I have a city in the desert

Chapter 606 When will I be a child?

When Boss Shi was talking, he wanted to use his card to swipe it, but Jiang Chen stopped him over there.

"Don’t swipe your card, sign the contract first, don’t treat me like a kid."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Guangben hurriedly yelled: "I have a printer. I have brought a lawyer. You are welcome, I will help you! Free help!"

Mr. Hiromoto called his lawyer over after speaking.

After the lawyer came, Mr. Guangben looked at the lawyer and said, "Saha Motors wants to acquire a small number of cars, you come to draft the documents."

After Mr. Guangben finished speaking, the lawyer shook his head and said, "Mr. Shi has no right to sell niche cars. He has only domestic agency rights, not the right to sell brands."

After the lawyer finished speaking, Mr. Hiromoto looked at Boss Shi again and said: "Boss Shi, call your headquarters!

You have to deal with this matter well. The multimedia will be there later, if they report it, yours will be..."

After the boss of Guangben finished speaking, the boss of Youfu Automobile Group hurriedly whispered a few words to the secretary. Then a large number of naval forces with the rhythm of niche cars appeared on the Internet.

With rhythm everywhere, the navy quickly copied the news that the niche cars lost to Sahha Motors on the spot on the thousand-degree search list.

In less than ten minutes, the shares of Xiaozhong Automobile Group suddenly dropped, and those who were preparing to buy a car at the Xiaozhong Automobile booth began to hesitate.

With the decline of niche auto stocks, the headquarters soon called and questioned boss Shi.

On the phone, Boss Shi reported Jiang Chen's acquisition of Xiaozhong Automobile.

At the headquarters, Boss Shi was scolded directly, and he was prepared to terminate his agency right as soon as the contract expires.

After Boss Shi was scolded, his face was a little uncontrollable, but after all, it was his own sin, who could be blamed?

After hanging up the phone, a group of reporters saw the news spot like a group of flies and shit.

Oh no, just like a bee saw a flower, rushed to interview.

In the crowd, President Li became a little angry when he saw that Mr. Shi that Jiang Chen had made him couldn't get off the table.

"You go, we don't welcome you at the Beijing Auto Show."

As soon as President Li finished speaking, the person in charge of the Pagani booth soon ran over behind him.

"What do you call this gentleman? Our boss intends to sell Pagani, we can talk."

After the foreigner Pagani finished speaking, President Li shook his head and said, "What are you talking about with a little boy? He can have money to buy Pagani!

He is China's Internet celebrity, do you understand?Borrow your car and hype your own car!"

After President Li finished speaking, the foreigner shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, it would be a pity to do so.

Our directors are discussing acquisitions with Xiaozhong Automobile and Youfu Automobile Group. If you can't talk about it, it would be a pity!"

The foreigner turned his head and wanted to leave after speaking. As soon as he wanted to leave, Jiang Chen stopped him.

"Wait, who said that Internet celebrities can't afford Pagani? And you, the president, are really ignorant. How did you become the president?"

After Jiang Chen had finished speaking, he recruited the foreigner. Seeing some discussions, the foreigner hurried over.

At the same time, President Li saw that Jiang Chen looked down on him so much, he also walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Who do you say doesn't know the goods?"

"I said you don't know the goods, if you know the goods, go and see my car by yourself, haha, silly fork!"

Rich is self-willed. If I have no money, you can scold me, but I have money, why should I let you?

I am not your father!No reason to get used to you!

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, President Li pointed to his car and said, "Okay! I'll take a look and take a look. Don't blame me in front of the media and say that your car is not good later!"

"My friends from the media, are all here, let’s take a look at how President Li, who we don’t know the goods, became the president of the Beijing Automobile Association!"

Jiang Chen yelled, and soon a group of reporters rushed towards Jiang Chen's booth.

"President Li, aren't you angry when Jiang Chen said that to you?"

"Chairman Li, this is the first car of Saha Auto, and it is also the main new energy. How would you rate it?"

A group of reporters pointed the microphone at President Li, and President Li cleared his throat and said, "What do I think? What else can I see besides squatting next to you?

You are all journalists in the auto industry, don't you have eyes?Can't you follow along and see?"

After President Li finished speaking, the boss of Daniel Motors followed along. After all, he bet Jiang Chen that he would buy the car at full price later.

"What do you look at? Isn't it just a wild road new energy vehicle? Our group wants as many as this type of car!"

After the CEO of Daniel Automobile finished talking, he touched the body, then looked at the paint, and then looked at the forum. He suddenly panicked.

"Look at this design, advanced design, flowing lines, and this paint, this frame, it seems that it is really not what ordinary car companies can make."

"This is the paint of a top sports car!"

"Come and see, this sapphire is a real sapphire! My family has opened a jewelry store. Such a sapphire is rare in the world, at least several hundred million worth!"

"Look, there is a signature on the back of the car!"

"Osboton, my goodness, this is actually the masterpiece of luxury car designer Osboton!"

"Look, this was processed manually by Malati Motors! Oh my God, what a proud car this is!"

After everyone had finished speaking, a group of automakers’ bosses soon joined the study. At this time, the bosses of Daniu Automobile Group were already sweating in shock.

"No, no, when did Osbo design the Pheasant car?"


The president of Guangben Motors opened the door with texture. The door is very light, but it gives a very firm feeling.

Not only the door, but the whole car is very light. He uses a steel that is newly developed by the Saha Iron and Steel Research Institute.

The steel grade, named Saha No. 1 Steel, was initially transformed by the Saha Iron and Steel Research Institute based on the shape of steel.

Although it is not as light, thin and strong as the shape of steel, it is still much stronger than those steel companies on earth!

"It's full of metal and light, with leather sofas and luxurious interiors in the carriage, really like a luxury car!"

"Look at the steering wheel, look at the dashboard, these distinctive designs do have the shadow of Master Osborn!"

The president of Guangben Motors sat in after speaking. The president of Guangben was very fat. What was surprising was that his body was very stable after sitting down, and there was no change at all.

"Yes, the appearance is good. After all, it is processed by Malati and designed by the master Osbo. It must be no problem.

However, the most important thing for a new energy vehicle is the power supply, not the outside. How far can your car go?How long does it take to charge?"

The president of Guangben Automobile Group pointed out the most critical point of new energy vehicles. After all, their group has been in the field of new energy vehicles for a long time.

Guangben Auto’s new energy has been launched for several generations, but the battery and charging are not very satisfactory.

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