I have a city in the desert

Chapter 213 Old Iron 666

"Wait, do you think this is my bottom line? No! Anyone who comes to my scenic spot will get a free pack of rose petals worth 15 thousand. Not only that, but also a bag of sleeping grass worth 3000!"

In the live broadcast room, after Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people ignited even more, and he heard that Jiang Chen had a big bargain. Soon Jiang Chen's live broadcast room exceeded tens of millions of people, and it was also angrily rising in millions.

The Great: It's so amazing!I asked if I buy a rose and go to your scenic area for free through your travel agency, can I still get rose petals and sleeping grass?

Salted fish: Same question!

Caterpillar: Same question!


"You can get it at the same time! By the way, my new travel agency is called Xinmei Travel Agency. You can place an order to buy roses tonight, and you can go to Xinmei Travel Agency tomorrow morning to go through the formalities. Xinmei Travel Agency will give you all Arrange the time."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his screen was full of 666.

The Great: This is really great!Buying a rose of 30,000, saving more than 10,000 travel agency money, you can get 15,000 rose petals, and you can get 3,000 sleepweeds, so that this rose is equivalent to just spending Three thousand dollars!

Hunzi: That's right, this rose is 3,000 yuan, today's flower is 5,000 yuan, which is cheaper than today's rose!

One-hand typing: It is indeed cheaper than today's flowers!Don’t say anything, but with the anchor’s sincerity, I’m going to place an order!

Camping Blue Light: Place an order, save tens of thousands of dollars, and bring the whole family back!

Full-time writing: I heard people who traveled come back and said that your scenic spot is paradise. Is it such an exaggeration?

Hehe smiled and peeed: Yes, I have always been curious. Yesterday I watched the competition ranking of tourist attractions. The Mojiang Scenic Area suddenly reached the top of the list, and there was no bad review in all the reviews. At that time, I was scared to pee. !

Find someone this year: how much you love to pee!However, I also watched the rankings yesterday, and I was wondering at the time, how could there be no bad reviews for a scenic spot?!However, the tourism competition rankings are all evaluated by votes, and there can be no brushes.

0.5: Yes, it can't be brushed out. This is the only non-five-star attraction with a five-star rating!

Chen Vinegar: You have to go and see, I don’t believe there will be places with five-star praise!


Looking at everyone's comments, Jiang Chen smiled. Indeed, his scenic spot is perfect, and even the small flaws in board and lodging can hardly conceal the charm of his scenic spot.

"Does it look good? Everyone will know when you come. By the way, I forgot to tell you that there is no signal in my scenic area, so you can only take photos or videos and send it back to Moments. You can’t video with friends, so I want To see the purest scenery, come and experience it yourself!"

Thirty thousand yuan is indeed expensive for a low-level citizen, but China is a rich country, and the average annual income of the Chinese people is as much as 150,000.

Moreover, the middle and upper levels of society have an annual income of up to 500,000 yuan, and asking them to pay 30,000 yuan is just a drizzle for them.

Of course, Jiang Chen dared to lower the price so low, he also had his own consideration.

Jiang Chen’s roses don’t have a cost like the roses of today’s flowers. Today’s flowers have to be imported from France. The cost of a rose plus tariff insurance is 10,000. If he sells 5,000, he will need a rose. He lost five thousand yuan, but he was different. Jiang Chen's roses were almost cost-free. His roses mainly needed money for packaging, picking and transportation.

Even so, Jiang Chen's rose from the factory to the tourists, the cost of this rose is only 100 yuan.When he sells 30,000 of them, the net profit is more than 29,900. A rose is free of one person's ticket, and without the round trip expenses and the money they eat, he can earn at least two. Ten thousand four five.

If he promoted this way, he not only earned them twenty-four-five thousand, but also kept his brand, and even promoted the reputation of his Xinmei travel agency.

Just as Jiang Chen was calculating his own gains and losses, suddenly someone flashed a barrage on his phone.

Beautiful in the sun: Hello, anchor, I want to ask, if I buy the blue enchantress, will there be any other discount?

Feel free to listen to the past: Yes, I want to ask this question too!

Dandan’s sadness: There must be a discount. A blue enchantress originally sold for 240,000 based on the anchor’s reward record. Now all the roses are not discounted. The blue enchantress has also returned to the original price of 250,000, which is so expensive. There must be other discounts!


A group of people talked about the Blue Demon Fairy, Jiang Chen thought for a while, what discount can the Blue Demon Fairy give them?

"There are discounts! A blue enchantress can free the person you give away tickets. In addition, our scenic spot has prepared super VIP services for this kind of super VIP, including first-class cabins, VIP guides, and the most beautiful habitats. service."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of customers who were going to buy the blue enchantress were happy. Yes, they bought the blue enchantress just as they wanted an identity as they were in first class!

Beautiful in the sun: That would be great. By the way, I have more than a dozen friends who are interested in buying the blue enchantress. We will place an order next weekend and come directly to travel!

After solving the tourists' questions, the night came and Jiang Chen closed the live broadcast.

At night, Jiang Chen looked at his phone. He remembered what he had ordered Fat Hu during the day, so he drove the car toward Mojiang. When Jiang Chen arrived at Mojiang, Fat Hu had been waiting in the van on the border for a long time. When Jiang Chen's car stopped, Fat Hu hurriedly shouted, "Brother Jiang, it's done!"

After hearing anything else, Jiang Chen drove the Mercedes-Benz with the van and drove towards the depths of the desert.After driving for two and a half hours, Jiang Chen finally reached the outermost windbreak belt of the windbreak forest.

At this moment, even though it is night, there is still some moonlight on the windbreak belt. The moonlight sometimes disappears. The wind swept through the sand and beat the windbreak forest from time to time. The outermost windbreak forest has long been invaded by the sand.

"Brother Jiang, do we really throw them into the desert?"

"Let you lose it."

While Jiang Chen was talking, a few people went up and threw the stunned yellow hair, scar monkey, dwarf pig and others into the sand forest. Jiang Chen threw them down and stuffed a note in his yellow hair pocket. Then I drove away.

The next day, just after dawn, Jiang Chen drove towards Mojiang Airport after washing in the scenic spot. He was going to pick up Song Jiaqi.

Arriving at Fanggen Airport, although it was early in the morning, the airport was crowded with people. The fact that there were so many people at this small airport in a remote area really surprised Jiang Chen.

"Visitors with a ray of sunshine in Shanghai, and tourists with a ray of sunshine in Shanghai, listen carefully, and hurry up to follow the team, don't go wrong!"

"Visitors with a ray of sunshine in Beijing gather here!"

"Visitors of a ray of sunshine in Hecheng, please remember that your hat is green, and you must remember that it is green!"

"Jizhou, tourists from Jizhou are getting on the bus!"


"I'm going, as for so many tourists?"

Jiang Chen looked at the tourists all over the airport, he couldn't laugh or cry. Why can't you guys come one day in advance?If you come one day in advance, my ten billion won't be spent so wrongly!

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