I have a city in the desert

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four

After Li Sheng watched the video, his face was pale, and a group of self-media hurriedly ran away.

This group of people say they are from the media. What is the difference between them and robbers?The new province is to protect media people, but if you are a media person, they don't protect such bandits!

?"Li Sheng, they are not even media people, and I didn't invite them. Does it matter to me where they squat?!"

Jiang Chen opened up the news that Jiang Chen forced the media people to squat on the ground and let Governor Li read it. After reading the news, Li Sheng sighed helplessly and said, "Hey, have the times really changed? How come people's hearts are getting more and more immortal?"

After Governor Li finished speaking, Zhu Chang pointed to the distant anchor Daqin and said: "Governor Li, Jiang Chen beat up the famous anchor, this is true!"

?After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Li Xing looked at Daqin, who was now broadcasting live on his mobile phone with a smile on his face!

"I am now broadcasting the opening ceremony of Mojiang Scenic Area. Everyone should continue to pay attention to me. The scenic area will be open later, and I will buy tickets to go live! Thank you Kitty for your rewards, you are awesome!

Da Qin was talking, and everyone looked at him. At this moment, Da Qin was pressed to the ground by a security guard. He turned his face to the phone not far away and didn't forget to talk to the audience.

"Hey, big brother, big brother don't help me up, no, don't help me up! Ouch, the fans are falling, the fans are falling! No, no, let me lie down!"

Da Qin was picked up by the security guard as he spoke. After Da Qin got up, he did not forget to interact with the fans: "Ahem, get up, come, let me broadcast the opening ceremony of the Mojiang Scenic Area with you!"

Da Qin still wants to interact with the audience. Jiang Huai pointed to Da Qin and said, "Governor Li, you see, he was pressed by the security guard just now!"

After Jiang Huai finished speaking, Governor Li looked at Jiang Huai in surprise. Isn't this fellow with Jiang Chen?Why is he also following Jiang Chen's stage?

"Your name is Da Qin?"

"Yes, I'm Daqin, what's the matter?"

"Did Jiang Chen let people beat you?"

Governor Li looked at the live broadcast of Da Qin and asked him. Da Qin looked back at the old man in front of him. He was kept on the ground by security guards for live broadcast. How does he know who he is?

"Who, who said that I was beaten by Jiang Chen? That was how seniors taught me how to do live broadcast, okay? Look, I lay on the ground like this, and my fans exceeded 5 million, and the fans praised my live broadcast method. It’s novel! Hey, let’s not talk about it, it’s out of fans, it’s out of fans!!"

Da Qin lay down on the road with a plop after talking. After lying down, he never forgot to wink and perform with the audience.

"What? Is it hot when lying on the ground? Are you nonsense? If it is hot, I won't get up early!"

"Hehe, you are so funny, will I be in your house if I'm not in the desert?"

"How can it be so hot in the desert, the temperature here is only over 20 degrees, the ground is cooler, and it will last eighteen or nine degrees. Why don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, come and take a look! By the way, senior, where are the tickets for your scenic spot? Buy, I want to buy one!"

Da Qin looked at Jiang Chen while talking. Jiang Chen pointed him to the ticket office, and Da Qin ran towards the ticket office with a grateful expression.After Daqin left, Jiang Chen looked at Zhu Chang and said, "Zhu Chang, am I assaulting the famous anchor?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Chang also choked up.He looked at Da Qin's away back and couldn't help cursing: "Damn, did I hire you to travel? Wait for I to take care of you!"

"Of course this doesn't count as beating the famous anchor. I think these are deliberately discrediting Xiao Jiang from the media, Governor Li, we have to investigate this matter carefully!"

After Secretary Wang finished speaking, Governor Li nodded. He made a call to the provincial party committee, and the provincial party committee soon became busy.

After the relevant departments of the provincial party committee got busy, it didn't take long for network experts to identify several news publishers and disseminators by analyzing IP sources, and they used satellite positioning to locate their approximate locations near Mojiang.

After the positioning was completed, the province reported it to Governor Li. Li Sheng heard that the rumors were in Mojiang, and he became even more angry. He never thought that this group of scum was by his side!

"Xiao Guo, what's the matter? Did your news organization report it?"

Li Sheng looked at Guo Keming as he spoke. When Guo Keming heard that the person who caused the shock of the entire network was actually his own, he was also anxious: "This, I don’t know this, Li Sheng, who can tell the reporter Tell me your name?"

After Guo Keming finished speaking, Li Sheng took out his mobile phone and let Guo Keming read the list sent by the province. Guo Keming looked at the list and couldn’t help but read it: “Tourism, management, education, joking, entertainment, the next door feeling……"

When he was reading the list, Jiang Chen frowned suddenly. He pointed to a few self-media people in the distance and said, "Wait, gossip and management talk are just some of them!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guo Keming instantly became furious as he watched the self-media that were causing trouble. That's right, they would kill Jiang Chen by blindly guiding public opinion like this?

What they reported that was not in accordance with the facts, not to mention Jiang Chen's reputation, had to destroy Jiang Chen's scenic spot!If Jiang Chen collapsed, his investment of tens of billions to hundreds of billions would be gone!

Moreover, these investments will solve the employment of tens of thousands of people in Mojiang. This group of self-media people is simply going to kill Mojiang!

"Get me a few of them!"

After Guo Keming finished speaking coldly, several police chiefs on the ground heard the gossip and arrested dozens of people from the media.After arresting them, the gossip still clamored: "Why do you arrest people? Why? Believe it or not, I will send you immediately..."

Before the gossip was finished, more than a dozen border police officers over there went up and held them down. One border police also confiscated their mobile phones along the way. Several self-media people tried to grab their phones, but they were all put down by the border police. On the ground.

"Go get the phone!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Brother Hu took a bunch of mobile phones and handed them to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen looked at a mobile phone screen that was still on, and he picked up the phone and looked at it.

"Heavy news. In the face of the facts, Jiang Chen, the person in charge of the Mojiang Scenic Area, refused to cooperate and beat law enforcement officials..."


A horrible report was accompanied by a photo of the sheriff falling to the ground. The angle of the photo was very tricky. It was like Jiang Chen raised his hand and hit the sheriff.

Looking at the news, Jiang Chen couldn't help but scolded. That's right, these people easily made up a few nonsense, and he hurt himself miserably!

He did not say that he was miserable, Jiang Chen could hold the secret weapon to destroy the desert. What these people can destroy is the future of mankind!

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