I have a city in the desert

Chapter 185: Who is behind the scenes

Governor Li shuddered at Jiang Chen's anger, he hurriedly grabbed the phone and looked at it.After Governor Li read the report, he read the other reports of the editor. As expected, the news about Jiang Chen's abduction of underage girls and the donation of Qingbei students were all made up by him!

"Whose phone!"

Governor Li yelled, but a group of self-media people didn't speak. Director Xiao pulled out his pistol and shouted: "Whose cell phone will stand up for me!"

After Director Xiao finished speaking, a self-media person raised his hand.

"Me, my phone."

?Governor Li walked to him and pointed to the news on his mobile phone and asked, "You wrote all these news?"

Governor Li was so angry that he was going to scold him. Isn't this group of self-media people lacking any journalist's ethics?

"I wrote it, what's wrong?"

"Do you have a factual basis for writing these news?"

After Li Sheng finished speaking, the young man lowered his head and said, "I heard."

"I heard? Can the news be heard?"

Governor Li was so angry that he almost fainted. He could not understand the news even though he was killed...

"We all report like this. We from the media don't need to confirm it. Anyway, as long as someone watches and clicks, we can make money."

After the young man finished speaking, looking at him with a calm face, Jiang Chen didn't get angry. In his eyes, it seemed that as long as he could make money, everything was right. Who else would pay attention to the truth of the news? Sex?


Governor Li was speechless for a while!

In the Internet age, everyone is from the media, which invisibly mixed a group of unobtrusive and nonsense people into the press team, and it is this group of people who use their bad mouth to destroy How many lives have been lost, but what is even more annoying is that they still think that everything is right as long as they can make money!

"Grab! Grab all for me. We give the media people full freedom. However, all freedom must be based on facts. Anyone who crosses this red line, no matter who it is, will be dealt with according to law!"

After Li Sheng finished speaking, he waved a dozen border policemen and took away a group of self-media people in an instant. They just wanted to leave, and Jiang Chen called them: "Xiao Ju, wait a minute!"

Jiang Chen couldn't just let them go like this. The nonsense reports of these people had made him the object of criticism by netizens. Jiang Chen couldn't let them go at this moment.

"what happened?"

Director Xiao stopped, Jiang Chen walked over and said: "They must be allowed to eliminate my influence! Otherwise, how can my scenic spot be opened?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Bureau Xiao also nodded, but when it comes to eliminating the impact, all this has happened. How can this eliminate the impact?

"Yes, today we must let this group of people eliminate Xiao Jiang's influence, otherwise, how will Xiao Jiang behave in the future?"

After Secretary Wang finished speaking, several self-media people muttered: "We are only responsible for reporting. We, we will not eliminate the influence..."

"I have a way. All the reporters from the provincial TV station are here. Let's just ask them to tell what they have distorted Jiang Chen, can we re-report it?!"

After Secretary Wang finished speaking, a group of people nodded, and there is only this way.

Speaking of the video, Xiao Ju looked around. He pointed to the rostrum and said, "Just let them stand on it and line up to speak!"

After Xiao Ju said that several police chiefs put a dozen We-Media people on stage one by one, and a group of mainstream media under the stage set up cameras and recorded them. A dozen We-Media players were compiled for the purpose of blogging gimmicks and earning clicks. Jiang Chen’s fake news was explained one by one. After the video was completed, the provincial TV station also conducted a separate interview with several people from the gossip.

After the interview, Jiang Chen suspected that things weren't that simple. Why don't these we-media people have to travel to the frontier to hack themselves?

Therefore, Jiang Chen looked at a few self-media people and asked, "Who sent you? What are the benefits of hacking me?"

In front of Jiang Chen with a cold face, several young men bowed their heads, and dozens of them did not dare to speak.

Xiao Ju looked at them and reprimanded: "Tell me honestly, otherwise you will be strict with your resistance. You guys disrupt public order and destroy social stability and harmony. I don't think you guys will think of it in your life!"

After Xiao Ju said, several young people saw that they had committed such a serious crime. They panicked. A young man shuddered and said, "I said, I said, I surrender, you don't want to arrest me, I will say everything!"

The young man thought it would be okay after a big deal of education, he never expected that they would be real this time!

"Frankly be lenient, resist strict, if you surrender, we will naturally handle it with lenient!"

After Director Xiao finished speaking, the young man hurriedly said: "I didn't come to Hei Jiangchen on purpose. Someone called me and told me that they would give me one hundred thousand to come to Hei Jiangchen. I was deceived!"

After the young people finished speaking, other self-media also raised their hands and shouted: "Me too! Me too! I was deceived too!"

After a group of self-media talked about it, everything finally came to light.

"Check, check it out for me! Don't let me off anyone involved in this matter!"

After Governor Li finished speaking, Bureau Xiao saluted and shouted: "The leadership's order must be completed!"

Xiao Ju took away a group of self-media people when he finished speaking. When the border police were leaving, their sheriff also saluted Jiang Chen and said, "I'm sorry, boss Jiang, I hope you can forgive me for what I just said. Disrespect, I also felt angry when I watched the fake news, so my attitude was..."

Jiang Chen also knew that this was not their fault. They also enforced the law impartially, so Jiang Chen saluted him and said, "It's okay, you also have your own tasks. I also blame me for being a bit reckless just now. Just solve our misunderstanding. In the future, the security at the border will depend on you!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the sheriff saluted Jiang Chen again and then turned and escorted a group of self-media people toward the police car.

After Director Xiao left, Jiang Chen's scenic spot was so busy that the opening ceremony was also lost. Besides, Jiang Chen was not in the mood to engage in it.

A group of people on the stage looked at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen walked to the stage and picked up the microphone and shouted at everyone: "Sorry, today’s opening ceremony disappointed everyone. Today’s opening ceremony will be cancelled first. When everything comes to light, I will do it again. inform everybody."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of tourists left with a lot of discussion. After the tourists left, Jiang Chen looked at Governor Li and the others and said: "I'm troubled Governor Li today. I will notify Governor Li again when everything becomes clear! "

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Governor Li's sightings were over. He also nodded and said, "Okay, after the master behind the scenes is arrested, I will personally host the opening ceremony of the scenic spot for you!"

After Governor Li finished speaking, he was accompanied by everyone. After everyone left, the entrance of the scenic spot became empty soon.

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