I have a city in the desert

Chapter 605 Take time to watch

Xiaomao Entertainment: Pretending to violate Jiang Chen's outfit and forcing Pagani to be beaten in the face, Cary only had two hundred yuan.

The monologue of the landed person: Jiang Chen did not engage in scenic spots and engaged in cars. He lost more than one billion yuan overnight. He cursed the parents of students in WeChat. There is evidence. What do you think?

What's even more annoying is that the monologues of the people who landed ashore actually really responded.

Old wolfdog: He's paralyzed. He's not a teacher. What do you mean by taking screenshots in the group at home?

Xiaobian, your teacher is dark every day, and the transfer teacher is in conflict with your parents. What else do you think?Of course I took the time to watch your wife while scrambled!

This kind of shameless self-media, when the virus ravaged the country a few years ago, they didn't donate a dime, instead they made hundreds of thousands of donations by scolding celebrities. Later, after being exposed, their mother jumped off the building and died.

"Excuse me, have you really heard of Pagani for the first time? Do you know how much a Pagani is?"

"I'm talking about feelings clearly. May I ask you to buy Pagani because Pagani is worth money?

Also, I heard that you were forced to stay in a mental hospital in the special zone because of a breakdown in your relationship. Is it true that you beat a doctor and escaped?"

"It's true, I called the doctor for a reason."

"Did you beat her because you have a tendency to make huge profits?"

"No, it's because she did that with a dog. I can't bear it. But when I heard that she was your wife, I regretted beating her."

21-year-old Jiang Chen is going to do some crazy things. After all, he is not crazy when he is young, and he has to wait until his old man is going to burp and become crazy?

"Hahaha, really... I called the police."

"Whatever you want, if the police read the manuscripts you sent, you can see who has been squatting for a long time."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he motioned to the media to walk away and said, "My time is precious. You may not know it. I won't pick it up if you throw a pile of money in front of me."


"Not why, because the money I wasted when I lowered my head to pick up money may be 10,000 times the money I picked up."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of self-media was completely speechless, and he couldn't fight with this guy!

Just when a group of media were filled with outrage and wanted to continue to discredit Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen had already handed the card to the foreigner.

"Foreigner, if you can call the shots, you can pay a price and you can swipe your card. If you can't call the shots, please call and call the shots."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, looking at Jiang Chen's confidence, the foreigner was a little dumbfounded.

"Sell him! Pagani has a market value of hundreds of billions! This kid is just pretending to be forced. I don't believe he can get 200 billion cash out of his card!"

After Mr. Shi, the boss of Niche Auto, everyone looked at the foreigner.

The foreigner shook his head and said: "I can't call the shots, I must call back to the headquarters!"

After the foreigner finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked at the owner of Xiaozhong Automobile and said, "Why don't you sell it? How much is the market value of your Xiaozhong Automobile? You can just use it!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people with good deeds clamored: "Take it, I don't believe that his card can get 100 billion!"

Xiaozhong Automobile is a big brand, and it also has many well-known high-end brands.

Mr. Shi looked at the card Jiang Chen handed him, and he hesitated for a while.

This is really difficult. Don't answer it. What you say will be ashamed and lost, let alone in front of so many reporters.

But if he accepts it, he is just the general agent of niche cars in China. How can he be qualified to sell the brand!

"Take it! Grass, don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, just use it!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Zuo pointed to a group of media and said, "It just so happens that the media are all there. Since the niche cars look down on us so much, we are not afraid of making things happen.

If you don’t receive this card today, please get out of China!"

"What if I take it?"

After all, Mr. Shi has seen the world, what kind of rich man has he not seen?

But an internet celebrity can get hundreds of billions out of it, he really doesn't believe it!Even the carrot horse can't make hundreds of billions of cash!

"If you pick it up, if I can't afford it, I will give you this car. In addition, I will give it to you throughout the scenic area! If you don't pick it up, you will be my grandson today!"

Why should you be polite to such a person?Since he wanted to use Jiang Chen to open the brush for fun, Jiang Chen let him know what the consequences are!

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of reporters took pictures and posted them, and many people with good deeds directly started live broadcasting.

"See you old guys, niche cars, famous niche cars and the Jiang Chen bar of Saha cars!"

"Browsing up 666, today I will show you the best news, 100 billion on-site purchases of niche cars, did you see it, 100 billion on-site purchases!"

"Hey, accept the card and swipe the card! If you don't dare to accept it, don't follow the bragging! You can blow it all out. A little furry boy dare not accept the money, just get out of here!"

"That's, the niche cars are out of China! Even if you don't even dare to take the money from a small car company, you still have the face to laugh at Pagani!"

"Come on, this guy definitely wants to hype his Saha car! Pick up his card and max him out! There will be no money then, let's see how he hype!"

After a group of media clamored, the CEOs of large and small automobile groups soon followed.

The bosses of this group of auto groups look friendly on the surface, but which one is not strong behind the scenes?

"Old Shi, don't be so embarrassed! To teach young people a lesson, just swipe his card!

Your niche car company with hundreds of billions of meters can directly brush him 600 billion, and you can't brush it out to see how shameful he is!"

After the general manager of Guangben Automobile Group finished speaking, the general manager of Dongsan Automobile followed suit.

"Young man, take the card quickly and take the car away. The 600 billion is not a lollipop from the village next door, it's not..."

"Then you can use it, I bought your Dongchan Automobile Group!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned the card to the Dongsan Group. The CEO of Dongsan turned black and did not reach out to pick it up. After all, the master is in the private sector now.

The market value of niche cars is 100 billion meters, and his company is worth 20 billion meters. What if this guy really has so much money?

"When I didn't say, you bet, you continue!"

After the chief executive of Dongsan finished speaking, a group of self-media people quickly started to take the rhythm.

Old Dong said the car: Did you see it?Dongsan Motors are forced!This Saha car is fine!

"Hey, who did you say to persuade me? Please pay attention to what you say!"

"You don't persuade you to accept the card!"

"Is it coerced if I don't accept the card?"

"Take it! If you don't pick it up, you are being forced!"

Jiang Chen walked over and handed the card over. Each of these people wanted to see their own jokes. Today Jiang Chen made them laugh to a low level. Jiang Chen made them laugh more ugly than cry!

"Have you seen it? Dongchan is forced, Dongchan is forced, and niche cars are also forced, see?

See who would dare to say that our Saha car is not good, and that we can't, just bought you!"

When Xiao Liu saw the face-slapped face, he squeezed to the media and grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly. For a while, the face of the Dongsan boss was gone.

"Okay, sell it! If you can't get so much money from your card today, you can wait and see!"

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