I have a city in the desert

Chapter 214: The National First Love Song Jiaqi

Jiang Chen waited at the airport for more than half an hour before he received Song Jiaqi. During this half an hour, Fanggen Airport had ups and downs for no less than a dozen flights. For that matter, those tourists still couldn't finish loading.

In the airport terminal, Jiang Chen recognized Song Jiaqi who was approaching him at a glance. Song Jiaqi's long wine-red hair curled down slightly, looking a little intellectual.The expression on her face was cold, slender eyebrows, dark eye shadows, and jet black eyes covered by long eyelashes shone with a different kind of light.

Jiang Chen looked at Song Jiaqi, he was stunned for a while. In Jiang Chen's impression, she was always the makeup of a working woman, but she didn't want her to be so attractive when she wore high boots.

"Mr Song?"

Jiang Chen yelled to Song Jiaqi, and Song Jiaqi also recognized Jiang Chen in the crowd. After all, Jiang Chen was as handsome as the most beautiful star in the airport.

Song Jiaqi was also a little surprised when she saw Jiang Chen. She had only watched Jiang Chen in the live broadcast, but didn't want Jiang Chen in reality to be much more handsome than in the live broadcast.

"Hello there."

After Song Jiaqi finished speaking, he walked straight over. Behind her was an old man in her fifties who was dressed in trendy clothes, like a young man in her twenties.

"Who is this?"

"I'm her dad, I'm a good guy, young and handsome, and match my daughter very well!"

Song Jiaqi hadn't spoken yet, the old man patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and introduced himself. Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed. Song Jiaqi was so cold, her father seemed to...

"Dad, what did I tell you when I came here?!"

"Okay, okay, I know that I go to work every day. What's the use of a girl who is active at work? How old are they, and there is no target. If your mother is Jiuquanxia..."


When Song Jiaqi finished speaking, pulling the password box and turning around, the old man closed his mouth.

"Okay, can I leave it alone? You leave me alone at home every day, and you promise to take me out for three or four years. If you don’t come out with me for three or four years, you can’t just come out. May I say a few more words?"

After the old man finished speaking, Jiang Chen seemed to understand something. He hurriedly persuaded him: "That is, since they are all here, how can anyone leave without seeing it, Mr. Song, my car is parked outside, let's go!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the old man also said: "Good season, you think you are not as good as Xiao Jiang!"

"Okay, if you want to talk about finding someone, I'll leave immediately!"


Jiang Chen helped the old man carry his luggage and put it on the back seat of the car. The three of them got on the car, facing the sunrise, Jiang Chen set off towards the scenic spot.

The car drove past the high-speed rail station. More than two hundred buses were parked on the square in front of the high-speed rail station. The buses were loaded with busy tourists. One bus after another just left the high-speed rail station, another bus entered the high-speed rail station.

"Boy, your scenic spot is very popular!"

"It's fine."

"Boy, didn't you go to college?"

"Qingbei undergraduates."

"Wow, Qingbei University, I didn't even pass the exam in the best season!"

Jiang Chen looked up at the rear-view mirror, and Song Jiaqi's exquisite face and elegant temperament in the rear-view mirror couldn't hide the embarrassment at the moment...

For some reason, every time Jiang Chen looked back, he always found that the face of Song Jiaqi's first lover resembled the Chinese star azalea.

However, Song Jiaqi's face was blue and red at this moment. If possible, Jiang Chen thought Song Jiaqi would definitely slam the door and leave.

"Qingbei is not easy to test."

"By the way, boy, where's your family from! He doesn't look like a native of Xinsheng to listen to you!"

"I am from Wanjiang."

"Where are your parents?"

"Dad, can you be quiet?"

After Song Jiaqi said angrily, the old man said angrily: "I didn't talk to you again, what are you doing with me?"

"Do you know that this will affect people's driving?"

Song Jiaqi didn't have a good temper, and the old man calmed down. Song Jiaqi sighed. If he doesn't interrupt him, he still doesn't know how short he is to reveal himself!

When the car arrived at the scenic spot, the entrance of the scenic spot was full of large trucks waiting to enter the scenic spot. Jiang Chen looked at the bus parked at the entrance. He estimated that the tourists on this day would have to break 10,000!

"Wait, let's buy tickets!"

"No, you don't need to buy a ticket."

"That won't work, you are not a good boyfriend, how can you buy a ticket."

"Sit down and I can buy it?"

When Song Jiaqi finished speaking, he would push the car door. Jiang Chen hurriedly shouted: "Mr. Song, no, no, I'll just take you in. Let's not go with the tour group. I will specifically take you to a few later. An open scenic spot."

Before Song Jiaqi came, Jiang Chen had thought about it. This time Song Jiaqi can come, he decided to show her all the strengths of his scenic spot, so as to strengthen their determination to promote himself in the hot pepper live broadcast.

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen drove all the way to the Rose Flower Sea View Area, which was crowded with people.

Looking at the roses in the mountains and plains, Song Jiaqi, the goddess of first love, couldn't help but smile. Seeing that she liked it, Jiang Chen deliberately picked a few blue enchantresses and gave them to Song Jiaqi.

As the car left the Rose Flower Seascape area, Song Jiaqi smelled the fragrance of the blue enchantress, and she seemed to be intoxicated in the spring breeze of love.

After leaving the Rose Flower Seascape Area, Jiang Chen drove the car all the way to the Xinghua Seascape Area. When night came, Jiang Chen didn't choose to go to the Bermuda Oasis. He drove the car all the way towards the desert ranch.

The car drove through a green grassland that could not be seen at a glance. The green of the grassland really stunned the two Song Jiaqi!

"Wow, what a beautiful grassland! I can't believe this is a desert of death!"

The evening wind lifted Song Jiaqi's long hair, and the three of them drove towards the sunset and drove to the end of the road.

When night came, Jiang Chen turned to the desert poppies scenic spot. The grape lights in the poppy scenic spots lighted up, and the whole world was plunged into a colorful world.

At night, a few people lay on the grass in the Yu Poppy Scenic Area and admired the sky full of stars, the sky full of stars like naughty children blinking bright eyes.

The old man who had been jubilant for a day has gone to sleep. He slept soundly on the grass. Jiang Chen accompanied Song Jiaqi to walk on the road.

The two of them were walking and talking about the past. They couldn't help but laugh when they were happy. Jiang Chen discovered that not every cold goddess is cold in heart, she just didn't encounter it. The one who can melt her.

"Jiang Chen, I am not here just to take my dad out for a walk."

It was late at night, and the two of them were a little tired from walking. Jiang Chen just wanted to go back. Song Jiaqi looked at herself with beautiful eyes under the street lamp. The dim lights made her face look more beautiful.

"Anything else?"

"Maoya has just received an investment, and they are going to sign Yisuwan, the No. 1 beauty of the Korean tide country, to China. So, you are prepared. Next, we may continue to be in a downturn for a while.

After Song Jiaqi finished speaking, Jiang Chen was also shocked when he heard that Yi Su Wan, the first beauty of Han Chao country, was coming to China. You must know that Yi Su Wan is very popular!

Yi Su Wan is known as Asia’s No. 1 pure beauty. Her live dance has a minimum of 50 or 60 million people watching online at the same time. This is still in Chaoguo, Korea. If you want to come to China, there are so many viewers in China. Hundreds of millions of clicks every minute!

Although there is no bottom in his heart, Jiang Chen is not willing to admit counsel easily in front of Song Jiaqi, so Jiang Chen looked at Song Jiaqi and said: "Don't worry, whether she is the number one beauty, as long as she comes, I will dare to let her She breaks China!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a smile appeared on Song Jiaqi's face. Under the stars, she reached out and shook hands with Jiang Chen, her hands were a little warm.

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