I have a city in the desert

The 499th chapter is on a dead end

There are still a few hours before the action in the evening. It is the weekend and the children are at home.

Lu Zhimin drove towards his villa in the wooden house town with tears in his eyes.

After arriving at the villa, his daughter was practicing commentary in the villa yard.Her daughter is 17 years old, and the child is as gentle and beautiful as her mother.

She plans to apply for the Saha Tourism Academy with a few classmates, and Lu Zhimin has always supported her.

"Dad, why did you come back so early today?"

Looking at Wen Jing's well-behaved daughter, Lu Zhimin's eyes became red again.She walked to her daughter and gently embraced her in her arms.

In the distance, his 12-year-old son ran towards him. His wife did not go to work and took care of his two children.

The two children have very good tutoring. They did not like sports cars like other stubborn disciples because they were rich, and they liked to show off everywhere.

"Dad, why did you come back so early today? I have a performance in the music world next week. Will you come to see it?"

His son has been attending the primary school attached to the Conservatory of Music since he was a child. This time, there is a violin concert in the music world, and his son happens to be performing with the team.

"Yes, Dad will accompany you to the show next week."

Lu Zhimin had never been so gentle before, and even his wife who was standing at the door knitting a sweater was in a daze.

In her impression, Lu Zhimin always leaves early and returns late. He has never helped them realize all the dreams of the children.

"Why do you seem to be a different person today? You never play with children."

Looking at his wife in front of the door, his wife is his classmate.Inadvertently, his wife was also a lot older, and he was only looking at work and didn't notice.

"I used to neglect you. From now on, I will cherish every day I spend with you."

After experiencing a disaster, Lu Zhimin, who was reborn, has completely changed a person. He has begun to understand the importance of family.He also began to enjoy the seemingly simple and ordinary but hard-won happiness in every second of life.

"What's wrong with you today? I heard from my neighbors that the company was investigating seed theft recently, are you..."

"No, what do you think? From tomorrow, I won't work in the seed group."

When Lu Zhimin finished speaking, his wife looked a little panicked.

"What's wrong? Have you been fired?"

"No, no. Jiang Ge formed the Desert Construction Company, and I am the general manager. This time I am the top leader.

Brother Jiang trusts me, I can't mess things up, so I may not go home as often as before in the past few years. If there is nothing to do in these two days, I will accompany you more at home."

After Lu Zhimin finished speaking, he handed the transfer order in his arms to the gentle wife. His wife looked at the transfer order and made her heart happy. She wrapped her apron and looked at Lu Zhimin and said, "I knew my husband was the best. , I’m going to fry some dishes now, and you will call all your friends over to celebrate."

"No, no need. I'm going to Mojiang Special Economic Zone in the evening to accompany Brother Jiang and the leaders of the group for dinner."

"Okay, Brother Jiang trusts you so much, don't let Brother Jiang down."

After speaking, the wife walked towards the kitchen in an apron humming a song.

Lu Zhimin was not eating at home, so she took the children to celebrate at home. After all, this is a big deal at home.

"Yes, this time I will definitely not disappoint Brother Jiang again..."

In the evening, Lu Zhimin, as agreed with Jiang Chen, took a pound of grass seeds and headed towards the Mojiang Special Economic Zone.At the same time, Jiang Chen hurried towards the hotel with Brother Lang and Fatty Wang.

"Okay, you are finally here. It seems that you still can't bear your position as an executive! Hurry up and bring the grass seeds over. As long as you do things well, I guarantee you will never get involved."

"The last time, this is the last time I will get you grass seeds! You know the value of this grass seed is extremely high, that is, you can't buy it if you have money. If I get caught, I will be sentenced to death. do you know?"

"Stop talking nonsense, by the way, the third brother has spoken, and at this time tomorrow, I will get the seeds of the desert goldenshou apricot for the third brother."

The seeds of the desert Jinshou apricot are extremely precious. The desert Jinshou apricot bears hundreds of tons of fruit each year, but the seeds that can be planted are few.

Therefore, the Jiangchen Group will select those round and plump seeds to keep for storage, and then process the other Jinshou apricot seeds and sell them.

The processed almonds are all cooked, so they can't grow anything at all.

"Impossible, don't be wishful thinking anymore! This little grass seed is also because there are so many in the warehouse, I can pick a little out of each bag. Each seed of Jinshouxing apricot is on record. How dare I take it? "

"Why don't you care about my business? I'm just retelling it for the third brother. By the way, is your son studying in the High School Attached to the Conservatory of Music? The third brother said he would bring a gift to visit him personally. Don't thank you too much. Brother."

Jiang Chen and the others did not go directly in to catch Qi Shu, because Jiang Chen knew that Qi Shu was at best a horse of the boss behind him.

So they deliberately installed a bug and tracker on the seed box.They want to follow these seeds all the way to catch them behind the scenes.

"Damn, don't go too far! I tell you, isn't it 300 million? I'll put together enough money to return it to you!"

"Is the third brother the one who missed the 300 million? Don't underestimate the third brother, you just obediently, let you take whatever seed you take, so you will sit a little longer. ."

Today, Lu Zhimin has completely become their puppet and tool.They hold Lu Zhimin's handle, and Lu Zhimin has to help them everywhere for the sake of his children and his own work.

"If you want to get the seeds of Jinshouxing, I have to see my third brother. I have to talk to him about the conditions in person, otherwise, even if my family is ruined today, I will definitely not be able to give you anything."

After Lu Zhimin gritted his teeth and said, Uncle Qi shook his head and said, "You want to see Third Brother, who is Third Brother? Is that the one you want to see?"

"Okay, I will surrender to the president now. I committed the death by myself, and I will bear it alone. I will hand over my wife and children to the Saha Group. They will certainly not die, so just wait for me!"

Lu Zhimin turned his head and left. When he opened the door, he didn't forget to shout into the house: "You and I will be a ghost and I won't let you go!"

When Lu Zhimin was about to slam the door and leave, Uncle Qi saw that Lu Zhimin seemed to be not joking. He might have been forced to a dead end, so he was not willing to die with him.

"Wait a minute, I'll call the third brother."

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