I have a city in the desert

Chapter 500 Who is the oriole?

Lu Zhimin stopped and Uncle Qi made a phone call in the room.

Jiang Chen knew exactly what they called.Even from the candid camera equipment that Lu Zhimin was carrying, Jiang Chen had already seen the face of Uncle Qi clearly.

Not only that, Lu Zhimin also sent a screenshot of Uncle Qi's video to Lao Ma.At the moment, this is a particularly serious case in Yimo District.

Therefore, Ma Youwei personally sits at the Border Bureau to follow the progress of this incident.

After the photos were sent, people from the Border Bureau analyzed the photos and compared them in the household registration system.

When the people of the Border Bureau were investigating the personal data of Uncle Qi, Uncle Qi also finished the phone call.

"Okay, the third brother is willing to meet you. If you are lucky today, the third brother is in the dream grassland. A special car will come to pick you up later."

"Let me go to the Dreamland? Are you harming me? I can't go to the Dreamland. Do you know how tight the limelight is now? If I go to the Dreamland now, I will definitely be caught by them. ?"

After Lu Zhimin finished speaking, Qi Yewang and Lu Zhimin said, "You have no room for a damn bargain."

"You fucking shut me up, just tell him tonight at 9 o'clock in the Special Economic Zone. If he wants seeds, he can come and talk to me. He doesn't want us to get rid of it. You don't want to threaten me again in the future. I am now I'll give you a dead fish!"

Lu Zhimin finished speaking, turning his head and slammed the door without saying a word.

Uncle Qi looked at the timid and fearful Lu Zhimin as if he had suddenly changed. He was also dumbfounded for a while.

"Damn, did you take the wrong medicine? tmd, you still dare to talk to me like this while your handle is still in my hands?"

When Qi Ye finished cursing, he turned around and dialed a little brother's phone.In the night, the little brother drove towards the High School Affiliated to the Conservatory of Music.

Half an hour later, the little brother suddenly called him in a panic. At this moment, Uncle Qi was sitting in the hotel with his feet tilted and enjoying the massage of a few beautiful women, and soon his phone rang.

"Uncle Qi, the boy's son is no longer in the attached middle school. I asked someone to look it up. The boy's son has returned to the small town in the Saha Scenic Area."

"Fuck, is he really ready to die with us?"

After Qiye finished speaking, the younger brother on the other end of the phone said to the mobile phone: "Uncle Qi, do you want our brothers in the wooden house town to start?"

"Nonsense, your mother is forced, there are surveillances in every corner of the wooden house town, and every intersection leading to the wooden house town is protected by the army. As soon as you start your hand, the missile over there is aimed at your head."

Uncle Qi is right. As the family of all Saha executives is located in the small town of wooden houses, his military forces are well deployed.

And in every street and every corner of the wooden house town, all the sky-eye systems are installed.You want to commit a crime here, hehe, that's purely looking for death.

"Then what shall we do now? Should we just let him go?"

"You don't need to worry about this, I'll call the third brother right away."

Qi Ye hung up the phone number and called the boss behind him.After the call got through, Qi Ye finished Lu Zhimin's tough attitude, and San Ye was also a little surprised.

However, he felt that this Lu Zhimin might have been tortured by them to the verge of mental breakdown, so after thinking about it, the third brother gave a few words to Uncle Qi, and Uncle Qi showed a sinister smile.

After coming out of the special zone hotel, Lu Zhimin went directly to the parking lot. In the parking lot, Lu Zhimin met Jiang Chen and Guan Cu.

"Brother Jiang, everything has been done as you said, but I don't know if the third brother can show up now?"

"Everything is up to fate, yes, don't go back, just wait here, no matter whether it succeeds or not, he will definitely call you."

Lu Zhimin waited in the parking lot for nearly an hour, and Jiang Chen and Guan Cu also accompanied him throughout.

An hour later, Lu Zhimin's cell phone jingled as expected.Lu Zhimin looked at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen nodded, and Lu Zhimin hurriedly connected the phone.

"You bastard, the third brother is very angry, the consequences are serious!"

"Don't tell me these useless things, what do you want to do? Just say it."

"Tomorrow at 12 o'clock at noon, in the old city Tianfu warehouse, take 100 seeds of desert goldenshou apricot, and I will never trouble you again."

"I want the third brother to tell me in person, and I can't bring out so many seeds, I can bring out 50 seeds at most. I will hand it to the third brother, and I will let him personally tell me never to come again. Harass me."

Desert grass seeds are already invaluable, not to mention the seeds of desert goldenshou apricot.

You can't buy these seeds at all. As long as you get one seed, even one, you can sell for millions.

"Okay, the third brother of Tianfu Warehouse will be there waiting for you tomorrow."

After the phone hung up, Jiang Chen discussed with a few people.

"Tomorrow morning I will take people to ambush there first, and when the third brother and them come, I will kill them all. I don't believe that their scenic spots can continue after catching the culprit?"

This trick is called catching the thief first and catching the king.

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "Don't startle the snake, the third brother must be suspicious of him, so let's just watch the change."

On the morning of the second day, Lu Zhimin took 50 seeds from the warehouse and drove straight to the Tianfu warehouse in the old town of Mojiang County.

Now the entire Mojiang County has been moved to Mojiang New District, and the remaining old county has been razed to the ground. It will be used as a new development zone and continue to be used by Jiang Chen's Saha Group.

But the warehouses in the old development zones gradually disappeared. After all, the place was too remote, and it was close to the edge of the desert, and the transportation was inconvenient, so many of them were abandoned.

Tianfu Warehouse is located at the southernmost side of the development zone, less than ten miles away from the border.

This is the reason why the third brothers chose here. Once they find out what tricks Lu Zhimin wants to play, they will enter the border from here.

After Lu Zhimin rushed to the Tianfu warehouse, a dozen younger brothers had been stationed outside the warehouse.These little brothers are dressed in suits and sunglasses.

"I brought things, where is the third brother now?"

At the door of the warehouse, Lu Zhimin saw Uncle Qi. This uncle Qi had a scar on his head, and he had a fierce look with a bald face.

"Just leave the seeds to me, and leave the others alone."

"If I don't see San Ye, I won't take out the seeds."

After Lu Zhimin finished speaking, as soon as Uncle Qi waved his hand, more than a dozen people went up and knocked Lu Zhimin to the ground.Several people searched Lu Zhimin's body, but Lu Zhimin didn't carry a single almond.

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