I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 389 The last one to fail [ask for monthly pass! ]

Mu Rufeng glanced at the large group of players behind him. They were still far away and a little chaotic.

However, most of the contractors who were powerful had stabilized and began to accelerate gradually.

The dragon boat teams of players also began to gradually divide into multiple echelons.

Mu Rufeng did not use the Banana Grand Slam card, because if he used it now, only the players would be affected, so it was not necessary at all.

He wanted to keep it for those weird dragon boat teams.

Not long after, the dragon boat approached the next row of prop boxes, but soon, Mu Rufeng changed his mind.

He looked at the banana card in his hand and used it anyway.

Suddenly, he saw a large area behind him, within a hundred meters, covered with banana peels, floating above the water.

He also wanted to give some excitement to the player teams behind him.

Anyway, within 24 hours, there is a high probability that the task can be completed.

After all, there is almost no shortage of props in the back, because no one will compete with you.

[Get 1 acceleration card]

[Get 1 magnetic card]

[Get 1 shield card]

This time, I got two new prop cards.

[Magnetic card]: You can use it on the target in front of you, and absorb yourself to the other target. The speed will triple and last for ten seconds. The target distance is limited to one thousand meters.

[Shield card]: After use, it lasts for three seconds, and it can resist all attacks within three seconds.

Mu Rufeng immediately used an acceleration card.

The previous acceleration card, the fifteen seconds, had already ended.

Suddenly, the speed of the dragon boat increased again.

Then Mu Rufeng checked the magnetic card he used, and the target was Jian Yifeng in front of him.

They were about four hundred meters apart.

The magnetic card was just within the range.

When the magnetic card was activated, Mu Rufeng could clearly feel a strong push on his back.

The speed tripled. Although it only lasted for ten seconds, he caught up with Jian Yifeng in these ten seconds and easily surpassed him.

The effect of the magnetic card just disappeared.

"Thanks for your help. I'll go ahead." Mu Rufeng clasped his fists towards Jian Yifeng.

He left Jian Yifeng behind in the blink of an eye.

After a while, he caught up with Mu Wuyu and surpassed him just as quickly.

Mu Wuyu and Jian Yifeng were both Emperors, and they didn't row the boats, but they were also steering the boats.

Those who rowed the boats were ordinary contractors. Of course, with their abilities, the speed was still much faster than the rest of the dragon boat teams.

But compared to Mu Rufeng, it was much slower.

After all, there was another Emperor on his boat.

The gap between the two sides was getting farther and farther, and Mu Rufeng was getting closer and closer to the strange dragon boat team in front.

After thirty seconds, the strange dragon boat teams in front that were hit fell back into the water and accelerated from zero.

To be honest, when rowing a dragon boat, as long as you keep rowing, the speed will only get faster and faster, and it's not uncommon to reach 100 kilometers per hour in the end.

But once you stop, you will be far behind the other teams.

At this time, if you want to catch up, you either have strong ability and row fast, or rely on props.

There are many bananas on the water in front. Mu Rufeng can avoid them, but he is afraid of depth charges.

The most important thing is that he still has a shield card in his hand. If he uses it, he can get three more in the next prop box.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly used the shield card, plus the remaining acceleration card.

A visible energy shield emerged and covered the entire dragon boat.

Then, the dragon boat ran over the banana peel directly.

The energy shield of the dragon boat flashed, ignoring the banana peel, and at the same time, the speed increased sharply, rushing forward.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

A huge splash of water emerged, which was a depth charge.

It just means that the three-second shield has not ended yet, and the depth charge was directly stopped.

After three seconds, the shield disappeared, and the trap had passed.

There was no obstacle in terms of speed. Under the leadership of Mu Feng, the team members' arms seemed to have become electric motors.

They rowed madly at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Their speed at this moment has reached 100 kilometers per hour.

This speed has not reached the limit yet, and it is still accelerating, but the acceleration time is getting slower and slower.

Ordinary speedboats are about 100 kilometers per hour.

But their manpower has reached this speed, and it is still growing. If it is taken to the dragon boat race in the real world, it is simply far from being ordinary.

When he was having dinner in the evening, he heard from his parents that they went to watch the dragon boat race in Daozhou.

Similarly, there were also contractors participating. Wow, they rowed so fast.

It is even said that Zhou Liulong went to participate in the competition and won a championship.

Zhou Liulong was the director of the Yongcheng headquarters in the past, but later because of his family, he directly applied to be transferred to Dao County to be the director of the branch.

Zhou Liulong is now also LV5, and it seems that he will soon reach LV6.

“Clatter~~!” The prop box shattered.

[Obtained Nitrogen Acceleration Card*1]

[Obtained Snail Shell*1]

[Obtained Rocket*1]

Mu Rufeng obtained three more props.

And they were three brand new props.

[Nitrogen Acceleration Card]: After use, the speed is doubled, and the duration lasts for fifteen seconds.

[Snail Shell]: After use, it can cause a deceleration effect on the first place, which lasts for five seconds. The time cannot be superimposed, and the deceleration effect does not stack.

[Rocket]: It can be used on the target in front. You need to aim to focus on the target. Once focused, the target can be floated for five seconds.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly used the nitrogen acceleration card.

[Nitrogen Acceleration Card is used up, the speed is doubled, and the time lasts for fifteen seconds]

The next moment, a super strong push back came.

The original speed of 110 kilometers per hour directly increased to 220 kilometers per hour in just one second.

Then Mu Rufeng used the snail shell again.

[Snail Shell is used up, the target gets a deceleration effect, which lasts for five seconds]

Mu Rufeng glanced at the nearest strange dragon boat team, which was only about two kilometers away.

Mu Rufeng's eyesight was very strong and he could see it clearly, so he used the rocket without hesitation.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!"

The rocket, with a thick tail flame, crossed a distance of two kilometers in just a few seconds and hit the tail of the car directly.

Surprisingly, the tail of the car actually had a shield, which directly blocked Mu Rufeng's attack.

Yes, there was no one who wanted to snatch the prop box from the tail of the car, so it was normal for him to have a shield.

The props of the first echelon were definitely full, and only the large troops were the teams where props were difficult to snatch.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about the failure of the attack.

Anyway, he was so fast that he would soon surpass them.

Just at this time, a row of prop boxes appeared in front again.

Mu Rufeng drifted horizontally again, successfully smashed three prop boxes, and then straightened them out in the first time.

[Get Shield Card*1]

[Get Angel's Blessing*1]

[Get Speed ​​Card*1]

[Angel's Blessing]: It can last for five seconds after use and can resist all attacks within five seconds.

It can be regarded as an enhanced version of the shield card.

After the time of the previous acceleration card was up, Mu Rufeng used the acceleration card immediately.

[After the acceleration card is used up, the speed is increased by 50%, and the time lasts for 15 seconds]

After the acceleration card is used up, the speed originally dropped due to the lateral drift, but after the acceleration card is used up, it is restored again and even faster.

Ten seconds later, Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the scattered prop boxes on the side.

There is still a distance of 100 meters, and most of the ones in the middle have been smashed by the weird dragon boat team, and only three or five on both sides are still scattered.

Five minutes have not yet arrived, and there is no way to refresh.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, and seeing that there is just one empty space for props, he turned a direction and went towards a prop box.

It is estimated that after obtaining this prop box, the prop box in front is likely to be difficult to obtain.

Unless he can surpass the large force, even if he is in the second echelon, he can definitely get the prop box.

If it is the first echelon, then it goes without saying that you are the boss and no one will compete with you.

Of course, the first echelon is also miserable, and will be targeted by everyone, especially those who have obtained the props that can directly hit the first place.

This is simply unsolvable, because it is a must-hit, and it only targets the first place.

[Congratulations to the Ghost Emperor Liu Qingfu, who led the dragon boat team to enter the first stage first and obtained the first-level acceleration BUFF]


[Congratulations to the Ghost Emperor Li Shun, who led the dragon boat team to enter the first stage tenth and obtained the first-level acceleration BUFF]

In the sky, the host's voice sounded again.

Good guy, the host actually broadcasts.

The total course of the dragon boat race is a thousand kilometers, divided into ten stages, each stage is one hundred kilometers.

And there will be a ten-kilometer ordinary area at the beginning, and from the first stage, you will get the acceleration BUFF.

However, there is a first-level acceleration BUFF, then there will be a second and third level.

Obviously, the first level is the highest and the most effective, and the following ones will naturally be much weaker.

Looking at the broadcast, there is no more after the top ten, so I guess starting from the eleventh place, the BUFF is the second level.

[Get 1 acceleration card]

Another acceleration card, it seems that the one at the back is easier to get.

[After using the acceleration card, the speed is increased by 50%, and the time lasts for 15 seconds]

The speed soared again, reaching 180 kilometers per hour.

This speed is so fast that it flies.

If the dragon boat is not so heavy, it will really fly.

At this time, Mu Rufeng's dragon boat surpassed the tail of the strange dragon boat team.

Mu Rufeng can still clearly see the shocked eyes of the strange people at the tail.

Because Mu Rufeng's speed is too fast, so fast that they were overtaken by Mu Rufeng in just a moment, and the distance is still rapidly increasing.

Their speed is about 70 kilometers per hour.

This is their fastest speed.

"Oh my god, this is the strongest team of players, so fast."

"Yeah, like a rocket, so fast that I can't see it clearly."

"Hey, hey, hey, you didn't see the point, this dragon boat team, it's not even full yet."

The weirdos at the end of the crane were talking about it, and they were all shocked by Mu Rufeng's team.

"Quick, use the shield, there are rockets coming from behind." At this time, the drummer of the dragon head shouted fiercely.

He was facing his teammates rowing, so he could clearly see the rockets behind him.

"It's over, there's no shield, we used it before."

The helmsman exclaimed, and then the missile hit their dragon boat accurately.

Suddenly, the dragon boat was seen spinning and flying into the air.

Five seconds later, it fell into the water, and the weirdos quickly paddled the dragon boat, and the speed suddenly began to soar.

But just as their speed had just increased, they saw another rocket attack.

Then, it flew into the air again, spinning.

Five seconds later, it fell again, and they gritted their teeth and continued to row.

Then, Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu's dragon boat team surpassed them one after another.

Jian Yifeng and Mu Wuyu looked at these weirdos expressionlessly.

And those weirdos didn't dare to breathe, why do you say? Because Mu Wuyu's breath was not hidden, but emitted directly.

Emperor Zun, this is the breath of Emperor Zun, this breath made them feel fear.

"What a terrifying aura, is that the Ghost Emperor?"

"That's actually the Ghost Emperor, so strong, humans actually have the strength of the Ghost Emperor, it's incredible."

"No, that's definitely not the Ghost Emperor, it's even more powerful than the Ghost Emperor."

"It's the Emperor, that's the Emperor, absolutely right, much stronger than the Ghost Emperor."

"Impossible, how can humans have an Emperor?"

These weirdos started arguing endlessly.

However, although they were arguing, they didn't slow down, and they were still moving fast.

After a few minutes, the second echelon of players caught up.

Countless missiles, bombs, and even tracking missiles hit this weird dragon boat team that was at the bottom as if they were free.

This weird team has given up, they don't row, they are in a mess.

Even if they fall back to the water, they don't move.

It's not that they don't want to move, but they can't move at all.

Look, just after landing, the missiles behind them flew over.

Then, the ink covered everyone's face, and they couldn't see the road ahead at all.

After finally disappearing, the ink came again.

It can be seen that they are constantly flying, falling, flying, and even being shot again while flying, and then continue to fly up, and can't fall down at all.

There is no way, the weird tail, won't it be targeted by the props of the player team.

If the player's team surpasses many weird dragon boat teams, they will be targeted by them.

Soon, the main force surpassed this tail.

The tail can finally fall down.

"Do you think we can still row?" A weird said.

"Row, of course we have to row, we can't take the last place, otherwise, it will be a shame for the rest of our lives." A weird said.

"Yes, we still have to row. It's best to surpass the weird team in front. Anyway, the main force has gone up, and it is estimated that there will be many who will be the same as us."

"Yes, that's right, then row, there are still many player teams at the bottom, and the last place will definitely not be taken anyway." A weird looked back.

There are still many player teams behind, these are the kind of teams that are uncoordinated, and they are not convinced, and they can't row fast at all.

In fact, many teams are still circling at the starting point. I'm afraid it will take some time to adapt.


At this moment, Mu Rufeng has surpassed at least more than 30 weird teams.

He can already see the big weird team in front.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!"

There was a piercing cry from the back.

Mu Rufeng could clearly sense that the target of the missile was him.

But Mu Rufeng didn't panic. He counted silently for two seconds, and then slapped the water.

The next moment, his dragon boat flew up directly.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The missile directly hit a strange dragon boat in front of Mu Rufeng.

The dragon boat was hit instantly, and then spiraled up to the sky.

"Hua La La~~!"

The dragon boat entered the water, and then continued to move forward at an unimpeded speed.

Anyway, as long as it was not a tracking missile, Mu Rufeng had a way to avoid such a targeted missile.

This was already the fifth rocket he had avoided.

He found a scapegoat for each one. If there was no scapegoat around, Mu Rufeng would have to be hit.

At this time, a bright light flashed in front, and it was still moving.

The monster box appeared.

"Ang~~!" A huge strange fish jumped directly out of the water, and then fluttered towards several dragon boats.

Among them was Mu Rufeng's dragon boat team.

The LV8 strange fish, the existence of the ghost king level.

Seeing this, those strange teams changed their faces and avoided to both sides.

Some strange strong men nearby took action one after another, trying to kill the strange fish.

No matter how many people attack, as long as you are the one who gives the last blow to the strange fish, the item is yours.

At the same time, the higher the level of the monster box, the more powerful the item you get.

"Open Heaven Fist!"

Mu Rufeng shouted, and the terrifying blood and qi power burst out.

With a punch, the strange fish in the air exploded instantly.

Then, an item flew into Mu Rufeng's palm.

[Obtain item LV8 mobile tornado card*1]

The weird people around were shocked by this scene.

They knew that Mu Rufeng was very powerful, but they were not afraid because Long Zhou was invincible.

But the aura that Mu Rufeng showed now was stronger than the Ghost Emperor. Emperor Zun? Is it Emperor Zun?

Definitely Emperor Zun, because they had seen many Ghost Emperors before, but Mu Rufeng's aura was much more terrifying than the Ghost Emperor.

Humans actually have Emperor Zun, this speed is too fast, isn't it, it's only been a few years? Five years less than six years.

Are humans really the chosen ones?

At this moment, the weirdos around didn't dare to fight Mu Rufeng anymore.

Those who had props in their hands also thought for a long time and didn't dare to attack Mu Rufeng.

Although Long Zhou was invincible, although they all covered their bodies with ghost energy, their aura was also restrained.

In this way, no matter what, no one can find out your identity.

Only the top ten, only the top ten people, will reveal their names because of the broadcast.

They could continue to attack Mu Rufeng, but they were still timid. Most importantly, it seemed that Mu Rufeng could avoid it.

So, they finally did not continue to attack Mu Rufeng's dragon boat.

Soon, Mu Rufeng surpassed more than 100 strange dragon boat teams in this echelon.

There were many strange dragon boat teams ahead. At the same time, Mu Rufeng also saw a huge sign in front of him with four big words "Rush forward".

Not long after, Mu Rufeng directly entered the first stage.

[Welcome to the first stage, rush forward]

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng for leading the dragon boat team to enter the first stage at the 877th place and obtain the third-level acceleration BUFF]

[Third-level acceleration BUFF]: can increase the speed by 30%.

Note: The acceleration BUFF is divided into five levels. The first level is the highest, which can increase the speed by 50%. By analogy, the fifth level is the lowest, which can increase the speed by 10%.

[There are more than 2,000 teams in total, divided into five parts. The first echelon, the top ten, the first level acceleration BUFF, the eleventh to the five hundredth, the second level acceleration BUFF, the five hundredth to the thousandth level BUFF]

[The one thousandth to the one thousand five hundredth level BUFF, the five level BUFF]

"It can actually increase the speed by 30%?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

"No, it seems that I have to enter the first echelon before the second stage." If I stay at the back and wait for these BUFFs to be added, Mu Rufeng will not be able to get the first place at all.

"Hua La La~~!"

When Mu Rufeng entered the first stage, he found that the speed of the water surface was very turbulent.

If it was just turbulent, it would make them faster, but the strange thing is that the water flow is actually flowing backwards.

This means that Mu Rufeng's dragon boat team is now going upstream.

The original speed reached 120 kilometers per hour, but now it has dropped a lot.

Mu Feng and his team are still rowing hard, and the speed is maintained at 70 kilometers per hour.

This is the effect after acceleration.

Looking at the strange dragon boat teams that he had not yet surpassed, their speed was even slower, only about 40 to 50 kilometers.

Going against the current is actually going upstream.

In fact, if you look closely, you can see a large number of strange fish under the water.

These strange fish are the culprits of this stage.

But there is no way, their power cannot affect the bottom of the water, even Mu Rufeng is the same.

This Shenglong Lake is not simple.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!" Multiple rockets attacked from behind.

Mu Rufeng looked around and saw that the surroundings were relatively empty, and there were two unusual sounds. In the end, Mu Rufeng used the angel's blessing.

The next moment, a little angel emerged and enveloped the dragon boat.

Six missiles hit the dragon boat accurately, but they were all blocked.

In addition to missiles, there are ink and depth charges. Except for ink, all other attacks were blocked.

Ink cannot be blocked and is a sure hit.

But the ink didn't matter. After all, although Mu Rufeng's mind was suppressed on the water, it could still cover a kilometer of land.

It didn't matter if he was blind. Mu Rufeng could see the road, and the team members only needed to beat the drum and row the boat.

Mu Feng worked the hardest, his hands were like wind and fire wheels, and because of this, their speed also reached 80 kilometers per hour.

This speed reached the limit, and it could not be increased unless Mu Rufeng took action.

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