I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 385 Book of Years: A Question Worth One Billion Soul Units

The powerful soul-refining masters can use ghosts to transfer mushroom bombs, not to mention that China now has the existence of Emperor Zun.

One hundred soul coins are still very cheap for them.

"I see, at what price are you going to sell the upgraded version of the login bracelet?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We are going to sell it for five hundred soul coins." Ye Lin replied.

"Five hundred soul notes? However, the upgraded version of the login bracelet has appeared. Are the ordinary login bracelets still in production?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It will still be produced in small quantities, and it will mainly be supplied to foreign countries. The ordinary version of the One Hundred Soul Notes will definitely still have a market abroad." Ye Lin said.

"That's ok, but have some other props been upgraded?" Mu Rufeng asked.

If the rest of the props can also be upgraded, then Mu Rufeng will definitely upgrade all of his own.

"As long as the level does not exceed level nine, it can be upgraded. However, the higher the level of the props, the more materials are required."

"The login bracelet is special, so it only requires one gram. Take the third-level props as an example. If you add ten grams, you can upgrade it by one level."

"For a level four prop, if you want to upgrade it to level five, you will need one hundred grams."

"Starting from level five props is a watershed. If you want to upgrade to a level again, you need to consume one kilogram, five times for each level, and so on."

"If you want to upgrade a ninth-level prop, it will cost 625 kilograms. Moreover, a ninth-level prop cannot be upgraded to a tenth-level prop. It only adds attributes."

"And once you have upgraded once, you cannot upgrade again." Ye Lin said.

"How to upgrade?" Mu Rufeng asked.

He also wants to upgrade some of his props.

"It's easier to make it, but it's more troublesome to upgrade the props..."

Before Ye Lin finished speaking, Mu Rufeng said directly: "Just tell me how long it will take."

Ye Lin said: "It will take at least one day to upgrade the props. If it is a ninth-level prop, it will take at least three days."

"Does it take so long? Can the regular items be upgraded?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly and then asked.

"We are still mainly using it for making props. If we want to upgrade it, we are still in the process of continuous research. It will take no more than two months at most and we will definitely have a breakthrough."

"As for the regular props, we haven't researched them yet, and we haven't improved them by using black bluestone." Ye Lin said.

"Okay, let's talk about it later." Mu Rufeng has a lot of props, and one item takes so long, so it's really not worth it.

"However, I remember that I seem to have another piece of equipment," Mu Rufeng thought in her mind.

The furnace, he hadn't used the furnace for a long time. His Xiuchun serrated knife was all fused with this furnace.

"How many upgraded login bracelets have been produced now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Not many, only a few thousand. Most of them have been taken away. There are still about a thousand left. You can take five hundred." Ye Lin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded without being pretentious.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. On September 1st, a strange world will come. There will be big changes, and the rules of the world will change." Ye Lin said.

"Big changes? Changes in the rules of the world? What changes?"

"I don't know. The Book of Time doesn't have an answer. It just says that there will be changes and the rules will change." Ye Lin replied.

"The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it with the soil, the country has done a good job." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"There are still two months and twenty days left. We must mass-produce the upgraded version of the login bracelet as much as possible. We will also always pay attention to social stability." Ye Lin replied.

"The upgraded version of the login bracelet can actually be given to the public for free." Mu Rufeng said.

"We have also considered this and will implement it, but it will have to wait until mass production. By the way, if you want to use the Book of Time today, you still have two times." Ye Lin said.

"You're here, of course you have to use it." Just in time, Mu Rufeng also wanted to ask something.

"Okay, then I'll go and get busy. When you leave, remember to send Hei Qingyan to the Bureau of Trickery."

"When you are free, remember to go to the strange world. More of the Mine of Life needs to be transported back. We have to increase production." Ye Lin said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, should we stop the production line of the wristbands in the strange world? Bring it back and produce it in the real world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, you can go to the weird world when you have time and bring it back. Anyway, the production in the real world is enough now." Ye Lin nodded.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded.

Afterwards, Ye Lin left the Time Study Room.

"Is this the Book of Time you mentioned before? Does it know everything in the world?" Zhao Yanran looked at the Book of Time curiously.

"Yes, this is the Book of Time. It not only knows everything in the world, but also knows about astronomy, geography, history, the future, and things in other worlds." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It's so powerful. If only our Tiandao Continent had such a book at that time, we could ask how to prevent the invasion of the weird world." Zhao Yanran suddenly said.

"It's okay, it's all over." Mu Rufeng grabbed Zhao Yanran's hand and said softly.

"Well, Your Highness, what are you going to ask?" Zhao Yanran smiled and then spoke.

"I want to ask about the Sea God Palace copy. The second question is how to break through the God." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and answered.

"God! Are you considering breaking through the God now?" Zhao Yanran tilted her head and blinked her big eyes at Mu Rufeng.

"Prepare for a rainy day, haha." Mu Rufeng laughed.

"By the way, if you are bored, you can go and see the bookshelf over there. There are all the usage of the Book of Time." Mu Rufeng pointed to the bookshelf on the side and said.

Although Zhao Yanran is from the Tiandao Continent and not a native of the Earth, she can come here to read because of Mu Rufeng.

At the same time, the Book of Time Room has now made greater restrictions. Except for a limited number of people, no one can enter.

Jian Feng of the Tiandao Continent and Mu Wuyu joined the relevant department and became honorary ministers.

But even so, they would not be allowed to use the Book of Time, and even the Book of Time Room would not be open to them.

If it weren't for Mu Rufeng, Zhao Yanran would not be able to enter the Book of Time Room.

"Not boring." Zhao Yanran shook her head, and it seemed that she didn't want to look at the records in the Book of Time.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then came to the Book of Time.

He stretched out his hand on the Book of Time and asked it directly.

"When will the result of the Sea God Consciousness War in the Sea God Palace be announced, and who will be the winner?"

This question was also asked by Mu Rufeng after careful consideration.

This is also very important to him. If the real Sea God wins, then he will make a fortune, because many steps depend on him.

If the fake Sea God wins, then Mu Rufeng will be useless, and he will definitely be killed by the fake Sea God in the future.

The anger of a god is not something he can bear now.

The end time of the consciousness war is also very important, which is related to the contractors who will enter the Sea God Palace copy later.

After all, the Black Green Rock has proven to be extremely useful, and those contractors will definitely go to dig it, not to mention that they can also obtain the power of rules.

[This question requires 10,000 units of soul power. Do you want to pay? ]

A prompt sounded from the Book of Time.

Then, another prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Do you want to pay 1,000,000 soul power? ]

One unit of soul power is equal to 100 soul power, and 10,000 soul units are equal to 1 million soul power.

I have to say that this price is really expensive, but for Mu Rufeng, it is acceptable.

"Pay 10,000 soul units." Mu Rufeng chose to pay soul units.

The next second, the Book of Time burst into a dazzling light, and then slowly opened.

[Payment completed, the answer to the question has been generated, please check it yourself]

At this moment, the Book of Time has been fully opened, and a line of text began to slowly emerge on the blank page.

[One year later, the real Sea God: Lan Yuan, will win]

It was short, but the content shocked Mu Rufeng.

"Great, Uncle Sea God won." Wu Lan in the contract slot suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, great, this time, Lord Sea God owes me a favor." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Favor? That's right, Uncle Sea God has a good temper. If it were any other Lord God, I'm afraid he would swallow you up in one bite as a reward." Wu Lan said lightly.

"You can't speak, so you don't have to speak." Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Wu Lan heard this and closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Your Highness, is this answer good for you?" Zhao Yanran asked.

"Yes, it is beneficial, but there is only one year left, and we need to help everyone break through the God Realm as soon as possible."

"Yanran, how about this, when you are free tomorrow, help me count the people who can break through the God Realm, and I will provide them with some spiritual objects to help them break through the God Realm." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem, but those people actually have a lot of spiritual objects on them that are enough for them to break through." Zhao Yanran said.

"Oh, that's right, I remember that when you left the Tiandao Continent, it seemed that you also had a lot of spiritual objects in heaven and earth, which should be enough for you to break through the God Realm, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, but it takes time for us to break through, at least one month, at most two or three months. Look at Feng Qianyu, she has been in seclusion on Mount Fuji for more than four months, but she still hasn't broken through."

"When she was breaking through, she entered the dungeon, and then came out to continue her seclusion. This made it difficult to break through, and even made her go astray."

"However, she seems to have some kind of prop that allows her to interrupt the breakthrough."

"Feng Qianyu can, but we can't, so we have to wait until at least LV5 to break through." Zhao Yanran explained.

After LV5, it's once every three months. If it's not interrupted for three months, there is a high probability that you can break through to the God Realm.

"Is that so?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

If that's the case, it's really impossible for those soul-refining geniuses to break through to the God Realm in a short period of time.

Even Zhao Yanran can't do it.

"Anyway, there is still a year, you can wait, but, Yanran, I will give you a rule power later, after you refine it, you will definitely be able to break through the God Realm." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? A rule power? No, it's too wasteful, this is the rule power to break through the Emperor." Zhao Yanran hurriedly shook her head and refused.

She said that it was only a matter of time to break through the God Realm, but now Mu Rufeng wanted to use a rule power to help her break through the God Realm, which was really a waste of heaven's gift.

"That's it, it's just a rule power, it's worth giving it to you, I think my seventh sister should also use the rule power to break through."

"When the time comes, you two will go to the mining area together, stay there for two months, dig more ore, get a few more first places, and then contract four Emperor-level weirdness." Mu Rufeng said.

"Your Highness, thank you Your Highness." Zhao Yanran's black and white eyes were shining with a trace of water, as if there was an indescribable emotion in her eyes.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Zhao Yanran stood on tiptoe and suddenly hugged Mu Rufeng.

A body fragrance filled Mu Rufeng's nose.

"Don't worry, I'm here, and I'll be here in the future." Mu Rufeng hugged Zhao Yanran with both hands and patted her back gently.

Zhao Yanran had experienced the destruction of Tiandao Continent many times and had long been numb, but when Mu Rufeng entered the dungeon, she really fell in love with Mu Rufeng.

When Mu Rufeng freed her from reincarnation and brought her back to the real world, she had already regarded Mu Rufeng as a support.

This kind of feeling is very deep, very deep.

Zhao Yanran struggled to get up from Mu Rufeng's arms, and Mu Rufeng saw this and naturally let go.

However, what caught people off guard was that a fragrant breeze blew in their faces, and the soft and warm touch was felt by Mu Rufeng.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's brain was a little down.

What's going on? Mu Rufeng was a little confused for a moment...

Soon, Mu Rufeng realized that he was right.

It was clumsy, but it was normal. She must have never been like this before.

Mu Rufeng was really confused, but, if you haven't eaten pork, have you seen pigs run?

The study materials in his computer hard drive have not been deleted yet.

Mu Rufeng also felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Rufeng slowly stopped.

Zhao Yanran's ears were flushed, and her body seemed to be soft and sticky without bones.

You can see that the lipstick on her lips is smudged.

As a young man full of blood, he naturally stood up, but Mu Rufeng still suppressed this thought.

Things can be done, but if you want to do things, you can't do it here.

There will be opportunities, don't rush.

"Wipe off the lipstick." Mu Rufeng took out a few tissues and gave them to Zhao Yanran.

Zhao Yanran took it with a red face and wiped it.

"It's all your fault. My lipstick is gone."

"It smells like chrysanthemum, very fragrant." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Not serious, Your Highness, I find you are really not serious." Zhao Yanran adjusted her dress and then became serious.

"Well, it looks better when you are serious." Mu Rufeng said, reaching out and gently pinching Zhao Yanran's cheek.

It feels very good.

The originally serious expression was instantly broken: "Your Highness, what are you doing, I'm angry."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'm going to ask the next question."

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the Book of Time again, reached out and pressed it, and then asked.

"When I am at the peak of the Emperor, how can I break through the God? Please explain in detail!"

[This question requires 1000000000 units of soul power. Do you want to pay? ]

A prompt sounded from the Book of Time.

Then, another prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Do you want to pay one billion soul units? 】

"This" Mu Rufeng was a little shocked for a moment.

How many zeros are there? Nine zeros, which means that one billion soul units have to be paid.

"One billion. This is too much." Mu Rufeng couldn't help but say.

"One billion soul units? What is this?" Zhao Yanran didn't know what this was.

"You know soul notes, right? One soul unit can be exchanged for 100,000 soul notes. Think about it yourself, how much value these one billion soul units have." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"What? One soul unit can be exchanged for 100,000 soul notes?" Zhao Yanran opened her mouth slightly, extremely shocked.

She is a LV4 contractor and has entered many copies. Naturally, she also knows the value of soul notes.

Although Mu Rufeng also transferred a lot of soul notes to her, it definitely did not prevent her from knowing how important soul notes are.

How many soul notes are equivalent to one billion soul units? A series of zeros, Zhao Yanran couldn't even calculate it clearly.

Mu Rufeng gave up paying, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't pay.

He only has about 300 million soul units now, and there is still a gap of 700 million.

If he has 700 million, it will take him a long time to harvest the whole world.

"Forget it, forget it, I will ask again when I have enough soul units." Mu Rufeng shook his head and said.

"Your Highness, do you have anything to do in the afternoon? How about we go to the beach to play in the afternoon?" Zhao Yanran said.

"It's okay, we have to be free even if we have something to do. Let's go to the beach to play." Mu Rufeng immediately agreed.

"Yeah." Zhao Yanran raised her lips slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

This smile, seen by Mu Rufeng, made him feel as if the world had become beautiful.

"By the way, will you wear a swimsuit later?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Why are you asking this?" Zhao Yanran, who was still smiling, suddenly became a little nervous, and then stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh on Mu Rufeng's waist.

"Just asking, I've never seen you wear it, I think it must be very beautiful." Mu Rufeng said with a serious face.

"Huh, slick." Zhao Yanran raised her little head slightly.

"That's a pity." Mu Rufeng said with some regret.

"You're asking for a fight!"

The two immediately left the Time Book Room with a smile.

Of course, they did not leave the capital directly, but went to the Weird Bureau first.

The warehouse of the Weird Bureau is very large, and Mu Rufeng directly put 100 million black green rocks.

After finishing it, Mu Rufeng took Zhao Yanran away from the Weird Bureau.

They did not go to any coastal cities such as Sanya and Hainan.

Mu Rufeng and the others came directly to an uninhabited island.

This island is deep in the ocean, with extremely beautiful scenery and a dreamy beach.

This island is very strange, as if it extends from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, and then protrudes hundreds of meters above the sea surface.

The range is not large, and there are a lot of trees on it.

And where they are now is a huge beach, very flat.

A hundred meters ahead is a cliff, which is bottomless.

Because of the high tide, the sea water spread up and submerged the beach, but the water level is not high, and the deepest part only reaches the thigh.

Where Mu Rufeng and the others stood, the sea water only covered the knees.

There are many shells in the sand, and when they are illuminated by the sun, the sea water is colorful and extremely dreamy.

This is indeed a treasure place, but it is said that it is deep in the sea, and no one will come here.

However, there are some marine garbage around, which destroys this dreamy beauty.

Mu Rufeng cleaned up some debris on the beach and some garbage floating around the island.

All of a sudden, the feeling came up again.

"This place is so beautiful." Zhao Yanran looked at the beautiful scenery around and said with emotion.

"Sunshine, beach, beauty, wine and iced fruit, do you want to drink something?"

Mu Rufeng smiled and waved his hand, and a big table appeared on the beach.

On the big table, there were a lot of fruits and food, wine and drinks.

Then Mu Rufeng took out two lounge chairs and a parasol and placed them aside.

I have to say that in this situation, it really feels so good.

"Your Highness, build a dressing room so I can change clothes." Zhao Yanran suddenly said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something.

Grab a handful of sand, melt it directly, remove impurities, and build a glass house directly.

Of course, it's not transparent, and it's just right for changing clothes if you can't see clearly.

Zhao Yanran walked in immediately.

Mu Rufeng also changed into a pair of swimming trunks and didn't wear shoes. Anyway, it was comfortable to step in the water and on the beach.

Not long after, Zhao Yanran came out. She was not wearing a bikini.

But even so, she was very beautiful, so beautiful that Mu Rufeng lost his mind.

(She will only be more beautiful than her!!!)

This is also a swimsuit. It is not very revealing, but it attracts Mu Rufeng at first sight.

"Huh? Are you still tied up?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Huh? Where are you looking?" Zhao Yanran immediately covered her chest with both hands.

"It's really tied up. It's better to untie it, otherwise it's not good for development." Mu Rufeng said seriously.

"If you talk nonsense again, I will beat you." Zhao Yanran raised her little fist and waved it twice.

"Haha, have some iced watermelon." Mu Rufeng smiled and handed over a piece of watermelon.

"It's so sweet." Zhao Yanran took it, took a bite, and enjoyed it very much.

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