I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 381 Mo Qifeng's plan, Chun Jue's abnormality [asking for monthly votes! ]

"You won't succeed, absolutely not."

Mo Qifeng roared, and the blood flame in the Demon God's Eye surged again.

Then the Demon God's Eye gradually turned into a tall human figure, and the blood flame also surged.

Mo Qifeng's aura became stronger and more terrifying, and he was about to reach the level of God.

But no matter how close he got to God, he still didn't reach it.

The Skeleton Sea God on the throne chuckled.

"When you were at your peak, you couldn't pose a threat to me. Now even if you burn your soul and burn the rules, you are still an ant in front of me."

"You are only worthy of being the fertilizer for me to devour your master."

The Skeleton Sea God finished speaking and stretched out his hand again.

An irresistible force acted on Mo Qifeng's body.

The fierce blood flame stopped instantly, then slowly shrank, and was finally compressed back into his body.

Then Mo Qifeng's body began to be compressed, and finally turned into the Demon God's Eye again.

Mo Qifeng struggled but was powerless. He wanted to roar, but it seemed that his vocal cords were cut off and he could not make any sound.

The Demon Eye was pulled by a force and then sank into the palm of the Skeleton Sea God.

"I should have eaten you back then. After so many years, the taste has become worse."

"But it's not bad. It's okay for me."

The Sea God murmured and threw the Demon Eye directly into his mouth. He didn't chew it and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Although it was a skeleton, the Demon Eye rolled into the abdomen along the air esophagus.

There was no physical restraint, but the Demon Eye had no possibility of escape.

It even began to decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After swallowing the Demon Eye, the Sea God no longer cared about it and reached out to take away the ghost den that enveloped Mu Rufeng and others.

That's why what happened just now didn't affect Mu Rufeng and others, and they didn't know about it.

But before he could withdraw, the face of the Skeleton Sea God changed drastically.

He looked at his stomach fiercely, and saw that the Demon God's Eye had been completely digested.

However, in the Demon God's Eye, there was another drop of blood emitting golden light.

"This is the blood of the Sea God. How is this possible? How is it possible that there is still blood of the Sea God?" The face of the Demon God changed drastically.

"You actually used your soul as a cover to send this drop of blood? Is it worth it? Is it worth it?"

"Your soul will vanish into thin air. You dare to do this. Is it worth it?" The Skeleton Sea God roared.

The terrifying momentum and roar burst out, sweeping the entire hall.

The skeletons kneeling on the ground suddenly emitted a dark light, resisting this momentum.

Otherwise, they would be destroyed in an instant.

The Sea God wanted to spit out the drop of blood, but it was too late. The blood quickly shrank and finally disappeared.

This was attracted by the skeleton body of the Sea God.

At this moment, flesh and blood began to grow slowly on Poseidon's head.

"No, no, absolutely not."

The Skeleton Poseidon roared, and actually swung the trident in his hand and stabbed it fiercely on the head.

Then, large pieces of flesh and blood were scraped off, and then absorbed by the power of absorption.

The Skeleton Poseidon kept waving the trident in his hand, and each time, he could scrape off large pieces of flesh and blood.

I don't know how long it took, but the head that should have grown flesh and blood turned into a skeleton again.

And on the trident, some blood stains were inevitably left.

The Skeleton Poseidon has regained his calm, but the dim light in his eye sockets has completely disappeared.


"Huh?" Mu Rufeng suddenly noticed something and looked up at the Poseidon.

"Is it an illusion? It should be an illusion." Mu Rufeng felt that the Poseidon moved.

But he was clearly in a deep sleep, so how could he move?

Mu Rufeng thought, staring at the Sea God for several minutes, but he didn't notice that the Sea God moved.

"I'm so bored." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

It was indeed boring. He had been sitting here for an hour, but no one woke up. They were still refining.

"Haha, my cultivation has recovered to the peak of the middle stage of the Emperor." At this time, Jian Chengsang woke up and laughed.

"Oh? Congratulations, congratulations to Brother Sang for recovering his cultivation." Mu Rufeng looked at Jian Chengsang and congratulated him.

"Brother Mu? Your cultivation has also broken through the middle stage of the Emperor? Congratulations, congratulations." Jian Chengsang was very happy at this moment.

He said that he really didn't expect that this time he actually directly restored his cultivation to the middle stage of the Emperor.

"But, aren't you going to sign the contract and go out? Now that you have recovered your cultivation to the middle stage of the Emperor, won't it be more painful when you fall down later?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Uh" Jian Chengsang's originally smiling expression was stunned in an instant.

Then, he showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Yes, it will definitely be better by then."

"Haha!" Mu Rufeng burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, have you seen them? They will accompany you." Mu Rufeng pointed at those weird things and said with a smile.

There are only ten rules of power, but that special ability is very powerful, which can directly restore some of the cultivation of these weird things.

As for restoring the cultivation of the late emperor, it is still far away.

"That's right." Jian Chengsang thought about it and felt that it really made sense.

"Chi Ling and the other guys broke through to the level of Emperor Venerable directly. It was easy at first, but now it's hard to bear the downgrade." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Who asked Brother Mu to let them all in? Haha." Jian Chengsang laughed.

Then, these Emperor Venerables also finished their refining and woke up one after another.

At first, they were very excited, excited that their cultivation had broken through or recovered.

But then Jian Chengsang poured a basin of cold water on them, which made them want to cry but not cry.

And when Chi Ling and the other three 'Ghost Emperors' woke up, they wanted to cry but not cry.

Really, they had just broken through to the level of Emperor Venerable, and soon they would have to fall down again.

In these ten days, the eight contract quotas for Mu Wuyu and Jian Feng had all been decided.

It was outrageous that those Ghost Emperors were actually favored by Mu Wuyu and the others.

In other words, there were eleven Emperor Venerables and four Ghost Emperors, and among them, four Ghost Emperors were bought by the three of them.

There are five spots left, one for Jian Chengsang, one for Shui Lantian, and one for Fu Tianxiong.

The other two are an emperor named Li Ni and an emperor named Zhixing.

Those ghost emperors have abilities that can match Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu.

As for the emperors, although their abilities are not matched, they are also very powerful and suitable, so the three strongest ones were selected.

That is, Li Ni, Shui Lantian and Fu Tianxiong. Before entering the dungeon, these three were all figures at the peak of the emperor.

A group of weirdos immediately started chatting.

And now, only Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu have not woken up.

They have also broken through to the emperor's cultivation at this moment.

They should still be consolidating their own realm, or in other words, feeling the power of the emperor and the mystery of the practice.

The emperor can increase the power of the Kaitian God Art.

After another hour, the two finally woke up slowly.

"Congratulations to Brother Jian and Brother Liu for successfully breaking through the Emperor." Mu Rufeng stepped forward and clasped his fists to congratulate.



A group of weirdos also came forward to congratulate.

The two also smiled and returned the greetings to everyone one by one.

They were also very happy to break through the Emperor.

However, everyone's voices were very low and the amplitude of their movements was not big.

The most important thing is that this is the interior of the Sea God Palace, where the Sea God is sitting.

They looked at the Sea God from time to time, fearing that they would anger the Sea God and be wiped out.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was seven o'clock in the morning of the next day.


The door opened on time.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other, and then immediately walked outside.

The pressure of the God of the Lord that was still there disappeared because the door was opened.

The group walked out of the Sea God Palace smoothly.

Outside the door was Deacon Chunjue.

After everyone walked out of the Sea God Palace, the door slowly closed.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Chunjue waved his hand and led everyone away directly.

When they appeared again, they appeared in front of Chunjue's door.

"Zhu Nan, take your people back." Chunjue said to Zhu Nan who was waiting on the side.

"Yes, Steward." Zhu Nan responded and led everyone to the front.

"Mu Rufeng stay." Chunjue said.

Mu Rufeng paused, slowly turned his head and looked at Chunjue.

"Mu Rufeng, be respectful and don't offend the Steward." Zhu Nan gave a warning and left with everyone.

Mu Rufeng followed Chunjue into the house.

The door closed.

"Sit down, don't be nervous, just chat." Chunjue gestured to Mu Rufeng to sit on the sofa.

"Not nervous." Mu Rufeng smiled and then sat on the sofa opposite.

"The task I gave you was completed very beautifully. In a short time, you caught fifteen heads for me. Counting the previous one, that's sixteen heads." Chunjue said slowly.

"That is also the result of the item that the steward gave me." Mu Rufeng said.

"This item is not so easy to get. Okay, now you can return it to me." Chunjue said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then prepared to take out the Demon Eye.

However, he was soon dumbfounded. No, the Demon Eye was gone.

He carefully checked his inventory, but still did not find any trace of the Demon Eye.

"What's going on? Why is the item gone?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

You know, as long as it is not through his will, no one can take things from his inventory.

He has never seen the situation where things in the inventory disappear.

Not to mention Mu Rufeng, even the countless players and contractors have never encountered this situation.

"What's wrong? Where is the item? Take it out, you won't tell me that it is lost?" Chunjue asked suspiciously.

"Ahem, Master Steward, the Demon Eye disappeared from my inventory for some reason." Mu Rufeng said.

"Disappeared? Are you kidding me?"

"Really, Master Steward, I know you may not believe it, but please believe me, it's really gone." Mu Rufeng was a little helpless. How could such a good item disappear?

You know, it was still good yesterday. It's impossible that there is a limit on the number of times or time limit.

When May comes, the props will automatically disappear when the time is up?

But that's not right, there is no such thing in the props properties.

After hearing what Mu Rufeng said, Chun Jue did not ask, but fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she slowly said: "Then tell me, is the light in the eyes of the Sea God still there?"

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was stunned, he couldn't figure out why Chun Jue asked this.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong in his heart.

Just at this time, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[The third stage of the task is open. After 12 o'clock in the morning tonight and before 5 o'clock in the morning, please go to the cell where the first warrior of the Sea God Palace, the Thousand-Eyed God General Mo Qifeng, is imprisoned]

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, the third stage of the task was actually opened.

In the early morning of yesterday, the second stage of the task was completed.

[The second stage mission is completed. Congratulations to the player for capturing a total of 15 sea dolphins, obtaining a 1,500% clearance completion rate, and improving clearance evaluation and rewards]

I had never believed in the third stage mission, but I didn't expect it to appear at this time.

And it was when Chunjue asked this question that the third stage mission appeared.

He knew that something was definitely wrong, but he still answered: "When we left the Sea God Palace, the Sea God fell into a deep sleep, and the light in his eyes disappeared. Deacon, I~~~!"

Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, Chunjue interrupted again: "You mean the light in the Sea God's eyes disappeared? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Mu Rufeng nodded, and at the same time he became suspicious.

There is a conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy.

Maybe the Deacon knew in advance that this item would disappear from Mu Rufeng's inventory.

Otherwise, why didn't the Deacon delve into the matter of the missing item, but asked if the light in the Sea God's eyes was still there?

Moreover, Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that Mo Qifeng had a nickname, called the Thousand-Eyed God General, and the one that was given to Mu Rufeng to bury under the mining area was also an eyeball.

And the Demon God Eye that Chunjue gave him was also an eyeball, so, is this Demon God Eye the eye of Mo Qifeng?

"Tell me in detail what happened when you entered the Sea God Palace, and pay special attention to the light in the eyes of the Sea God." Chunjue said.

"Yes, Deacon." Mu Rufeng's guess in his heart became more and more certain, and it was definitely related to the Sea God.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and still did not hide it, and told some things that happened after he entered.

The focus was also on the eyes of the Sea God. Of course, Mu Rufeng directly erased the appearance of Wu Lan.

"You go, considering that you caught so many Sea God Dolphins for me, forget about that prop." Chunjue suddenly waved to Mu Rufeng.

"Thank you, Deacon." Mu Rufeng thanked him and left here directly.

Chunjue looked at the closed door, his face was a little excited, but also a little lonely.

In the end, the excitement and excitement overwhelmed it.

"Success, Brother Feng, you are willing to sacrifice yourself to do something, and it's successful."

Chunjue calmed down, and then immediately went to her room, closed the bedroom door, and turned on the soundproof formation.

Then, she took out a box with a lot of inscriptions from under the bed and slowly opened it.

"Lord Poseidon, I hope you can do it this time."


After Mu Rufeng left, he took a few steps and suddenly found that he didn't seem to know the way.

Mu Rufeng looked at the long corridor in front of him and was dumbfounded.

When Zhunan brought them here, he didn't walk over, but directly used the ghost to bring them here.

In this way, Mu Rufeng could only walk to the door again and wanted to ask the steward.

"Dongdongdong! Steward, I don't know how I can go back?" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door and asked.

However, there was no response from inside. Mu Rufeng knocked again, but still no response.

Mu Rufeng knocked silently for a minute, but found that no one responded to him.

Mu Rufeng had no choice but to find the way by himself. By the way, it would be nice to take a look here.

Soon Mu Rufeng started to walk around.

Rooms, many rooms.

They should be where the jailers live, and then there are restaurants, entertainment rooms, etc.

Other than that, there is nothing.

Then he walked around and actually returned to Chunjue's room from the other end.

It was such a simple place, there was nothing to see at all.

Mu Rufeng had no choice but to knock on Chunjue's door again.

On the contrary, there was still no response.

"It's impossible that the deacon fell asleep? Or is there a secret passage leading to somewhere in the room? She is no longer in the room?" Mu Rufeng said with some pain in his balls.

Mu Rufeng had no choice but to wait here.

It's not like he hadn't thought about opening the door, but when he thought about the fact that the door behind him was probably the jailer's bedroom, there would be no point in going in.

And the most important thing is that none of these doors have keyholes.

Mu Rufeng has a master key, but you don't have a keyhole, how can you open the door?

In the blink of an eye, five hours passed.

Mu Rufeng raised his hand and knocked on the door again as usual.

He knocked every half an hour, and this time, there was finally a response from inside.

"Why are you still here? Didn't you leave?" The door opened, and Chunjue looked at Mu Rufeng with suspicion.

"Master Steward, I've been waiting here for five hours. There's no road here, and I don't know how to go back." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, I forgot. I just took a nap. I'll take you back now." Chunjue's expression changed.

But he recovered quickly, and before Mu Rufeng could speak again, a force swept Mu Rufeng away and disappeared on the spot.

When Mu Rufeng came to his senses again, he found himself in the prison.

The prison door was open.

It was not time to get off work yet, but it was not long, so Chunjue did not send Mu Rufeng to deal with the sewage, but sent him back to the prison directly.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, whether to take advantage of the prison being open and go to the deepest part of the prison to take a look.

But thinking of his mission, Mu Rufeng decided to go in the early morning.


In a blink of an eye, it was time to get off work.

Zhu Nan returned with a group of weirdos.

Zhu Nan saw Mu Rufeng in the prison and didn't say anything. After letting them all go back to the cell, he closed the door and quickly prepared meals.

Mu Rufeng immediately chatted with them.

Today they were dealing with sewage. Because Mu Rufeng was not there, they were extremely hard to deal with.

They didn't rest much, and they just finished it.

They all cried and said that if they had known that he would not go today, they should have borrowed the Overlord vacuum cleaner.


A few hours passed, and the time came to two o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng looked at everyone and found that they were all practicing.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered the ability of virtualization, and then suppressed it with rules at the first time.

Then he offset one rule and modified another rule.

Mu Rufeng tried to go out from the fence door.

The result satisfied Mu Rufeng very much. There was no obstacle at all, and Mu Rufeng successfully got out of the prison.

Then he quickly went to the depths of the prison.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the deepest part of the prison, which was in front of the prison where the first warrior of the Sea God Palace, Mo Qifeng, was imprisoned.

However, the cell this time was completely different from the first time he came here.

When he looked at the cell at that time, it was extremely dark, without any light.

But now, there was a bright light flickering in the cell, which was the light emitted by a corpse.

A corpse that had turned into a skeleton.

There was no life, only a thick breath of death, and it also emitted an evil power.

The breath of the evil ghost, this bone actually became a source of pollution.

It’s just that even this evil power is being absorbed by the power of absorption.

With this absorption force, it is afraid that it will be difficult to become an evil ghost in a lifetime.

Mu Rufeng waited for a while and found that there was no system prompt sound.

"So, do you want me to go in?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He has seen that this demon eye must be the eyeball of Mo Qifeng.

Moreover, it is possible that all his power is on this demon eye.

Therefore, without the support of strength, Mo Qifeng's body became a source of pollution.

The Demon Eye must have taken advantage of Mu Rufeng's training and came out of his inventory in some unknown way.

Then, in some way, it affected the Sea God and made him fall into a real sleep.

This kind of sleep, it is estimated that the outside world can no longer affect it, the soul fire in the eye sockets is extinguished, it is a real sleep.

In the end, Mu Rufeng decided to enter it.

Mu Rufeng used a series of abilities such as rule suppression again and entered it easily.

When Mu Rufeng entered, he saw a black light suddenly shot out from the corpse.

Mu Rufeng wanted to stop it, but the black light had already sunk into his body.

[The third stage of the task is completed, the residual soul of Mo Qifeng is successfully collected, and the completion rate of the clearance is increased by 500%]

[The fourth stage of the task is opened, please go to the Sea God Palace on the 1st of next month]

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