I have a city in the desert

Chapter 199 He dribbles so fast

Jiang Chen didn't know how many people watched "The Ball You Are So Beautiful", but since others are willing to shoot in his own scenic spot, Jiang Chen is naturally very willing. Anyway, he can publicize himself for free, and Jiang Chen can't ask for it.

After Jiang Chen signed the filming agreement with the director, the director led the crew to shoot in the Jiangchen Scenic Area. They first went to the Xinghualing Scenic Area. After shooting in the scenic area for more than three hours, they went to the Rose Flower Seascape. Area.

After shooting for more than two hours in the Rose Flower Seascape, a group of people went to the Guanyun Mountain Scenic Spot in the evening. Finally, under a starry sky, they did not forget to film the Oasis.

It was late at night after the entire desert scenic spot was filmed. Fan Jiabing and Cai Kun lived in the scenic spot late at night. They promised to hold a small celebrity meeting at the gate of the scenic spot tomorrow. This was Jiang Chen's only request for them to shoot.

Speaking of being idle at night, Jiang Chen turned on his mobile phone to read the news. Just opened Migu News, a piece of news instantly attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

"The love gambling incident between Jiang Chen and Zhu Chang continues to escalate. This newspaper has deliberately opened a survey of approval ratings, and everyone is welcome to vote."

Looking at the title, Jiang Chen clicked in. After clicking in, two options appeared on the web page, one with Jiang Chen and Zhu Chang. Jiang Chen subconsciously voted for himself. After the vote, the web page The current voting result popped up, and Jiang Chen was a little surprised at the result.

Jiang Chen: 110,000 votes.

Zhu Chang: 120,000 votes.

"I'm going, I can't beat Zhu Chang in such a good scenic spot?"

Jiang Chen sneered and was about to close the news, but soon he saw the comments under the poll, and he became interested again.

Xiaofan: Who voted for Zhu Chang?Zhu Chang deceived tourists and beat them up. Isn't anyone in charge?

Sexy scum cat: Yes, we were all tricked into the scenic spot by him today. Such people are really disgusting!

Jiabing Support Group: I hope everyone will not be fooled. Jiabing and Caikun have both gone to the Mojiang Bermuda Scenic Area. If you want to see them, don't go to Teng County!

Qiaoyou Taimei Fan Group: That is, at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, idols will organize a meeting in the scenic area. Everyone can enter for free, and you must remember the time!

Little Pig: Liar, Fan Jiabing is in the scenic spot of Teng County, don’t believe I have a photo here!

The comments in the news kept tumbling like chat messages. Jiang Chen saw that Little Pig was spreading rumors here again. He just wanted to expose them, a fan yelled, and soon the fans in the voting room dispersed like a tide Up.

Idol is handsome: "Ball You Are So Beautiful" is on the air, go and watch!

After the crowd dispersed, Jiang Chen was also curious about the "Ball You Are So Beautiful" video played in the Kai Migu video. Less than a minute after it started broadcasting, the "Ball You Are So Beautiful" played millions of hits. And the click is still increasing in ten thousand.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Chen wondered, why are so many people watching just such a shooting video?

"Hello everyone, this is Caikun. Today we are going to dribble the ball at the Mojiang Bermuda Oasis Scenic Spot. Wow, let me see the desert here. The desert here is so spectacular. Watch me dribble, my ball is walking on the sand. On the flat ground, I feel like I am dancing on the sand..."

"So handsome..."

"Idol is so hard!"

"So distressed, Idol must come on!"

Before Jiang Chen could see his dribbling posture, his phone was swiped by the barrage. Jiang Chen closed the barrage. He watched Cai Kun dribble the ball. He was too fast to see clearly. Jiang Chen sighed and closed the video.

The sun is infinitely good at the beginning of a new day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Cai Kun and Fan Jiabing held a half-hour fan meeting in Jiang Chen’s scenic spot. Jiang Chen thought that there would not be many people. After all, this is a remote desert, and it is also in the sandy season. But what surprised him was that when it was dark, there were thousands of people lined up at the gate of the scenic spot!

Guan Su hurriedly called Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen hurried to the entrance of the scenic spot. Thousands of fans at the entrance of the scenic spot were already impatiently coming in.

"Open the door and organize a vehicle to let them go to the Rose Flower Sea View area for a meeting!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the security hurriedly opened them, Guan Zuo instructed everyone to swipe their ID cards to get free temporary tickets before boarding the bus. Wherever the fans were willing, they rushed into the gate and ran towards the scenic spot.

Seeing a group of people rushing into the scenic spot, Guan Cu just wanted to stop them, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "No, let them go. Anyway, it's more than two hundred miles away. If they want to go, let them go! "

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of fans heard that there were more than two hundred miles away, and they ran back to collect the tickets in a dingy manner.

Fans lined up to get tickets into the scenic spot. Not to mention, when Jiang Chen saw the number of tourists from outside the province rising in the ticketing hall, he was excited.

"Okay, one hundred, great. I didn't expect the current fans to be so crazy, coming from all over the country in the middle of the night, it's really a gift in the snow!"

While Jiang Chen was talking, his cell phone rang untimely. Jiang Chen took out his cell phone to see that Zhu Chang was calling again.


"Haha, Jiang Chen, I can tell you the good news. I have 498 tourists, and I will win you by two. By the way, let me tell you by the way, there are many stupid fans coming to me. You wait to lose!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was shocked, and he was really despicable.

Jiang Chen was good at scolding. After Jiang Chen fell asleep last night, Zhu Chang spent more than two million to ask a marketing account to advertise for him, so the entire network was flooded with news about Fan Jiabing and others filming in Teng County, which also cheated Zhu Chang. There were waves of tourists.

"Hehe, so what? Are you still missing two? I can get five hundred in a while!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Chang sneered: "Don't think I didn't know that you fooled thousands of people to come to your scenic spot, but even if they start buying tickets now, when you sell 500 tickets, my task is over! By the way, I have already contacted Governor Li, and Governor Li has notified the media. At 3 o'clock this afternoon, we in Urumqi City saw a clear picture. By the way, I will tell you in advance, get ready for 10 billion!"

Zhu Chang smiled and hung up after speaking.

After Jiang Chen hung up the phone, Guan Zuo said anxiously: "What about Boss Jiang? Zhu Chang finished the task before two people. We can't lose to him!"

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Brother Hu stood up and said, "Brother Jiang, should I stop all the cars going to Teng County on the road?"

After Brother Hu finished speaking, Guan Zuo nodded and said, "Okay, Fat Tiger, go and stop the car, as long as it is going to Teng County, you will not let it go!"

After Guan Cu finished talking, Brother Tiger nodded and wanted to leave, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"No, that will damage the image of our scenic spot, and I can't do such a despicable thing!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the beauties from the two notary offices shouted at the door: "Our fans from the new province first let the fans from other provinces come. They are all guests. Is it time to show the enthusiasm of our new province? "

The beauty of the notary office finished speaking, the crowded tourists at the gate did not want to let others, they still squeezed in the ticket gate and refused to move.

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