I have a city in the desert

Chapter 165: Rose's Genuine License

Speaking of the special function of refreshing and refreshing roses, Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and the rose petal bath has the magical effect of promoting the discharge of dark matter in the skin and making the skin delicate and white. Jiang Chen couldn't help but be extremely happy. As long as his roses have magical effects, he Why not open up the high-end market?

Therefore, when Guan Cuo said that he saw the new business opportunity, Jiang Chen couldn't help but nodded and said, "I see, you mean we process and package rose petals for sale, right?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Chu said with joy: "Yes! I mean this. We process rose petals for no less than sell roses! And I've inquired, the withered rose petals are also effective, we just need Just pick up the rose petals that fell in the scenic area and the rose petals that have been packaged off for processing. Moreover, the rose petals are easy to process, but no one knows that they have miraculous effects, so the publicity needs to work hard."

Yes, publicity does have to work hard, but now they are tight on funds, I am afraid they can't advertise on a large scale.

Speaking of propaganda, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered his live broadcast. Yes, his live broadcast was watched by tens of millions of people. As long as he introduces his rose petals to everyone, would he worry about no one to buy it?

"Leave it to me for the publicity. You hire workers, you go to the development zone or the bonded zone to pick up factories, and you will be responsible for this in the future. I will bring it to the market as soon as possible. Whether it can beat the daily flowers this time depends entirely on it. It's up!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Xu nodded. That's right, he wouldn't be relieved of this to someone else!

"Okay! I'm going to pick the factory, I will arrange people to recruit workers in Iraq immediately, and I promise that the rose petals will be put on the market within two days!"

Guan Zuo did what he said. Taking advantage of the fact that it was still dark, he beckoned the driver to drive to the development zone.

After Guanxi left, Jiang Chen urged Manager Cai to leave after a few words. Yes, everyone is busy and he can't be idle. You know this is his life and death battle. If he wins, he can regain the roses. In the market, he will have a lot of money to build a business, wait for the business to be built, and then wait for the business to make a profit, then his money will be enough for him to plant millions of square meters of desert Bermuda lawn!

"It's time to start live broadcasting to promote the effects of roses!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he drove the car to the Mojiang Scenic Area and then turned on his live broadcast. At this time, the sunset was halfway down the mountain and the quiet sunset of the desert filled the sky.

On the hillside, Jiang Chen's warm spring clothes are particularly bright in the sunset. The moment he opened the live broadcast, thousands of people flooded into his live broadcast room. It seems that his fans are still very popular!

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen who loves farming, do you miss me? I haven't broadcast it for a long time..."

Jiang Chen first said hello to everyone, and soon he greeted everyone on his phone and swept the entire screen.

Xiaojiang Fen: Brother, why have you been there these days?I am waiting to watch your live broadcast every day!

Confused: That's right!Anchor, if you don’t open the live broadcast these few days, I am very upset every day!

Lang Lang Qiankun: The anchor is good, we must open the live broadcast frequently in the future!I can't even sleep without watching the live broadcast!


Looking at the barrage of the universe, Jiang Chen smiled, can his grassland sleep-promoting factor still spread through the screen?It's so powerful!

"This time is very busy, so there are fewer live broadcasts. By the way, I will take everyone to enjoy the sunset in the desert. When the number of people reaches tens of millions, I will have major news to announce!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of fans heard that there was a major news to announce. They hurriedly pulled people around. After a while, nearly forty to fifty thousand people flooded into Jiang Chen's live broadcast room.

At seven o'clock, the sky in China was already dark, and the sunset in the desert was thick. Song Jiaqi, the content director of the hot pepper live broadcast platform, saw that Jiang Chen started the live broadcast. She hurriedly removed all the latest homepage recommendations, and she took Jiang Chen’s After the live broadcast room was pushed to the homepage, Song Jiaqi also watched Jiang Chen's live broadcast by his mobile phone.

At nine o'clock, the number of people in Jiang Chen's live broadcast room reached the peak of 80 million, which was already the limit of an outdoor anchor. When Jiang Chen saw that the live broadcast room was almost full, he directed the video to himself, yes, It's time to advertise for him at the Rose Scenic Area!

"Hello everyone, now that everyone is here, then I will announce the great news that my third batch of Sahara roses is on sale to everyone!"

Jiang Chen specially emphasized the Sahara Rose instead of the French Rose this time, just to distinguish it from the Rose of Daily Flowers.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a large number of six-six-six types appeared on his screen soon.

Bo Su: Really?It's great, I didn't buy it last time, this time I will definitely support it!

Hot Shrimp: Yes, support, support!The anchor, is it still in Taobei's Rose's App Store?

Seeing that more and more people were asking questions, Jiang Chen was a little relieved. As expected, his fans supported him in the most difficult times!

"Yes, it's still in the Roses Online Store. It just opened today, and now everyone can place orders!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of fans soon went to Taobei.com to see Jiang Chen’s Saha Rose. After they saw that they were available for purchase, some people began to place orders, but more people became suspicious. That’s right. They saw the recommendation of the authentic Royal Rose of France under the banner of Today's Flowers on Taobei.com!

Many people subconsciously clicked on the official website of the French Rose King Flower flagship store. The official website of the French flagship store is similar to Jiang Chen’s Rose Date, but the background picture is not a beautiful exotic beauty Qin Anna but a Chinese one. A top star Fan Jiabing!

In addition to the different endorsements of the beautiful women, they also saw the official authorization certificate of the French rose king flower manufacturer Kolan Rose. In addition, there is also the eye-catching price!

In Jiang Chen's live broadcast room, some people picked up the purchase quantity in the live broadcast room after placing an order, and Jiang Chen's live broadcast room soon recovered.

Mao Yiwang: It's great. It just so happens that my girlfriend will have two for her birthday tomorrow!

Xiaoliang loves Xiaoqi: I will confess to my girlfriend tomorrow, and I just place an order today!

In addition to a group of purchasers, a very unconcilable voice appeared.

Shanhe Yongmu: Anchor, why does Taobei have a shop that sells French roses like you?And their roses are only 10,000, which is much cheaper than yours!

Dema East Asia: Exactly!And their flagship store also stated that they are the only authentic roses designated for sale by the French Royal Rose. Then they are the only designated roses for sale. Isn't the anchor selling fakes?

Zhu Shaoxiao's attendant: What they sell is originally fake!They do not have the authorization of the Royal Rose of France at all. I don't know where to get this wild rose!

I love to try it: Oh, no wonder Taobei does not recommend it to their homepage. By the way, the anchor, you sell fake roses like this, does the Trade and Industry Bureau know?

A melon from Meng's family: Report a wave!


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