I have a city in the desert

Chapter 513 Reliable Undercover News

In the early morning of the second day, shortly after dawn, Jiang Chen was ready to start the live broadcast.

This is a weekend, so many people are free during the day.

The first stop of Jiang Chen's live broadcast was of course not at Fatty Wang's milk powder processing factory.

Even for advertising, Jiang Chen didn't want his advertising to be so hard.

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen who loves farming. Today I want to bring you a new scenic spot, a scenic spot that you have never seen before!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his fans soon gathered.In just a few minutes, Jiang Chen's live broadcast room has already flooded with nearly millions of fans.

I dream of: Wow, it's finally on. The last time I watched the live broadcast was before winter.

Owl: Yes.By the way, the anchor seemed to want to bring you a new scenic spot.But you asked him to investigate something about Dream Grassland again, but everything was delayed.

Forensic doctor Lao Qin: By the way, has the problem of Dream Grassland been resolved?

A group of people asked about the dream grassland.

Jiang Chen felt that it was necessary for him to introduce the harmful effects of Dream Grassland to everyone, so as to prevent more fans from being fooled.

"Most of the problems in the Dream Grassland have been resolved. I think everyone who follows Sahara news has already seen the documentary I made.

Of course, for those who have not watched the documentary, you can also watch it on the Sahara video website when you have time.

By the way, Sahara TV also made a special talk show on Dream Grassland. I don't know if you have paid attention."

Cat fishing: I have watched the video a long time ago. I have said that this harmful scenic spot definitely has nothing to do with Jiang Chen. It is true.

Black Cat Sheriff: When I went to travel, I also saw a documentary on the scenic spot.The fact that al-Qaeda colluded with the traitors of our country and engaged in gambling with people was really annoying.

I don't understand why many people even ran to see it because they knew it was a pawn.

Pineapple Jun: Didn’t it already say in the video?There is any Happy Valley in that place, all of them are cheated shopping girls. After entering, they are forced to do that kind of stuff in it.

"Well, I can only say this about the dream grassland for the time being. We have done our best to promote it.

At the same time, our special zone has also blocked all the roads to the dream grassland. I hope that everyone can look at this wisely."

Time has passed quickly: Jiang Chen, let me remind you, don't tell me, I just visited that place recently.Don’t get me wrong, I’m a reporter, so I’m not doing that kind of thing.

Feiyang: You are a reporter, so what are you doing in the dream grassland?

Time has passed quickly: don't ask about the specifics. I just came back the day before yesterday and I was there undercover for three days.

What I have to say is that through Jiang Ge’s propaganda, there are indeed a lot fewer people going to Dream Grassland.But there is still, but they don't take the road of Yimo District now, they go in from the south instead.

When Jiang Chen saw the message that time passed by, he was also puzzled.Sure enough, these things are inexhaustible.As long as people have desires, they will be attracted by the dream grassland.

"You went undercover in Dream Grassland, did you find out anything?"

If there are more reporters like this in the world, will the entire Internet community still worry about not seeing real and good news?Thinking of those Xiaobian Jiang Chen who had magnified paintings hundreds of times all day, I had a headache.

Why don't you force your mother to zoom in hundreds of times?Fuck!

Time has passed quickly: I found out through unannounced visits that they were doing seed trading with the local tyrants of Baidi.

The local tyrants of Baidi came to buy their grass seeds. It seems that they had some kind of agreement before, but for unknown reasons, after the arrival of winter, all the grass of the dream grassland died.

Even if the grass is dead, and it hasn't produced seeds yet, so now, there are conflicts between the militants of Dream Grassland and the local tyrants of Baidi.

Caifeng: What contradictions do they have?What is going on here?As for the dream grassland, how can the grass not produce seeds?

Time hurriedly passed by: Those local tyrants in Baidi thought it was al-Qaeda people who secretly harvested the grass seeds and then embezzled them.

It is estimated that this group of al-Qaeda people also want to sell these seeds to the United States at a higher price. As you know, deserts have also appeared in the United States now, and the degree of desertification is increasing.

"Then you finally find out if the grass of the dream grassland has seeded?"

Jiang Chen also asked curiously. After all, this was a big matter related to his scenic spot.If their grasses don't bear seeds and they all die, and cannot grow again in the coming year, then this will be the greatest good news for him.

Time passed quickly: I was undercover for another two days, and I found that their internal employees said the same, these grasses did not grow seeds at all, and one thing that is certain is that the grass of their dream grassland has withered.

Good thing, this is definitely a great thing.

Jiang Chen's grass can produce seeds, and even if this seed is sold in other deserts, it still cannot grow seeds.

In other words, these grass seeds sold elsewhere are just one-off seeds.

"Okay, thank you, I will let the backstage send you a small gift when I look back, which is also a little bit of our Saha Group."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, time passed in a hurry and hurriedly launched a barrage: Thank you anchor!By the way, what I want to remind you is that I secretly listen to their conversations in the toilet. They plan to steal seeds in your scenic area after the beginning of spring. You must pay attention.

Time hurriedly passed by. Jiang Chen became a little angry after speaking. These bastards have stolen their own seeds once, do they want to do it again?

He endured it last time, but this time Jiang Chen would never let them succeed.

Besides, once there is no grassland in Dream Grassland, Jiang Chen will not believe that anyone can go to Dream Grassland to gamble to buy things under the heat and cold of the desert.

"Okay, thank you for the kind reminder that time has passed by. Now I will continue to broadcast our new scenic spot for everyone.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to grow things in the desert. It is this small inconspicuous grass. It is extremely complicated and troublesome to grow, let alone those trees.

Today I will share with you our newly developed desert plum tree!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when he heard that Jiang Chen had developed black technology, his barrage was full of comments.

The king came to patrol the mountain: Desert plum tree?Anchor, do you mean that plum trees can be planted on your grassland?

Big Fish Begonia: By the way, it's already spring on our side. If we guess right, it should be winter at the anchor.

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