Regarding the change of seasons, Jiang Chen's fans already know very well.They are right, it is the beginning of winter and the spring of China.

"Yes, it's still winter here. Okay, let's come and enjoy our winter main desert plum blossom ocean scenic spot!"

Jiang Chen didn't say much, he directly pointed the camera at a plum tree behind him.

The plum tree is not very high, and the bare plum branches are full of clusters of yellow plum flowers. The plum blossoms in full bloom in the cold wind are really beautiful.

Autumn leaves: Wow, it's desert plum blossoms, you see, his plum blossoms seem to be much thicker than our inland plum blossoms, and the flowers are blooming on such a thick trunk, and they seem to be bigger and brighter than ours!

Bro Jun: Yes, we seem to have never seen this plum variety!

When a group of people were discussing plum blossoms, Jiang Chen had already pointed his lens at a sea of ​​pink plum blossoms.

A group of fans just looked at the pink plum blossoms forming a sea of ​​flowers, which suddenly made them feel like they are living in the world of games.

"My plum blossom ocean covers an area of ​​5,000 acres. There are many colors of plum blossoms, including golden yellow, light yellow, red, and pink.

Another thing is that the scent of plum blossoms is really scented to a level that you can’t describe in words at all, so I hope friends with the conditions can come and feel it."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, in order to let everyone experience the magnificence of the plum blossom ocean, Jiang Chen deliberately drove in the car to take everyone through the plum blossom ocean.

For things like plum blossoms, one or two does not appear to be a big deal. The main reason is that if you spend too much time, the sea of ​​flowers that you can't see at a glance is very spectacular.

The ocean of plum blossoms at this moment is just the ridges of plum blossom branches that you can't see at a glance. This is not something that ordinary places can appreciate.

Facing the golden sunlight that had just risen in the morning, Jiang Chen led everyone from a yellow ocean into a red ocean.

Then he entered a golden ocean, and finally stopped in a pink world.

"Okay, this is my ocean of plum blossoms. After watching plum blossoms, I will take everyone to the plum blossom town to take a look."

By the time Jiang Chen finished broadcasting the Plum Blossom Sea, more than two hours had passed.

Jiang Chen looked at his live broadcast room. At this moment, his live broadcast room had more than 50 million fans.

Interlocked: It's spectacular!By the way, the anchor, you can definitely apply for Guinness Records with so many plums.

Dabao and Fathom: What is the use of applying for Guinness Records?You don't even look at how many Guinness records the anchor's scenic spot has, it's flooded.

Grandpa Song: Being beautiful is really beautiful!With so many plum blossoms, I suddenly remembered the plum blossom mountain in the backyard of my childhood.After a while, I am old.

Hehe blame: anchor, when will this scenic spot be open to the outside world?I can feel the scent of plum through the screen.

Art Life: Hahaha, fortunately, my padded jacket has not been put away yet. It's time to wear it for another trip.

Forgetting to return: I have to go and see, this weekend Dehua will hold a concert in the music world.I wanted to go to the concert, but now I’ll take a look. After listening to the concert, I can visit this scenic spot.

Jiang Chen didn't see the barrage they sent. At this moment, Jiang Chen was driving towards Meihua Town with peace of mind.

When a white-walled Uva house appeared behind the camera, a group of fans were surprised again.

Cube: Huizhou architecture!!sure!The Huizhou architecture in the plum blossom is really artistic!

Grid's starry sky: Wow, Huizhou Old Street, it feels so good when you look at it!I am from the north and I have always liked this kind of architecture.It's just that many of these buildings in the south have become particularly commercial, and it feels meaningless to go there.

Brother Lao Niu: Yes, everything has changed after being marked with commercial information.I don't know, this scenic spot of the anchor will not look like this.

"Okay, now we are in Meihua Town, let me introduce Meihua Town to everyone.

There is a cross street here in Meihua Town, and the shops on the cross street are all being renovated. In the future, everyone can shop and watch movies here.

By the way, we have also signed some major domestic and foreign brands, you can also buy here in the future, and the tax will be very cheap."

Owl: There are many such commercial streets.Anchor, can you make some real Huizhou architecture without commercial atmosphere for everyone to see?

"Yes, every place must have a place for shopping, which is convenient for living. You want a more pure Huizhou architectural complex, I will take you to see it now."

What Jiang Chen said he drove straight into the Huizhou villa area on the side of the street.

The Hui-style villas here are distributed in a neat pattern, and each villa is connected by grass.

There are brooks in the green grass.It is winter now, but the creek is not frozen, and the gurgling water can be heard far away.

"Look, everyone, here is the purest Huizhou architecture.

I defined him as the perfect unity of modernity and ancient times. You can enjoy it after you arrive.

By the way, everyone can also live in such a homestay area, and the price is easy to say.Everything is cheap now, and a room in such a villa is only 200 yuan a night."

Little Swan: The green grass is full of green sky, the creek, the white wall and the black tiles, and some girls from the south will be perfect!

Da Mao: Not bad, not bad, really good buildings.

Dark Angel: This accommodation is too cheap, right now, if you spend one night in a popular scenic spot in China, you don't need three or four hundred rooms in a villa.

Panda: Okay, if I guess it's good, the ticket is 500. This plus accommodation and food will not cost much.

"No, the ticket has been adjusted. Because the scenic spot is in the Bermuda scenic spot, it is winter in Bermuda, and other scenic spots have been closed, so only this one spot is open here.

Therefore, the ticket for the Meihua Scenic Area is now 100 yuan.Of course, now you can take this ticket to swim over the entire Bermuda grassland oasis scenic spot at the same time."

He comes from afar: Wow, 100 yuan can be used to play the entire Bermuda Oasis scenic spot, let's go, let's go, let's not say anything, let's go.

Young man: For a ticket of 100 yuan, you can see the plum blossoms covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres. It's really cost-effective.

By the way, I just saw the notice saying that all the scenic spots under the entire Saha Scenic Area Construction Management Group are all discounted. I want to ask, it's winter now, why not get a pass?

Many people also have this idea.

At present, only windmills are left in the grassland scenic area to see, and of course there is a big golden bull.

The cactus forest scenic area is not very affected. There is also the wooden house town scenic spot. Well, there is also the Qin Palace in the wooden house town scenic spot. These scenic spots are far less beautiful than other seasons.

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