I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 387 Dragon Boat Race [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

So, Mu Rufeng gave up this idea.

He estimated that the teammates who rowed the dragon boat should also be randomly arranged, and it would be useless to find those relatives and friends.

At this time, a huge voice appeared out of thin air.

"Dragon boat racing, gongs and drums are loud, and thousands of dragons fly out of the waves. Tourists are weaving, laughing and talking, and the shore is reciting ancient and modern feelings."

"Today is the annual Dragon Boat Festival, and it is also the annual dragon boat race."

"Now, start to assign dragon boat teams according to the rules."

This is the voice of the host, who can only see his voice without seeing the person.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt an irresistible force enveloping him.

Even though he is now in the middle stage of the emperor's cultivation and has multiple rule abilities, he still cannot resist this force. Perhaps only [Heavenly Dao Rules] can resist one or two.

"The water in the weird world is also very deep." Mu Rufeng murmured in his heart.

The more than 33,000 people who were originally very messy are now neatly lined up in teams one after another.

In front of each team, there was a dragon boat.

Mu Rufeng stood in the second one. He counted and found that there were 24 people in the team. Except for Mu Rufeng who was LV6, the rest were all LV5.

Mu Rufeng looked at the other teams again, and they were similar to his.

There were few high-level contractors, and then he led a group of LV5 contractors.

However, what made Mu Rufeng speechless was that the rest of the people were fully configured with 32 people, but his team only had 24 people?

Mu Rufeng immediately counted the teams and found that there were 1048 teams in total.

33527-(1047*32)=24 people.

Well, Mu Rufeng's team was made up of the odds and ends.

"Why are there only 24 people in our team? Why are there 32 people in the rest?" A team member suddenly said.

"Oh my god, it's really like this, why is it like this?"

"Why else? Divide the number of participants, isn't it 24 people?"

"It's not fair, this is too unfair, why are there only 24 of us, we are at a disadvantage."

"At a disadvantage. No, no, no, how could it be at a disadvantage, Minister Mu, we all rely on you." Suddenly, a person looked at Mu Rufeng with a smile.

"Hmm? Do you know me?" Mu Rufeng looked at this LV5 contractor and found that he had no impression of him.

"Of course I know him. Let me introduce myself. I am Amur, the director of the second branch of the relevant department in Xinjiang City." This is a Xinjiang person with a foreign face, but he speaks fluent Chinese.

"Hello." Mu Rufeng smiled and greeted.

That's right, almost everyone in the relevant department knows Mu Rufeng.

In other words, anyone who often browses Kuaishou will also know Mu Rufeng.

"Ah, yes, it's Minister Mu, I didn't notice it just now."

"It turned out to be Minister Mu, that's fine."

"Haha, now I feel it's unfair to other teams."

These players knew that it was Mu Rufeng who was leading the team, and none of them panicked.

Many people knew Mu Rufeng's strength, and Mu Rufeng didn't hide it.

"It's fate that everyone can be assigned to the same team. When the time comes, everyone will listen to my command and strive to get the first place." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, Minister Mu is awesome!"

"Minister Mu is awesome!"

All the players cheered immediately.

Look, this is the confidence of the boss, he is aiming for the first place as soon as he opens his mouth.

Look at the teams next to them, they all look at them with envy.

The most powerful contractors of the two teams on both sides came forward to greet Mu Rufeng.

They are both LV7 contractors, one is the minister of a relevant department in a certain city, and the other is from a large group.

Mu Rufeng also greeted them.

"Look, there are many weird creatures on the other side of the lake."

At this time, a contractor next to Mu Rufeng pointed at the other side of the lake and shouted.

Mu Rufeng immediately looked at the other side, and sure enough, there were also dense dragon boat teams over there.

All of them were weird.

This place is about ten kilometers away from the other side of the river. There was some fog before, and it was not clear.

Now the fog has dissipated, and it is the gathering place of the weird dragon boat team.

"It seems that we have to race with the weird dragon boat team."

"Yes, I think those weird levels seem to be higher than us."

"Yes, I also saw a lot of level eight ghost kings, and even level nine ghost emperors."

"It's over, how can we win now."

"We don't need to win, we just need to reach the finish line within the specified time, and competing for rankings is what the big guys do."

The players around were talking about it.

"Minister Mu, there are Ghost Emperors and many Ghost Kings on the other side, do you still have the confidence to take the first place?" Amur said.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm sure to take the first place, and the second and third places should be contested by Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng if nothing unexpected happens." Mu Rufeng said.

"The top three will be taken by us? Is it true?"

"Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu, I remember they are in the ninth level of the God Realm, and they were made honorary ministers of the relevant departments a few days ago."

"Their strength can be said to be the most powerful warriors on our earth."

"That's not right. The strongest one should be Minister Mu."

"Oh, yes, I was wrong. The strongest one is Minister Mu."

"Don't say that. I feel embarrassed." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Humble, too humble."

"That's right. Minister Mu is so powerful, but still so humble."

"You have a good figure, Minister Mu. I don't know if you want a girlfriend. I can do it." A girl with a first-class figure and appearance came forward and said.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend." Mu Rufeng politely refused.

"Wow, I'm heartbroken. I want to see Minister Mu's abdominal muscles to comfort myself." The girl said, took out her mobile phone and looked at the screen saver.

Good guy, the girl's screen saver is a screenshot of the video that Mu Rufeng shot this afternoon.

"Minister Mu's girlfriend is also very beautiful. I am ashamed of myself. I feel in love with her after taking a look." The girl changed another screen saver, but it was a picture of Zhao Yanran wearing a swimsuit.

"Hmm? I remember I mosaiced it, why do you have this picture?" Mu Rufeng frowned and asked.

"Ah? Minister Mu, are you talking about this? Yes, your video is mosaiced, but Miss Yanran did not mosaic it in the video she posted herself." The girl said.

"Hmm? Is that so?" Mu Rufeng immediately wanted to take out his mobile phone to check.

Then he remembered that this is a strange world and cannot connect to the network of the real world.

But, obviously, when Mu Rufeng talked to Zhao Yanran, Zhao Yanran agreed to mosaic it.

"Minister Mu, you and your girlfriend are really interesting. The video you posted mosaiced Miss Yanran's body, and the video Miss Yanran posted mosaiced your body." Alim said with a smile.

"Ah?" Mu Rufeng heard the words, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Well, the case is solved. Zhao Yanran did agree. It turned out that mosaics were put on his body.

"Yes, yes, yes, I watched both videos, I almost died of laughter."

"The comments section is also full of talented people, I laughed to death, haha."

The team members understood it immediately and laughed.

From Mu Rufeng's work style and the spread of friends, they knew that Mu Rufeng's personality was actually very good.

That's why they showed their sincerity in front of Mu Rufeng and laughed out loud.

"All team members please get on the dragon boat immediately, please strictly abide by the dragon boat rules, you have fifteen minutes to prepare." The host's voice sounded again.

"Get on the dragon boat." Mu Rufeng didn't let everyone waste time, and the first one jumped on the dragon boat directly.

The rest of the contractors also jumped on the dragon boat.

The dragon boat is divided into three places. They are the dragon head, the hull and the stern.

Dragon head: close to the bow, the drummer is at the dragon head position, that is, the bow, and commands the rhythm and direction of the paddle by beating the drum, which plays a vital role in the coordination and speed of the whole team.

Hull: The main part of the dragon boat, consisting of 15 rows of seats, with two rowers in each row, for a total of 30 rowers. The rowers sit in the hull and generate power through collective paddling to push the dragon boat forward. The stability of the hull and the coordination of the rowers are the key to winning the game.

Dragon Tail: Located at the tail of the dragon boat, it is steered by a helmsman, responsible for guiding and ensuring that the dragon boat remains stable during the journey. The helmsman at the dragon tail needs to have certain skills and physical fitness to effectively control the direction and speed in the competition.

"Who will beat the drum, or who can beat the drum?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I, I can, I am the drummer, I am from Dao County, Yongcheng, and every Mid-Autumn Festival, I will take leave to go back to participate in the dragon boat race." A man raised his hand and said.

"Okay, you beat the drum, everyone remember to coordinate a little, although we have never rowed a dragon boat, but our physical fitness and strength are here, and we can row quickly after running-in." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Minister Mu." Liu Hao responded and immediately came to the dragon head seat and sat in front of the drum.

"Who will steer the boat?" a team member asked.

"I'll do it, and you all go rowing." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Minister Mu." Soon everyone was in place.

It's just that there are still a lot of empty seats. There's nothing they can do, because they are eight people short.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the upgraded version of the two-sided mirror.

He steered the boat, and he was going to copy the two-faced man and then use it for rowing, just in time to try the two-sided mirror.

Moreover, the two-sided mirror was also upgraded, and it cost him 10,000 kilograms of black green rock.

[Double-sided mirror·Upgraded version]: This is a magical mirror. When you reflect it, it will reflect the opposite of you, appearing in the real world.

Effect: A level 10 item that can illuminate a negative version of you, inheriting all your power and combat memory, obeying your command, and temporarily gaining a negative personality, with the power being doubled.

Note 1: Only one person can be illuminated at a time, and the maximum power inherited does not exceed that of the Emperor.

Note 2: Limited to lifespan, the reflected negative version will consume one year of lifespan for each day it exists, and the initial illumination will directly consume ten years of lifespan.

Note 3: If you gain a negative personality, one year of lifespan will be consumed every hour.

There is just one more attribute, which can directly make a huge change in his character and double his strength at the same time.

It consumes a lot of money, and it takes a year of life to maintain it for one hour.

The team members were a little confused when they saw Mu Rufeng taking out a mirror.

However, when they saw another Mu Rufeng appear in the mirror, their eyes widened.

The two of them obviously looked exactly the same, but Mu Rufeng appeared behind him with an evil smile on his face, which made people tell the difference between them at a glance.

"You seem to have your own consciousness, so I'll leave it to you, Mu Feng." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hehe, okay, I, let's row a dragon boat. I haven't tried it yet, but don't worry, I will win the first place." Mu Feng showed an evil smile on his face.

"This is a two-faced man. He can replicate my strength. He will help row the boat. Okay, now let's find out if there are any rules or precautions on the dragon boat." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Minister Mu." Everyone responded in succession.

Soon they started searching on the dragon boat.

In just three to five minutes, everyone found out all the dragon boat rules.

There are several lines carved on the back of the leather drum, there are several lines carved on the outside and inside of the hull, and there are also several lines carved on the stern.

After gathering it together, there are a total of ten things to note, which are:

[Notes on dragon boating]

1. Once the game starts, the drum beat cannot stop.

2. Different drum sounds can have different effects.

3. There will be many kinds of strange creatures in Shenglong Lake. Don’t worry, they will not attack the dragon boat.

4. When the competition starts, please do not jump off the boat. As long as you are in the dragon boat, you will not be attacked by strange creatures.

5. You cannot attack other dragon boats, otherwise, they will be fixed in place for thirty seconds.

6. Please note that if the water in the dragon boat must not cover the lower legs, otherwise there will be a risk of capsizing.

7. Dragon boats can collide with dragon boats.

8. Please note that the dragon boat cannot leave the water for more than ten seconds, otherwise it will be fixed in place for thirty seconds.

9. The dragon boat is indestructible.

10. Once the race starts, the dragon boat cannot stop unless it is punished. It must be moving.

There are ten notes in total.

Mu Rufeng knew that contestants could not attack other dragon boats, but dragon boats could attack dragon boats.

"I've memorized the rules clearly. You'll figure them out later, and leave the rest to me," Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Minister Mu!" Everyone responded in succession.

Time gradually passed, a force emerged under the dragon boat, and then, the dragon boat carrying it began to move slowly.

After a while, one thousand and forty-eight teams were seen all lined up in the middle of the lake.

Not only them, but also the weird dragon boat teams on the opposite side. The closest distance between the two sides was only a short hundred meters.

Those weird ones looked at the player dragon boat team greedily.

The fresh flesh and blood confused these strange things.

Mu Rufeng took a look at these weird things, and there were the same number of people as them. He just said that Mu Rufeng didn't see any familiar weird things.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not familiar with it, you’ll be able to get full firepower after a while.

"Brother Jian, Brother Six, I didn't expect us to be at the back." Mu Rufeng greeted the two dragon boat teams on the left.

"We should be the strongest, so we are at the back." Jian Yiyi said with a faint smile.

"Then if we say that you are the strongest, you should be Ninth Brother. You don't even have enough people." Mu Wuyu joked.

"Haha." Mu Rufeng chuckled.

"Hello brothers, my name is Mu Feng." At this moment, the villain Mu Feng greeted the two of them.

Mufeng lowered his head and restrained his breath before, so he was not noticed by them.

Now that I took the initiative to say hello, I let them see me.

"Ah? Mu Feng? Do you have a twin brother?" Mu Wuyu was shocked.

"No, his aura is the same as Mu Rufeng, and his strength seems to be the same." Jian Yiyi sensed it, and then said.

"I am Mu Feng, the man in the mirror, please give me your advice." Mu Feng said again.

"This is the reverse version of me that I recreated using props, and it's just right for me to help row the boat." Mu Rufeng explained immediately.

"I see."

"What kind of prop is so powerful that it can recreate a person with the same strength as you?"

Not only the two of them, but their team members were also extremely shocked.

"It's just a mirror." Mu Rufeng didn't explain too much.

At this moment, the host's voice sounded again: "There are still fifteen minutes left, and the game officially begins."

"Before the competition starts, I would like to explain how the dragon boat racing competition on Shenglong Lake is played."

"The starting point of the Shenglong Lake race is a thousand kilometers away from the finish line, and it is divided into ten stages."

"After arriving at each stage, you will receive a special BUFF. At the same time, there will be different levels of risks and props in each stage area."

"Props are divided into three types: attack props, acceleration props, and defense props. If you obtain an attack prop, you can use it to attack other people's dragon boats."

"Please note that all our dragon boat teams add up to more than 2,000 people. The sooner they pass the stage area, the more powerful the BUFF effect will be."

"This competition lasts for 24 hours. Please reach the finish line within 24 hours to complete the competition."

"I would like to remind all participants that dragon boat racing is very physically demanding. Please bring your own food. The competition starts in twelve minutes."

"If you don't have food, please hurry up and buy food and water."

The host's voice disappeared.

Mu Rufeng thought about the players carefully, "Hey guys, isn't this dragon boat racing just like the go-kart and Q speed car prop races?"

You can pick up various props and attack the enemies, as well as defend and accelerate them.

This is completely a real-life version of the dragon boat racing with props.

Not to mention, Mu Rufeng was looking forward to the dragon boat racing competition.

Looking at the rest of the people, they all looked eager to try.

At their age, they may have never played go-karts, but they must have played Q-speed, so they are all considered young adults.

Everyone wants to have a good time. Of course, before playing, you still have to complete the task first.

Neither the host nor the copy information ever explained what the punishment would be if the game was not completed within the specified time.

But everyone knows that dungeons are always very cruel, and there is a high probability of death.

Although there is a login bracelet, no one wants to complete the task.

Just when Mu Rufeng was thinking about it, he saw a vending machine appearing at the faucet of their dragon boat.

"Hello everyone, nice to meet you. I am Dragon Boat Vending Machine No. 1048. There are still ten minutes left. If you need anything, hurry up and buy it."

"Although my things are a little more expensive, they all have special functions." the vending machine said.

"I'll cover all the things you have." Mu Rufeng looked at the vending machine, thought about it, and said directly.

"Okay sir, eh? What? Sir, what did you say?" The vending machine responded at first, but soon realized something was wrong and stuttered.

"I said, I'll cover everything you sell." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Sir, are you sure? The prices of my things are very expensive, and I have a lot of inventory." The vending machine said.

"How much?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?" the vending machine asked again.

"If you don't tell me, then get out of here and buy your stuff. Are you still so pretentious? Believe it or not, I'm going to tear you down right now and buy it for zero yuan?"

The evil Mu Feng looked at the vending machine coldly, exuding a terrifying aura.

The vending machine suddenly became excited: "Five hundred, no, only three million. All my inventory is worth three million."

Mu Rufeng took out the bank card, flicked it, and immediately saw the bank card spinning and inserting into the slot of the vending machine.

Mu Rufeng immediately transferred five million to the past. Then he reached out and recalled the bank card and put it away.

"Five million, I have already paid, spit out everything." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Sir, why did you transfer five million? I said it was only three million."

However, before the vending machine could finish speaking, Mu Feng glared at it fiercely.

"Sorry, sorry, sir, I'll spit it out right now." The vending machine saw Mu Feng's cold eyes and didn't dare to say any more.

The next moment, the vending machine turned around, and a pair of hands directly removed the cover from behind, revealing a small box for storing things.

Then the vending machine opened the lid of the small box.

Soon I saw a lot of bread, spicy sticks, and mineral water flying out.

The only three things the vending machine sells are bread, spicy strips and mineral water.

"Don't be stunned, you all take it separately." Mu Rufeng reached out and took the three things in his hand, and then ordered everyone to collect them themselves.

The team members heard this, nodded, and then collected it themselves.

Mu Rufeng stopped paying attention, and instead checked the properties of these three things.

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