I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 384: A major technological breakthrough in the Bureau of Strange Matters [Please give me a m

Mu Rufeng has always refined 105 rules these days.

It's not that Mu Rufeng doesn't want to refine it, but it's a matter of refining speed.

However, after the follow-up came out, Mu Rufeng decided to plan these 230 rules carefully.

Of course it is impossible to use all of it for refining and cultivation. He wants to maximize the benefits.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng's strength is enough for the time being. If it is fully refined, it will reach the peak of the middle stage of Emperor Zun at most.

In the later stage of Emperor Zun, it is probably a bit reluctant.

However, cultivation must continue, part of it can be used for cultivation, and part of it must be retained.

Two hundred and thirty rules are actually quite few.

Mu Rufeng estimated that Jian Chengsang must have more power of rules than him.

It took him nearly two months to get the first place. The first place was for Ten Rules.

Even if Mu Rufeng collects half of the rules from the others, he is still no match for Jian Chengsang.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng has been refining the rules, while Jian Chengsang only saved the rules without refining them.

After all, if it is refined, it will be even more painful when it falls down.

"Ring ring ring~~!" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's cell phone rang.

Mu Rufeng took it out and saw that it was Zhao Yanran calling.

After the call was connected, Zhao Yanran's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Your Highness, are you back?"

"Well, how can I answer your call if I don't come back?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Huh, I didn't reply to the message even after I returned. If I hadn't read it and couldn't reply, I definitely wouldn't have called you." Zhao Yanran said with a snort.

"This is not just a return, the settlement reward is here."

"My uncle and aunt cooked a lot of delicious food during the Dragon Boat Festival. Are you coming back?" Zhao Yanran changed the subject.

"I'm going back, of course I'm going back, I'm going back now." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, and then Mu Rufeng hung up the phone.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival dungeon started pulling people in around eight o'clock in the evening. Mu Rufeng didn't know if she would be pulled in.

But the probability should be quite high.

Because last year, all contractors above level LV5 entered.

There should be no changes this year.

Then, Mu Rufeng released his spiritual thoughts, covering half of the earth in an instant.

Divine Mind is a special method that was born after he broke through the realm of martial arts and broke through to the emperor.

It is similar to the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator.

With his current strength, his spiritual thoughts can cover half of the earth.

Of course, this consumption is undoubtedly huge, because changes in everything on half of the earth will be fed back to Mu Rufeng.

This huge amount of information is unbearable even for Mu Rufeng now.

Mu Rufeng immediately narrowed the scope and extended his spiritual thoughts to Yongcheng.

Then, with a thought, Mu Rufeng used teleportation, and his figure appeared directly outside the house.

Just as Mu Rufeng took out her keys and was about to open the door and go in, a WeChat message came from the phone on her left hand.

Mu Rufeng took a look and saw that it was from Ye Lin.

Ye Lin: "Mu Rufeng, the Bureau of Trickery's technology has made new breakthroughs. Remember to come to the headquarters after you return. The newly developed technology should be produced in the next few days."

After reading the news, Mu Rufeng was very curious and immediately replied: "Oh? Is there new technology? A big breakthrough? What big breakthrough is it?"

Ye Lin: "Huh? You're back? That's good. Come directly to the headquarters."

"Who is outside? Is Xiaofeng back?" At this time, Liu Meizhu's voice came from inside the house.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she quickly responded: "Yes, it's me." At the same time, she opened the door with the key.

Moreover, he immediately replied a message to Ye Lin: "I am at home now and have to have dinner with my family. After I finish eating, I will go to you in the afternoon and report on this copy."

Ye Lin: "Okay! Also, Happy Dragon Boat Festival!"

Mu Rufeng: "Happy together, happy together!"

"Why is it so slow to open the door? You should be able to come in directly. Why should I open the door?" Liu Meizhu happened to bring a bowl of food to the dining table in the living room and said to Mu Rufeng who opened the door and walked in.

"Isn't that because I'm afraid of scaring you guys?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Grandpa? Mom, have you all entered the dungeon?" At this time, Mu Rufeng noticed that they had ghost power in their bodies.

"Yeah, it's really scary when you go in, but with the props you gave me, there's no danger." Liu Meizhu said.

"Not to mention, it's really fun inside." Grandpa said with a smile.

Grandma immediately slapped Grandpa and said, "It's so funny, it almost gave me a heart attack. Fortunately, I mentioned Xiaofeng's name, and all the weird ones became amiable."

"It's quite fun. I also made a contract with a weirdo. Now that I have ghost power in my body, my body feels more comfortable." Grandpa said.

"Haha, that's good. I was worried that you guys wouldn't be able to adapt." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Xiaoya, come out and say hello to my sweet grandson."

However, there was no movement. Suddenly, grandpa said awkwardly: "The little girl is afraid of strangers. She said you are too scary and dare not come out. Are you scary?"

Grandpa looked Mu Rufeng up and down. The more he looked, the more he felt that his grandson was really a handsome young man.

"Grandpa, if you don't want to come out of your contract, just don't come out."

"I have already restrained my breath, but I didn't expect that she could still sense it. It seems that she has a strong ability." Mu Rufeng said while touching his chin.

"Yes, Xiaoya's ability is danger perception, and she almost never makes mistakes." Grandpa said.

"Sit down and eat some fruit. It will take another half an hour before dinner." Zhao Yanran came out of the kitchen with a bowl of cut watermelon, apples, and washed lychees.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Yanran in an apron and smiled.

"Xiaofeng, are you back? I used a lot of special ingredients today, which will definitely suit your appetite." Mu Shan came over with a large bowl of crayfish and put it on the table.

"You all cook delicious food, and you also made such a large bowl of crayfish." Mu Rufeng looked at the full bowl of crayfish and was a little greedy.

It is now June, and it is the season for eating crayfish.

"By the way, Dad, where are my aunt and them? And my cousins?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It just so happens that the relevant department has some official business to go to the Magic City. Your aunt and uncle have now joined the relevant department and accepted this job."

"Then they took your cousins ​​to travel. The third child happened to be in the Magic City, so they should spend the Dragon Boat Festival together." Mu Shan said.

"Oh." Mu Rufeng grabbed a piece of watermelon and started eating.

Mu Rufeng was thinking about his parents and grandparents while eating the fruit.

This time, Mu Rufeng went into the dungeon for two months, and his grandparents and mother all entered the dungeon on the day he entered the dungeon.

In two months, they also reached level three, but grandma and mother have not yet contracted weirdness, only grandpa has contracted.

His father Mu Shan entered the dungeon earlier.

Mu Shan entered in January, and it has been five months now. The level has reached level four and will soon be upgraded to level five.

He also contracted more weirdness, with three as many as three.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't told his father later not to contract too many low-level weirdness, and to contract high-level weirdness when he reached a higher level in the future.

His father might have reached the end of his contract.

"How was it, did the dungeon go smoothly this time?" Zhao Yanran sat next to Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Well, it went smoothly and the harvest was huge. By the way, I see that your cultivation has reached the peak of soul refining. When are you going to break through to the divine realm?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It will take at least several years." Zhao Yanran said.

"Then, break through tonight. After the breakthrough, go to the dungeon of the Sea God Palace." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is it the dungeon that Jian Yifeng and the Sixth Prince talked about? No, they can't say it, why can you say it?" Zhao Yanran said in surprise.

"I don't know either, I feel I can say it." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"What is this dungeon like? Jian Yifeng and the Sixth Prince actually broke through to the Emperor in it."

"What about you? I can't feel the breath on you. Did you also break through to the Emperor?" Zhao Yanran grabbed Mu Rufeng's palm and poured the blood and qi into Mu Rufeng's body.

She wanted to check Mu Rufeng's realm.

Unfortunately, all her efforts fell on deaf ears.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng released a breath of air directly, which Zhao Yanran could sense.

"Yes, I also broke through to the Emperor. This dungeon, how should I put it, is indeed a very good dungeon. Although it is dangerous, the benefits are also huge." Mu Rufeng said.

"Emperor, Emperor, I didn't expect that you could break through to the Emperor with just one dungeon. I think of our Zhao family's ancestor, who broke through to the Emperor after going through untold hardships." Zhao Yanran said with some emotion.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you enter the Sea God Palace, you can also break through to the Emperor. There should be a big change in the Sea God Palace, so I want you to break through as soon as possible."

"Is my seventh sister in seclusion to break through the God Realm?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, after Jian Yifeng and the Sixth Prince returned, the Seventh Princess began to retreat, and some Tianjiao also began to retreat to break through."

"However, the God Realm is not that easy to break through. I can't do it without the help of some spiritual objects." Zhao Yanran said.

"Haha, don't worry, I have a lot of spiritual objects here."

"After you break through the divine realm, I will lend you a prop. After you go there, you can gain a lot of rule power." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhao Yanran smiled and nodded, and her body unconsciously moved closer to Mu Rufeng.

She relied more on Mu Rufeng in her heart.

Mu Rufeng naturally felt it, and looked at Zhao Yanran with burning eyes. The two looked at each other, and they could feel that their feelings were heating up more and more.


After lunch, Mu Rufeng took Zhao Yanran to the headquarters of the relevant department.

Mu Rufeng did not arrive directly by teleportation, but went there with Zhao Yanran.

He controlled the speed and arrived in about an hour.

During this hour, Mu Rufeng and Zhao Yanran were chatting.

Focusing on what happened in the Sea God Palace.

Surprisingly, Mu Rufeng could speak and Zhao Yanran could listen, but she could not repeat or say what Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng quickly thought of the divine power in himself.

It was also Wu Lan's credit.


The Book Room of Time.

Mu Rufeng appeared here with Zhao Yanran.

In theory, Zhao Yanran could not enter here, but because of Mu Rufeng, she had the qualifications to enter here.

"Minister Ye, the technology of the Weird Affairs Bureau you mentioned has made a breakthrough. Is it a major scientific research achievement?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, it is very significant. We have added a metal ore from the strange world on the original basis of the landing bracelet."

"The landing bracelet has been completely upgraded. The attributes have not changed, but the penalty of death has been erased." Ye Lin said.

"Huh? You mean the penalty of one arm of the landing bracelet has been erased?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

This can be said to be a super-big breakthrough.

The original cost of the landing bracelet is its own limbs, and humans only have four limbs, which means four chances.

Although there are many props that can restore limbs, many people use them, and many people cannot get a number.

You can only enter the copy with your body, and the chance of survival is greatly reduced.

If it is an upgraded version of the login bracelet, then it doesn't matter, because there is no penalty.

"Yes, but it is only useful for players at level nine and below. Above level nine, you still need to pay an arm as the price." Ye Lin said.

"Haha, this is great. In this way, ordinary players can also have a higher chance of survival."

"By the way, how is the current production? Also, what materials are they? I'll ask Baibaolou to purchase them." Mu Rufeng said with a big laugh.

For Emperor Zun, it doesn't matter if the login bracelet loses an arm. Anyway, he has a flesh and blood growth device, and other beings who have reached this level must have similar props.

At worst, you can find the relevant department or even Mu Rufeng to restore your arm.

It is hard to imagine that once the upgraded version of the login bracelet appears in the hands of the public, it will definitely set off a wave of dungeons.

Because after death before, there were only four chances to lose an arm, and it was too difficult to queue up to recover.

Once there is no damage, they have no reason to refuse to go to the dungeon.

Because, going to the dungeon is the trend. If you don't go, you will fall behind other players when you really come. One step behind, one step behind.

"That material is what Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu brought back from the dungeon in the Bermuda Triangle."

"After studying for a few days, we found that this ore can improve the properties of props. We spent a few days to make an upgraded version of the login bracelet." Ye Lin said.

"Huh? Are you talking about [Black Green Rock]?" Mu Rufeng didn't expect that Black Green Rock would have such an effect.

"Yes, it's Black Green Rock. We use special means to grind it into powder and add it in. Mu Wuyu said you have a lot of Black Green Rock here. Is it true?" Ye Lin asked.

Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng also packed a lot of Black Green Rock before leaving, and they also used the portable space of those contract ghosts to store the ore.

It is estimated that each of them brought out several million kilograms.

As for Mu Rufeng. Well, a lot, Mu Rufeng really stuffed it full.

The weight limit of each of his inventory slots is 100 tons per grid, which is 200,000 jin.

His inventory slot has 999 grids, and Xiaoying also has 999 grids.

Mu Rufeng put his things into the storage ring, and also gave Xiaoying a storage ring, asking her to put her things in it.

Then, Mu Rufeng filled all 999+999 grids with black green rock.

Although he didn't know what the black green rock was used for, Mu Rufeng felt that it would be a waste not to take it.

The most important thing is that the Sea God Palace has been digging for tens of thousands of years, which is enough to prove that the black green rock is very important.

Mu Rufeng calculated that the black green rock he brought back was about 400 million jin.

"It's about a few hundred million jin." Mu Rufeng said.

"A few hundred million jin? That's great. The production line is already under construction. It can be mass-produced tomorrow and then supplied to the whole country." Ye Lin showed a look of surprise on his face.

"How much black green rock is needed to upgrade this landing bracelet?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Very little. We ground the black cyan rock into powder. After many attempts, we only need one gram of black cyan rock powder to complete the upgrade." Ye Lin said excitedly.

"How much? One gram? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin in shock.

He thought it would take at least dozens or hundreds of grams, or even several kilograms to refine.

Now you tell me that only one gram of powder is enough? You don't even need to refine it.

One gram, one kilogram is 500 grams, he has 400 million kilograms here, multiplied by 500, how much is it? 200 billion.

200 billion is enough to give 8 billion people in the world 25 upgraded login bracelets.

200 billion is enough to give 1.4 billion people in the country 142 upgraded login bracelets.

"We have decided to sell the upgraded login bracelets, not give them out for free. For black cyan rock, the state will also give you 50% of the soul notes for the sold login bracelets." Ye Lin said.

"Well? Sell? Not give? Why?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The country needs to function, it needs a market, it needs an ecological chain, this is better for the country and for ordinary people."

"We have done an analysis. If the upgraded version of the login bracelet is also distributed for free, it will make those people not take their lives seriously, do whatever they want in the dungeon world, and waste a lot of resources."

"Because after death, they will return to the real world, and there will be no punishment. In the long run, it will be detrimental to the development of the country."

"We are going to distribute ordinary login bracelets for free, and the upgraded version of the login bracelet will be sold at the price of 100 soul coins."

"Of course, there are also purchase conditions. Below LV3, you can only buy one a week. LV3 and above, you can buy it once a month. If you want to buy more, the price will increase tenfold to 1,000 soul coins each." Ye Lin said.

They are not worried that someone will buy it and then resell it, because if you buy it, it will be directly bound.

And if you have already bound the upgraded version of the login bracelet, you will not be eligible to buy it.

Anyway, for this reason, a series of analyses and adjustments have been made.

Mu Rufeng also listened to the general idea and felt that this seemed to be possible.

In this way, ordinary people can also work hard to pass the dungeon, and then use soul coins to buy the upgraded version of the login bracelet.

This also prevents some people from doing things without any taboos in the dungeon, which leads to a waste of resources.

"Very good, this is fine, but there is no need for soul notes, I am not short of money now."

"Does the country still have money? I will give you more." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, this must be given. We have been taking advantage of you for free. We can't let you pay for everything while we do nothing."

"Besides, the country has money now, and the treasury has already received soul notes. You don't have to transfer soul notes anymore."

"We will also return the soul notes you gave us before, but it won't be soon." Ye Lin said.

"No, you should also know about the Soul Absorbing Gourd. I harvest the soul power of the whole world and can exchange a large amount of soul notes in that dungeon. And the Soul Absorbing Gourd was also given to me by the country." Mu Rufeng said.

"I know, but this is the country's intention." Ye Lin insisted.

"In that case, then okay, you also know my account number. By the way, the country should be short of soul notes in all aspects, right? How come it can achieve a surplus now?" Mu Rufeng did not insist, and then asked curiously.

"It's still because of the login bracelet." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Login bracelet?" Mu Rufeng looked at Ye Lin with some doubts.

Ye Lin quickly explained it.

After many analyses and discussions by the country.

Restrictions were made on the free distribution of login bracelets to the public.

First of all, there are only 2 login bracelets distributed for free, and only those who have triggered the login bracelet can issue the second one.

Starting from the third one, it is required to purchase ten soul notes, the fourth one is twenty soul notes, and so on, capped at one hundred soul notes.

This will make ordinary people cherish their lives more, and then they will be more careful about the dungeon.

As long as you pass the level once, you can get at least one hundred soul notes, and with soul notes, you can buy subsequent login bracelets.

It was this move that directly allowed the country to recover a large amount of soul notes.

The real profit came from selling the login bracelets to foreign countries.

Over the past few months, the low price of the login bracelets has led to a large number of players around the world.

With more players, there are more soul coins.

Last month, Ye Lin directly raised the price of the login bracelet to 100 soul coins, and within a few days, he achieved a profit.

Those countries protested, but it was useless. If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it.

Those countries can only hold their noses and continue to buy.

The most important thing is that the mushroom egg is no longer a threat.

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