I have a city in the desert

Chapter 166 Fans of Trouble

Jiang Chen never expected so many fans to take him to the rhythm. He took a closer look at the IDs of those fans and was relieved. That's right, these bastards didn't even change their names. Needless to say, they must be Zhu Changpai. Coming!

"I never said that my rose is the Royal Rose of France. Here I solemnly declare that my rose is called Saha Rose!"

Seeing that everyone said he was pirating, Jiang Chen explained to the camera. Just after he finished explaining, there were obviously more sprays on the screen.

Piggy: Ha ha, have you started to wash white after being discovered?It has been sold for so long under the guise of the Royal Rose of France, and now it is discovered that it is not the Royal Rose of France. You liar, you will pay us the money!

Zhu's attendant: Now it is time to say that it is not the Rose King of France. What did you do earlier?A fake flower sells for more than 30,000, you can see that the real flower sells for 10,000, you are a liar anchor who consumes our fans, we will never chase him again!

Tengsha Tourism: Exactly!Who cares about him is the bastard!I won't pay attention to such an unscrupulous anchor anymore!


Looking at a group of people with a rhythm, Jiang Chen laughed. He looked at the screen and said: "Please remember that our Rose King flower is called Saha Rose. The French Rose King flower is not worthy to follow. We are on the same level, and, Little Pig, you are sent by Zhu Chang, you post your proof of purchasing my roses, and I will pay you twice!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his live broadcast room was about to explode!The full screen with barrage flying can't see anything!

Jiangnan Yimeng: Haha, I also said that the Rose King of France is rubbish. I think your rose is rubbish!

Lao Tzu is Galen: That is, your broken rose is expensive and unbranded, it would be embarrassing to give it away!

Xiaozhuzhu: Today's flower shop sales today is 10,000, how many do you sell the anchor?

Piggyman No.1: I just watched it, and they didn't sell one at their Roses Online store today!

Piggy: Take a look. The result is obvious. Today Rose’s French pure Rose King flower has already dumped you a few streets. You are still quibbling here, okay, wait, our boss has already asked the new province for industry and commerce. The bureau has sued you, you just wait to be investigated!

The tricky: Wow, it's lively now!The battle between true and false roses, waiting for the anchor's online store to be closed, and returning our hard-earned money!

Xiao Qingnian: I'll get rid of your fucking sprays!You don’t even want to send Lao Tzu to Lao Tzu the King Rose of France that has lost its hair!Don’t be fooled. We have to support Jiang Chen!

He comes from Migu: Yes, support the anchor!What the anchor brings to us is far greater than the value of the rose itself, so what if we spend a few more money?


In Jiang Chen’s live broadcast room, Jiang Chen’s fans quarreled with Zhu Chang’s younger brothers. Jiang Chen walked to the sand dunes and looked at the Sahara roses in the valley beyond sight. The delicate roses were at dusk. It is more beautiful in the sunshine.

"I hope the girls who received the roses will pick up the flowers and smell them. If you are fascinated by the fragrance of nature, please show your beautiful smiling face. The Saha Rose will sweep you away from the fatigue of the day. , Sahara Rose will also give you more energy to face the next beauty!"

Jiang Chen spoke and directed the video to the Rose Valley in the distance. When everyone stopped arguing and looked towards the valley, the clusters of roses stunned everyone.

The desert wind blew across the hills, and Jiang Chen closed the live broadcast. He knew that no amount of explanation would be useful. He was fair and comfortable. Since you want to lose money, let you give it to you.

In the live broadcast room, everyone did not know why Jiang Chen closed the live broadcast. The quarrel was still there, but the girls who watched the live broadcast firmly remembered Jiang Chen’s words: I hope the girls who received the roses, pick up the flowers. Smell it, if you are fascinated by the fragrance of nature, please show your beautiful smiling face, the Saha Rose will sweep away the fatigue of your day.

Xia Xia: What does the anchor mean?Did he admit that he sold fakes?

Brand: No, since they all admit it, then selling fake roses higher than real roses is a bit too much!

Caterpillar: Hey, you people, when they didn't sell it, you begged them to sell it. They sold it, and you said they were selling fakes. Okay, now the anchor is gone. Are you happy?

A touch of Chenguang Fan Club: I don't care about the others, I repeat here, anyone who joins the Fan Club of Chenguang Jiangchen is not allowed to buy roses today!

Xiaochenchen, my idol: I support Jiang Chen a rose!

The eagle eats a chicken: I also support one!

Feiyang Heart: Forget it, I also support one, and I will confess tomorrow, I hope the goddess can promise me!


Jiang Chen closed the live broadcast, and the afterglow was thick in the evening. Jiang Chen sat alone on the hillside and stared at the sunset in a daze. He didn't know how long he hadn't calmed his mind.

"The live broadcast is useless. If you don't buy my roses, the hospital can't be built. I am afraid that Zhu Chang will not be able to win when the scenic area opens next week! But is winning or losing really that important? I have nothing at all. Start over."

Jiang Chen stood up from the sand dune as he spoke. He looked at the huge sea of ​​roses. What if such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers could not be sold?What if no one is watching?

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a broken can, but after the broken can was broken, Jiang Chen was relieved.

"Stick to yourself, don't forget your original intention, and plant my land well, leave the rest to God!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took his mobile phone and drove the Mercedes-Benz towards his scenic spot. He had to take a good look at the scenic spot that will open next week. If nothing else, he should make sure that the opening day will shock everyone. At the same time, they can protect their plants well.

The car gradually drove into the Rose Flower Sea View area. Rows of isolation belts have been built along the roads along the Rose Flower Sea View area. These isolation belts separate the tourists from the roses. Not only that, but every 20 meters. There is a sentry box, and the sentry box has a security guard dedicated to the safety of roses.

After the car made a round in the sea of ​​roses, the isolation fence and security pavilion of the Huahai Scenic Area were built, Jiang Chen drove into the Bermuda Lawn Scenic Area, and the separation belt of the Lawn Scenic Area was also built, and the security was scattered. The pavilion is also very beautifully repaired, followed by the Xinghua Sea View Area, which is too big, so the workers are still busy.

After strolling around the Xinghua Scenic Area, Jiang Chen went straight to the Crescent Bay Scenic Area. After visiting the Crescent Bay Scenic Area, he went straight to the Sunflower Garden. The sunflowers in the sunflower garden showed signs of wanting to bloom.

The monthly pass will be refreshed soon. I hope everyone can actively vote. One minute before the end of the month, if the monthly pass list can be in the top ten, 10 chapters will be added directly on the first day of the next month! Enter the top five plus 20 chapters!

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