I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 379 The second stage of the mission begins [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

It is impossible that the steward was afraid of those weird props that were not returned, so he gave them to Mu Rufeng.

But that is not right, it is impossible that this guy is not worried that Mu Rufeng will not return them to her?

After all, if he returns directly, Chunjue will not be able to do anything to Mu Rufeng.

But soon, Mu Rufeng got the answer.

[The second stage of the task is open, please help the steward to capture the sea god dolphins, the more the better, the minimum is ten, and the clearance completion rate will increase by 1000%]

[For each additional sea god dolphin captured, the clearance completion rate will increase by 100%, and the overall evaluation and rewards will be improved]

[Side quest released, before returning, please return the rule-based props given by Chunjue: Demon Eye, and you will get the curse of the sea god if the task fails]

Although Mu Rufeng does not know what the effect of [the curse of the sea god] is.

But it is definitely extremely terrifying.

No wonder the Lolita girl is not afraid that Mu Rufeng will not return the props.

With the restrictions of this side quest, as long as Mu Rufeng is afraid of the curse of the sea god, he must return it.

The most important thing is that the login bracelet should be invalid in this case.

Because this is just a curse, it will not be fatal immediately. When Mu Rufeng returns, if the curse breaks out, he can only use the resurrection card or the time mark.

"Catching a sea dolphin will give you a chance to enter the Sea God Palace. In this way, Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu can go in once."

"No, no, no, if you catch more, you can go to the prison." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

These guys, Mu Rufeng doesn't know what their character is. Even if they are very bad, they will only do things that hurt the world.

As long as they sign a contract with humans, they will not do anything that hurts the world.

In this way, Mu Rufeng has also done a favor to these emperors and ghost emperors.

In the future, when you need help, these weirdos will play a huge role.

Anyway, when I catch more, I will go to the Sea God Palace many times. If I catch more, it will be useless.

After all, you can only enter once a month, how many months can Mu Rufeng stay here?

Early the next morning.

It was time to go to work.

Zhu Nan still led a group of people to the platform area, and then arrived at the destination.

In just two days, a large amount of garbage and pollution sources piled up again on the sea surface that was almost emptied last time.

I really don’t know where these things come from.

I learned from Jian Chengsang that the pollution tide has always existed for tens of thousands of years. It feels like the Sea God Palace is like a garbage dump in the Dead Sea.

Of course, it is also possible that this vortex is too overbearing and attracts all the garbage.

"Is this the pollution tide? It's so spectacular." Jian Yifeng looked at the sea and said.

"So strong, such an evil breath, are those like evil spirits?" Mu Wuyu murmured.

"If you two have nothing to do, you can practice, leave it to me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Can you do it alone?" Mu Wuyu asked doubtfully.

"Haha, don't underestimate me." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he immediately flew to the sea.

Then Mu Rufeng took out the Overlord vacuum cleaner.

Mu Rufeng pointed the mouth of the vacuum cleaner at the sea surface, and then burst out the maximum suction force with all his strength.

In an instant, countless garbage flew from all directions and was finally sucked into it.

Large pieces of garbage were rapidly reduced.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu were stunned.

As for those emperors, they had already been numb last time.

Of course, they did not slack off. They scattered away from Mu Rufeng and went to other areas to deal with the sewage.

They did not dare to watch Mu Rufeng deal with the sewage alone. Although they were slow, they could not be idle.

"Ninth brother really has all kinds of props. Let's practice well and strive to break through the emperor as soon as possible." Mu Wuyu patted Jian Yifeng's shoulder, and then sat cross-legged to refine the power of rules.

Even if they now have the power of rules in their bodies, the speed of refining is still not fast.

Or, they don't have the abnormal refining speed of Mu Rufeng.

In one night, they only refined one-fifth of the rules, that is, two hundred rule fragments.

Fortunately, they all listened to Mu Rufeng's words and used the rules to strengthen their bodies, but did not break through the emperor.

It must be said that the aura of the two of them is even stronger than yesterday.

Two hours later, the area they were responsible for was cleared.

The garbage was gone, and only the dark sea surface appeared in front of everyone.

Compared with the last three hours, Mu Rufeng's speed became faster again.

Not only did his strength become stronger, but he also used a king vacuum cleaner, which was more efficient and faster.

Mu Rufeng called everyone over.

"Just like last time, let's capture the Sea God Dolphin. Let's start." Mu Rufeng said.

The strange people were very excited when they heard this. They followed the order of last time. Fu Tianxiong took the lead and started to cut off his arm without saying a word.

In just about ten minutes, the flesh and blood of the eleven emperors were collected by Mu Rufeng.

Naturally, they were also restored to their broken limbs by Mu Rufeng's flesh and blood grower.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu were stunned.

"What are you doing? Why are you all doing this?" Mu Wuyu asked.

"Just watch me capture the sea dolphin. It just so happens that I opened a blind box of rule props. I got some new props, which will make it easier for me to capture the sea dolphin." Mu Rufeng said.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu hadn't reacted yet, and Jian Chengsang said with some surprise: "Brother Mu, you opened a new prop?"

"What prop is it? It can actually help capture the sea dolphin?"

Mu Rufeng had told them about the blind box of rule props before.

So these people also knew about it.

And Mu Rufeng himself still had a few blind boxes of rule props.

He hadn't opened them yet, mainly because he didn't lack props now.

When he was lacking something, with his strong luck value, he should be able to open the appropriate props.

"Haha, you will know in a moment. Okay, everyone, take your positions. Just do the same as last time." Mu Rufeng ordered.

A group of weirdos responded one after another, and then came directly to the sea surface and set up the trap.

Mu Rufeng flew to the center of the trap, put the emperor's flesh and blood into it, and also put his own flesh and blood into it.

Then he directly entered the virtual state.

Time passed slowly.


In just one minute, several streams of light broke through the water surface and stayed far away.

Mu Rufeng estimated the distance, at least 30 kilometers away.

This distance is not bad, the Demon Eye can be used.

However, Mu Rufeng felt it was too far.

He looked at these sea dolphins and counted them. There were only three.

It was the same as last time.

The Demon Eye is good in every way, but there is one thing that is not good, that is, it can only release one attack at a time, and can only hit one target.

If the distance was too far, Mu Rufeng was afraid that after he hit one Sea God Dolphin, the other two would see the situation and run away.

Mu Rufeng couldn't catch up with them, and the distance was too far, so the Demon Eye couldn't be used.

He wanted to capture all three this time.

Of course, Mu Rufeng had already thought of a countermeasure.

"Quick, divide it into three traps immediately." Mu Rufeng said in a voice transmission.

When Mu Rufeng's words fell, the huge trap was instantly divided into three traps, and the distance was hundreds of meters.

Mu Rufeng immediately waved his hand, and more emperors flew out, and then fell into two traps hundreds of meters away.

Yes, it was already discussed long ago. As long as there were a few Sea God Dolphins coming, a few traps would be set up. Of course, the maximum number was only three.

The eleven emperors were weird, and they were divided into three traps, but Mu Rufeng wanted double the flesh and blood from them. If there were a little less in each trap, there would still be enough to divide.

Three is the limit, because as the number of people decreases, the binding force of the ghost cave naturally weakens, and it is just right to divide it into three parts.

The bloody smell emitted by the flesh and blood of the emperor constantly attracts the three sea god dolphins.

They keep wandering around, as if they can't resist the flesh and blood of the emperor, let alone the flesh and blood of Mu Rufeng, the human emperor.

The three sea god dolphins directly locked onto the flesh and blood in a trap and flew away quickly.

In just a blink of an eye, the three sea god dolphins rushed directly into the trap.

Mu Rufeng's reaction speed is also very fast, and he restored his entity almost at the moment they moved.

Then he took out the Demon God Eye and quickly activated the Demon God Eye.

The next moment, a divine light flew out and hit a sea god dolphin directly.

Mu Rufeng ignored the sea god dolphin and immediately aimed at the second sea god dolphin.

The second Sea God Dolphin had already swallowed the flesh and blood, and had even broken through the trap.

But before it could escape, the second divine light hit the Sea God Dolphin.

Looking at the third Sea God Dolphin, it had already broken through the trap and escaped thirty miles away.

Just as it was about to run away, the third divine light caught up with the Sea God Dolphin and hit it in an instant.

I have to say that this must-hit attribute is really awesome.

"Quick, catch it immediately, the speed of the Sea God Dolphin has been reduced by ten times. If you still can't catch it, just commit suicide."

After leaving this sentence, Mu Rufeng quickly chased after the farthest Sea God Dolphin.

And those emperors also reacted instantly, ten times? Will the speed of the Sea God Dolphin be reduced by ten times?

The next moment, they confirmed this.

Because the speed of the two Sea God Dolphins really slowed down a lot, even slower than the speed of ordinary emperors.

"Haha, the speed is ten times slower, then this sea dolphin is a lamb to be slaughtered." Fu Tianxiong laughed and chased the first sea dolphin directly.

This sea dolphin is the closest, who made him say that he was the first to be hit by the deceleration divine light.

The speed of the sea dolphin has been reduced by ten times, but it is still very fast, but compared with Mu Rufeng's speed, it is not enough.

In just about a minute, Mu Rufeng caught up with the third sea dolphin that was the farthest.

This place is already in the open sea, and only the jailers can come here.

It's just that the power of absorption here is still useless to Mu Rufeng.

The terrifying lightning burst out from the bottom of the sea and hit the sea dolphin without any hindrance.

The sea dolphin was not strong, nor was its defense strong. Its speed, which it was proud of, was also destroyed by Mu Rufeng.

After being hit by Mu Rufeng's lightning, it lost its ability to move directly. Mu Rufeng successfully captured it without any effort.

Then Mu Rufeng returned to the beach.

At this moment, Jian Chengsang and other ghost emperors were surrounding the other two sea dolphins.

The two sea dolphins were still alive and kicking, but they were suppressed by their ghosts and could not escape.

Not to mention that the speed has been reduced by ten times now, even if the speed has not been reduced, as long as they get on the shore, they will definitely not be as fast as these emperors.

"Brother Feng, look, we caught these two sea dolphins."

"Brother Feng, your tool is really amazing. It can actually reduce the speed of the sea dolphins by ten times."

"It's amazing. We actually caught three sea dolphins today. It feels like a dream."

"Brother Feng is awesome. He caught three."

Mu Rufeng threw the sea dolphin on the ground and said with a smile: "We can achieve such results thanks to everyone. Otherwise, even if I have this tool, I can only catch one."

Mu Rufeng was not wrong. If these emperors did not help catch the other two, Mu Rufeng should have caught at most two.

The third one would definitely not be caught anyway.

After all, after Mu Rufeng caught the other two, even if the third sea dolphin slowed down ten times, it would have run away long ago.

"Mu Rufeng, you actually caught three?" At this time, Zhu Nan flew back from the outer sea and looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

Just now he was patrolling the outer sea to check if there were any new prisoners.

But suddenly he was shocked by the explosion of thunder power, and he rushed over quickly, just in time to see Mu Rufeng flying back with the sea dolphin.

Thinking that Mu Rufeng had caught the sea dolphin again, he was secretly happy, and he also had a commission reward.

He immediately stopped patrolling and ran back directly, wanting to encourage Mu Rufeng.

But when he came over and saw the three sea dolphins on the beach, he was really shocked and speechless.

"Yes, Lord Zhunan." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"How did you do this?" After the shock, there was joy, but Zhunan still wanted to know how Mu Rufeng did it.

This is not just one sea dolphin, but three.

"Last night, I opened a rule prop blind box and opened a prop that can reduce the target's speed by ten times."

"The sea dolphin reduced its speed by ten times, which is slower than ours. With the cooperation of everyone, we can catch all the three sea dolphins that were attracted." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Hmm? Props? I see. But what did you use to attract the Sea God Dolphin?" Zhu Nan asked again.

"Of course it's the flesh and blood of the Emperor, including my own flesh and blood." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Your own flesh and blood? Impossible. Once injured, the power absorbed will surge."

"Besides, you just went to the open sea. The token I gave you can't let you stay in the open sea." Zhu Nan said.

"Master Zhu Nan, our brother Mu also has another magical prop that can consume ghost power and let our broken limbs recover quickly."

"Yes, each of us cut off our own limbs as bait."

Several emperors explained strangely.

Although it sounded a bit messy, Zhu Nan still got the general idea.

Zhu Nan came forward, patted Mu Rufeng's shoulder vigorously, and said, "Good, good job."

Zhu Nan immediately encouraged everyone, and then directly gave them a meal.

After the snack, Zhu Nan did not stay here for too long, but went to the open sea again. After all, he hoped to have more contractors like Mu Rufeng.

After resting for an hour, an emperor made a strange suggestion to set up traps again to capture the sea dolphins.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and agreed happily.

After all, as many as can be captured, so as many as can be captured, the more tasks the better.

It was just a little unexpected that the traps they set up again did not attract the sea dolphins again.

When the flesh and blood of those emperors had decayed, no sea dolphins came.

Even Mu Rufeng's limbs were consumed by the corrosion of the Dead Sea.

During this process, Mu Rufeng did not find any traces of the sea dolphins.

Mu Rufeng and his team tried three times, but there was still no movement.

Everyone had to guess whether it was because they captured these three sea dolphins.

Whether they had any ability to communicate with each other, etc.

"Brother Feng, do you think we will not be able to attract the sea dolphin next time?"

"Is it really possible? If so, won't we be unable to catch the sea dolphin again?"

"It shouldn't be possible."

The group of weirdos became a little worried.

"Forget it, forget it, let's take a break and wait until the end of get off work. We will know when we try again the day after tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

The group of weirdos also nodded in response.

No matter what, they didn't lose anything after all.

Fortunately, their worries were unnecessary.

Because when they came again to deal with the sewage the day after tomorrow and set a trap to lure the sea dolphin, they still succeeded.

Although only two came, it also means that we can definitely continue to capture sea dolphins in the future.

At the same time, it is also speculated that the sea dolphins really have the ability to communicate with each other.

As long as the sea dolphins encounter danger, they will immediately notify other sea dolphins and tell them not to get close to here.

As for why the sea dolphins can be lured again after a day, it can only be said that the sea dolphins themselves are stupid or have a bad memory?

In a blink of an eye, time came to May 1st.

It is now seven o'clock in the morning.

There is still an hour before work time.

At the same time, today is also the day to enter the Sea God Palace.

Those who enter the Sea God Palace will definitely not have to go to work today, but other weirdos still have to go.

And today, the entire sixth generation of the entire Ding District, a total of fourteen weirdos, plus three contractors, do not have to go to work.

Because all seventeen of them have to enter the Sea God Palace.

It can be said that they have directly bought it all.

Counting it up, Mu Rufeng has captured a total of fifteen sea dolphins in these days.

The most attracted at one time was four, and the least attracted at one time was only one.

Fifteen sea dolphins, fifteen places to enter the Sea God Palace.

Jian Chengsang has the title of the first place in mining, so he does not take this place, and Mu Rufeng has also captured one before.

So, if all are opened, there will be a total of seventeen places to enter the Sea God Palace.

Now there are a total of eighteen people in their prison, so there is one weirdo who cannot go.

The one who was left behind was a ghost emperor who lost the rock-paper-scissors game.

The remaining four ghost emperor-level weirdos played rock-paper-scissors with each other, and a ghost emperor named Wei Wu lost, so he stayed.

However, speaking of it, he actually did not lose anything, and was even a little excited about it.

Why do you say?

Naturally, because today is the day of mining.

They all cannot compete in mining because they all want to enter the Sea God Palace, so Wei Wu can get the first place in mining.

Mu Rufeng has also given Wei Wu 10 million kilograms of ore at this moment.

If 10 million jin still can't make him take the first place, then Mu Rufeng is really powerless.

Not for anything else, because this weight is the upper limit of what Wei Wu can carry.

In theory, the maximum weight a ghost emperor can carry is only one or two million jin.

And what Wei Wu needs is the ability to have a space, so his carrying capacity is greatly improved.

In addition, Mu Rufeng also lent one of his storage rings to Wei Wu, which can just carry 10 million jin.

In this mining ranking, Wei Wu is likely to get the first place, and the remaining rankings can also be competed for by the emperors in other regions.

"Why hasn't the time come yet? I can't wait." An emperor said strangely and excitedly.

"Yes, I can't wait too." Fu Tianxiong also echoed.

It can be seen that every strange face is filled with excitement.

Except for Jian Chengsang, the rest of the places to enter the Sea God Palace were given to them by Mu Rufeng through capturing the Sea God Dolphin.

When Mu Rufeng said that he would give them the free entry to the Sea God Palace, they were so happy.

Now when they see Mu Rufeng, they feel like they are seeing their ancestors. They wish they could hold him in their hands and worship him every day.

"Why are you so anxious? You are all emperors. Why are you so impatient?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Yes, yes, Brother Feng is right."

"Impatient, too impatient."

"Alas, there is no way. I have never been to the Sea God Palace in my life. How can I not be excited?"

A group of strange people were talking.

Just at this time, Zhu Nan came.

He did not say anything nonsense and took everyone away directly.

Only Wei Wu was still in the cell.

Zhu Nan needed to take Mu Rufeng and others to the steward Chun Jue, and Chun Jue would take them into the Sea God Palace.

As long as Zhu Nan brought them there, he could come back and take Wei Wu to the mining area alone.

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