I have a city in the desert

Chapter 742 I donated all!

Big Devil: For those who support thousands of knives, please use the full screen.

Anchor, if you cut this group of people thousands of times to relieve all the children who have lost their families, I will directly donate 1 million to your Desert Construction Committee.

The big devil does what he said, welcome everyone to add investment money, we will use the money to smash this group of deflated calves to death!

Kung Fu Monkey: I don’t have enough money, so I donate a year’s salary as a respect!

The red maple leaf: Who doesn't donate money, who the fucking melon child.Lao Tzu hates such people the most in his life, let alone donate 10,000!

The Wall Street Journal: A truly democratic country is a country and region that abolished the death penalty.

Dongfanghong: Min, your mother is forced, you like these criminals so much, you take them to your country!

Floor tiles: These bastards know that they are being forced in the newspapers every day. If you really have the ability, you should take all the human traffickers to your country.

At that time they abducted all of your children, and then dug your heart to break your legs. If you fucking dare to arrest someone, we will call you undemocratic. You can experience it yourself!

After a group of people cursed, Jiang Chen shook his head at the camera.

"No, if I execute them, the Western media will describe me as a demon who eats human flesh and drinks human blood.

So I can't kill them. After all, our place is a place where democracy is concerned, a place where the minority obeys the majority, and a place where the people are the masters!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lao Xia, who was watching the live broadcast, said, "Guardian, look at our brother Jiang. Isn't this an improvement? Look at how high your consciousness is?"

"It's pretty much the same. If Jiang Ge doesn't act according to his will, we will all have a lot of worry!"

Guan Cu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

But before Guan Zu's smile was over, he froze.

"Now initiate a vote, and you can go to my Sahara Story Network to vote.

Their life and death will be determined by you, and the life and death of all traffickers in the future city area will be determined by you.

After 10 minutes, the voting begins, I will activate the leader’s special order, and the result of this voting will be included in the Basic Law of the Future City."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the people in front of the entire screen instantly boiled!

Puppy Mochizuki: 666, this year's salary seems to be irresistible and must be donated!

Trombay: You may be the only region in the world where the death penalty is imposed on human traffickers!

Great waves to wash the sand: I choose to cut them all!To carry out the kind of live broadcast, we must make these criminals have nowhere to go!

Qiuqiu: I also choose to cut a thousand dollars, I need to support my family with less money, and donate one month's salary as a respect!

Jiang Chen chose to suspend the live broadcast. When he announced the news to the Future City Legislative Yuan, the cup in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"Old manager, don't worry about it this time. Maybe it will be a good thing, do you see how much confidence Jiang has gathered?

You see how much they trust Brother Jiang.

This may be a good thing, at least our houses, houses in such remote areas, are not all sold by such newcomers?"

After Lao Xia finished speaking, Guan Su laughed helplessly for a long time, and picked up the cup from the ground.

"It's going to rain, my mother wants to marry, let him go!"

Twenty minutes later, my Sahara Story Network published information on 42 arrested celebrity traffickers.

At the same time, my Sahara Story Network also posted the interrogation videos of these people on the Internet.

At the bottom of the traffickers, Jiang Chen gave 5 ways to organize these traffickers.

"Well, everyone can now go to the Sahara Story Network to vote.

Whether these 42 people were acquitted or shot dead is up to you!

This time it will be the broadest masses of people who will decide their life and death!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a piece of news that changed the legislative world was born.

The famous magic city Future City, a city in the desert, he exists like an internet celebrity.

He has his own special laws, he has his own special management system, and now he has once again attracted the attention of people all over the world.

"The voting time this time is only half an hour, and I will announce the result of the voting in half an hour!

After another half an hour, the Sark City Court will sentence the 42 people.

If these people will be sentenced to death, they will be executed tomorrow morning, and we will have a dedicated website for live broadcast.

We will let everyone know that we do what we say!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he briefly shared with everyone the arrest process and the reason why he closed the city.

Furthermore, when the little boy would rather have his arm broken and still hold the tree, Jiang Chen shed tears silently.

At this moment, the people who walked to the street also left the crowd one by one.

They can stay angry, but no one can get angry at this moment.

A parade went from the south to the north of the city. Originally, when a few million people went to the north, only a few Westerners were left in constant protest.

The content of their protests has also shifted from democracy to the death penalty. They come from a country where there is no death penalty. They feel that the death penalty is the most basic respect for people.

But more people do not agree with them. At least in the eyes of Chinese people who have grudges, the abolition of the death penalty is simply something they cannot tolerate.

So the dozens of foreigners who gathered in the Twin Cities finally had to disband because they were ignored.

These dozens of foreigners would have been killed by the hot-blooded people of the Twin Cities if they were not protected by the military and police.

After all, these people want to protect, but those traffickers who have killed and do not know how many children!

Half an hour later, on my Sahara Story Network, nearly 145 million people voted.

Originally, those outside of Sark City thought their votes were useless, after all, they were not from the Future City.

But they were wrong. This vote was not only for Sark, but also for everyone.

"Well, the voting result is out!

Here I assure you that these votes are all the results of real-name registered tourists.

So those Western media, I hope you will not impose this result on me.

And I am not a devil, I may not be a god, but everything I do is for humans, so that we can withstand this worldwide desert storm!

In addition, let me say that in the global desert era, human beings can survive only if they are united.

So give up those hegemonism, take good care of your own country's affairs, and let your people live a happy life. This is what you should do!

Of course, the happy life of your people is based on the fact that they use their hard-working hands in exchange for it, and it should not be obtained by squeezing other countries with the size of your fist."

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