Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu learned that the rewards had complete rules, they were both shocked.

"Brother Mu, are you sure you can really get the rules?" Jian Yifeng was shocked.

"Of course you can, look." Mu Rufeng said, and a ball of rule light suddenly appeared in his palm.

When Mu Rufeng was mining the day before yesterday, he won the second place and was rewarded with five rules.

He practiced these two nights and refined four of them. There was still one rule left, which was stored in his body.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu felt the power of the rules, and their faces showed horror.

"Is this the power of the rules?"

They have already reached the peak of the God Realm. If they want to break through the Emperor, they must comprehend the rules.

But the rules are too difficult to comprehend, and the time is at least calculated according to a hundred years.

Unless they are extremely talented, it may take more than ten or even dozens of years.

They are also very talented, but they still have no clue now.

Now seeing the rules in Mu Rufeng's palm, it seems that as long as they absorb them, their strength will increase greatly, and they may even break through the emperor.

"Don't worry, I have mined a lot of minerals, and we can all take the top 18."

"The first place belongs to Jian Chengsang, I will take the second, and for the third place, you two will compete to see who mines more minerals." Mu Rufeng said.

"Third place?" The two looked at each other immediately, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

Although there is only one difference between the third and the fourth, the former has three rules, while the latter has only one.

The difference between the two sides is three times.

"Of course, you two can take turns to be the third place. After all, you two are relatives, and it is better to get along well." Mu Rufeng said.

After hearing this, the two felt that it seemed to be the case, so they agreed.

"However, on the first day, it depends on who digs more between the two of us, and whoever gets the third place for the first time." Mu Wuyu said.

"Okay, I agree." Jian Yifeng nodded.

The two of them went to an unmanned mining area and started mining.

Mu Rufeng looked at the two of them, smiled and shook his head.

Then he looked at the emperors.

These emperors naturally heard their conversation and knew that the third and fourth places were also occupied by the contractors.

Although they felt a little uncomfortable at first, they thought that this was Mu Rufeng's friend and the ore was given by Mu Rufeng.

Not to mention, they now have to compete for the eight contract quotas of Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu.

Therefore, their uncomfortable emotions only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

Mu Rufeng did not explain to them because there was no need. Then, Mu Rufeng found a relatively open mining area.

He took out his Xiuchun serrated knife and started digging frantically.


In a blink of an eye, four hours had passed.

It was twelve o'clock noon.

They had an hour's lunch break at noon.

For four hours, Mu Rufeng dug continuously without stopping.

He dug a total of 200 million jin.

Last time, he dug 100 million jin in three hours. Now the output has doubled, and the time has only increased by one hour.

This is also because Mu Rufeng has refined four more rules in the past few days, so his strength has become stronger, and the speed of digging is naturally faster.

"It's time to eat. Today is also full. I will also give full to your two new friends." Zhu Nan prepared the food.

The group of weirdos didn't say anything polite, grabbed the food and started eating.

"Thank you, Lord Nan." Mu Rufeng smiled and thanked him.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu were naturally not fools, and they also clasped their fists to thank him.

"Haha, no need to thank you, this is what you deserve."

"By the way, how much ore did you dig today? I didn't see you rest for four hours in the morning." Zhu Nan asked Mu Rufeng.

"Dig 200 million jin, and prepare to practice in the afternoon." Mu Rufeng said.

"How much more? 200 million jin?" Zhu Nan took a breath of cold air.

Two hundred million jin, this amount is twice as much as last time, and the most important thing is that it's only one morning.

If it takes a whole day, it will be more than 500 million jin.

"Not bad, not bad, practice well in the afternoon, if you need anything, come to me, I will try my best to satisfy you." Zhu Nan showed a gratified smile on his face, patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder, and left.

"My God, Brother Feng, you actually dug 200 million jin this morning?"

"Isn't this too much? Two hundred million? I only dug 500,000 jin in one morning."

"You actually dug 500,000? I only dug 400,000, not comparable, not comparable."

The group of weirdos were shocked again.

"Brother Mu, then let's go and transport the ore directly later? This will also prevent the weirdos in other areas from competing with us." Jian Chengsang said.

"Well, I'll go after dinner." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Brother Mu, how did you dig so fast? I only dug 80,000 jin." Jian Yifeng said with some shock.

"Eighty thousand jin? Hehe, then I dug more than you, I dug 100,000 jin, and it just so happened that I got a prop to speed up work in this copy." Mu Wuyu laughed.

"My weapon is a rule prop, which has a strong cutting force on this kind of ore, so I dug faster."

"Don't compete with me, you two can't compete." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"How dare I compete with you, you are already an emperor."

"Really, you broke through the emperor without saying a word. If your breath hadn't leaked when you were mining, I wouldn't know it." Mu Wuyu said with a painful face.

"Yes, I still want to compete with you to see who breaks through the emperor first." Jian Yifeng said that he would not compete with him, it was too discouraging.

When they just met, Mu Rufeng restrained his breath, so they didn't care much, and thought that Mu Rufeng was in the God Realm.

But in the morning, when Mu Rufeng was mining, his breath could not be hidden.

The unique breath of the emperor was exuded, which shocked the two of them.

They knew how difficult it was to break through the Emperor, and that was why they were so shocked when they saw Mu Rufeng break through the Emperor.

But soon they thought that it was easy to obtain the rules here, so they were relieved.

It would not take long for them to break through the Emperor.

Half an hour later, everyone finished their meal and went to the platform to recycle.

After arriving at the recycling area, Mu Rufeng took out 70 million jin of ore as usual and let those people divide it themselves. Fourteen weirdos, 5 million jin each.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu each had 6.5 million jin, and Jian Chengsang directly 9 million jin.

And he himself handed in 8 million jin.

The 70 million jin of the fourteen weirdos, plus the 13 million jin of Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu, the 9 million jin of Jian Chengsang, and the 8 million jin of Mu Rufeng, is exactly 100 million jin.

There is still 100 million jin, and Mu Rufeng will keep it as inventory.

When Mu Rufeng handed in the ore, he took a look at the ranking list and found that all of them were weighing hundreds of thousands, and there was not even a million.

It is estimated that those who want to rush to the top of the list want to see if Mu Rufeng can still take the top 16.

If he does, then there is no need to hand in so much, just fight for the top 100.

Soon, the ranking list was refreshed.

[First place, Jian Chengsang, 9 million, Emperor cultivation]

[Second place, Mu Rufeng, 8 million, Emperor cultivation]

[Third place, Mu Wuyu, 6.75 million, God realm cultivation]

[Fourth place, Jian Fengfeng, 6.7 million, God realm cultivation]

[Fifth place, Fu Tianxiong, 5.5 million, Emperor cultivation]


[Eighteenth place, Wei Wu, 5 million, Ghost Emperor cultivation]

As soon as the ranking list came out, those who were always paying attention to it instantly lost their minds to compete.

Damn it, the top ten have at least 6 million, how can you let them compete?

They can only compete for the top 100.

At the same time, these people are extremely twisted, they really want to know why Mu Rufeng and his team can dig so much ore.

As for what their jailer said, there is a human contractor with powerful props, they simply sneered at it.

How could there be such a prop? Could it be that the prop is better than the iron pickaxe they use for mining?

It's a pity that it's useless not to believe it. They have no human rights, and there is no place to complain, so they can only bear it silently.

It was time to get off work in a blink of an eye.

A group of people came to the platform recycling area in a heroic and high-spirited manner.

They looked at the ranking list again, and the top 18 had not moved at all.

They also gave up on the weirdness in other areas, really gave up.

However, they were all storing ore, and it would not be too late to wait for dozens or hundreds of years before rushing again.

Half an hour later, they returned to the prison.

Zhu Nan happily served everyone's meals.

When the time came to twelve o'clock in the evening, all the rewards were distributed.

Mu Rufeng looked at the five rule light balls in front of him and absorbed them into his body at the first time.

He did not rush to refine the rules, but said to Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng: "By the way, don't rush to break through the emperor, refine the rules first, and let yourself reach the peak state in all aspects."

"This way, after you break through the emperor, your strength will be even stronger."


"Got it."

Both of them responded at the first time.

Not to mention, if it weren't for Mu Rufeng's reminder, they might have directly refined the rules to break through.


Two days later, that is, April 19, 23:59 in the evening.

Mu Rufeng counted down silently.

When the time came to April 20, 00:00.

The mining rewards were distributed, and they were still five rules.

In addition, there was a reminder sound for Mu Rufeng to complete the task.

[Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for completing the first stage of the task, successfully surviving for seven days, and obtaining 1000% clearance completion]

Then, there was nothing else.

"What about the second stage task?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

It seems that it is estimated that it will take some time for the second stage task to appear.

"Is it the first warrior Mo Qifeng of the Sea God Palace?" Mu Rufeng murmured in his heart.

"Forget it, there is no rush anyway, after all, Jian Chengsang still has to win the first place in mining 30 times."

Mu Rufeng immediately sat cross-legged and began to refine the rules.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed.

The black snake reappeared, one in front of each cell, and began to absorb their power.

Strangely, there was no black snake in front of Mu Rufeng's cell.

It seems that Mo Qifeng also knew that he could not absorb the vitality from Mu Rufeng, so he did not waste his power.

This time, Mu Rufeng still did not find it.

Just at this time, a sound of footsteps came from the corridor.

The footsteps were extremely harsh in this empty cell.

But strangely, none of the prisoners heard the footsteps.

Even Mu Rufeng was the same.

Even though they had not slept yet and had not practiced, the few emperors who were staring at the corridor in a daze did not notice Chunjue passing by their cells.

"Haha, it turns out that Mo Qifeng used this method to restore his strength, which is surprising." Chunjue looked at these black snakes and chuckled.

These black snakes seemed not to have noticed Chunjue, and there was no movement, still absorbing the power of the prisoners.

"However, it is strange that Mo Qifeng did not absorb the vitality of this little human." Chunjue looked at Mu Rufeng with interest.

Although the cell door was blocked by a curtain, it did not block her sight at all.

"His strength has improved quickly. It is estimated that he can break through the middle stage of the emperor by refining some more rules."

Chunjue retracted his gaze, and then ignored the black snakes and continued to go deep into the prison.

Mu Rufeng was unaware of this and was still refining the power of rules.


Chunjue soon came to the depths of the prison.

Facing the forbidden formations in front of him, Chunjue completely ignored them and walked slowly into them.

Those forbidden formations could not stop Chunjue at all, as if they did not exist.

When Chunjue appeared in front of the cell, a voice sounded in the cell.

"Chunjue, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you here for several days." Mo Qifeng's voice was different from before.

Before, it was extremely old, but now, it was a full-bodied voice.

"Wait for me to come over? Haha, it seems that you really did it on purpose. I said, how could you let a new human contractor come in so easily?" Chunjue seemed to have expected it.

She said, "Aren't you giving up yet?"

"Give up? How do you want me to give up?" Mo Qifeng asked back.

Chunjue was silent.

She didn't know what to say.

"I'm here now, what do you want?" Chunjue said slowly.

"You should know what I want." Mo Qifeng walked out of the darkness.

His body was extremely tall, as tall as three meters.

However, his body at this moment was like a giant mummy, and the flesh and blood on his body seemed to have disappeared, leaving only a layer of skin stuck to the bones, which was extremely ugly.

But even so, the powerful aura exuded, showing that he contained infinite power in his body, which made it difficult for people to look directly at him.

"But you will die like this. The one in the Sea God Palace is a god, and he can crush you to death with just one finger." Chunjue said.

"Haha, so what? If I die, my plan will be successful. So, are you willing to help me?" Mo Qifeng spoke again.

Chunjue fell into silence again.

Mo Qifeng did not speak either, staring at Chunjue with a pair of bright eyes.

The two of them fell silent.

In this way, ten minutes passed.

Chunjue spoke, her voice was a little hoarse: "Okay, I'll help you."


Three o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng sat cross-legged on his bed to practice.

But he suddenly sensed something and opened his eyes immediately.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't look at it, but when he looks at it, the blood and qi in Mu Rufeng's body burst out instantly.

However, the next second, his blood and qi were bound by an invisible force.

"What a strong blood and qi, I really want to take a bite." A loli girl sat on the sofa with a smile.

A pair of white and tender little feet kept shaking, which was very eye-catching.

"Who are you?" Mu Rufeng had to admit that this guy was cute, but this person could appear in his cell quietly.

And he could easily suppress his power, so his strength was definitely very strong.

The most important thing was that this guy could actually attack Mu Rufeng.

Then, the identity of this person was about to be revealed.

His real identity was unknown, but he was definitely from the Sea God Palace.

"You must be Mu Rufeng, right? You can call me the Steward." Chun Jue said.

"Hello, Steward. I wonder why you are here?"

Steward? It seems that he should be a Sea God Palace person who is higher than the jailer. He was also very confused at this moment, wondering what this guy came to him for.

"I heard that you caught the Sea God Dolphin?"

"Yes, Steward." Mu Rufeng nodded and responded, and she was relieved. She really didn't expect that she came here for the Sea God Dolphin.

"It's April 20th now. I want you to catch ten Sea God Dolphins for me before the end of the month. Can you do it?" Chun Jue said.

"Ah? Ten?" Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank slightly. This... This...

"Is it difficult? If you can catch one, you can catch the second, and even the tenth." Chunjue said.

"Master Steward, this is too difficult. I was lucky to catch one successfully. You asked me to catch ten more, and the time limit is until the end of the month."

"It is the 20th now. There are still eleven days until the end of the month on the 30th. Excluding the time for mining, there are only six working days for the pollution tide."

"The time is too short, and the number is too large. I can't catch them at all." Mu Rufeng said embarrassedly.

Chunjue didn't say anything, but took out something and gave it to Mu Rufeng directly.

"This can help you catch sea dolphins. The more the better. Remember, this prop is lent to you." Chunjue's voice fell, and the whole person turned into a day of black fog and disappeared.

Looking at the leaving Master Steward, Mu Rufeng set his eyes on the prop that Chunjue gave him.

This is a black round bead. If you look closely, it looks like it is giving you an eye.

[Eye of the Devil]: This is the divine eye of a powerful being.

Effect: A special item of the rule type that can release a divine light. The divine light will definitely hit the target you lock on. Once it hits, the target's speed will be slowed down tenfold.

Note 1: The Eye of the Devil has an effect on the existence of the Emperor and below. Above the Emperor, it is invalid. The duration depends on the strength of both parties, with a minimum of one second.

Note 2: The Eye of the Devil seems to have some special secrets. The secret can be analyzed by injecting ten drops of blood.

"Why would you give me this... Such a powerful item?" Mu Rufeng first said that he was shocked by the properties of this item, and then he was very confused.

This item will definitely hit the Emperor's target, which means that it can definitely hit the Sea God Dolphin.

Once it hits the Sea God Dolphin, the speed will be reduced tenfold. Not to mention Mu Rufeng's, it is estimated that any Emperor can catch the Sea God Dolphin.

There is not much else here, but there are many strange Emperors, even those at the peak of the Emperor.

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