I have a city in the desert

Chapter 159 Planting a Mountain of Stones

Speaking of tonnage, Jiang Chen thought for a while. Since he wants to build a cement plant, the tonnage must not be less. You must know that the roads of Mojiang need cement, the hotel needs cement, the new district needs cement, and even the Iraqi city aided the construction. His two highways may need his cement, so...

"I still have 3.043 billion in my pocket. Let's get a billion yuan of cement first!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he directly ordered one billion yuan in the desert cement. After clicking confirm, the system reminded him.

[System Tips]: You have purchased 20 million tons of cement. Do you need packing bags?

"I'll go, there is also a packaging bag service?"

Jiang Chen clicked yes while he was talking, and the system reminded him just after he finished clicking.

[System Tips]: You need to buy one million cement bags, each cement bag 1 hair, please pay 100,000 yuan.

"Okay, okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, anyway I don't care about this little money!"

After Jiang Chen finished talking, he charged another 100,000 and went in. As soon as the money was charged, the system reminded him again.

[System Tips]: Is it one-key planting and one-key stacking?

"There's still more to come, I don't want to plant one-click, but also install it by himself? What a funny system!"

Jiang Chen was talking and clicked OK. Just after confirming here, another payment window popped up.

[System Tips]: This one-key planting requires 600,000 yuan, and stacking requires 400,000 yuan.

After the system prompts, Jiang Chen sighed. As expected, he still has a good system and earns money. Is it easy for me to earn a small amount of money in the desert?

"Forget it, forget it, one million is one million, a bag of cement is 60 cents, a pile of 4 cents, the price will not be lower than that if someone is invited to do it, hurry up and plant it for me!"

Jiang Chen finished talking and charged another one million. After the money was charged, the system finally reached the planting page. After Jiang Chen selected a rectangle on the one-click planting page, he clicked one-click planting under his feet.

After Jiang Chen clicked, a golden light shone from his mobile phone, and soon bags of desert cement appeared in the moonlight centered on him. This desert cement was no different from that of China, gray bags, gray cement, The cement bags piled up large rectangular cement piles around Jiang Chen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ah! So much cement!"

A few minutes later, 20 million bags of cement were formed in front of Jiang Chen. Looking at the thousands of piles of desert cement on the sand dunes, Jiang Chen was also very excited.

"It's great, so much cement, let alone build my high-tech zone, it is no problem to build all the five-star hotels in the scenic spot!"

Seeing that the desert cement was done, Jiang Chen stretched out. After finishing a major event, he felt very comfortable.

"Tomorrow I will wait for Guo Keming to pull the cement. By the way, if I can produce more desert stones, it would be great!"

Jiang Chen thought of this, and suddenly his phone rang with a ding-dong. The familiar voice made Jiang Chen's heart move. Could it be the system...

Jiang Chen hurriedly turned on his mobile phone and saw that I went to the desert farming app to send him a message!

"There are new seeds! However, my visitor mission has not been completed yet!"

Jiang Chen was puzzled in his heart, but it didn't matter to him, as long as he gave him seeds, he wanted it!Thinking of this, Jiang Chen quickly clicked on the Desert Farming App.

Ding Dong!

[System Tips]: The total investment in the Desert Bermuda Scenic Area has exceeded two trillion yuan, and the system will give you a new seed!

[System Tip]: You have obtained a new seed, please check it quickly!

"I went, but also gave new seeds extra? As expected, it is still the conscience system!"

When Jiang Chen spoke, he opened the seed of the construction mall with joy. After clicking on the seed bar, a new seed was unlocked in the seed bar, which looked like a few stones.

"What is this? Stone?"

Jiang Chen opened the seed profile as he spoke.

[Seed Introduction]: Seed name: Desert Stone.Desert stones are stones collected from the mountains deep in the desert. The stones can be used to pave roads or make desert walls.

[Price reminder]: Desert stones are sold per ton, 30 yuan per ton.

"I'll go, do you want to be so conscientious! Thirty yuan per ton, shouldn't this be snatched wildly in China?"

You know that the price of stones in China is now skyrocketing!

Nowadays, China pays special attention to environmental protection. Especially, the proposal of Lushuiqingshan is Jinshan Yinshan has caused many environmentally damaging stone factories to close down. Because of the closure of a large number of stone factories, this has caused the price of stone to soar.Nowadays, the cheapest stone in China starts at 200 yuan a ton, and the price starts at 300 a ton in coastal areas, so the supply is in short supply!

"Great. I just finished the cement here, and the stones came here. Now I have stones and cement. I am developing concrete. Why don't I make a lot of money?"

It doesn't matter whether you earn or not. The most important thing is that the construction of his hotel, his house, and hospital are guaranteed!

"Fill up to buy stones!"

Jiang Chen directly rushed to 1 billion and bought 1 billion stones. The stones don't need packaging, so just throw them on the ground.

Ding Dong!

[System prompt]: You have purchased 333.33 million tons of stones, please plant it.

Jiang Chen clicked on the planting. In the open space east of the desert cement, Jiang Chen just planted, a golden light flashed, and a big mountain of stones appeared before his eyes. The huge stone mountain can be seen from a few miles away. To.

"Great, complete the task!"

These billion stones are sold at a price of three hundred and one ton, and he can sell directly to ten billion, and he can easily make seven billion when he goes to the capital, and Jiang Chen doesn’t worry that no one wants it. After all, The mountain is not allowed to open, but the price of stones is rising all the way!

After planting the desert cement and desert stones, he doesn’t need to worry about the concrete. The only thing Jiang Chen has to worry about is the road. That’s right, he can get in this desert with a big G off-road vehicle, but those who pull How can a big truck with stones come in?

"You have to build a few roads!" Jiang Chen took out the map as he spoke.

"This base will supply the Mojiang Development Zone, the Free Trade Zone, and two scenic bases. Therefore, building a road directly in the middle of Highway No. 1 and No. 2 will increase the distance to four places, which will invisibly waste a lot of time and Oil, so, just build an X-shaped road to the two roads with the cement factory and the stone factory as the center, so that you will save a lot of distance no matter where you go."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and started planting concrete roads. Such transportation roads could not be narrowed. After all, the cement and sand needed to build scenic hotels and housing in new districts over the past two years are particularly large. Therefore, this car is also Indispensable, therefore, Jiang Chen decided to directly repair two eight-lane highways.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen began to count the money for road construction. The two X-shaped roads would require at least 800 million yuan. Not only that, he also had to spend 200 million yuan to build a few roads in the cement factory and stone factory. OK, so this adds up to one billion Chinese yuan.

There is no road alone. What if the truck that pulls cement runs out of gas?Therefore, two more gas stations have to be built. The two gas stations are worth more than 20 million. Adding 1 billion of the road construction, Jiangchen Kari only has 41 million yuan left.

In the night, Jiang Chen had planted everything and the day after tomorrow was already bright. Under the sun, Jiang Chen walked in the cement pile with mixed feelings.

"Hey, everyone says that I am the richest man in the world, but now that I am the first loser, no one can compare it! I must work hard. By the end of this year, the 10 billion in Mojiang New Area must be paid back. In thirteen days you have to pay wages, and wages are a big expense."

Jiang Chen felt the pressure on his shoulders as he spoke. Not only did he have to resist the pressure of lack of money, but he also had to resist the hopes of the people of Mojiang. It was exhausting to think about it!

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