I have a city in the desert

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty

Jingle bell, Jingle bell!

Jiang Chen has no time to express his feelings about life, he is really busy, so busy that he doesn't even have time to sleep!

"Hello, Xiaojiang? This is Guo Keming. I have already found a car. Can I go to pull the cement now? Today I asked the engineering team to start paving the road. By the way, the money for road construction in Iraq has also been approved. Today We will start to repair the road from the development zone to the free trade zone. At the same time, the road from the free trade zone to your desert will start. So we need a lot of cement. Can you solve it?"

"Okay, it can be solved. You can let them come and pull it. By the way, do you also buy the cement for road construction from me?"

Jiang Chen only agreed to Guo Keming to provide him with free cement to repair the development zone, but he did not agree to repair the cement in the expressway, and Lu Jiangchen in the bonded area did not agree to him.

"Buy, we don’t have cement in Mojiang. I asked Xiayi City. There is a shortage of cement in Yi City. Because of strict environmental protection, the output of the Yi City Cement Plant is low. The remaining cement was also bought by Teng County. Therefore, our high-speed materials have to buy cement from you."

After Guo Keming finished speaking, Jiang Chen couldn't help but nod. Yes, now mountains close to the frontier, especially mountains close to the desert, are not allowed to be mined. Because these areas close to the desert are relatively fragile, they dare not go fishing, otherwise the desert It will cost them a painful price.

At this time, the cement production capacity in Iraq has been reduced several times compared with before, but the price has risen more than ten times, because their raw materials have to be pulled from Gansu and even Qinghai Province, which invisibly increased transportation and raw material costs.

"Okay, then pull it from me. By the way, I still have stones here. If you need it, pull it from me!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guo Keming was happier when he heard that Jiang Chen still had a supply of stones here. Yes, all the mountains in Iraq are protected. The stones are not allowed to be mined at all, so the stone market in Iraq is even more lacking. Besides, a ton of stones used to cost more than two hundred yuan. Now the stones are shipped from Gansu and Qing provinces, and the price has risen directly to more than 500 a ton. If you want to buy it, you may not buy it. !

"Really? It's great to have stones in your place! By the way, Xiao Jiang, how are the prices in your place?"

Guo Keming asked about the price on the phone. Jiang Chen didn't know the price in the new province, so he hurriedly asked: "How do you sell cement and stones in Iraq?"

Speaking of the city of Iraq, Guo Keming thought for a while and said: "Ii City has almost 651 tons of cement and 521 tons of stones. Because of the advent of deserts, all localities have shifted their focus to environmental protection. Therefore, the provinces restrict opening of mountains, cement and The stones have risen sharply. We in Iraq even pull stones from outside. The prices are higher. How do you sell your cement and stones, Xiaojiang?"

When Guo Keming finished talking about the price, Jiang Chen was overjoyed in his obedient heart. Yes, he never expected that the price of cement and stones in Iraq would be so high. Moreover, with such a shortage, he seemed to see unlimited business opportunities. Eleven tons, 651 tons of takeaways, this ton makes a net profit of 600 yuan, 31 tons of stones, and 521 tons of takeaways, this ton makes a net profit of 499, which is simply a huge profit. , And more than he earned from selling oil!

"Great. Since the new province is not allowed to open up, why don't I enter the new province's market? My money is second, and the development of the new province is the main thing! Moreover, my raw materials are The most environmentally friendly, the cement is made of sand in the desert, and the stones are made of submerged mountains in the desert. No matter how much cement and stones I sell, they will not pollute and destroy the environment of China a little bit. This is the people's choice. what!"

Jiang Chen thought of this and said to Guo Keming: "Mr. Guo, the price of my stone is the same to them, but my cement and stones are the best stones, especially my cement. Use my cement to pave the road in winter and warm in summer. Cool, not only that, you know that we are on the edge of the desert, and the temperature varies greatly between day and night, but my cement road will change its temperature with the intensity of sunlight, so its service life is definitely better than yours in Iraq!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, County Magistrate Guo looked incredulous. What Jiang Chen said was amazing!Besides, cement can change the road surface temperature. Is it an air conditioner?This Xiaojiang can blow too much, but Jiangchen’s cement and stones are not more expensive than other places, and Jiangchen’s cement factory is close to the stone factory, so regardless of whether it can control the temperature, use Jiangchen’s Cement and stone are the most suitable choices, so Guo Keming has no reason not to purchase.

"Okay, no matter how long it will last, I have set it up. By the way, we need a lot of cement and stones. Can you do it?"

After County Magistrate Guo finished speaking, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, my cement output is very high, not to mention your two highways, that is, I have enough cement and stones for the construction of the entire Iraqi city!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, County Mayor Guo was happy when he heard it. Yes, Mayor Ma of Iraq is still worried about cement. He is planning to build a new area in Yinan next to Mojiang New Area near Jiang Chen. This new area is for nothing. Of course, this is also one of the Yi-Mo integration plan. Now he has no shortage of money, after all, there are state subsidies, but what is lacking is this cement and stones!

"Xiaojiang, is what you said is true? Can you really produce so much cement and stones? We need a lot. Now that the new province is closed for forest protection, where do you go to quarry stones?"

Guo Keming looked unbelief, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "When did I lie to you? The closure of the mountains in the new province has nothing to do with me. I don’t need the stones in the new province. I can’t use the stones in the new province. Benefits have destroyed the environment of the new province, and the deterioration of the environment has caused sandstorms. The gains outweigh the losses!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guo Keming was not convinced. He knew that if he did not use the stones from the new province, he would be pulling stones from Qing and Gan provinces day and night. In such a short period of time, it would be difficult for Jiang Chen to get a city. The cement used!

Therefore, after Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guo Keming said to his mobile phone: "Xiaojiang, now both Gansu and Qing provinces have begun to control the mining of stone. You must know that the cement and stones needed by Iraq are at least 10 billion yuan, so I You have to ask clearly to introduce you to Mayor Ma."

"The source of the stones is a commercial secret. I can guarantee that I can give you as many stones as you need from County Magistrate. And these stones are obtained legally. If you believe it, as long as you have enough money, everything is fine. It’s not a problem. If you don’t believe it, there’s no way.”

Could Jiang Chen tell him that I bought my stones and cement from my mobile phone?Guo Keming would not believe the reason for such nonsense.

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