I have a city in the desert

Chapter 198 Jiabing chats with you about a ball

It is said that after Jiang Chen abducted the big star Fan Jiabing, at this moment, after Zhu Chang and others at the Tengxian Desert Film and Television Base had just dispersed a group of rioting students, another group of students came at the entrance of the scenic spot, and the students had to buy tickets to come in to see the star, Mr. Ning Ying Just about to tell them about the celebrity's departure, Zhu Chang glared at him, and Ning Ying dared not speak.

"Buy a ticket and come in. They will have a fan meeting in the scenic spot after the filming is finished!"

Zhu Chang finished speaking to a dozen students, and a dozen students still had a meeting. They hurriedly bought tickets.After buying tickets to enter the scenic area, they searched the scenic area for a long time but did not find Fan Jiabing and Cai Kun. The student asked the security guard in the scenic area. The security shook his head and said that they had left. The student knew that they had been fooled.

When they ran to the door to find Zhu Chang's theory, another group of deceived students came at the door. When a few students told them the truth, forty or fifty students blocked the entrance of the scenic spot to make a statement. Young Master Ning Ying hurriedly went to see this. Looking for Zhu Chang, Zhu Chang said indifferently: "Let them make trouble, anyway, I can complete the task!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Ning Shao roared in anger, "If you treat tourists like this, you will ruin our scenic spot!"

After Ning Shao roared, Meng Hui also persuaded him: "That is, you can't lie to them anymore, otherwise, if they publicize it, our scenic spot will be completely destroyed!"

Zhu Chang didn't care, anyway, he didn't invest in this scenic spot to make money, but Meng Hui is different!Especially Meng Hui, their family paid a billion for this scenic spot. This is the largest investment of their family!

"Shut up! If we can't beat Jiang Chen today, this will ruin our scenic spot!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, he walked straight to the door. When he reached the entrance of the scenic spot, Zhu Chang looked at a group of students in the troubled area and shouted: "Shut up, fuck me! Give me the fuck in three minutes, or don't blame me for beating someone. Up!"

Zhu Chang knew that if this group of people kept making trouble here, it would be difficult for his scenic spot to trick people in again, so he had to disperse them!

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, a group of students pointed at Zhu Chang and screamed: "Why are you hitting someone? You cheat tourists and we report you!"

After a group of students finished speaking, Zhu Chang waved his hand and shouted: "Report it! Security guard, clear the room for me!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, dozens of security guards took batons and beat a group of students away. These security guards said they were security guards, but they were actually all gangsters of this generation, so they were very bold.

After the students were driven away, they called the Provincial Tourism Bureau directly. After the call, in order to prevent more people from being fooled, they spontaneously stopped at the entrance of the scenic spot, and even some fans were online. A post was launched in the forum, and not many news of the beating at the Desert Film and Television Base in Huiteng County spread throughout the network.

In the afternoon, the sun was a bit thick. When Jiang Chen drove Fan Jiabing and the others to the Crescent Bay Scenic Area, Guan Xu had already sent all kinds of shooting equipment to the Crescent Bay Oasis. After a few people got off the car, they felt the slightness in the desert. Fan Jiabing, who was cool with some icy beauties, instantly smiled.

"Wow, it's really cool!"

Fan Jiabing took off her black sunglasses, and she raised her head to look at the rolling sand dunes and exclaimed: "Wow, is this the desert? It's spectacular!"

Fan Jiabing had never been to a desert. When she was in Teng County, the desert was hot out of the sky. She only cared about the mood of the fan to see what desert.

"Boss Jiang, where are we shooting?"

The director checked the time, and now it was two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was not much time left for him.

"over there!"

Jiang Chen pointed behind him, and when the three of them looked back, a large oasis appeared in a golden desert. There were patches of green reeds floating in the wind in the oasis. Looking at the miracle in the desert, even Cai Kun was surprised.

"Wow, desert oasis! It's amazing!"

After Cai Kun finished speaking, several people hurried towards the oasis. When they walked to the grass, Fan Jiabing took off her high heels. Her pair of icy feet was very beautiful.

"Wow, this grass is so soft!"

Fan Jiabing was amazed. Where can the director over there still have time to appreciate some oasis? If you know that she can't submit the video tonight, she will have to pay tens of millions!

"Okay, shoot, shoot!"

When the director finished speaking, he personally picked up the camera, and Cai Kun also took out the basketball. The crew of "The Ball Is So Beautiful" was shot in the desert oasis.

Jiang Chen has always wondered what this "Ball You Are Beautiful" has a ball meaning. After shooting for a long time, Cai Kun dribbled the ball in the desert. After dribbling the ball in the desert for a while, Cai Kun said a few more words to the camera. It was about the feeling of dribbling in the desert. Then he dribbled the ball along Crescent Bay. After dribbling the ball for more than ten minutes in Crescent Bay, he finished shooting.

Brother Hu and Jiang Chen watched them filming from a distance. Not long after, Brother Tiger smoked a cigarette and said seriously: "Boss Jiang, do you think they have something to watch when shooting this stuff?"

"I don't know, maybe just watch a ball!"

Jiang Chen didn't bother to care about him. As long as they could bring fans from other provinces, his goal would be achieved.

After Cai Kun finished shooting the dribble, the director asked him to sit in the desert with Fan Jiabing and chat about the desert and the ball. After more than half an hour of chatting, the director called the card.

After the director shouted the card, Brother Tiger couldn't help asking: "Director, you shoot the dribble and then shoot the dribble. Why are you still talking about life?"

After Brother Tiger finished speaking, the director saw that the filming was completed and he smiled and said, "You don’t understand, the short story we shot is divided into two parts. The first part is called "The Ball, You Are So Beautiful". In this part, we will make the traffic king Caikun different. Dribble at the place where you are, and then talk about how it feels to dribble there. What you saw just now is called "Talking with you about a ball with ice", which is the superstar Jiabing accompanied to talk about Cai Kun’s dribbling feelings and life understanding ."

After the director finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head and said that he could not appreciate it.

After a while, a car drove up outside the scenic area, and several crew members got off the car. After the director gave them the video, they edited it on the car. After a group of people got busy, the director met The Jiangchen scenic spot is very strange, he suddenly had a very bold idea.

"Boss Jiang, are there any other scenic spots in your scenic spot? I want to shoot a series with you. I tell you that our show is very popular. If we shoot a series with you, your scenic spot will definitely become Hua The most popular scenic spot in the country!"

After the director finished speaking, Jiang Chen didn’t believe it, but since everyone had spoken, he was too embarrassed to refuse. So Jiang Chen told the director about the other scenic spots. When the director became interested, he let Jiang Chen drive. The car took him to the Sea of ​​Roses, to the Xinghualing Scenic Area and then to the Oasis Scenic Area. It was best that Jiang Chen took them to the Sunflower Garden Scenic Area.

After running down several scenic spots, the director was surprised as if he was dreaming!He never expected that the desert on this frontier would be so beautiful!So he immediately signed an agreement with Jiang Chen, and he wanted to shoot the "Ball You Are So Beautiful" Desert Walk series in Jiang Chen's scenic spot!

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