I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 383 Return Settlement Rewards [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

When Mu Rufeng picked up the wooden box, a black light shot out from his body and then sank directly into the wooden box.

"Click!" A crisp sound.

The wooden box opened automatically.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A dull sound came from the wooden box.

Mu Rufeng looked closely and found that it was a shriveled heart.

This heart was shriveled beyond recognition, but it was still beating.

To be honest, if it wasn't beating, Mu Rufeng wouldn't know that this was a heart.

"Ah~~! What is this?" Jian Yifeng said in some pain.

"It's so uncomfortable."

"My blood and vitality are being absorbed."

Mu Wuyu was the same, with a somewhat ferocious expression.

[The final stage mission is completed, and the clearance is 1000% completed]

[The side mission is open. Please get the first place in the mining ranking within ten days]

[Player Mu Rufeng can return at any time and accept the side mission. Once the side mission is accepted, it must be completed before returning]

Several prompts appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

Without much hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly accepted the side mission.

Then, he looked at Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng.

He could feel that the blood and vitality of the two of them were being absorbed by this shriveled heart.

Before Mu Rufeng could speak, he saw the shriveled heart suddenly fly up, and then flew forward.

In an instant, it flew directly to the body of the Skeleton Sea God, and then directly entered the chest cavity of his skeleton.

That was the position of the heart.

When the heart was in place, blood vessels instantly spread out and extended to other places.

But it was soon blocked by a force and stopped expanding.

The heart also beat more vigorously, and a huge force was absorbed from the blood vessels and entered the heart.

In a short moment, the originally shriveled heart regained a little vitality.

With every beat, the heart can recover a little.

In a short while, it was no longer as shriveled as before, and it can be seen at a glance that this is a heart.

"How are you two?" Mu Rufeng looked at the two and asked.

"It's okay."

"That feeling is gone."

The two replied.

"It seems that it should be the problem of that heart." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Ninth brother, what are you doing here, and what's the matter with that heart?" Mu Wuyu said.

"I can't tell you about the confidentiality contract, but it has nothing to do with us and will not affect us. Practice, wait until the gate opens tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said, sat cross-legged, and then practiced.

Seeing this, Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng still wanted to ask, but they had no choice but to practice together.


The next day, Chunjue arrived on time.

The gate of the Sea God Palace was also opened on time.

Before Mu Rufeng left, he glanced at the Skeleton Sea God.

At this moment, the heart of the Sea God had already shriveled up, beating like a normal heart.

The blood vessels also extended outward for a distance again, but there was still a force blocking it.

Mu Rufeng guessed that there were definitely two consciousnesses fighting in this body.

Mu Rufeng also asked Wu Lan, and Wu Lan felt that Mu Rufeng was right.

At the same time, she was very excited, as if she felt that the previous Sea God was not the Sea God at all, but the consciousness that was fighting with him now was the Sea God's body.

Wu Lan also discussed with Mu Rufeng, saying that after returning, when she went to the strange world next time, she would tell her father, Wu Fo Shenzun, the news.

The contract they signed had a confidentiality clause.

Without Mu Rufeng's permission, Wu Lan could not tell others what she saw and heard.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and agreed. After all, this didn't involve him much. Of course, she was not allowed to say anything else, and could only talk about the news of the Sea God.

Unfortunately, the [Secret Spy] plug-in always gave Mu Rufeng some useless information.

For example, today's secret is that an emperor in their cell is weird. He is a gay and he likes Fu Tianxiong.

It's really weird.


Chunjue saw the three people coming out, and he didn't even say a word. He rolled the three people and left here directly.

"Take the people back." Mu Rufeng only vaguely heard Chunjue's order.

When he came back to his senses again, he found himself in Chunjue's room.

And Chunjue sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Mu Rufeng, I see that the rules and contracts have been completed. Has the thing in the box entered the body of the Sea God?"

Chunjue stared at Mu Rufeng while speaking.

"Yes, the heart of the Sea God has recovered, just like a normal person's heart." Mu Rufeng nodded and said.

"Good, great, haha." Chun Jue laughed excitedly.

"Master Steward, is it true that Master Poseidon has two consciousnesses in his body now?"

"The Poseidon I saw when I first entered the Poseidon Palace was not the real Poseidon, but a series of subsequent events. Am I helping the real Poseidon?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It seems that you know everything. That's right. What I asked you to do is also very obvious. You can also clearly see the changes in Poseidon."

"You can't know the details, just complete your task well." Chunjue said slowly.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and asked again: "Sir, how long will it take for the result to come out?"

"Also, if the result comes out, will it have an impact on the Sea God Palace? Will it have an impact on the outside world?"

Chunjue chuckled and said, "You asked a good question. I don't know the specific time, but the result should be available in five years at the earliest and ten years at the latest."

"The result is very important to the Sea God Palace, and it also has a very significant impact, and it will naturally affect the outside world."

Mu Rufeng saw Chunjue's expression and knew that this was definitely beneficial to her, or to the real Sea God.

"Such a secret thing, tell me, is this okay?" Mu Rufeng looked at Chunjue.

Chunjue said calmly: "What's wrong with telling you, even if the gods from the outside world join forces, they can't affect this place."

"Okay, you can go back."

Chunjue's words fell, and an irresistible force came.

When Mu Rufeng came back to his senses, he was already on the beach.

"Why is there no one here?" Mu Rufeng looked around and found that there was no one.

There was only the sea covered with garbage.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and checked the time. He found that it was only 7:20.

So, there were still 40 minutes before work time, and they hadn't come yet.

But Mu Rufeng was sent here by Chunjue first.

"Alas, it's really a hard life. Work, work." Mu Rufeng shook his head slightly, then took out the Overlord vacuum cleaner and flew towards the sea.

At eight o'clock, Zhu Nan came with people.

Then, they saw Mu Rufeng busy, and they were all dumbfounded.

But they didn't say anything, and immediately took out their props and rushed to work.


The next day.

June 9, 00.00 in the morning.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the side quest, getting the first place in mining, and meeting the clearance conditions]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately]

The prison is a little quiet at this moment.

There were originally eighteen prisoners, but a few days ago, after get off work on the 2nd, ten of them left directly after dinner.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu signed a contract with Jian Chengsang, Fu Tianxiong and others, and then returned together.

Although Jian Chengsang's contract has not been completed, the first place in mining for thirty times has not been achieved.

But it's not much of a difference, so he doesn't care about it.

In order to get out, Jian Chengsang directly unilaterally confirmed that the contract has been fulfilled.

With Jian Chengsang's approval, the contract is naturally considered completed.

Mu Rufeng could have returned the next day, but seeing that there was still more than a week left, he took the second place a few times.

Let Chi Ling take the first place a few times.

Then today during the day, I won the first place. In the early morning, the reward was issued, the side quest was completed directly, and I could return.

Originally, I should have stayed for two more days to get another mining reward.

But Mu Rufeng considered that the 10th was the Dragon Boat Festival, so Mu Rufeng returned early.

First, it was to go home and eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

Second, there was an exclusive dungeon for the Dragon Boat Festival. It was the same in previous years, and Mu Rufeng didn't want to miss it.

After all, now I also want to go to the dungeon as much as possible to quickly improve my contractor level.

"Chi Ling, there are three minutes left, sign the contract immediately." Mu Rufeng suddenly shouted outside the cell.

"Okay, Brother Feng." Chi Ling immediately responded, and then took out the contract that had been prepared long ago.

After signing his name, he pressed the blood handprint again.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that he had a connection with Chi Ling.

Then, Chi Ling also directly entered his contract slot.

When they were in the mining area before, Mu Rufeng told Chi Ling about it, and the two of them immediately made a contract.

After returning to the cell, he immediately lowered his realm. The pain he suffered was too painful.

As long as Mu Rufeng completed the task, he could sign the contract, and then he could return to the real world with Mu Rufeng.

"Brother Feng, goodbye, remember to come again next time."

"Brother Feng, you left like this, I really don't want to let you go."

"Brother Feng~~~"

The few remaining emperors looked weird and looked at Mu Rufeng eagerly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at them and said: "Okay, don't make it like a life-and-death separation, I have saved tens of millions of ores for each of you."

"Even your prison is full of ores. If you discuss it yourself, you can get the top five for a long time."

The emperors immediately laughed when they heard it.

When they learned that they were not selected for the contract, and then knew that Mu Rufeng was going to return, they all flattered themselves and asked Mu Rufeng to get some ore for them.

Mu Rufeng chose to give them all ore based on the principle that one more friend means one more way, so he directly filled all of them with ore.

Each storage space was filled up, and it was not enough, so he also filled the cells where they lived with ore.

If it were not collected after the mining area was excavated, the power inside would be absorbed by the power of extraction.

Otherwise, they would definitely let Mu Rufeng fill the mining area with excavated ore.

Moreover, Zhu Nan probably thinks so too.

"Okay, everyone, we are destined to meet again." Mu Rufeng greeted.

"Seniors, farewell!" Chi Ling also appeared, and then strangely greeted the remaining six emperors.

"See you later!"

Chi Ling returned to the contract slot, and then Mu Rufeng directly chose to return immediately, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Brother Feng is gone, and his breath can no longer be sensed."

"Yes, Brother Feng is gone. These two months have been like a dream."

"Haha, yes, it's just like a dream."

"Dreaming? Hehe, wait until later, it will be our home court, and we will round up the top five."

"Yes, the first five will make a round. The sixth place will be the first place next time. It will be my turn. I will be the first." An emperor said strangely.

"Why are you the first? Everyone has the same cultivation level."

"That's right, that's right, I still want to be the first one."

"What's the fuss about? Let's discuss it. In this way, the next time we mine, we will directly determine the ranking based on the weight of our own mining."

"Huh? Okay, this is good, it depends on the weight of our mining."

"But what if someone secretly takes out their own ore?"

"That seems to be correct, but it doesn't matter. We can just ask Mr. Zhunan to supervise it."

"Okay, let's do it."

"In this way, we can go to the Poseidon Palace to receive rewards every month."

"That is to say, when we become stronger and the contractors come in, we will be in trouble if we fall to the realm."

".Can you please stop saying this? The good mood I had just now disappeared all of a sudden."

Suddenly, the prison fell into silence.

Real world, Bermuda Triangle.

When Mu Rufeng came back to her senses, she found that she had appeared on the sea.

The vast fog ahead was still there, but at this moment, Mu Rufeng could see through the fog at a glance.

It was different from before entering the dungeon. At that time, he was only at the ninth level of the divine realm, but now, he was at the tenth level of the emperor realm, and he was still in the middle stage of the emperor realm.

The strength of both sides is really different.

Mu Rufeng discovered that there was still a fleet outside the fog.

However, the fleet was much larger than before, and Mu Rufeng even saw the Chinese fleet.

It is unimaginable that the Chinese fleet would actually appear here.

You know, China is more than 12,000 kilometers away from the Bermuda Triangle.

Distance is not a problem. The most important thing is that this is the intersection of the British, the United States and Puerto Rico.

These three countries would allow other countries' fleets to be stationed here, which is simply an international joke.

However, now it is really here.

Mu Rufeng also guessed that it must be because Jian Yiyi and Mu Wuyu returned from the Poseidon Palace copy a few days ago.

They must have reported the matter here, and Ye Lin, as the head of the relevant department, also reported it to the superiors immediately.

Finally, the fleet was stationed.

And why did these three countries agree? There must be no restrictions on the exit of the login bracelet. There is a high probability that Jian Yiyi or Mu Wuyu went to have a rest.

They are now at the early stage of Emperor Zun's cultivation. Now other countries don't even have ninth-level ghost emperors. When they see Emperor Zun, they are so far away from Dapu that they dare to refuse.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the Chinese fleet, then tore the space apart and disappeared.

As a being who had broken through the middle stage of Emperor Zun, Mu Rufeng felt the weakness of the earth's space as soon as she returned to the real world.

He can tear apart space at will and appear anywhere he knows.

This ability is simply outrageous.

It is estimated that not only Mu Rufeng, but also Emperor Zun can do this.

In the strange world, it is probably not possible to be so relaxed. The main reason is that the earth's space is too thin. After all, even supernatural powers did not exist before.

Mu Rufeng returned to Changsha and returned home.

He took a look and found that Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran were not at home. However, Mu Rufeng also saw the message on WeChat.

Not in the dungeon, but back in Yongcheng.

Because today was the Dragon Boat Festival, she felt deserted by herself, and because she was Mu Rufeng's girlfriend, she went directly back to Mu Rufeng's house in Yongcheng.

"I didn't expect to go to Yongcheng." Mu Rufeng chuckled.

Mu Rufeng did not reply to the message, but sat on the sofa and directly chose to settle the reward.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for successfully clearing the special copy: Poseidon Palace]

[The player successfully completes the first phase of the mission, and the level of clearance completion increases by 1,000%. The player successfully completes the second phase of the mission, and the level of clearance completion increases by 1,500%]

[The player successfully completes the third phase of the task, and the level of clearance is increased by 500%. The player successfully completes the fourth stage of the task, and the level of clearance is increased by 1,000%]

[The player successfully completes the final mission, and the level of completion is increased by 1,000%]

[The player successfully completes the side mission, and the overall evaluation increases by 20%]

[Trigger the Chosen Person attribute, and the dungeon clearance rate increases by 60%]

(I have always forgotten the attribute of the Chosen Person. I cannot modify the previous chapters without permission. The subsequent dungeon settlement will be triggered according to this Chosen Person attribute)

[Chosen Person]: The person chosen by God.

Special attribute 2: When you pass the dungeon, the dungeon clearance will increase by 30% (the title is doubled). (Total clearance x 1.6 = final clearance)

[Crazy Chosen Person]: ...

Effect: When wearing this title, the attribute of the rule prop: [Chosen Person] is doubled...

[Total clearance is 9,600%, nine rule powers are obtained, rule skills are obtained: rule enhancement, special props are obtained: Sea God Palace token, Emperor's Trickster: Cage, title: Mining Master, Soul Notes 9,600]

[It is detected that the host has passed the dungeon, the plug-in is uninstalled, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Immovable as a Mountain]

[Rule Enhancement]: Rule-type skills, after casting, can strengthen their own rule power, rule props, or rule skills.

[Sea God Palace Token]: This is the token of the steward outside the Sea God Palace.

Effect: A special item. Holding this token in the Dead Sea can command the unintelligent creatures of the Dead Sea and shock the intelligent creatures of the Dead Sea to a certain extent.

[Mining Master]: Your mining speed has been recognized by the rules.

Effect: Wearing this title, the mining speed increases by 100%, and all attributes +100.

[Cage]: An extremely sturdy cage.

Effect: A level 10 item that can imprison the target enemy in the cage, and can imprison the peak of the emperor.

Note: The imprisonment time depends on the strength of both parties, and the number of imprisoned targets is 10.

[Mount as a Mountain]: Your own body and all the energy in the body will not be shaken.

I have to say that the rewards for this copy are very rich.

First of all, you get nine rules of power, which should be one rule of power for one thousand clearance completions.

Although Mu Rufeng obtained a lot of rule power in the Sea God Palace, these nine rule powers are almost a terrifying reward.

If this is taken to the strange world, I am afraid that the ghost emperors will go crazy.

Then he directly obtained the ability to strengthen the rules, and can arbitrarily strengthen the rule power in his body, even the rule props or rule skills, which is also an extremely powerful ability.

As for the Sea God Palace token, this seems to be good, but in fact, it is not very useful for Mu Rufeng, but it is also a good prop.

Especially for the weaker contractors, it is simply a blast to go to the Dead Sea.

Mu Rufeng held the Sea God Palace token in his hand, and suddenly, he had a great idea.

The title of mining master, well, how to say it, 100 points of all attributes are dispensable, as for the speed of mining, how could Mu Rufeng go mining?

As for the tenth-level prop obtained, that is, the Emperor's Weird Weapon [Cage], it is a very powerful prop.

It can trap the peak of the Emperor, and most importantly, it can imprison ten targets at a time.

Under certain circumstances, this item is absolutely extremely powerful.

As for the last plug-in legacy, it surprised Mu Rufeng that the attributes were exactly the same.

However, it should have been reduced, but it cannot be seen in the attribute description.

The rewards for this trip to the Sea God Palace dungeon are secondary.

In fact, the most important thing is that his cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of the Emperor.

He also obtained a large amount of rule power, refined a lot, and stored a lot of it himself.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 25

[Level]: LV6 (2/7)

[Strength]: 131100

[Spirit]: 131100

[Constitution]: 131100

[Contract Slot]: LV7 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV6 (Bai Jingwei)/LV7 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV7 (Huanxin)/LV7 (Wu Lan)/LV7 (Chi Ling)

[Mount]: Nian Beast (God Realm)

[Ghost Power]: Level 9

[Realm]: Emperor Venerable Middle Stage

[Refinement Rules]: 105

[Power of Rules]: 230

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [Lucky Gambling] [Demon Suppression] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster] [God Hunter] [Medical Saint] [Mining Master]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [God Rewards Hard Work] [Flying on the Clouds] [Lord of the Dragon Corpse] [Power of Rules] [Rule Strengthening]

[Luck Value]: 212

[Items]: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

[Soul Power]: 80 million

[Soul Notes]: 150,800 billion

[Bound Soul Notes]: 8.645 billion

[Points]: 12,145,410

[Soul Units]: 300,710,550

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