I have a city in the desert

Chapter 741 save more people

China Street Journal: One night after the Sark City incident broke out, the leaders of Sark City have not spoken yet. Who will save the people of Sark City from the fire?

U.S. Financial News: All desert regimes are unpopular. The light of democracy will eventually shine into the desert. The people of Sark City ask the U.S. for their assistance.

Looking at the news, Jiang Chen just wanted to laugh.

Nonsense, apart from nonsense, Jiang Chen couldn't think of a more suitable word to describe them.

After half an hour passed, at this moment, the mayor of the future city Guan Xu and the deputy mayor Xia Haidong also rushed from the future city to the city of Sark.

Today's Future City is already a super city with a population of close to 30 million with the continuous influx of immigrants.

In addition, many enterprise towns in Future City are constantly expanding, so Guan Zuo and Lao Xia have become busy dogs.

At such a busy hour, their little brother Sark had such a big problem. How could this bother them?

"Brother Jiang, your live broadcast has been posted to the web homepage, and you can start now!"

After rushing to the interrogation room, Lao Xia couldn't even drink water and shouted directly at Jiang Chen.

Guan Cu found a chair and sat down and shouted to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang, this matter must be resolved today!

Our Future City has to connect with at least a thousand companies every day.

If this matter affects the entry of these companies, our annual tax revenue in the future city will be at least tens of billions less!"

Money is very important. This is also the reason why Wang Zaishan dared to pick things up in Sark City.

The two hundred children in Sark City are not worth billions if you sell them.

But if you care about Wang Zaishan, you may lose tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!

Of course, what you lose may also be something that money cannot measure.

"Okay, the mayor, I will take care of this matter for you today, and I will definitely not hold you back."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Zuo reached out and took a glass of boiling water and said, "This is not to solve the problem for me, it is to solve the problem for the entire desert and even for the future of mankind!

We now need a large number of companies to settle in, we need more taxes, we need to sell more houses and earn more money.

Because we need to invest all this money in state-owned enterprises, and then to merge many companies in the world that we urgently need.

As you know, two months ago, the United States sent another army to the Akhanate, and the cold wave country sent a report to the United States.

Once they join forces, let alone an armed attack, it is an economic blockade, and we can't bear it!"

After Guan Zuo finished talking, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "You tell me this is useless. Okay, I will start the live broadcast.

If they dare to fight, I will be the first to carry the gun and fight them to the end!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Cu sighed again and said, "Brother Jiang, your temper should be changed.

You are so anxious about everything, and you don't care about anything.

It is good to be hateful, but if you delay this matter slowly, we can also clean up the traffickers without causing panic among everyone. Is the best of both worlds good?"

"Okay, Brother Jiang is going to start a live broadcast, Mayor Guan, you have to have confidence in Brother Jiang!

Let's go, Mr. Guan, let's talk to Xiao Song, Xiao Song heard that we are coming, and we have been waiting outside for a long time!"

After Lao Xia finished speaking, he took Guan Cu and walked toward the door. There are really few people in this world who dare to talk to Jiang Chen like this.

However, he often never blames Guanzuo, because he knows that Guanzuo has a high degree of education and many experiences, and he always sees more long-term than himself.

But it is precisely his calmness that makes Guan Zuo seem very unhuman.

For example, in this matter, Jiang Chen's violent temper was that they would all be resolved that day.

Execution should be executed, the execution should be shot, as long as he is happy, he will not care about his social influence.

But he can't manage and promote. He has to consider the international influence, the domestic influence, and the influence in the city, and then he can do something.

"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen who loves farming.

I know that many people are waiting in front of my live broadcast room for an explanation.

In fact, there is no good explanation for this. Now I just want to tell you the truth about the lockdown. I believe you will take the initiative to evacuate from the street when you know the truth."

After Jiang Chen opened the live broadcast room, the number of his live broadcast room has reached more than 400 million people.

This number was expected by Jiang Chen. After all, the news of Sark City has been on the rankings of various countries. This is already hot news and cannot be hot news anymore.

So almost everyone is waiting for Jiang Chen to give them an explanation.

Shui Huanian: Why do you lock the city at will without telling us?Do you know how it feels like our family was stuck on the highway all night?

Optimus Prime: It's not too early to say that the city is closed. I was anxious to go out to sign a contract last night, and my contracts of millions of dollars were ruined!

Kitty: We have to give us a reasonable explanation today. We originally planned to drive to Urumqi to live our grandma's birthday. Now it's fine, but our family hasn't arrived!

A group of menacing people were all trying to blame Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was not angry when he saw it. He found that his temper was getting better and better.

But the temperament that was already very good to promote the temper is getting bigger and bigger.

"I know that many people and many things may be delayed because of the lockdown last night, but if the city is shut down and there are 312 children, if the city is shut down, more than 40 traffickers can be arrested.

If the closure of the city could uncover at least hundreds of organizations and individuals that reselled children’s devices and officials, how would you choose?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

One is money, and the other is the conscience and bottom line of society.

But almost everyone knows what they should choose. After all, you can earn money if you lose it, but if the person is gone, it is really gone.

Xiao Song tells the story: Are you saying that the city is closed to catch those traffickers?

Greenery: Did the closure of the city last night really rescue more than 300 children?

Honest panda: I hate human traffickers the most in my life!If you caught a human trafficker, please smash it into pieces!

Orange flowers: Ten thousand pieces of broken corpses are cheaper for them, damn, this kind of person steals other people's children for tens of thousands of dollars, and no one raises children with tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of investment!

Have skill: the anchor said in detail, if the traffickers are really caught, they should show their faces!

Let people all over the world remember their looks, so that after they are released from prison, everyone will beat him up when they see him, and beat up their crippled calves!

Little brother: What else do people like this do?

I suggest to cut it directly. It's best to use the kind of live broadcast. It should be seen by all the people in the world. That's how it is when kidnapping children!

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