I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 390 Dongfeng Express, mission accomplished [asking for monthly votes! ]

Just then, a row of prop boxes appeared in front of him. Five minutes had passed and they were refreshed.

Coincidentally, at this location and distance, no one would compete with him.

If it was the prop boxes in front and behind, I'm afraid none of them would be left.

There was another prop card in Mu Rufeng's prop column. Mu Rufeng didn't hesitate and directly used this LV8 mobile tornado card.

[LV8 mobile tornado card]: After use, a tornado with a range of one kilometer can be generated for a location within eight kilometers, which lasts for thirty seconds.

Effect: If you are within the range of the tornado, you will be forced to stay for thirty seconds. After the tornado disappears, you will get a deceleration BUFF, which slows down by 30% and lasts for five seconds.

Note: The tornado will move one kilometer to the left and right, and all the targets hit will move with it.

Three kilometers away, in the large force of the third echelon, more than eighty dragon boats were hit by the tornado within a one-kilometer range.

Unless there is a shield and it is close to the edge, in this case, you can use the shield to protect and escape from the tornado.

But even so, you will get a deceleration BUFF.

If you have a shield or angel's blessing, but you are in the center of the tornado, you cannot leave the range of the tornado within three or five seconds, and you will still be affected by the tornado.

"Hua La La~~!"

The lateral drift brought a lot of water splashes, and then directly smashed the three prop boxes.

[Get Magnetic Card*1]

[Get Nitrogen Acceleration Card*1]

[Get Angel's Blessing*1]

Is there any need to hesitate?

Mu Rufeng locked his eyes on a strange dragon boat team one kilometer ahead and used the magnetic card directly.

Suddenly, the speed soared three times.

Mu Rufeng felt that it was not enough, and used the nitrogen acceleration card again.

The speed, soared again, Mu Rufeng calculated the speed, and it directly reached more than 400 kilometers per hour.


A large number of rockets attacked again, some aimed, some tracked, and even long-range water bombs.

It's like this every time. Once the prop box appears, he is always the first to be targeted by these weirdness.

It seems that this is why Mu Rufeng was blessed by the angel.

After he used it, he immediately blocked all the attacks.

Of course, there were also people who specifically guarded Mu Rufeng. As long as they used up the defensive props, they would use the attack props card again.

Mu Rufeng also had experience. This time, he directly rushed into the weird teams.

As long as he ran fast enough, he could avoid ordinary rockets by his own ability and let them hit other weird dragon boats to find scapegoats.

And the tracking missiles can only track the person in front of you. As long as Mu Rufeng keeps surpassing, those weirds will not have time to use tracking missiles.

As expected, the tracking missiles could not hit Mu Rufeng. Every time they were a step late, they hit other weird dragon boats.

And Mu Rufeng could easily avoid the aimed rockets every time.

Now you can see that as Mu Rufeng dodged left and right, rockets and missiles flew everywhere, and a large number of weird dragon boat teams spiraled up.

Just like a husky mixed into a wolf pack, no, that's not right, it should be said, but like a tiger mixed into a wolf pack.

In this way, Mu Rufeng gradually caught up with the third echelon.

Then he directly joined them.

In the third echelon, almost all the leaders were ghost emperors.

The team members were all ghost kings.

The strength here was very strong, and the speed reached 70 kilometers per hour.

It was only a little slower than Mu Rufeng.

You know, their acceleration BUFF is level 2, which is 10% more acceleration than Mu Rufeng.

But even so, it was still much slower than Mu Rufeng.

Those weirdos were shocked by Mu Rufeng's appearance. You know, they are the third echelon here.

Except for the first and second echelons, they are the fastest.

And now the player's team has caught up?

If they remember correctly, the highest level of players now should be level 8 contractors.

"Fuck, too arrogant, kill him."

"Yes, kill him, look at his eyes?"

"Kill him, rockets and so on, keep them, kill him."

A group of weird teams shouted.

"How dare you!" The evil Mu Feng burst out with the aura of the emperor.

His divine thoughts swept around, and the weirds were so scared that they dared not move.

But soon they reacted, Long Zhou was invincible, what were they afraid of?

My face was also covered, were they still worried about others causing trouble for them?

After being shocked by Mu Feng's aura, more aiming bullets flew over.

Mu Rufeng still managed to avoid it with the help of the weird teams around him and the terrain.

It was just a pity that because he had no shield, he was still hit by a tracking bullet during the evasion.

Long Zhou immediately spiraled up.

Mu Rufeng immediately strengthened his ability of [Ignore Rules], and then directly used this strengthened [Ignore Rules].

In just one second, Mu Rufeng fell directly from the sky into the water.

Although it was only one second, the dragon boat slowed down from its high speed.

They accelerated again.

At this time, another rocket was aimed at them.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng wanted to avoid it, but he was too slow to avoid it.

Mu Rufeng reacted very quickly and immediately attacked the water surface next to a dragon boat on the side.

The terrifying force directly pushed the dragon boat over with the water waves and blocked the back of Mu Rufeng's dragon boat.

Suddenly, the aiming bullet hit the strange dragon boat directly.

After avoiding the aiming bullet, there were no new attack props.

It's not that they don't want to, but there are no props.

At this time, five minutes have passed, and the prop box is refreshed again not far ahead.

Several boxes in front of Mu Rufeng were smashed by two dragon boats.

Fortunately, one was left for Mu Rufeng, and he successfully obtained a prop card.

[Get Nitrogen Acceleration Card*1]

"Nitrogen Acceleration Card?"

Mu Rufeng used the acceleration card immediately.

As long as the speed is up, Mu Rufeng can easily avoid the aiming bullet or the tracking bullet.

A strong sense of push came, and the speed suddenly increased.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng used his own Qi and blood power to transform into multiple arms, each holding a paddle.

Because there were six less people, there were free paddles.

Mu Rufeng directly used three on each side, and then paddled frantically.

The speed increased again.

This was what Mu Rufeng had just thought of. Although he had not seen others use special abilities to row, the most important thing was that the crew was full. Without paddles, the other props were useless.

Mu Rufeng also knew that rowing in the air was useless, and there had to be a force.

The other end of the arm that Mu Rufeng transformed with the Qi and blood power was also a palm, which was directly grasped on the dragon boat.

In this way, as long as the Qi and blood arm paddled, the force could act on the dragon boat.

When the time of the nitrogen acceleration card arrived, the speed steadily recovered to 120 kilometers per hour.

The two emperors were rowing themselves, and it was impossible not to be fast.

Those weird dragon boat teams could only watch Mu Rufeng constantly surpass them.

No matter what prop card it was, it couldn't hit Mu Rufeng because he was too fast.

So fast that the aiming bullet couldn't hit him, and so fast that there was no time to use the tracking bullet. Before he could use it, Mu Rufeng surpassed one person.

Then the tracking bullet could only hit the dragon boat team that Mu Rufeng surpassed.

Gradually, Mu Rufeng surpassed the third echelon and was chasing the second echelon.

The second echelon was not too far away, only about three kilometers.

It happened that during this gap, no one snatched the prop box from him.

And those weird dragon boat teams behind should have no prop cards, so Mu Rufeng chased them steadily.

Soon, the prop box refreshed again, and no one snatched it from him, and it drifted horizontally directly, smashing three prop boxes.

[Get Shield Card*1]

[Get Angel's Blessing*1]

[Get Acceleration Card*1]

Mu Rufeng used the acceleration card as soon as possible.

The speed increased again, the distance from the rear was rapidly widening, and the distance from the front was rapidly narrowing.

Mu Rufeng got the props, and the people behind him naturally got the props as well.

A large number of targeting missiles flew over, including a tracking missile.

Because there were no scapegoats around the targeting missiles, as long as they were aimed, they were almost impossible to avoid.

Fortunately, I just got the defense prop card.

At the moment when the rocket was approaching, Mu Rufeng used the shield card.

By the way, there were still a lot of depth charges and banana peels in front, and Mu Rufeng did not avoid them, and just lay down in these three seconds.

I don’t know if it’s because of the stage, the depth charges buried underwater can be seen.

Before, when the depth charges were buried in the first stage ten kilometers from the starting point, they were invisible.

After the first stage, the depth charges can be seen.

This is also good, it allows Mu Rufeng to avoid many traps, otherwise, Mu Rufeng really can’t catch up with the second echelon.

Relying on these two defensive prop cards, Mu Rufeng successfully consumed the rockets behind him.

He safely caught up with the tail of the second echelon.

The distance between the two sides was only more than 100 meters, and he could soon surpass and squeeze in.

But at this moment, he had no prop cards in his hand.

Even, he probably couldn't get the prop cards of the next wave, because there were more than 300 dragon boat teams in the second echelon.

They were so close that they couldn't grab them at all.

Of course, there was no need to worry about this, because as long as he entered the second echelon, he could rely on speed to avoid all attacks.

Just at this time, a three-way river suddenly appeared in front.

Three-way intersection, three directions, each direction has a huge sign.

There is a more detailed introduction under the name of the fork.

1. Python Eleven: It is inhabited by the python boss, who has the strength of the ninth-level ghost emperor. After killing it, you will get a special prop card. Please note that this section of the road is a ten-kilometer detour, and the boss will be refreshed after five minutes after being killed.

2. Rapids: This is the main road!

3. Python Horror: There are many kinds of pythons in it. After killing them, you can get special prop cards. Please note that this section of the road is a five-kilometer detour, and the monster will be refreshed after five minutes after being killed.

"Three forks in the road?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

He found that many strange dragon boat teams did not take the forks, but went directly along the rapids in the middle.

But some of them went directly to the fork on the right.

Only the Python Eleventh, there was no dragon boat team going there at all.

Yes, the middle road is a normal road, most people can choose this one without any problem.

The Python Shock on the right, although it took a five-kilometer detour, there are a lot of monsters that can be killed to obtain special prop cards.

As for this Python Eleven, not only is it the big boss of the ninth-level Ghost Emperor, but it also took a detour of ten kilometers.

Ten kilometers itself will fall behind for a while, and another thing is that it is difficult to kill the Ghost Emperor level in a short time even if it is one-on-many.

Even if it is killed, can the special prop cards obtained allow them to catch up with the time they have made up?

If it is Mu Rufeng, he will most likely choose the Python Shock, followed by the Rapids Bravery, and finally the Python Eleventh.

"Wait, Python Eleven" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's heart moved.

Python Eleven can be said to be two 11s, and there is a 1 in front of Python Eleven. Does this add up to 111?

The vending machine emphasized the three numbers 111. Did it mean that he should choose this path?

But that's not right. If there was anything special about 111, those in the first echelon would definitely go to kill Python Eleven.

"I know." Mu Rufeng figured it out in his mind all of a sudden.

It must be because Mu Feng released the breath of the Emperor, letting the vending machine know that Mu Feng was the Emperor.

It might be more troublesome for multiple ghost emperors to kill the big boss Python Eleven, but Mu Rufeng has the Emperor here, so it's easy to kill him.

In this way, it won't delay any time, only the ten kilometers of detour.

And the special prop card that dropped out can definitely make up for these ten kilometers, and even slightly exceed.

In this way, Mu Rufeng started to change lanes directly to the left.

He chose to enter the left fork. Although there was a reminder from the vending machine, the guys behind him still kept harassing him with attack prop cards.

After entering the left fork, there would be no dragon boat team following, so he didn't have to worry.

The strange dragon boat teams behind also noticed Mu Rufeng's intention, and they all showed a playful smile.

Although they knew that Mu Rufeng was the emperor and could easily kill the BOSS, they still looked at Mu Rufeng in a playful way.

Even some of the strange things that had just obtained the props did not use them on Mu Rufeng.

This one looked like they wanted to use it on the strange things in front. They seemed to think that Mu Rufeng could no longer catch up with them and would definitely fall behind.

Mu Rufeng also saw it, but he was not panicked at all. Instead, he accelerated again and headed towards the left fork.

A few minutes later, Mu Rufeng successfully separated from the second echelon of dragon boat teams and entered the left fork alone.

As soon as he entered, Mu Rufeng knew why those guys looked at them in a playful way.

Because the python big BOSS was only one of the links, the water flow here was actually very viscous, and there was a lot of some kind of mucus in it.

Because of this mucus, the speed actually dropped a lot.

The original speed of 120 kilometers per hour was only 90 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this speed is still much faster than those weird dragon boat teams.

"It's just that no one is interfering, so go in at full speed. When the BOSS comes out, I will take action myself." Mu Rufeng said.


The team members immediately shouted loudly.

The speed suddenly increased again.

The water on both sides was constantly cut open by the dragon boat, and the calm lake surface was directly broken by his drum sound.

At this time, Mu Rufeng felt a malicious attack.

He sensed it and found that he only knew that it came from the bottom of the water, but he didn't know which direction the maliciousness came from.

"It's interesting." Mu Rufeng chuckled.

Five minutes later, still no one saw Mang Eleven come out, and the maliciousness was getting heavier.

Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all. He didn't believe that this BOSS would not come out.

Otherwise, how could this place be named directly after this BOSS.

Another minute later, there was movement under the water.

Mang Eleven, here it comes!

It came directly from the bottom of the dragon boat, and a huge snake head soared into the sky, directly saying that the dragon boat was lifted up to a height of hundreds of meters.

At this height, Mu Rufeng looked up and looked around, and he could vaguely see those strange dragon boat teams on another road.

They said that they could check their dragon boat rankings in real time.

When they entered this fork before, they were 508th, but now, Mu Rufeng looked and found that they had dropped to 621st.

At this moment, they flew for a few seconds, reached a height of more than 200 meters, and then began to fall.

But soon, a strong current of water hit, causing the dragon boat to fly toward the sky again.

Seeing this scene, Mu Rufeng's face did not change, and he stepped suddenly.

The terrifying force instantly acted on the dragon boat.

In just a short second, the dragon boat fell directly below.

And below was the head of Python Eleven.

The dragon boat carried an unstoppable momentum, which directly penetrated the head of Mang Shiyi, and continued to fall without slowing down, until it penetrated the entire head and touched the bottom of the water.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The mud at the bottom of the water burst instantly, and even the hard rocks under the mud broke apart.

The surrounding lake water was also blown away by the huge force, and a vacuum zone of 100 meters appeared here.

Mu Rufeng used his power again to fly the dragon boat directly.

When the lake water came, the dragon boat fell into the water again.

Although the water surface was still a little turbulent, it could not affect the dragon boat.

The dragon boat gradually began to accelerate.

And that Mang Eleven was also killed by him.

Under the same level of strength, even if the head was smashed, it was impossible to live or die.

But Mu Rufeng's every move was subject to rules, and he could easily kill him.

[Congratulations to player Mu Rufeng, who won the top reward for killing Mang Shiyi within ten seconds after he appeared]

[Killed BOSS Mang Shiyi and got Python Soul]

[Get special prop card, Flying Dragon Boat card*1]

[Get special prop card, Gravity card*1]

[Get special prop card, Dongfeng Express*1]

[Please note that special prop cards will not occupy the prop column]

[Python Soul]: Automatically used, the python soul will attach to the dragon boat, increasing the speed of the dragon boat by 100 kilometers per hour, and the duration is within the first and second stages.

[Flying Dragon Boat]: A special prop card. After using it, the dragon boat can fly at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour for two stages, ignoring the rule of leaving the water for ten seconds.

[Gravity Card]: A special prop card. After using it, the dragon boat can become gravity-free, and the speed is tripled for thirty seconds.

[Dongfeng Express]: Special prop card, Dongfeng Express, mission accomplished, after use, missile tracking can be carried out on the top 100 participating dragon boat teams, and it will hit, and defense prop cards can be used for defense.

Strong, very strong, very strong.

Mu Rufeng is also extremely terrified by these three prop cards and the python soul.

The python soul can directly increase the speed by 100 kilometers per hour, which is an additional speed increase, similar to your own speed of 100 kilometers.

After using the python soul, it will increase the speed by 100 kilometers again, so that it reaches 200 kilometers per hour.

Because it is used automatically, Mu Rufeng soon felt a strong sense of push back.

Originally only 30 kilometers per hour, it instantly soared to 130 kilometers.

The team members were shocked by this.

"What happened?"

"So fast, I didn't even row, how come the speed is so fast?"

"Yeah, did you use some prop card again?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and immediately said, "Everyone, take a break, you've been rowing for so long without stopping."

"This is the python soul, which can make the dragon boat reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour for two stages, even if you don't row, you can still reach a speed of 100 kilometers per hour."

Amur heard this and immediately exclaimed: "Wow, you can reach 100 kilometers without rowing, awesome."

"This is too cool, haha."

"Sure enough, it's better to follow Boss Mu and have meat to eat."

A group of team members immediately complimented.

"If you consume a lot, you can eat some bread, spicy strips and mineral water to replenish, and when you get back to the main road, you can go at full speed."

"By then, there will be several special props, which should allow us to rush to the first place directly." Mu Rufeng said.

"Minister Mu is awesome!"

"Minister Mu YYDS!"

"Liu Hao, just keep beating the drums for a while, the drums can't stop." Mu Rufeng said to Liu Hao who was beating the drums.

"It's okay, I'm not tired, I'm just beating the drums, don't worry." Liu Hao responded repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then he continued to check the rankings.

He found that his ranking had risen to 587th.

It was estimated that the speed had increased, and some strange dragon boat teams would also use props to attack each other.

I have to say that it was really right to go this way.

It only took three or five minutes for the intersection of this fork in the road to reach the end, and the main road ahead was the converging road.

Mu Rufeng could vaguely see that there were still many strange dragon boat teams on the road.

"Brothers, are you ready? We are going to set off." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"We're ready!"

"We've had enough energy and spirit, and we're well fed and well drunk, so we can get started."

"Go, go, go!!!"

The team members were so full of energy.

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