I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 380 Sea God? The strange movement of the devil's eyes [ask for monthly votes! ]

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

"Master Deacon, everyone has been brought here!" Zhu Nan shouted softly.

"Well, you go down." A voice came from inside.

"Master Deacon, this subordinate will resign first!" After Zhunan finished speaking, he left directly.

Mu Rufeng and the others stared at each other and did not dare to talk. They just stood here silently, waiting for the arrival of the deacon.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

It was Chun Jue, the same person I saw in the cell last night. It was just that the Lolita she was wearing this time changed from white to black.

"I've seen the deacon!" When the strange people saw Chun Jue coming out, they all saluted respectfully.

"I didn't expect that you actually spread out all the times you entered the Poseidon Palace." Chun Jue walked out and saw so many weird things here, his eyes fell on Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng smiled lightly and said: "Master Deacon, you also know that I am a contractor. I will return as soon as I complete the task. I cannot stay here for a long time."

"You can only enter once on the 1st of every month. It's useless for me to reserve so many times. It just so happens that these partners in my cell are all talented and speak well, so I let them join us."

"That's quite right." Chun Jue nodded seriously, and then released a ghost, which instantly enveloped everyone.

Mu Rufeng only felt an irresistible force coming, and then in just one breath, the force disappeared.

At this moment, they have moved to a brand new place.

The power of absorption here seems to be stronger than that of the outer sea, but now each of them has a rule emerging, blocking the power of absorption.

This power of rules is emanated from the token given by Chun Jue to enter the Poseidon Palace.

As for Jian Chengsang, the rules were directly handed down from the Poseidon Palace.

Mu Rufeng looked at the huge palace in front of her.

The palace is large, but a little dilapidated, and it is covered with black moss.

Above the main entrance of the palace, there is a plaque with the three characters "Poseidon Palace" written on it.

These three characters also contain an extremely tyrannical force that makes people fearful.

Looking around, there are large tracts of blue water plants planted.

The water plants bloomed with a blue halo, illuminating the dark surroundings.

There are some white sand grains under the feet. If you look closely, it seems to be formed by crushed bones, which is a bit rough.

"Deacon Chun Jue outside the Poseidon Palace, please open the door!"

Chun Jue came to the front door, bowed his hands, and then shouted loudly.

The next moment, the two huge carved eyes on the palace gate came to life.

Then the huge eyes bloomed with two divine lights, scanning everyone directly.

Mu Rufeng had no sense of this divine light. If he hadn't seen it with the naked eye, he would have thought it didn't exist at all.

The scan was quickly completed, the eyes turned into stone sculptures again, and then the door slowly opened with a rumble.

Inside, it was pitch black, as if all the light had been absorbed. Mu Rufeng was now an emperor, but she still couldn't see the scene inside.

"Okay, you go in, I will come to pick you up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Chun Jue said.

After everyone heard this, they stopped inking and strode towards the Poseidon Palace.

Mu Rufeng and Jian Yiyi walked cautiously behind.

For some reason, Mu Rufeng always felt a little panicked.

"Mu Rufeng, why are you still lingering? Come in quickly." At this time, Chun Jue urged.

"Yes, Lord Deacon." When Mu Rufeng saw Chun Jue's urging, she quickly quickened her pace without thinking any more.

Soon the group all entered the Poseidon Palace.

The gate of Poseidon Palace also slowly closed.

Chun Jue looked at the closed door and said silently in his heart: "Farewell, Brother Feng, I hope you can succeed."

When the door was closed, the wall lamps on both sides of the originally dark Poseidon Palace suddenly lit up.

I don’t know what kind of material the wall lamp is made of, but it actually dispels the darkness that even Emperor Zun can’t see through.

The inside of the palace is different from the outside. The outside looks very dilapidated and covered with moss.

But inside, it is extremely magnificent and completely brand new.

The floor tiles and pillars on the ground are all made of extremely special materials and are filled with the power of rules. Even the Emperor can hardly leave any traces.

Through these, you can see how prosperous and powerful the Poseidon Palace was back then.

Poseidon Palace is very big, this seems to be just the front section, and it is also bigger than the platform area where they ride every day.

Directly in front, there is an extremely huge throne.

There is also a tall skeleton sitting on the throne.

Under the throne, a group of skeletons knelt down.

Each of these skeletons exudes an extremely powerful aura, and they are the existence of the peak emperor.

However, Mu Rufeng did not notice any movement from these skeletons. It could be said that these were truly dead.

Only the skeleton on the throne had a dim light in its eyes.

Just the next second, the skeleton on the throne moved.

The head of the throne skeleton slowly lifted up, and the originally dim light in the eye sockets suddenly surged.

Along with it, there was an aura that was extremely tyrannical.

God, this is the breath of God.

Mu Rufeng had faced God Wufo directly and fought with God in Tiandao Continent, so he was extremely sensitive to the breath of God.

"The breath of God, this is... um? It's him, the Sea God is not dead, the Sea God is not dead!!!" Wu Lan's voice sounded from the bottom of Mu Rufeng's heart.

Wu Lan's voice could be heard, extremely shocked.

"Huh? Is this skeleton the Sea God?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

"You are the elites of my Sea God Palace, why don't you kneel down and accept the reward!" An ethereal voice came from the mouth of the throne skeleton.

A powerful breath burst out, and everyone was shocked. Those weirdos didn't resist at all and knelt on their knees.

"Greetings to Lord Sea God!" A group of weirdos kowtowed and greeted him.

This power was very powerful. The divine power in his body burst out suddenly and barely resisted, but the momentum continued to surge.

But soon, a very special aura emerged from Mu Rufeng's body, instantly offsetting the aura emitted by the Sea God.

Title: God Lord Slayer.

[God Lord Slayer]: You are a crazy existence. You killed five God Lords in a weak posture, achieved a heaven-defying move, and obtained the recognition of the rules.

Effect: When wearing this title, you can ignore the pressure of God Lords and all beings below, and can also greatly enhance the deterrence you have on others.

Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng on the side were not spared and knelt on the ground.

There is no way, this is the aura of God Lord. They are only Ghost Emperors now, and there is a gap of two realms. They can't resist it at all.

Of course, unlike those weird things, Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng took the initiative to kneel down when they couldn't resist.

Not kneeling on both knees, but kneeling on one knee, it seems that as long as you kneel down, the pressure will not continue.

"Huh? Who are you, you can ignore the pressure of this god." The eyes of the Sea God slowly fell on Mu Rufeng.

"Meet the Lord Seagod!" Mu Rufeng bowed and saluted, extremely respectful.

Kneeling, that was impossible.

"Meet Uncle Seagod!" Wu Lan's figure suddenly appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

Wu Lan knelt on one knee and said very respectfully.

"Hmm? You are." The Seagod seemed to feel the divine aura contained in Wu Lan's body.

He felt that Wu Lan was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who Wu Lan was.

Wu Lan was slightly startled. The Seagod didn't recognize her?

"Uncle Seagod, don't you recognize me? I am Wu Lan, and Wu Fo Shenzun is my father."

"When we first met, you also gave me an emperor's strange weapon." Wu Lan said hurriedly.

"Wu Fo Shenzun. I have some impression, but I can't remember whether he has a daughter or not. My memory loss is too serious." The Seagod said slowly.

Wu Lan immediately took out a strange weapon: "Look, this is the emperor's strange weapon you gave me."

"Hmm? This one does have my breath. It seems that you are indeed the daughter of Wu Fo, but how are you now..." The Sea God can naturally sense the connection between Mu Rufeng and Wu Lan.

Wu Lan immediately explained why they signed the contract.

As for the things in the real world, Wu Lan did not say anything. He believed that the Sea God must have a way to know what happened in the outside world.

"Uncle Sea God, it's really great that you are not dead. If my father and other uncles knew that you are not dead, they would definitely be very happy." Wu Lan said excitedly.

"Haha, what can I do if I know it? I can't get out. I can't get out." The Sea God shook his head.

"Uncle Sea God, what happened back then? Even if you failed to break through the realm above the God, you should not be trapped in the Sea God Palace." Wu Lan asked.

"This is not something you can know. Well, I don't have much time to wake up. I will give you the reward and then continue to fall into deep sleep."

"Wu Lan girl, remember to say hello to your father and others for me."

After the words of the Sea God fell, a total of eighteen streams of light flew over and directly sank into everyone's body.

There were obviously seventeen people coming in, but there were eighteen streams of light.

One of them was directly given to Wu Lan.

"Uncle Sea God!" Wu Lan wanted to ask something, but found that the light in the eyes of the Sea God dimmed again, and his head slowly lowered, obviously falling into deep sleep again.

"No matter what, it's good that I'm not dead, huh? Such a strong energy, I can't do it anymore, I have to go back to refine it." Wu Lan didn't say anything more and went back to the contract slot directly.

The rest of the weirdos were very serious at the moment, and they had ten thousand questions. They just felt the terrifying energy in their bodies, and they didn't have time to ask, so they could only sit cross-legged and start refining.

Mu Rufeng was no exception. He sat cross-legged and began to refine.

This energy contained a powerful rule power, as well as a special power that could strengthen the physical strength and enhance the rule power controlled by oneself.

This power was really strange.

When Mu Rufeng finished refining all the energy, five hours had passed.

“I’m in the middle stage of the Emperor. I didn’t expect that such a reward would allow me to break through a small realm.” Mu Rufeng felt the power in his body and was still a little surprised.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 25

[Level]: LV6 (1/7)

[Strength]: 111000

[Spirit]: 111000

[Constitution]: 111000

[Contract Slot]: LV7 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV6 (Bai Jingwei)/LV7 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV7 (Huanxin)/LV7 (Wu Lan)

[Mount]: Nian Beast (God Realm)

[Ghost Power]: Level 9

[Realm]: Emperor Venerable Middle Stage

[Refining Rules]: 50

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Good Gambling] [Demon Suppression Marquis] [Crazy Worker] 】【Parasitic Disaster】【God Hunter】【Medical Saint】

[Skills]: 【Life and Death】...

[Talents]: 【Potential Explosion】...【God Rewards Hard Work】【Flying on the Clouds】【Dragon Corpse Lord】【Power of Rules】

[Luck Value]: 212

Items: 【Scarlet Optimized Share Contract】...

Soul Power: 80 million

Soul Notes: 150,080 billion

Bound Soul Notes: 8.645 billion

Points: 12,145,410

Soul Units: 300,710,550

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that his three-dimensional attributes were enhanced by 10,000 points each.

This amount is not much, but he is now an Emperor, and at this level, he cultivates rules.

The integration of rules into the body enhances the power of rules, not the physical body.

At the same time, there is an additional entry for personal attributes, 【Refine Rules】.

As the name suggests, it is how many rules have been refined, and Mu Rufeng has refined 50 in total.

During these days, Mu Rufeng could refine about four rules almost every night.

This time, the reward given by the Sea God contained ten rules, and also accelerated his refining speed.

After refining fifty rules, Mu Rufeng's realm naturally broke through to the middle stage of the Emperor.

"To cultivate the middle stage of the Emperor, fifty rules are needed. To break through to the late stage, it must be at least one hundred." Mu Rufeng secretly smacked his lips.

The cultivation of the Emperor really consumes the power of rules.

"Hey, Xiaoying and the others have actually broken through to LV7." At this time, Mu Rufeng noticed his contracted ghosts.

Even Bai Jingwei, who had the worst talent, broke through to LV6.

Their upgrades also brought Mu Rufeng several abilities again.

It's just that these abilities are not very useful to Mu Rufeng now.

After all, he is not relying on ghost power now, but on the blood power in his body.

Although these abilities can be activated by the power of Qi and blood, except for some special abilities, the rest are not as good as using some martial arts.

However, no matter what, Xiaoying's various abilities still have a huge effect on Mu Rufeng.

Whether it is the spatial ability that strengthens his inventory or the teleportation, it is extremely powerful.

Mu Rufeng can teleport anywhere within a hundred kilometers, ignoring space, buildings, etc.

It is fast, has no pre-swing, and consumes less.

Of course, Mu Rufeng should be able to tear the space and transfer directly, but it has a pre-swing and consumes more.

Mu Rufeng checked Xiaoying and the others and found that they seemed to have just broken through. They were still practicing and consolidating their own realm.

Looking at Wu Lan again, Wu Lan was still refining the energy in her body.

She is too weak now, only LV7, so the refining speed is naturally much slower.

However, the power of divinity seems to be absorbing those energies and slowly becoming stronger.

Mu Rufeng himself could clearly feel that the divine power in his body was also slowly increasing.

Mu Rufeng stood up and looked around, and found that the others had not yet awakened. Mu Rufeng was the first to complete the refining.

It can be sensed that the strength of these people has increased to varying degrees.

Especially those ghost emperors, they actually broke through to the emperor.

Among them are Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu listened to what Mu Rufeng said and did not break through first. They spent the past ten days strengthening their blood and qi.

However, they could not suppress it today, because this ball of light was the power of ten rules, and there were some special energies.

Mu Rufeng did not disturb them, but stood up and began to wander in the Sea God Palace.

Not long after walking, Mu Rufeng suddenly felt a strong pressure.

Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the throne.

I don’t know when, the light in the eyes of the Sea God on the throne completely disappeared.

But the pressure did not disappear, covering the entire Sea God Palace.

Mu Rufeng immediately took a step back, and then the pressure disappeared.

Mu Rufeng took another step forward, and the pressure reappeared.

Mu Rufeng knew that within a hundred meters, it was a safe zone, without pressure.

Mu Rufeng and others were refining energy here.

If there was pressure, let alone refining, they would probably have to kneel and be unable to move.

It was just that Mu Rufeng had the title of God Slayer and ignored the pressure of God.

As for the light that disappeared in the eyes of the Sea God, Mu Rufeng thought that he should have fallen into a deep sleep.

Wait until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, wake up again, and then send them out.

"I wonder if there are any good treasures in the Sea God Palace." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and began to walk around here.

Faced with the pressure, Mu Rufeng had no reaction and could wander around here freely.

Mu Rufeng first said that he walked around and found nothing.

He also thought about whether to dig some building materials back, which were all good things.

However, the power of rules contained in it was too strong. Even if Mu Rufeng used Xiuchun serrated knife, it took him half a day to grind out a mark.

It was estimated that when the time came, he might not be able to dig out a brick.

So, Mu Rufeng looked at the hundreds of skeletons under the throne.

However, Mu Rufeng did not go there immediately, but walked around the entire front hall.

Finally, a passage was found on each side of the throne a hundred meters away.

Presumably, these two passages led to the real interior of the Sea God Palace.

It was just that the stone door was closed, and no matter what Mu Rufeng did, he could not push the door open.

In this way, Mu Rufeng finally came to the skeletons kneeling on the ground under the throne.

These skeletons all emit a bright black light. Even after tens of thousands of years, there is no trace of decay, and they look extremely brilliant.

These are all the existences of the peak emperor.

Mu Rufeng found that only a small number of them are human-shaped skeletons, and most of them are humanoid, which are probably some monsters.

Mu Rufeng looked here and there, but he didn't find anything on the skeletons.

He could only see some fragments of clothing and rotten strange tools.

These are probably their previous strange tools, but they have decayed because of too long time.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no ghost energy here.

Even if there is only a little bit, it will not decay at all if it is absorbed by these strange tools.

There is also a very powerful absorption force here, which is not available in that protective circle, but Mu Rufeng has a plug-in: immovable as a mountain.

If it were another emperor, even if he could ignore the pressure of the God, he would be sucked to death by the absorption force after leaving the safe zone.

Mu Rufeng felt a little sorry. If these things had not decayed, Mu Rufeng would have made a fortune.

"What a pity." Mu Rufeng sighed.

Finally, he set his sights on the skeleton sea god on the throne.

The sea god held a huge trident in his right hand and a bead around his neck.

In his left hand, he held a fist-sized, irregularly shaped strange weapon.

These three things are definitely at the level of a god.

It's a pity that Mu Rufeng didn't dare to go up and take them.

This sea god is alive, not dead. He doesn't want to be killed and return like this.

"Huh? This is..." Mu Rufeng inadvertently saw some blood stains on the trident held by the second skeleton sea god.

"Was there any before? I paid too much attention. There should be."

Mu Rufeng didn't care much. After all, it was normal to have some blood stains on the trident.

Then Mu Rufeng could only return to the safe area, took out a recliner and sat aside, waiting for the time to come.

Time goes back to three hours ago.

Mu Rufeng and the others all sat cross-legged in the safe zone, quietly refining.

At this moment, an eyeball suddenly appeared on Mu Rufeng's body.

If Mu Rufeng woke up, he would definitely recognize that this eyeball was the item that Chun Jue lent him: the Demon Eye.

This Demon Eye actually came out of Mu Rufeng's inventory by itself, without Mu Rufeng's consent.

After the Demon Eye came out, it immediately floated up, and then suddenly burst out with blood-red flames, and then rushed towards the throne.

The power of absorption here and the pressure of the God seemed to have no effect on it.

No, it should be blocked by the blood-red flame.

"Hmm?" The Sea God, whose eyes were dim, suddenly brightened and his momentum burst out again.

"Interesting." The Sea God lightly clicked, and saw the Demon Eye burning with blood-red flames staying in front.

No matter how the Demon Eye struggled, it was useless.

"This is Mo Qifeng's breath. Haha, you were just staying in the cell and surviving, but now you come here to die?"

"Why, do you still want to save your master? Wishful thinking. In another hundred years, your master's soul will be devoured by me and completely replaced." The Sea God said slowly.

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